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SF Gym Leader Challenge


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What are the rules for the three "extra" pokes? I really think the match should be over once your 3 actual pokes are dead and the other 3 shouldn't be switched in or anything, because I think the point is to simulate them not being there at all.

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I'll wait for a challenge for a bit.

TeamUber server.

Name: TM

[spoiler=Vs Dio]

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Species Clause, Timed Battle

TM sent out Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).

Saint_Kefka sent out Mayhem (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).

Saint_Kefka switched in ArchEnemy (lvl 100 Lucario ?).

Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.

ArchEnemy lost 70% of its health.


ArchEnemy used Crunch.

It's super effective!

Rotom-w lost 68% of its health.

Rotom-w used Hidden Power.

It's super effective!

ArchEnemy lost 96% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's ArchEnemy fainted.


Saint_Kefka switched in Sigh (lvl 100 Scizor ?).

Sigh used Bullet Punch.

It's not very effective...

Rotom-w lost 31% of its health.

Sigh lost 10% of its health.

Rotom-w used Hidden Power.

It's super effective!

Sigh lost 164% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's Sigh fainted.


GeneralSpoon has entered the room.

Saint_Kefka: ._.

Saint_Kefka switched in Mayhem (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).

Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

Mayhem lost 143% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's Mayhem fainted.


GeneralSpoon: lol

Saint_Kefka: shit

Saint_Kefka: i needed a steelix for that

GeneralSpoon: a winnder is you

GeneralSpoon: *winner

Saint_Kefka: well, that was the shortest battle i had

Saint_Kefka: time for fe 5 now

Saint_Kefka has left the room.

TM wins!

GeneralSpoon: ready for another tm?

TM: Sure hang on

GeneralSpoon: k

GeneralSpoon has left the room.

Also, Spoon, stop switching to your mooks. That Hydro pump should've hit your Tyranitar and NOT your Digglet (unless you actually intended to use it seriously).

Oh and got beat by Spoon and Cynthia (Damn your Weavile).

Edited by Speedwagon
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Yes, I'm also thinking we should have a rule where we don't use our mooks. And when they're roared or whirlwinded out, the opponent MUST kill them right away. Sound good?

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause

GeneralSpoon sent out Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).

TM sent out Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

A sandstorm brewed!

TM: Rematch

TM: no mooks

GeneralSpoon: I was in the middle of team building, you know

TM: Eh sorry >_>

Rotom-w used Hydro Pump.

It's super effective!

A critical hit!

Tyranitar lost 98% of its health.

Tyranitar used Substitute.

But it failed!

The sandstorm rages.

Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!

Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.

Tyranitar's leftovers restored its health a little!

Tyranitar restored 6% of its health.


TM: you could've just rejected this

GeneralSpoon: gosh damn critical hit

Life Admiral has entered the room.

Life Admiral: Yo boys

GeneralSpoon: its was a critical hit

GeneralSpoon: it sucks

GeneralSpoon: anyways

GeneralSpoon: lets see how well this pokemon can take it

Life Admiral: Spoon, I revamped the team

GeneralSpoon switched in Rhyperior (lvl 100 Rhyperior ?).

Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.

It doesn't affect Rhyperior...

The sandstorm rages.

Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!

Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.


Life Admiral: It'll probably still suck

GeneralSpoon: okay

GeneralSpoon: well

GeneralSpoon: that works too

Rotom-w used Hydro Pump.

It's super effective!

Rhyperior lost 81% of its health.

Rhyperior used Stone Edge.

Rotom-w lost 65% of its health.

The sandstorm rages.

Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!

Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.

Rhyperior's leftovers restored its health a little!

Rhyperior restored 6% of its health.


Cynthia has entered the room.

Cynthia has left the room.

Rotom-w used Shadow Ball.

Rhyperior lost 23% of its health.

Rhyperior used Stone Edge.

Rotom-w lost 16% of its health.

TM's Rotom-w fainted.

The sandstorm rages.

Rhyperior's leftovers restored its health a little!

Rhyperior restored 6% of its health.


Life Admiral has left the room.

TM: Wut

TM switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).

