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RD Female Playhtrough

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I finished my PoR female play and really enjoyed it so I deicded I would do one for RD, only trouble is idk who exacly to use...any and all advice is appreciated. I will make a list once i get advice. I will be gone for a few days starting tomorrow don't know exactly when I'm leaving but when I come back I'll read new posts and unless I get a lot of info, make the list then. Thanks to anyone who gives advice!

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I have to ask what your intentions are with Ike. Also places like 2-1 and 2-3 and 3-9 where your options for females is rather limited. And early in part 1. Apparently Micaiah can solo (and has just enough uses of light to not be unable to attack before getting Thani) but I think the people that did it used meatshields. Also will you do things like abuse the laguz in 1-4 to get Laura to promotion during early part 1?

Back to Ike, though, will he fight much or will you rely on bexp and stat-up items to be able to beat the BK? If you are using him, Mia x Ike support. Otherwise, if you are going to attempt HM then Mia will not be nearly as good as she could be.

But if it's, like, EM then Titania will be your goddess in part 3.

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Um ok I'll give a little more detail on my intentions...

Normal Mode

I will use Ike like normal

I am going to be using Mia, Neph, Titania, Ilyana, and Jill for sure.

Stat Boosters will go to my female characters

I'm going to be using male characters when needed but focusing on the female ones I want to train up

Idk about Laura...the whole frailness and no magic till class change always bugs me with her and she's gone for so long

Edited by Knight of Zero
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If it's Normal mode, then I would add Marcia to that list, so that you have a capable flier besides Jill. Sigrun is terrible, and Manith is disqualified in this playthrough. Also, Calill is a pretty good Sage, easily better than Ilyana and useful for Endgame (but you can use both of them, no problem).

Units like Vika, Lucia, and Fiona are fun to use in Normal mode, but they are not easy to train and won't be around for long, so that one is up to you.

Finally, Mist is an option. I'm sure you will use her as a healer regardless, but she's a good partner for Titania. If you're willing to abuse her a bit lot, she's even a decent combatant.

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Part 1:

Miccy-for obvious reasons.

Laura-70% for MAG, SKL and SPD.

Jill-may need a bit of babying at the start. Or at least that's what I've found when you get her.

Nailah-Laguz Queen who can raep everything inside out pretty much.

Part 2:

Elincia-Healing, Flying, and a powerful Brave Sword make her fairly handy

Nephenee-Very good stats, but requires a bit of help to get up to the point where you don't have to worry about her.

Heather-I haven't used her, but other people say she's at least decent and can avoid almost anything, but has STR issues.

Part 3:

Titania-Obvious reasons. May be a bit slow, though.

Mia-Excellent unit who no longer has STR issues.

Mist: If you really want a different healer who's a dodge machine. Don't give her swords, as magic swords are now gone, so her offensive capabilities take a dip.

Part 4:

Sanaki-Obvious reasons forced to be used even though she's not that great.

Other characters that may be used if you want:

Calill-Fairly powerful, but may have a bit of an issue with getting kills reliably, but she can SS Thunder if you want to have fun in 4E3.

Ilyana-Her SKL is good, but her SPD may be a bit unreliable with a 30% growth (the average at 20/20/20 is 29.8/30 though, so she may not be that bad).

Marcia-fairly reliable, although she's available for 6 chapters before Part 4, so she may be a bit hard.

Characters that you should avoid:

Meg-Awkward growths with low starting level and durability issues make her a difficult unit to train.

Astrid-Her PoR self didn't want to kill anyone anymore, so she transferred everything from STR and SPD to LCK and RES. May Astrid rest in peace, and a flight of angels sing her to her rest.

Fiona-Good luck getting her out the door without forges and BEXP.


Sigrun/Tanith-Slow Peg Knights are slow.

Lethe-Not that great.


Ena-A STR based unit that caps magic. It's brilliant! Wait...

My recommendations has never done a female playthrough, so feel free to critique me for other people who should be on or off the list.

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Idk about Laura...the whole frailness and no magic till class change always bugs me with her and she's gone for so long

I wouldn't suggest Laura for 4-E and I don't think that others are, either. It's more that you just use her for healing in part 1, 3, and pre 4-E part 4. Particularly on Silver (Micaiah) army. Another physic user is nice there. Now, if you don't care about turncounts and feel like spending over 100 turns on 1-4 then you can make Laura your best unit for part 1 and 3. Laura is by far the easiest part 1 unit to abuse to tier 3 and you can do it earlier than most of your tier 2 units even show up. Laura will be able to ORKO everything with Light tomes and she'll do it at 2 range and she'll probably hit 45 hp and 18+ def pretty quickly which is very good for part 3 on NM.

