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Train Mafia Round 1 Sign-up Thread

General Spoon

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Please bold your name. If you've already signed up, don't sign up again.

Here's what I'm thinking currently.


1 Tracker (Picks a player to follow at night. He will learn who that person visited)

1 Cop (Investigates 1 player at night. Will receive that player's role PM by morning.)

1 Miller (His role PM appears a Legitimate Businessman's Social Club role that is still alive to cop and tourist. He is unaware of his role.)

1 Vigilante (Starts with 1 ammo, gets 1 more ammo at certain stations, can hold a max of 2 ammo)

1 Doctor (Protects one person from being killed at night)

1 Tourist (If he has a camera, he can take a picture of 1 player at night. This will reveal that player's role PM to him. Taking a picture consumes the camera. The tourist starts with 1 camera.)

1 Old Lady (Uses knitting supplies to automatically spend all night to create a bulletproof vest. During the night, she will pick a player that will receive the bulletproof vest at the end of the night. This consumes the knitting supplies. If hooked, the Old Lady will need to wait until the next night to give the bulletproof vest to a player. She starts with 1 knitting supplies.)

1 Oracle (Picks one player at night. If the oracle dies that night or during the following day, the chosen player and his role PM will be revealed publicly. The miller will be shown as miller, and the engineer will be shown as engineer. This night action cannot be hooked.)

1 Thanatologist (This player visits everyone who dies at night. He is unaware of his role, though his actual role shows up to the cop and tourist.)

Everyone else is a Townie

The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club

1 Legitimate Businessman's Social Club Goon

1 Silencer (Picks one player at night to silence. That player will receive a PM telling him that he has been silenced, and cannot speak or vote in the main thread today. If the player who has been silenced speaks or votes in the main thread anyways, he will die. The silenced player can still send PMs etc. with no penalty.)

1 Hooker (can hook a player at night, preventing them from using special abilities that night)

1 Engineer (His role PM appears to be a townie role PM when the Cop or Tourist check him. If he is tracked, he is shown to have not visited anyone. He has the final say in The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club's kill. At night, and at most once every 36 hours (three phases since the train was last stopped, starting with the beginning of the phase it stopped in), the engineer can choose to stop the train during the current night phase OR the following day phase or to double the train's speed during the current night phase OR to double the train's speed the following day phase.)

1 Conductor (If the Engineer dies, the conductor gains the Engineer's ability to change the train's speed, and also gets the final say in The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club's kill. He will still show up as visiting on tracker and reports, and his role PM still shows him as guilty.)

The Train

The train will move along a predefined schedule. At certain points, the train will stop at a station and stuff might happen. The train will only stop at a station if it reaches it at the end of the night/beginning of the day.

At night, and at most once every 36 hours (three phases) since the train was last stopped, the engineer/conductor can choose to stop the train during the current night phase OR the following day phase or to double the train's speed during the current night phase OR to double the train's speed the following day phase. When the train is stopped, it makes no progress that phase. When the train's speed is doubled, it makes twice the normal progress that phase.

Some things I'm currently thinking of for when the train stops at a station (these would be spread out along the route):

This actually happens at the start of the game, before the train starts moving. The train has a nearby animal shelter at the start, and the town decides which kitty they want to adopt. The chosen kitty will then become the pet of everyone on the train.


Camera The tourist gets a camera. (max 1)

Knitting Supplies. The old lady gets knitting supplies, and immediately sets to work making a bulletproof vest. (Max 1)

Vigilante gets ammo. Allows the Vigilante to make one kill. (max 2)

The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club:

Flowchart. Allows certain members of The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club to determines someone's role PM. (max 1)

Extra vote. Allows the current head of The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club to make an anonymous secret vote. This vote overrules any vote the head of The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club makes in the main thread. (max 1)

Bouncer Hired. Allows certain members of The Legitimate Businessman's Social Club to post the bouncer outside a player's room. Kills the first person to visit someone in the night. (max 1)

Currently Signed Up


Fayt Zelpher



I Eat Tables


The Dragonslayer









Trompe le Monde



Lux Aeterna





Edited by General Spoon
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A new topic needed to be started because somebody had the bright idea of ONLY letting topic titles be changed by using the full editor AND of having a broken full editor.