Zapdos is exerting its pressure!

GeneralSpoon: really?

TM: Oh what the...

GeneralSpoon: inb4 HPice

Zapdos used Heat Wave.

It's not very effective...

Rhyperior lost 9% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Rhyperior fainted.

The sandstorm rages.

Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!

Zapdos lost 6% of its health.

Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!

Zapdos restored 6% of its health.


GeneralSpoon: or...not

GeneralSpoon switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).

Life Admiral has entered the room.

TM: ..

TM: isn't that your 4th pokemon?

TM: it's supposed to be 3

GeneralSpoon: no

Life Admiral: Come on Thunderman!

GeneralSpoon: that's 3

GeneralSpoon: I haven't sent out any others

Gliscor used Stone Edge.

Gliscor's attack missed!

Zapdos used Heat Wave.

Gliscor lost 42% of its health.

The sandstorm rages.

Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!

Zapdos lost 6% of its health.

Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!

Zapdos restored 6% of its health.


Gliscor used Stone Edge.

It's super effective!

Zapdos lost 51% of its health.

Gliscor lost 10% of its health.

Zapdos used Heat Wave.

Zapdos's attack missed!

The sandstorm rages.

Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!

Zapdos lost 6% of its health.

Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!

Zapdos restored 6% of its health.


TM: Right my bad

Gliscor used Stone Edge.

It's super effective!

Zapdos lost 49% of its health.

TM's Zapdos fainted.

Gliscor lost 10% of its health.

The sandstorm rages.


TM switched in Electivire (lvl 100 Electivire ?).

GeneralSpoon: that however

GeneralSpoon: is four of yours

TM: What?

GeneralSpoon: and that one isn't even a mook

GeneralSpoon: rotom washer

TM: I've only used Rotom, Zapdos and Electivire

GeneralSpoon: vire

GeneralSpoon: zapados

GeneralSpoon: oh

GeneralSpoon: now I miscounted

GeneralSpoon: lol

Life Admiral: Hey Spoon, I wanna fight you next

GeneralSpoon: fine

TM: My mooks are Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise

TM: all at level 1

Gliscor used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

Electivire lost 100% of its health.

TM's Electivire fainted.

Gliscor lost 10% of its health.

The sandstorm rages.


TM: Knew it

Life Admiral: And that's game

TM: That's why I have ice punch on Vire

GeneralSpoon: yep

TM: but damn Speed

GeneralSpoon: lol

GeneralSpoon: too bad it was outsped

TM: Right

Edited by General Spoon
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I defeated Spoon in a non-mooks match.

We could just make Team Ubers the official Gym leader server.

On now as Cynthia if anyone wants a match. Spoon and Speedwagon under.

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause

TM sent out Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).

Cynthia sent out Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ?).

Weavile is exerting its pressure!

Weavile used Night Slash.

It's super effective!

Rotom-w lost 100% of its health.

TM's Rotom-w fainted.


TM: Holy

TM switched in Electivire (lvl 100 Electivire ?).

Weavile used Night Slash.

Electivire lost 70% of its health.

Electivire used Cross Chop.

It's super effective!

Weavile lost 100% of its health.

Weavile hung on using its Focus Sash!


Weavile used Ice Shard.

Electivire lost 30% of its health.

TM's Electivire fainted.


TM switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).

Zapdos is exerting its pressure!

Weavile used Ice Shard.

It's super effective!

Zapdos lost 33% of its health.

Zapdos used Ancientpower.

It's super effective!

Weavile lost 0% of its health.

Cynthia's Weavile fainted.

Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!

Zapdos restored 6% of its health.


Cynthia switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ?).

Froslass used Ice Beam.

It's super effective!

Zapdos lost 70% of its health.

Zapdos used Ancientpower.

It's super effective!

Froslass lost 57% of its health.

Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!

Zapdos restored 6% of its health.


TM: Saying GG would be a lie

TM: A winner is you

Cynthia: woo

Froslass used Ice Beam.

It's super effective!

Zapdos lost 10% of its health.

TM's Zapdos fainted.


TM has left the room.

