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Choral Mafia II


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Bal, they tried to kill you, didn't they? DIDN'T THEY?

He's obviously been silenced. And something you said doesn't add up.

Unvote: Parv

Vote: Spike

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Bal, they tried to kill you, didn't they? DIDN'T THEY?

Helle shrugged at the suggestion, "That's not an implausible suggestion, but if they had tried to target me, they never got close enough for me to find out before they lost their nerve and went for someone else. I wish I could be of more help on this one, but alas, one woman can only do so much."

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I like how some of you guys just quit roleplaying and posted one line with a vote or just a vote.

Lots of fun, guys. ):

Anyway, it seems the outcome of this day phase may be determined early. Who here votes to end the day phase now?

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I like how some of you guys just quit roleplaying and posted one line with a vote or just a vote.

Lots of fun, guys. ):

At least I'm consistent with my non-RPing. '-'

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I like how some of you guys just quit roleplaying and posted one line with a vote or just a vote.

Lots of fun, guys. ):

Anyway, it seems the outcome of this day phase may be determined early. Who here votes to end the day phase now?

Sorry, I just haven't been on much and I don't know how long I can stay since my laptop's dead and I'm on the home computer instead. I'll get back to consistent RP'ing later. :(

Anyway, ending day phase is fine with me.

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I like how some of you guys just quit roleplaying and posted one line with a vote or just a vote.

But I suck at it. Not having played Choral Mafia 1, I even thought Blas was male. :facepalm:

(Btw, would anyone mind if I edited my earlier RP posts just to correct the gender?)

Anyway, it seems the outcome of this day phase may be determined early. Who here votes to end the day phase now?

Go ahead.

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But I suck at it. Not having played Choral Mafia 1, I even thought Blas was male. :facepalm:

(Btw, would anyone mind if I edited my earlier RP posts just to correct the gender?)

You can do that.

But duuude, you were doing just fine with your roleplaying before! I was getting excited! I mean you were just resurrected, man! Bah.

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“So, it’s unanimous,” Helle announced, gently slamming her fist down in confirmation, “We’re going to have to go for one of the members who refuses to be here. But…” She paused a minute, and asked, “Does anyone here even know the girl’s name?”

There were blank, confused looks on everyone’s faces. Helle glanced at Sami, Kelsey, Natasha, Ashley, Riannon, and even Bailey—who usually knew everyone—but got nothing but headshakes from every single chorister.

“What do you think she’s been doing all this time?” Ashley asked, though inwardly shuddered at the thoughts that instantly flashed into mind. I’m pure, I’m pure, she repeated in her head, though some sudden impulse brought her to look at the shattered window about ten feet away from the meeting hall. The very reminder of the incident haunted her and forever would throughout her entire lifetime, maybe even for all of eternity. Was Quintcy right about what he said? The question occasionally picked at Ashley’s mind now, and it probably would for as long as this witch-hunt remained ongoing. Was everyone a sinner as much as the Bronze, or as the Band, now that they have resorted to fiery accusations? To executing those that were once considered a friend? To drive someone… to the verge of committing suicide?

“We can’t be too sure about that,” Blas chimed in, stepping in front of the group, “But one thing we do know is that everyone should commit themselves to participating in our discussion, and since she has never even showed up, she may as well be a good candidate today.”

“Precisely,” Helle nodded her head, “You worded that the exact way I would have worded it, Blas. By the way… it’s good to have you with us again.” She flashed a grateful smile towards Alicia, who weakly smiled back—her strength still had not fully recovered, though even she still put her best efforts into contributing to the meetings.

Blas grinned. “Sophie told me it was—what she wanted, for me to be able to see you guys again. I could hear her singing with Alicia…” Her voice trailed off in an emotional recollection, and Helle continued with the decision.

“All right—so, it is agreed that we shall storm this girl’s room and discover her true motives, correct?” There was a general collection of concurring replies from the crowd—a “’Fo shizzle!” from Riannon—and the choir continued forward to the dorms.


Helle knocked on the door softly, making sure not to appear too hostile toward the singer inside. “Excuse me; would you come out here?” The sharpness in her voice, however, never relented. It was almost a natural thing.

“I can’t hear youuu!” Came a voice from the other side, and suddenly the door swung wide open. Some of the singers jumped back in surprise. “Heeey, folks! What do you need from me?” Her cheerful disposition caused doubt and a pang of guilt to quell around in Helle’s stomach; she tried to stave off the feeling, though could not.

“Excuse me… would your name happen to be…” Helle casually perused her seating chart, “… April?”

“April is my name, of course! Is this some kind of intervention or something?” Blas tilted her head to the side—a silver sash was neatly hung up on a rack by the door. No, we made another mistake— She thought, but cut herself off.

“Actually… do you even know what’s been going on recently, April?” Helle questioned, the qualms gradually becoming worse.

“The corruption thing, yeah. I switch people around!” She grinned heartily. “I know how to convince people and all of that. So…” Her attitude did not falter, “Are you here to execute me?” The question slammed the choristers hard.

“Dolce…” Helle whispered under her breath, and shook her head slightly to keep herself at attention. “Yes… I’m sorry, April.”

“Hey, no problem. I don’t like large crowds, that’s all. Just remember me at the next concert, all right? Maybe sing a song for me or something, and I’ll forgive you.”

The choir director sighed, both in relief and terrible sadness—no, she couldn’t show signs of weakness, not now, not when everyone had put so much trust into her leadership. She righted herself up. “You will be taken to the gallows in approximately half an hour; your escorts should arrive and guide you to where we will hold the lynching. In this time, you should be allowed to organize your belongings and say your farewells.” Helle winced. “Again, I apologize that it has to come to this, but it is for the good of the choir. I… promise you.”

“I believe you, Helle. You’re a good teacher.” April’s words and unfazed smile were both yet another arrow lodged into Helle’s breaking heart. The entire choir could yet feel the conductor’s pain in unison, as a good choir would sing.


Queen_Parvati was lynched! He was April, SILVER Bus Driver!

Revealed Roles:

Bus Driver/Carriage Driver: Every night, you may switch two players around—in this way, whatever actions directed at player 1 will instead be directed at player 2 and vice-versa. You mayswap yourself.

By the way, he was sending in his actions.

NIGHT FOUR START! Everyone, please send in your night actions.

There will be a very important rehearsal tomorrow that everyone must attend. You will receive more information on this when the day phase starts.

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Had it come to this...? Having to vote anyone who was remotely suspicious? She felt guilty. She felt like she was impure now, and that she would remain so until the day she died. Yet another innocent life lost. Her last words were very unusual, but very saddening at the same time.

She had even overheard a few conversations, and she was apparently suspected by some people.

After all of this, she was in the verge of tears, and, unable to hold them much longer, dashed to her room and locked the door behind her.

Everything had finally become a storm today.

Maybe they didn't attack Bal, maybe Parvati just switched targets.

Edited by Spike
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I forgot to say this.

All kill choices went awry or failed entirely; one of your own could've died but it seems the cat's out of the baag! An adventure for water becomes an adventure of death! The divine powers of God can never be halted by the mortal powers of mankind! Someone was protected!

None of the kill orders last night went as planned. We've consistently had two kills per night. It's safe to assume someone was either protected or is the bulletproof, and Parvati switched someone out for Rhythm. If we hadn't ended things early (way to go!), it's possible Parvati could have claimed to avoid being lynched and at least help someone out for one last night.

That being said, I've got a suspicion or two floating around.

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