Please ignore the Round 6 Sign-ups. This is replacing those.

Edited by General Spoon
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Link is changing in central thread.

Edit: And round 1? Are there going to be more Train Mafia rounds?

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I'm thinking I will let the mafia decide whether to change the train's speed during the current night phase, or to change the train's speed during the following day phase. Additionally, the mafia will now have to wait 36 hours (3 phases) after they change the train's speed before it can be changed again.


Night 1- Train stopped, hours 1-12 pass

Day 1- Normal, hours 12-24

Night 2- Order put in to stop train during the day, hours 24-36 pass

Day 2- Train stopped

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Time to start laying some rules for how the train moves then.

Distances are measured in time. To be more exact, 12 hour multiples. Every location is 12 hours away from the next location. 12 hours is one phase (day phase or night phase).

At the start of the game, the train starts at the beginning. At the end of that day phase, the train starts to move. At the start of the next day phase, the previous night's travel will be told to the town (and if they are currently stopped, moving faster, etc).

Let's use this as an example.




The points H and G are 12 hours apart from each other, and the points G and F are 12 hours apart from each other. The train ended that last phase at point H, and is now moving to point G. The train remains at point H UNTIL the phase ends. Only after the phase ends does it move on the minimap which I will post at the end of every phase.

Does any of this not make sense?

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So, here's an organised list of events (sorry, Spoon, yours is a little disorganised):


Candles stocked. If the lightkeeper is dead and the train goes through a tunnel, these are consumed automatically, and the votes are public. (max 1).

Viliante gets ammo. Allows the Vigilante to make one kill. (max 2)

Investigation earnt. Cop first, then tracker, then watcher. (Can this be stored?)


Crate of Bombs. Can be set off to stop the train for 1 phase. (max 1)

Liquid Schwartz. Quadruples train speed for 1 phase. (max 1)

Flowchart. Determines someone's role. (max 1)

Extra vote. Allows the head Mafioso to make an anonymous secret vote. (max 1)

Bouncer Hired. Kills the first person to visit someone in the night. (max 1)

Beer bought. Stops someone's night actions (max 1)

So... there's lots there for the Mafia now, and not so much for the town now. Why has Granny gone? That was a cool one :).

Okay, let's see if I can think of something decent.

Crystal Ball. This allows the Oracle to publicly reveal the alignment of one player. The Oracle can have a max of one Crystal Ball.

Riot Gear. This allows the leader (town role, see below) to lead an assault on the Train Cab, giving the leader control of the train speed for the night after it's used. After that the mafia take the Cab back. (max 1, possibly start 1)

Channelling potion. This allows the leader to choose one dead person to channel. This player may talk and vote the following day, before dissipating back to the underworld (max 1)

Handcuffs. This allows the leader to choose one player to Handcuff, preventing them performing their night action but also protecting them from an attack. (max 1)

Vote doubled. The Leader may double his vote on one day. (max 1)

Camera. The tourist (town role) gets a camera, which he uses to take a picture of someone, revealing their role. (max 1)

Broom. The mafia gets a broom, allowing them to clean up a kill, hiding the body. (max 1)

Framing evidence. The mafia may plant evidence on one player. If investigated, that player will appear guilty tonight (max 1)

Leader: The Leader has no powers on his own, but has various items he may collect at stations to gain powers.

Yeah, I went on a roll :awesome:

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Hmm, I doubt it, I'm afraid. That was basically looking at all of the EpicMafia roles and seeing how they can be adapted, then looking at your roles, and the train itself. But I overlooked one possibilty...

Collar. The kitten gets a bell collar, letting the town know where she goes to. Town members following where the kitten goes mean one random mafia action is thwarted. The leader chooses when to put the collar on and it falls off after the night. (max 1).

The explanation of how this works might need some work <_<.

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Camera. The tourist (town role) gets a camera, which he uses to take a picture of someone, revealing their role. (max 1)

Is the tourist another adapted townie?

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Train mafia will be played anonymously. No more "Follow X user" or "Lynch X user as a scapegoat day 1." Instead, you're anonymous.

How will this work? I will be setting up a forum simply for the purpose of this game. I then create accounts with bogus usernames (ex: Bob the Tomato), and will then PM each player their account name and password.

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