Cynthia wins!

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause

GeneralSpoon sent out Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).

Cynthia sent out Abomasnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).

Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!

Hail began to fall!

Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

The hail stopped.

A sandstorm brewed!

GeneralSpoon: gimme a sec

GeneralSpoon: okay

Terminator: Use the "Find" tab to battle. Leaderboard: http://teamuber.net/shoddy/leaderboard.php

Cynthia switched in Mamoswine (lvl 100 Mamoswine ?).

Tyranitar used Dark Pulse.

Mamoswine lost 48% of its health.

The sandstorm rages.


Mamoswine used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

Tyranitar lost 100% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Tyranitar fainted.

The sandstorm rages.


GeneralSpoon switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).

Cynthia switched in Abomasnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).

Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!

The sandstorm stopped.

Hail began to fall!

Gliscor used Swords Dance.

Gliscor's attack was sharply raised.

The hail continues to fall.

Gliscor is pelted by hail!

Gliscor lost 6% of its health.


Gliscor used Stone Edge.

It's super effective!

Abomasnow lost 100% of its health.

Abomasnow hung on using its Focus Sash!

Gliscor lost 10% of its health.

Abomasnow used Blizzard.

It's super effective!

Gliscor lost 84% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Gliscor fainted.

The hail continues to fall.


GeneralSpoon switched in Rhyperior (lvl 100 Rhyperior ?).

Abomasnow used Energy Ball.

It's super effective!

Rhyperior lost 100% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Rhyperior fainted.

The hail continues to fall.


GeneralSpoon: gg

GeneralSpoon: now

Cynthia: gg

GeneralSpoon: let me get back

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Myself (Steel) vs. Cynthia (Ice)

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Timed Battle

Cynthia sent out Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ♀).

Saint_Kefka sent out Mayhem (lvl 100 Skarmory ♂).

Weavile is exerting its pressure!

Saint_Kefka: good luck

Cynthia: you too

Cynthia switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ♀).

Mayhem used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

Saint_Kefka switched in InFlames (lvl 100 Heatran ♂).

Froslass used Ice Beam.

It's not very effective...

InFlames lost 10% of its health.

InFlames used Flamethrower.

It's super effective!

Froslass lost 155% of its health.

Froslass hung on using its Focus Sash!

Froslass was burned!

Froslass used Destiny Bond.

Froslass is trying to take its foe with it!

Froslass was hurt by its burn!

Froslass lost 12% of its health.

Cynthia's Froslass fainted.

Cynthia switched in Mamoswine (lvl 100 Mamoswine ♀).

Pointed stones dug into Mamoswine.

Mamoswine lost 12% of its health.

InFlames used Flamethrower.

It's super effective!

Mamoswine lost 130% of its health.

Cynthia's Mamoswine fainted.

Cynthia switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ♀).

Weavile is exerting its pressure!

Pointed stones dug into Weavile.

Weavile lost 25% of its health.

InFlames used Flamethrower.

It's super effective!

Weavile lost 148% of its health.

Cynthia's Weavile fainted.

Cynthia: gg...

Saint_Kefka: :|

Cynthia has left the room.

Saint_Kefka wins!

Good game, even if it was one sided :|

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Team assembled, probably able to battle tonight, if anyone's on, if not, maybe in the next week.

I'll take you on.


Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Timed Battle

ZXValaRevan sent out Decastar (lvl 100 Starmie).

Saint_Kefka sent out Mayhem (lvl 100 Skarmory ♂).

Saint_Kefka: good luck

Decastar used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

Mayhem lost 86% of its health.

Mayhem used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

ZXValaRevan: you too

Decastar used Hydro Pump.

Decastar's attack missed!

Mayhem used Roost.

Mayhem restored 50% of its health.

Decastar used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

Mayhem lost 95% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's Mayhem fainted.

Saint_Kefka switched in Metallica (lvl 100 Metagross).

ZXValaRevan switched in Oh God (lvl 100 Bronzong).

Pointed stones dug into Oh God.

Oh God lost 6% of its health.

Metallica used Earthquake.

