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Testing hidden treasure rate

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Inspired by this topic, are there any volunteers willing to run a few tests to provide a rough (good, if there's enough people/tests) estimate of the hidden treasure finding rate?

I think the easiest way is to use Battle Saves (NA/EU) to repeatedly try and obtain the same hidden treasure (locations here). If anyone has the ability to get a hacked ISO running or can use cheat codes, that might be helpful as well (to fix stats).

Currently, the most likely formula (in my view) is:

Skill + Thief Bonus + Biorhythm bonus [%]

(From Valhalla, a Japanese fan site)

Thief Bonus: 60 if user is a Thief, Rogue or Whisper (not sure on the bonus, but the three classes should be correct)

Biorhythm bonus: +20 if arrow is pointing at highest, +10 if pointing at high, -10 if pointing at low and -20 if pointing at lowest (I believe this note is mentioned in a guidebook, but there's also evidence in the game data)

A lot of people also seem to believe Luck is the predominant factor, instead of Skill.

Some tests that might be worth trying:

Volke, Ike (promoted) or Trueblade with 40 Skill and best Biorhythm = 60% success rate

Whisper with 38 Skill and neutral Biorhythm = 98% success rate

If you want to do some tests, please record your character's Level, stats (esp. Skill and Luck) and Biorhythm status, and of course the number of tries/successes.

That reminds me, I should try and test FE9's desert item rate (since every game sans FE9/10 has a known success rate). I can at least try that even if I can't play FE10 : o

Edited by VincentASM
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Just 3.

Base Sothe trying to find Beastfoe.

20 skill and 15 luck.

Good biorythm -> Fail (implied 90%)

Good Biorythm -> Fail (implied 90%)

Normal Biorythm -> Success. (implied 80%)

I feel like I got screwed over though.

(3 data is hardly worth posting (I just wanna rant my failures)

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Kitty's coming up close on the desert. I'll do some testing with her save once she gets there if necessary.

Might be this weekend.

EDIT: The above statement was dumbtarded. Treasure isn't just in the desert in RD. >>

Edited by Integrity
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Leanne at 2-2 for Discipline.

Skill 4, Luck 50, Bio Neutral

Tries: 200

Success rate: 3.5%

I guess this helps dismissing that Luck is involved.

I'm trying at Best bio now, should have 24% chance of finding it but perhaps I'm being overrun by my own luck and after 100 tries I have 32% sucess rate which is to high (funny coincidence, Leanne is level 32, too).

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Some short tests until my Wii had to be hard-reset from loading too many times, or something:

1-6-1 Coin, will test with an item later since I suspect that the item drop rate is lower.

Sothe: SKL 21 LCK 16, Normal biorhythm, 40 tries, 8 N 32 Y = 80%, with an interesting 16 Y streak towards the end.

Tauroneo: SKL 22 LCK 18, Normal biorhythm, 30 tries, 24 N 6 Y = 20%

Zihark: SKL 22 LCK 11, Normal biorhythm, 15 tries, 12 N 3 Y = 20%

If I had to make a preliminary gander as it I'd say SKL is the primary factor, with a very hefty (+50-60%?) Thief bonus.

I didn't do any tests with Biorhythm one way or the other.

More will come later.

EDIT: Actually, plugging it into the formula, my tiny test seems to indicate that it's spot on with no regard for Biorhythm or my suspicion that Coins are easier to find.

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Thanks ^^

That test with Leanne was a great idea as well.

Implied rate - Experimental success rate (Number of tries) [skill, Luck, Biorhythm, Thief]
4 -   3.5 (200) [ 4, 50, Neutral       ]
22 -  20   (30)  [22, 18, Neutral       ]
22  - 20   (15)  [22, 11, Neutral       ]
24 -  32   (100) [ 4, 50, Good          ]
80 - 100   (1)   [20, 15, Neutral, Thief]
81 -  80   (40)  [21, 16, Neutral, Thief]
90 -   0   (2)   [20, 15, Good,    Thief]

Edited by VincentASM
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Just reached Ch 15 of FE9.

Experimental success rate (Number of tries) [Character, Class, Skill, Luck]
0   (25) [Mist, Valkyrie, 10, 21]
0   (25) [Astrid, Bow Knight, 6, 3]
21.4 (24) [ilyana, Sage, 20, 14]
25   (14) [Titania, Paladin, 24, 19]

Oddly, the results seem to fit in better with a Skill% success rate (I was actually hoping for Luck or a fixed rate), although Mist's numbers don't seem to match up (that said, I haven't actually checked if Mist and Astrid are standing on the correct spots).

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