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FE9/10 and FE7 relations

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You know they didn't do that until the end, right? If that's the only reason, wouldn't that mean you liked it all the way until the final episode?

I'd say that was the straw that broke the camel's back...

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  • 2 weeks later...

how about this?:

a long time ago, after the great flood separated the continents of FE, Beorc and Laguz were hating each other. in the world of Tellius Beorc and Laguz kept on fighting, and none ever won. in all the other continents the Beorc won (except for maybe from the dragon tribes). The Beorc erased this from history because the laguz were 'nothing but savage beasts' anyway.

the goddess was lost after the flood and was confused, she was so glad she found there was a surviving continent that she didn't even think about searching any further. the Humans, how they would call themselves now, found books from old times with certain weapon techniques, weapon types and other stuff. Wyverns all evolved in their own way on the continents, while horses practically remained the same.


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The Dread Isle is too far from being Phoenicis/Kilvas. You Lost.

that's not what I meant, I meant the different continents are on the same world, but with a lot of sea in between so that they won't ever meet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

unfortunately, as much as I would like to belive it, I doudt that the dragon's gate leads to Akenia. As it's shown in FE7 that the dragons while on the other side of the dragon's gate, remain transformed. Ninian and Nils also do not mention that there are any humans in the dragons gate. Though I suppose it is possible that during the great flood, Beorc migrated into the dragons gate leaving behind their relics. And some of the existing dragons evolved into the dragon tribe. However if this is true it doesn't explain how there is no Laguz. What would be more likely is if the dragon's led to the universe of tellius and that, during the flood, a massive ammount of beorc and laguz migrated through the dragons gate. Then with the influx of new denizens, the war of the scouring erupted. After this, the dragons re-migrated through thte dragons gate back onto Tellius. If this is indeed the case, then it is also likely that passing the Dragon's gate causes those who pass must surrender their physical bodies and have their souls refitted into new bodies. This would explain how dragons can remain transformed on the other side of tthe dragons gate, which is characteristic of laguz, and of why Ephidel was so horrified when he was sent through.(This is shown by how characters dematerialize when passing through the gate, and just walk through) This would also explain why dragons look at peace on the other side of the dragons gate, because it is after the events of Radiant Dawn. It also plays into Yune's/Ashera's war because Dehginsea would have arrived just on time form the scouring. THe possibility that was in the scour could also explain why A.) he was chosen as a hero and B.) He was so sett in his beliefs.

Ahnother correlation explainable by this theory would be:

Ninian and Nils were ice dragons where the breath of a white dragon is described as icey.

That would make the chronology of the games

Jugdral->Akenia-> the scouring ->tellius-> Elibe witth magvel being a big ?.

Do you believe this is possible?

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As it's shown in FE7 that the dragons while on the other side of the dragon's gate, remain transformed. Ninian and Nils also do not mention that there are any humans in the dragons gate.

1. Nils mentions the gate bridges time and space, so it could be Akaneia in the distant past on the other side, when the dragon's catastrophe had not occured.

2. I'm very sure they mentioned there were humans on the other side, and that there were few of them (which fits in with point 1). I can't remember where though. I think it's mentioned in Victory or Death or the final chapter.

Ninian and Nils were ice dragons where the breath of a white dragon is described as icey.
The Help description of Nasir's Breath weapon states that it's the icy breath of a White Dragon. The word "icy" was added in the English version and there is no such reference in the Japanese version. When you actually use it, Nasir's breath looks more light-oriented than ice.
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