Oh God makes ground moves miss with Levitate!

Oh God's leftovers restored its health a little!

Oh God restored 6% of its health.

Saint_Kefka switched in InFlames (lvl 100 Heatran ♂).

Oh God used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

InFlames lost 85% of its health.

ZXValaRevan switched in Decastar (lvl 100 Starmie).

Pointed stones dug into Decastar.

Decastar lost 12% of its health.

InFlames used Flamethrower.

It's not very effective...

Decastar lost 37% of its health.

InFlames used Flamethrower.

It's not very effective...

Decastar lost 38% of its health.

Decastar was burned!

Decastar used Hydro Pump.

It's super effective!

InFlames lost 142% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's InFlames fainted.

Decastar was hurt by its burn!

Decastar lost 12% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's Decastar fainted.

ZXValaRevan switched in Oh God (lvl 100 Bronzong).

Saint_Kefka switched in Metallica (lvl 100 Metagross).

Pointed stones dug into Oh God.

Oh God lost 6% of its health.

Metallica used Meteor Mash.

It's not very effective...

Oh God lost 38% of its health.

Oh God used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

Metallica lost 33% of its health.

Oh God's leftovers restored its health a little!

Oh God restored 6% of its health.

Metallica used Meteor Mash.

It's not very effective...

Oh God lost 35% of its health.

Metallica's attack was raised.

Oh God used Earthquake.

It's super effective!

Metallica lost 32% of its health.

Oh God's leftovers restored its health a little!

Oh God restored 6% of its health.

Metallica used Meteor Mash.

It's not very effective...

Oh God lost 50% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's Oh God fainted.

ZXValaRevan switched in i cut u bitch (lvl 100 Gallade ♂).

Pointed stones dug into i cut u bitch.

i cut u bitch lost 6% of its health.

i cut u bitch used Night Slash.

Metallica lost 24% of its health.

Metallica used Meteor Mash.

i cut u bitch lost 210% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's i cut u bitch fainted.

Saint_Kefka: good game

ZXValaRevan: you too

Saint_Kefka: that was hella close

ZXValaRevan: indeed

Edited by Dio
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Fighting type - Shoddy

Rules: Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause

ZXValaRevan sent out Decastar (lvl 100 Starmie).

Hikarusa sent out Machamp (lvl 100 Machamp ♂).

ZXValaRevan switched in Oh God (lvl 100 Bronzong).

Machamp used Thunderpunch.

Oh God lost 25% of its health.

Oh God's leftovers restored its health a little!

Oh God restored 6% of its health.

Machamp used Close Combat.

Oh God lost 67% of its health.

Machamp's defence was lowered.

Machamp's special defence was lowered.

Oh God used Earthquake.

Machamp lost 32% of its health.

Oh God's leftovers restored its health a little!

Oh God restored 6% of its health.

ZXValaRevan switched in Decastar (lvl 100 Starmie).

Machamp used Thunderpunch.

It's super effective!

Decastar lost 81% of its health.

Decastar used Hydro Pump.

A critical hit!

Machamp lost 206% of its health.

Hikarusa's Machamp fainted.

Hikarusa switched in i cut you whore (lvl 100 Gallade ♂).

Decastar used Ice Beam.

i cut you whore lost 32% of its health.

i cut you whore used X-Scissor.

It's super effective!

Decastar lost 96% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's Decastar fainted.

ZXValaRevan switched in i cut u bitch (lvl 100 Gallade ♂).

iO Cubes has entered the room.

iO Cubes has left the room.

i cut you whore used X-Scissor.

i cut u bitch lost 51% of its health.

i cut u bitch used Close Combat.

It's not very effective...

i cut you whore lost 63% of its health.

i cut u bitch's defence was lowered.

i cut u bitch's special defence was lowered.

i cut you whore used X-Scissor.

i cut u bitch lost 79% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's i cut u bitch fainted.

ZXValaRevan switched in Oh God (lvl 100 Bronzong).

i cut you whore used Night Slash.

A critical hit!

Oh God lost 46% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's Oh God fainted.

