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Out of the first five games, who would be considered the most dominating lord?

Sir Ilpalazzo

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Just something I was wondering about. Obviously the two FE4 lords would be at the top so it's more like the first three games and the fifth one.

I say "dominating" just because I mean "which lord handles their game the best", not "which one is the most powerful". I kind of feel like it's Alm.

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Just something I was wondering about. Obviously the two FE4 lords would be at the top so it's more like the first three games and the fifth one.

I say "dominating" just because I mean "which lord handles their game the best", not "which one is the most powerful". I kind of feel like it's Alm.

I would say it's something like:




FE3 Marth

FE1 Marth


the only reason Leaf would be at the bottom is because Thracia is so hard, and Leaf is difficult to protect for most of the game. While Marth can usually hold his own against an enemy or two.

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If we exclude Sigurd and Celice, I would say Alm, then FE 3 Marth, then Leaf (as a lord), and last would be FE 1 Marth. However, Sigurd is the strongest

Edit: well, the problem I have with Celica is that she losses health when she does magic. I really dislike that about Gaiden, which is why I think she goes between FE3 Marth and Leaf in that list

Edited by HezulLover
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Alm(Great & Doma's death gives Alm bonus points)

FE3 Book 2 Marth(Does the job)

FE3 Book 1 Marth(Kinda fragile)

FE1 Marth(Same as FE1 Book 1)

Celica(HP Drain is a bitch)

Leaf(I really don't like Leaf, he always ends up dying or nearly dead)

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In my honest opinion, it is Arum>Celice.

Well I guess they're even. Celice's class is terrible but his weapon makes up for it. Alm is also strong.

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Asking who the best FE1-5 lord other than Sigurd is winds up being like asking who the best Cleveland Cavalier is other than LeBron James. Who cares? That said, I don't think Celice is really all that dominating compared to the other 1-5 lords. He's good, but he doesn't quite reach Sigurd's "I am my own Seth" level. Certainly Alm is debatably better. Leaf and Marth depending on how much abuse potential we're accounting for.

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Asking who the best FE1-5 lord other than Sigurd is winds up being like asking who the best Cleveland Cavalier is other than LeBron James. Who cares? That said, I don't think Celice is really all that dominating compared to the other 1-5 lords. He's good, but he doesn't quite reach Sigurd's "I am my own Seth" level. Certainly Alm is debatably better. Leaf and Marth depending on how much abuse potential we're accounting for.

Leaf is stuck in a game where the stat caps are 20, Celice can inherit weapons and rings, its nice to be able to use a silver blade and a thunder sword around chapter 6. :) If Celice were a pre-promote too, he would pwn Sigurd...

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Leaf is stuck in a game where the stat caps are 20, Celice can inherit weapons and rings, its nice to be able to use a silver blade and a thunder sword around chapter 6. :) If Celice were a pre-promote too, he would pwn Sigurd...

Stat caps apply both ways, and capping most or all stats at 20 pretty much makes you as much of a god as capping all your stats would in any other game. If Leaf gets scroll abused, he gets wicked sick.

He's got competent 1-2 range on his Prf and it can fullheal him for one of his many uses of it. Celice's ranged options might be acceptably similar if his mom were worth a damn. Celice also has somewhat lackluster skills, and no parenting option to pick up different ones (unlike his compatriots). Pursuit and Awareness are good and all, don't get me wrong, it just lacks a certain punch. He doubles with daddy's Silver Sword and does well at it, good for him. Leaf's skills are nothing spectacular, but he's got every right to a manual or two. Wrath's real good on him, and never better than in its FE5 incarnation. Blaggi Sword may not be Tyrfing, but it still lets Leaf whoop it up.

If he's scroll abused. If he's not, he's pretty lame to merely average.

And Celice is nowhere near his father, and the lack of promotion is entirely why. He loses to his dad in every stat and generally is fighting tougher enemies. He grows better, but Sigurd gets a horse the whole way and that, I'll be blunt, is really the only important thing in FE4. Plus the field is sort of important. Sigurd makes the chumps he's with look bad. Celice is a fantastic unit who looks mediocre because his friends are gods.

So while I don't think it's an easy case, I think you can make it with respect to Celice. Sigurd? Nnnnnot so much. But Celice never needs abuse, so there is that over other lords.

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Give Celice the Elite Ring, and he's promoting in Chapter 8 at the latest. Leaf is a chump even with scroll abuse.

Wait, people don't usually give Celice the Elite Ring? News to me, what's next Leen/Laylea with no Leg ring?

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Wait, people don't usually give Celice the Elite Ring? News to me, what's next Leen/Laylea with no Leg ring?

You give Celice both the Leg and Elite so that Celice actually gets to the enemy exposure to take advantage of elite and capture castles faster >_>

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Wait, people don't usually give Celice the Elite Ring? News to me, what's next Leen/Laylea with no Leg ring?

