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Thing is, she'll have to rely on forges and capped Skill most of the time seeing as enemies actually have Luck, so critical bonus isn't all that in FE10.

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I want to add a rule to the forums that says "If you are going to debate characters, state your difficulty mode and playstyle first". Can't, though.

that would be awesome.

Extra unit doubling in part 3 is worth much more than an extra unit doubling in part 4, but Titania with that wing may also be doubling in part 4.

ok well i was basing my point off of just the opposite because i find part 3 easiest part of game, aside from CRK and DB stages.

Also, to make good use of adept you need to double and 3HKO rather than not double but 2HKO.

30 spd = 51% chance to adept at least once in two swings. Hence, 51% chance to KO enemy.

23 spd = 23% chance to adept at least once in one swing. Hence, 23% chance to KO enemy.

Units that double are significantly better with Adept than those that don't. Even if we go at the doubling threshold. So, against 21 AS enemies use 24 and 25.

1 - (.75 * .75) = 43.75%

so 25 speed results in a 43.75% kill rate while 24 speed results in a 24% kill rate. That's not quite double, but it is significantly better. Hence, Boyd doesn't use adept particularly well when you consider to kill things like halbs and warriors and nearly anything else she doubles and he doesn't Mia can get more than double his kill rates.

i completely forgot adept was speed :o im playing this game for the first time in like 6 months so ive forgoten some things...hmm i see you point and i wouldnt necessarily disagree, mia is much more suited for adept than boyd and thats why she has it on my current PT, not to mention i love adept + vantage.

In addition to what the others have said about other things: Nephenee's critical is decent. She has a +5% bonus from her class, and high SKL; Boyd has neither of these things. so, it's just a matter of forging some +crit on her weapon for her, and she's criting a bit less than Mia.

boyd has like 4 less skill which is 2 critical(someone correct me if im wrong please) and you can also forge boyd a weapon.

What what what? Do I detect hypocrisy? Because you're doing the same thing. You're claiming that Boyd makes good use of Adept, but where's your proof?

are u actually saying what i said in my statment was my point, because i was making fun of you for saying boyd sucks with adept, i just like it with him because he doesnt double but it makes him able to double(kinda) its totally preference. narga's post clearly shows the logical choice is to put adept on a doubling person, i just dont find it as intriguing sometimes so occasianly(not all the time) i will put adept on boyd and not neph b/c she is fine without it.

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I'm assuming you're all talking about Boyd on hard mode but he can be really awesome on normal. if he gets a speed transfer and a speed levelup he can start doubling as early as 3-2. if not just give him a speedwing and he can double in 3-2 and doubles for most of the rest of the game. I know it's different in hard mode but I'm just throwing in my 2 cents :) (I've played a lot of normal mode)

and about other characters:

I don't really think Haar and Shinon are broken. Haar cause he has a bad speed cap and growth so sometimes he doesn't double and Shinon cause most of the time he can't counter on the enemy phase. also Ike isn't too broken until he gets Ragnell. he still can't really kill much with wind edges if you need him to counter ranged attacks

also agree that Astrid (horrible bases and little playtime), Lethe (cat gauge, kinda bad bases) and Tormod (no availability) got screwed the most.

I also agree with all that stuff that Queen_Elincia said except the last part.

ShinonXRhys, I've done that before, mostly cause I didn't know who else to pair them with. I use Rhys mostly for healing though

Edited by Killer Poleax
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boyd has like 4 less skill which is 2 critical(someone correct me if im wrong please) and you can also forge boyd a weapon.

He is also -5% because of the lack of a class bonus, and since Nephenee is doubling and he is not, she has twice as many chances to activate a crit. These two things are the difference between a ~10% chance to OHKO something for Boyd, or a ~31% chance for Nephenee, on something that she doubles and he doesn't (AKA a whole lot of stuff).

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He is also -5% because of the lack of a class bonus, and since Nephenee is doubling and he is not, she has twice as many chances to activate a crit. These two things are the difference between a ~10% chance to OHKO something for Boyd, or a ~31% chance for Nephenee, on something that she doubles and he doesn't (AKA a whole lot of stuff).

is that with or without a forged weapon? the 31% that is, cause it never seems like my neph get a crit more than 10% of the time when shes 2nd tier. with steel greatlance.

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It's probably best on Mia or some other character with low defenses and no so realiable dodge, Wrath is best reliable along with Vantage.

Vantage isn't reliable either (30% max in tier 2). It's best on someone who gets to low HP quickly and then doesn't face counters often. Like Micaiah or Soren.

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Is it wise to keep wrath on Nephenee? I usually take it off her.

thats a funny question because i always wonder this myself. shes such a tank though i normally take it off her

Vantage isn't reliable either (30% max in tier 2). It's best on someone who gets to low HP quickly and then doesn't face counters often. Like Micaiah or Soren.

miciah would be amazing with it, and i guess soren would be too, but i've actaully used it on Ike once, in Pt 3, and with his earth affinity it was pretty nice.

EDIT: wraths description is confusing to me, does it multiply critcal by 50% or does it add 50% to critical?

Edited by King Soren
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EDIT: wraths description is confusing to me, does it multiply critcal by 50% or does it add 50% to critical?

It adds 50. Let's say a character has 9/30 HP, and has a 10 base crit. With wrath, that becomes a crit of +60.

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Vantage isn't reliable either (30% max in tier 2). It's best on someone who gets to low HP quickly and then doesn't face counters often. Like Micaiah or Soren.

It's reliable on Micaiah in Part 1 seeing as Sacrifice is obseletted by her use of staves, and you contradicted yourself with Soren there, since he doesn't get countered, and isn't a unit that stays in the front line or enemy range, he is unlikely to use it well.

It's actually reliable for Nephenee, her concrete durability will get her to a good rate-

Not reaching a 30% activation rate doesn't make it unreliable, I think somewhere around 25% should be alright, and Nephenee's Spd grows insanely.

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is that with or without a forged weapon? the 31% that is, cause it never seems like my neph get a crit more than 10% of the time when shes 2nd tier. with steel greatlance.

I would assume that both are being given forges in the comparison. Neph with 26 skill has 18 crit thanks to halb. Giver her a +15 crit forge and that's 33 against enemies with 13 to 15 luck, or something like that. Boyd has no bonus to crit until 3rd tier (unless he's adjacent to one of his bonds) so lets give him 22 skill and that's 26 crit with a crit forge against 13 to 15 luck enemies. Pretty big difference when she doubles and he doesn't.

13% for him at best.

1 - .8 * .8 = 36% crit for Neph. 36 over 13. Nearly 3x as much. Ouch.

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It adds 50. Let's say a character has 9/30 HP, and has a 10 base crit. With wrath, that becomes a crit of +60.

thanks for the information

I would assume that both are being given forges in the comparison. Neph with 26 skill has 18 crit thanks to halb. Giver her a +15 crit forge and that's 33 against enemies with 13 to 15 luck, or something like that. Boyd has no bonus to crit until 3rd tier (unless he's adjacent to one of his bonds) so lets give him 22 skill and that's 26 crit with a crit forge against 13 to 15 luck enemies. Pretty big difference when she doubles and he doesn't.

13% for him at best.

1 - .8 * .8 = 36% crit for Neph. 36 over 13. Nearly 3x as much. Ouch.

ok, so nephenee DOES have good crit... you've proven me wrong

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