ZXValaRevan: gg

Hikarusa: gg

ZXValaRevan: My weakness has been revealed

Hikarusa: ?

Hikarusa: Oh yeah my third pokemon was Blaziken

ZXValaRevan has left the room.

Hikarusa wins!

Edited by Hikarusa
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All right, here's the new rules for the three "mooks" that will be included with your team on Shoddy:

- You may use no other Pokemon than Level 1 Magikarp.

- When Magikarp is Roared or Whirlwinded etc. into play, Roar or Whirlwind must be used again until one of the three opponent's Main Team are drawn out. You are not to KO the Magikarp, because then the opponent will be able to choose their next Pokemon, while Roar/Whirlwind etc. doesn't allow this.

- You may not use any other Pokemon than your three Main Pokemon. Treat the Magikarp like they don't exist. Meaning they can not be first into battle for strategical choosing of Pokemon when it is KO'd etc.

This will prevent using your three unused Pokemon.


Sorry Ether, but I can't find your post stating you'd like to be the Shoddy pPsychic Gym Leader as well as the real Psychic Gym Leader.

Edit: And I'm sure that I would have updated the lists if you did post, since I've already been through the whole thread several times since earlier.

Edit 2: My mistake, I actually found the post where you said it,

Edited by Raven
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I'm in the TeamUber Server right now if anyone wants to try me with my Water Pokemon.

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If anyone's on TeamUber right now, I'm up for a challenge. And preferably soon, since there is a real creeper talking to me.

Edit: I had to go...

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Lost to Ninji. While changing my Zapdos' move set I forgot to give it a 4th move. The funny part being that this move was Signal Beam which I put there for more type coverage and Ninji's team IS Ghosts...

EDIT: Forgot Bug isn't strong against Ghosts -__-

Edited by Speedwagon
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Yeah, and I was down to Dusknoir, which wasn't hitting that hard with any of its moves (stupid Roost removing the Ice weakness), and Rotom, which could only spam Shadow Ball against it.

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Cynthia vs. Ninji (Round 2, I forgot to get the round 1 logs)

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause

Ninji sent out Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).

Cynthia sent out Abomasnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).

Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!

Hail began to fall!

Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!

Ninji: Augh, the hail.

Ninji: I hate weather.

Abomasnow used Blizzard.

Spiritomb lost 57% of its health.

Spiritomb was frozen solid!

Spiritomb is frozen solid!

The hail continues to fall.

Spiritomb is pelted by hail!

Spiritomb lost 6% of its health.


Ninji: ... that's twice i've had my pokemon frozen in two games

Cynthia: lol hax

Ninji switched in Rotom-c (lvl 100 Rotom-c).

Abomasnow used Blizzard.

Rotom-c lost 61% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Rotom-c is pelted by hail!

Rotom-c lost 6% of its health.

Rotom-c's leftovers restored its health a little!

Rotom-c restored 6% of its health.


Rotom-c used Leaf Storm.

It's not very effective...

Abomasnow lost 16% of its health.

Rotom-c's special attack was harshly lowered.

Abomasnow used Blizzard.

Rotom-c lost 58% of its health.

Ninji's Rotom-c fainted.

The hail continues to fall.


Ninji switched in Dusknoir (lvl 100 Dusknoir ?).

Dusknoir is exerting its pressure!

Abomasnow used Blizzard.

Dusknoir lost 50% of its health.

Dusknoir used Earthquake.

It's not very effective...

Abomasnow lost 13% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Dusknoir is pelted by hail!

Dusknoir lost 6% of its health.

Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!

Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.


Abomasnow used Blizzard.

Dusknoir lost 50% of its health.

Dusknoir used Pain Split.

Dusknoir restored 46% of its health.

Abomasnow lost 35% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Dusknoir is pelted by hail!

Dusknoir lost 6% of its health.

Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!

Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.


Abomasnow used Energy Ball.

Dusknoir lost 34% of its health.

Dusknoir used Earthquake.

It's not very effective...

Abomasnow lost 12% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Dusknoir is pelted by hail!

Dusknoir lost 6% of its health.

Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!

Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.