But if you are trying to play even remotely efficiently then this isn't an option and Laura becomes mostly relegated to healing units in parts 1, 3, 4-P and 4-3.

Mia-Excellent unit who no longer has STR issues.

Wha??? Mia does not have str issues on HM. She 3HKOs with doubling while others are 2HKOing without doubling (hence she does more damage and due to sm crit has a better chance to KO. Also she uses Adept between 2 and 3 times better than the other options). Then when part 4 rolls around Mia will be 2HKOing so even with more units that ORKO Mia isn't suffering. And Titania/Haar/Gatrie will start part 4 with doubling issues even if you winged Titania + Haar and early-crowned Gatrie.

Mia has str issues on EM and NM because so many more units are able to double and they still 2HKO. They kill, Mia doesn't. At least, not for a while. NM Mia does have str issues.

Also, Calill can't SS thunder. She SS's fire, making her far more useful than she'd be if she SS'd any other type of weapon. Rexflame's +3 spd is that good.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Ok so based on responces here are the characters Iam thinking of using... (including forced people who I actualy am going to invest in)

Ike-Aether, Nihil

Micaiah-Corona, Miracle, Paragon

Ena-Ire, Resolve

I hope that can fix her STR problems...idk if i should really use her or not still wondering...

Sanaki-Flare, Stillness

Leanne-Celerity, Miracle

Those sets are going to stay unless I hear something otherwise, the other character idk exactly what they should have so I'll only list Master skills and innate skills i think they should keep

1)Ilyana-Flare, Shade




5)Nephenee-Impale, Wrath




9)Mia-Astra, Vantage


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Laura is useful for healing though so I suggest using her a bit. Also I forgot but for Part 3 (DB chapters) the only females will be Jill, Laura, Micaiah, Meg, and Fiona. Using Laura will definitely help. I also suggest Fiona she may be horrible but pouring some attention to her in part 1 will make her a decent fighter in Part 3, and she can definitley help Jill and Suecaiah in the fighting.

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I'm going to use Laura when I need to probably class change her once idk we'll have to see what happens. Fiona...I have never used her because every chapter her movement is reduced making her even worse. It seems her only worthwile stat is magic... In Part 1 and 3 Sothe and Volug will help a little trying not to do too much but they will be used if I need them.

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I was going to give her Adept for a little bit but I wasn't sure if she needed it for later chapters, she never seems to have really for me anyways.

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I have been thinking and I think I have a skill set up feel free to comment on anything...

1)Ilyana-Flare, Shade, Cancel

Cancel adds even more defense if she attacks the enemy and incase they can double her (providing Shade doesn't work)

2)Jill-Stun, Adept

Makes Jill's somewhat messed up attack better...

3)Elincia-Stun, Vantage, Cancel

Mostly to make her very annoying and I always laugh at how it van really work.

4)Marcia-Stun, Adept

Same as with Jill...

5)Nephenee-Impale, Wrath, Adept

Makes her a real beast especially in Endgame

6)Heather-Bane, Shade, Gamble

She doesn't want to get attacked too often so Shade keeps her safe and Gamble should help her get kills. Never used her before so I'm not sure if these are best with her.


Hard to think of something for her... I do plan on raising her up a lot so Discipline and Paragon aren't needed for her really.

8)Titania-Sol, Nihil

So she can help with the barriers.

9)Mia-Astra, Vantage, Wrath

Idk just somethin I've always loved on her.

10)Mist-Sol, Pavise


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If it's Normal mode, then I would add Marcia to that list, so that you have a capable flier besides Jill. Sigrun is terrible, and Manith is disqualified in this playthrough. Also, Calill is a pretty good Sage, easily better than Ilyana and useful for Endgame (but you can use both of them, no problem).

Who is Manith? Maybe you meant Tanith? Why would she be disqualified?

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Who is Manith? Maybe you meant Tanith? Why would she be disqualified?

He should be disqualified for the same reason that Leonardo should be added: girls-only playthrough.

Edited by Interceptor
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He should be disqualified for the same reason that Leonardo should be added: girls-only playthrough.

That got me. Well done sir.


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He's got Meg. Pour all his BEXP into Meg?

How does the Burger King factor into all this, OP? I find it exceedingly unlikely you'll be able to do 1-9 without him seeing any combat.

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I said I was going to use male characters if I had too, I will have to use BK for that chapter however for Jarod I will probably have him be a sheild for Micaiah to gain last minute EXP

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