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Trauma Center series

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Has anyone ever played this series? Its a simulation and visual novel genre about a the role of a surgeon in a fictional hospital saving the patients from any disease or injury using surgical instruments, suturing and the Healing Touch ability. I've played the first 3 and I've completed it. I'm planning to get Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 for the DS once it comes out in the mid summer.

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I've played both Second Opinion and New Blood. Both were awesome, IMO, though I found New Blood slightly harder to do on single mode then it is to do with two players.

Still haven't played the DS games yet, though. Gotta get around to that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got Trauma Center Under the Knife 2 yesterday.

It's quite fun, though there are many similar operations in this one as there was in New Blood. But then again, I haven't got that far yet, only up to the arrival of the first strand of PGS, so there are probably still some new and exciting ones.

And so far, I've been surprised at the recurring people and elements from the previous game. It's neat to see old faces though, after wondering what happened to everybody in New Blood. XD

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I have the second DS one. It's fairly fun, but there are a ton of situations where I'll be going along on a surgery thinking I'm doing fine, and then without warning some giant fucking wound will open and bam I lose.

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I have the second DS one. It's fairly fun, but there are a ton of situations where I'll be going along on a surgery thinking I'm doing fine, and then without warning some giant fucking wound will open and bam I lose.

Lol. I know how you feel. Every Trauma Center game loves to do that. It's why I'm constantly injecting the syringe for vitals in fear that suddenly lacerations will appear everywhere right when I think I'm done. >_>

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I have the first three Trauma Center games, but I have yet to complete Under the Knife and Second Opinion. I think I will probably pick up Under the Knife 2 fairly soon.

I agree that New Blood is noticeably easier when played with a competent partner. A friend and I played through the game in one long session (somewhere between five to eight hours, I'm not sure, but I wanted to go for a run after sitting down for so long)....

I've read that Under the Knife 2 is easier than its predecessor. Can someone confirm or debunk this suggestion from their own experience?

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I have the first three Trauma Center games, but I have yet to complete Under the Knife and Second Opinion. I think I will probably pick up Under the Knife 2 fairly soon.

I agree that New Blood is noticeably easier when played with a competent partner. A friend and I played through the game in one long session (somewhere between five to eight hours, I'm not sure, but I wanted to go for a run after sitting down for so long)....

I've read that Under the Knife 2 is easier than its predecessor. Can someone confirm or debunk this suggestion from their own experience?

Lol, I didn't finish it with a partner quite as fast as you, but it was much, much easier than doing it by myself.

And I can confirm that so far, UtK2 is easier than New Blood. Well, if compared to single-player mode, anyway. With two-player I think it's roughly the same. I'm only about a third into the game, though, so I can't really make the best assumption. XD

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I love these series, I love the Story...

I started with the second game and after I got the first one.

But I can't pass Ch2 Ep4 SWT

Really? I dislike the story but like the gameplay. 6/10.

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