Abomasnow used Energy Ball.

Dusknoir lost 31% of its health.

Ninji's Dusknoir fainted.

The hail continues to fall.


Ninji switched in Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).

Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!

Ninji: Well, that's it, then.

Abomasnow used Energy Ball.

Spiritomb lost 40% of its health.

Ninji's Spiritomb fainted.

Spiritomb was defrosted!

The hail continues to fall.


Ninji: gg

Cynthia: gg

Cynthia: Obama!

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Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Self-KO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause

Vanguard Raven sent out Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).

GeneralSpoon sent out Crobat (lvl 100 Crobat ?).

Crobat used Taunt.

Swampert fell for the taunt!

Swampert can't use Stealth Rock after the taunt!


Vanguard Raven switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).

Gyarados's Intimidate cut Crobat's attack!

Crobat used Brave Bird.

Gyarados lost 37% of its health.

Crobat was hit by recoil!

Crobat lost 12% of its health.

Crobat's leftovers restored its health a little!

Crobat restored 6% of its health.


Crobat used U-turn.

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Gyarados lost 21% of its health.

GeneralSpoon switched in Weezing (lvl 100 Weezing ?).

Gyarados used Dragon Dance.

Gyarados's attack was raised.

Gyarados's speed was raised.


Gyarados used Aqua Tail.

Weezing lost 46% of its health.

Weezing used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

Gyarados lost 86% of its health.

Vanguard Raven's Gyarados fainted.

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


GeneralSpoon: :)

Vanguard Raven switched in Kingdra (lvl 100 Kingdra ?).

Kingdra used Toxic.

Weezing used Will-o-wisp.

Kingdra was burned!

Kingdra was hurt by its burn!

Kingdra lost 12% of its health.

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


GeneralSpoon: Is not poisoned

Kingdra used Draco Meteor.

Weezing lost 68% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Weezing fainted.

Kingdra's special attack was harshly lowered.

Kingdra's leftovers restored its health a little!

Kingdra restored 6% of its health.

Kingdra was hurt by its burn!

Kingdra lost 12% of its health.


GeneralSpoon switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ?).

Vanguard Raven switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).

Gengar used Substitute.

Gengar lost 25% of its health.

Gengar made a substitute!

Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gengar restored 6% of its health.


Gengar used Shadow Ball.

Swampert lost 30% of its health.

Swampert's special defence was lowered.

Swampert used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gengar restored 6% of its health.


Gengar used Shadow Ball.

Swampert lost 51% of its health.

Swampert's special defence was lowered.

Swampert used Stealth Rock.

But it failed!

Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gengar restored 6% of its health.


GeneralSpoon: ?

Vanguard Raven: sleep claus has screwed me over

GeneralSpoon: why use stealth rock again?

GeneralSpoon: aslo

GeneralSpoon: sleep cluase

GeneralSpoon: is a standard thing to turn on

GeneralSpoon: otherwise

GeneralSpoon: it'll become

GeneralSpoon: who can sleep

GeneralSpoon: the oppenent

GeneralSpoon: better

Swampert used Protect.

Swampert protected itself!

Gengar used Shadow Ball.

Swampert protected itself!

Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gengar restored 6% of its health.


Gengar used Shadow Ball.

Swampert lost 67% of its health.

Vanguard Raven's Swampert fainted.

Gengar's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gengar restored 6% of its health.


Vanguard Raven switched in Kingdra (lvl 100 Kingdra ?).

Gengar used Shadow Ball.

Kingdra lost 37% of its health.

Kingdra's special defence was lowered.

Kingdra used Toxic.

But it failed!

Kingdra's leftovers restored its health a little!

Kingdra restored 6% of its health.

Kingdra was hurt by its burn!

Kingdra lost 12% of its health.


GeneralSpoon: and you can't toxic poison types

GeneralSpoon: they can't be poisoned

GeneralSpoon: also

Vanguard Raven: ah. makes sense

GeneralSpoon: there wa a sub in the way

GeneralSpoon: of that toxic

GeneralSpoon: so even if gengar wasn't a poison type

GeneralSpoon: it'd have failed

Vanguard Raven: aha, well i'm screwed

Gengar used Shadow Ball.

Kingdra lost 62% of its health.

Vanguard Raven's Kingdra fainted.


GeneralSpoon: yep

Vanguard Raven: gg. need to redo stuff

Edited by General Spoon
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Vs. General Spoon's Poison team both times:


Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Self-KO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause

Saint_Kefka sent out Behemoth (lvl 100 Bronzong).

GeneralSpoon sent out Roserade (lvl 100 Roserade ♂).

Saint_Kefka: good luck


Saint_Kefka: :]

Roserade used Hidden Power.

It's super effective!

Behemoth lost 41% of its health.

Behemoth used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

Roserade used Hidden Power.

It's super effective!

Behemoth lost 44% of its health.

Behemoth used Light Screen.

A barrier was formed!

Roserade used Hidden Power.

It's super effective!

Behemoth lost 20% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's Behemoth fainted.

Saint_Kefka switched in InFlames (lvl 100 Heatran ♂).

InFlames used Flamethrower.

It's super effective!

Roserade lost 121% of its health.

Roserade hung on using its Focus Sash!

Roserade was burned!

Roserade used Sleep Powder.

InFlames fell asleep!

Roserade was hurt by its burn!

Roserade lost 12% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Roserade fainted.

GeneralSpoon: lol

GeneralSpoon switched in Flemoid (lvl 100 Muk ♂).

Pointed stones dug into Flemoid.

Flemoid lost 12% of its health.

InFlames is fast asleep!

Flemoid used Brick Break.

The wall shattered!

It's super effective!

InFlames lost 40% of its health.

Flemoid's Black Sludge restored a little health!

Flemoid restored 6% of its health.

InFlames is fast asleep!

Flemoid used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

InFlames lost 42% of its health.

Flemoid's Black Sludge restored a little health!

Flemoid restored 6% of its health.

InFlames is fast asleep!

Flemoid used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

InFlames lost 44% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's InFlames fainted.

Flemoid's Black Sludge restored a little health!

Flemoid restored 6% of its health.

Saint_Kefka switched in Slayer (lvl 100 Scizor ♂).

Slayer used Swords Dance.

Slayer's attack was sharply raised.

Flemoid used Brick Break.

Slayer lost 24% of its health.

Slayer used Bullet Punch.

A critical hit!

Flemoid lost 186% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Flemoid fainted.

Slayer lost 10% of its health.

GeneralSpoon switched in Drapion (lvl 100 Drapion ♂).

Pointed stones dug into Drapion.

Drapion lost 12% of its health.

Slayer used Bullet Punch.

Drapion lost 100% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Drapion fainted.

Slayer lost 10% of its health.

Saint_Kefka: gg

GeneralSpoon has left the room.

Saint_Kefka wins!


Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Self-KO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause

Saint_Kefka sent out OMGDino (lvl 100 Aerodactyl ?).

GeneralSpoon sent out Crobat (lvl 100 Crobat ?).

OMGDino is exerting its pressure!

Terminator: http://teamuber.net/forum/showthread.php?t=7964&page=75 Post in to join UU tournament!

Crobat used Taunt.

OMGDino fell for the taunt!

OMGDino can't use Taunt after the taunt!


GeneralSpoon: lol

Saint_Kefka: lol

OMGDino used Rock Slide.

It's super effective!

Crobat lost 82% of its health.

Crobat used U-turn.

It's not very effective...

OMGDino lost 14% of its health.

GeneralSpoon switched in Weezing (lvl 100 Weezing ?).


OMGDino used Rock Slide.

Weezing lost 23% of its health.

Weezing used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

OMGDino lost 51% of its health.

OMGDino's taunt wore off!

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


Saint_Kefka switched in AimTheHorn (lvl 100 Rhyperior ?).

Weezing used Thunderbolt.

It doesn't affect AimTheHorn...

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


Weezing used Will-o-wisp.

AimTheHorn was burned!

AimTheHorn used Rock Blast.

Weezing lost 5% of its health.

Weezing lost 4% of its health.

Hit 2 time(s)!

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.

AimTheHorn was hurt by its burn!

AimTheHorn lost 12% of its health.


Weezing used Pain Split.

Weezing restored 13% of its health.

AimTheHorn lost 11% of its health.

AimTheHorn used Roar.

GeneralSpoon switched in Crobat (lvl 100 Crobat ?).

Crobat's leftovers restored its health a little!

Crobat restored 6% of its health.

AimTheHorn's leftovers restored its health a little!

AimTheHorn restored 6% of its health.

AimTheHorn was hurt by its burn!

AimTheHorn lost 12% of its health.


Crobat used Roost.

Crobat restored 50% of its health.

AimTheHorn used Rock Blast.

Crobat lost 8% of its health.

Crobat lost 9% of its health.

Crobat lost 8% of its health.

Crobat lost 8% of its health.

Crobat lost 9% of its health.

Hit 5 time(s)!

Crobat's leftovers restored its health a little!

Crobat restored 6% of its health.

AimTheHorn's leftovers restored its health a little!

AimTheHorn restored 6% of its health.

AimTheHorn was hurt by its burn!

AimTheHorn lost 12% of its health.


Crobat used U-turn.

AimTheHorn lost 11% of its health.

GeneralSpoon switched in Weezing (lvl 100 Weezing ?).

AimTheHorn used Rock Blast.

Weezing lost 5% of its health.

Weezing lost 5% of its health.

Weezing lost 4% of its health.

Hit 3 time(s)!

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.

AimTheHorn's leftovers restored its health a little!

AimTheHorn restored 6% of its health.

AimTheHorn was hurt by its burn!

AimTheHorn lost 12% of its health.


Saint_Kefka switched in OMGDino (lvl 100 Aerodactyl ?).

OMGDino is exerting its pressure!

Weezing used Fire Blast.

It's not very effective...

OMGDino lost 17% of its health.

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


OMGDino used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!

Weezing used Fire Blast.

It's not very effective...

OMGDino lost 16% of its health.

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


OMGDino used Rock Slide.

Weezing lost 22% of its health.

Weezing flinched!

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


OMGDino used Rock Slide.

Weezing lost 21% of its health.

Weezing used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

OMGDino lost 57% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's OMGDino fainted.

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


Saint_Kefka switched in Colonel (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).

Colonel's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

A sandstorm brewed!

Colonel used Stone Edge.

Weezing lost 59% of its health.

Weezing used Will-o-wisp.

Colonel was burned!

The sandstorm rages.

Weezing is buffetted by the sandstorm!

Weezing lost 6% of its health.

Colonel was hurt by its burn!

Colonel lost 12% of its health.

Weezing's leftovers restored its health a little!

Weezing restored 6% of its health.


Colonel used Stone Edge.

Weezing lost 30% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Weezing fainted.

The sandstorm rages.

Colonel was hurt by its burn!

Colonel lost 12% of its health.


GeneralSpoon switched in Crobat (lvl 100 Crobat ?).

Pointed stones dug into Crobat.

Crobat lost 25% of its health.

Crobat used Brave Bird.

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Colonel lost 39% of its health.

Crobat was hit by recoil!

Crobat lost 15% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Crobat fainted.

Colonel used Stone Edge.

But there was no target!

The sandstorm rages.

Colonel was hurt by its burn!

Colonel lost 12% of its health.


GeneralSpoon switched in Gengar (lvl 100 Gengar ?).

Pointed stones dug into Gengar.

Gengar lost 12% of its health.

Gengar used Focus Blast.

Gengar's attack missed!

Colonel used Stone Edge.

Gengar lost 88% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Gengar fainted.

The sandstorm rages.

Colonel was hurt by its burn!

Colonel lost 12% of its health.


Saint_Kefka: gg

GeneralSpoon: lol miss

GeneralSpoon has left the room.

Saint_Kefka wins!

Saint_Kefka: yep

Terminator: http://teamuber.net/forum/showthread.php?t=7964&page=75 Post in to join UU tournament! 3 spaces left!

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