My post was in response to the post above mine. Something about Celice being oh-so-much-worse than Sigurd is in there because of a lack of a horse and worse stats.

The Leg Ring actually gets competition from the lords, but each to his own with regards to that.

Edited by Don Giovanni
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Doesn't change the fact that he will lack a horse for an appreciable length of time and that Sigurd never does. Celice does get his desert chapter out of the way sooner though, so lacking a horse sort of benefits him in early ch7.

The notion that he is guaranteed to have Leg and Elite only works in his father's favor. Sigurd doesn't even need the Silver Sword he's given, let alone any rings. And I suppose to keep on-topic, Alm doesn't need a huge amount of item favoritism either in his game. Marth and Leaf can't really make a similar claim though.

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Wait, people don't usually give Celice the Elite Ring? News to me, what's next Leen/Laylea with no Leg ring?

I always gave my leg ring to Fury and Fee in order to save the towns. Elite & Celice always went hand in hand with me.

It's funny how Sigurd who only had one skill killed every thing in his path. I guess Sigurd is also an archtype for Hector and FE10 Ike.

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Doesn't change the fact that he will lack a horse for an appreciable length of time and that Sigurd never does. Celice does get his desert chapter out of the way sooner though, so lacking a horse sort of benefits him in early ch7.

The notion that he is guaranteed to have Leg and Elite only works in his father's favor. Sigurd doesn't even need the Silver Sword he's given, let alone any rings. And I suppose to keep on-topic, Alm doesn't need a huge amount of item favoritism either in his game. Marth and Leaf can't really make a similar claim though.

I agree with the notion that Sigurd is better than Celice, but I don't agree with this huge perceived dropoff. Ringless Sigurd may be a fine unit, but without Hero Weapons or the like, he's brought down from godly killer to essentially a solid Paladin. He'll have trouble doubling some Generals, won't be as good in dealing with swarms, and may get more unlucky breaks when facing later bosses.

I also don't see how is it that Celice should be penalized for inheriting the Leg Ring, yet Sigurd is just as likely to buy it to reduce the turncount.

And he doesn't need the Silver Sword? I think that's overstating your case just a little bit. When the enemies toughen up, he's going Silver Sword or Steel Lance against the plethora of Armors he's going to face so the mop up crew can safely mop them up. He's not even guaranteed to ORKO the Barbarians in Jamka's army if he goes with the Steel Sword.

Celice vs. Leaf is the matter I focused on, and to expound on that a bit, I will mention that Leaf has his fair share of excellent units traveling with him, like Fergus, Shiva, Othin, and Asvel, and he NEVER overtakes them. His PC is medicore over the course of most of the game.

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The same can be said of most FE lords. They are rarely the best unit available with some limited exceptions (FE2 lords, Sigurd, Ike). Celice will generally never equal the other children, and he isn't even as good as other fixed characters (well, Shanan and Aless anyway, he's probably better than Julia overall and certainly beats Johan/Johalva and Hannibal); but that's true of Leaf as well.

However, Leaf has the potential to nearly equal the units he's with. It may be true he never "overtakes" them, but with scroll abuse basically any combat unit in Thracia can get to near-full-20s. At that point the only real differences are PCC, skills, and unique things like esoteric weapon selection. Leaf's locked to swords, but so is Fergus, and all Fergus winds up having on Leaf when their stats are maxed out is that he has better PCC. Leaf can mitigate that with Wrath, so he can actually equal most of the combat gods in relative effectiveness. Leaf also offers fixed support to other units and could also wield the King Sword for a brave effect + charisma effect similar to Celice's leadership. He also has a chance to grow in movement. There's potential there, if you consider abuse (and nobody has suggested we can't in this case, so I consider orb/scroll abuse and inheritance valid which is why I'm not arguing Elite/Leg on Celice).

Of course, he can't use staves, so he'll never be as good as Saphy. So there is one character he'll never overcome...

Celice reaches a point where he's got a horse, Leg/Elite/Power/Speed rings, maybe a Hero Sword pre-Tyrfing, and good stats. Yet there are still characters in his army better than him, and thanks to caps that will always be true. I'd say at full potential realization it's pretty close. Of course if I wanted to be a jerk I could argue RNG manipulation to ensure Leaf gains MOV every few levels, at which point he's clearing maps without even needing to be Warped and running around like he's got a horse with none of the mounting penalties. The best RNG manipulation will do you for Celice is engineering +2 MHP level-ups. Which ain't bad, but then again, Holyn!Faval doesn't even need the manipulation part.

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However, Leaf has the potential to nearly equal the units he's with. It may be true he never "overtakes" them, but with scroll abuse basically any combat unit in Thracia can get to near-full-20s. At that point the only real differences are PCC, skills, and unique things like esoteric weapon selection. Leaf's locked to swords, but so is Fergus, and all Fergus winds up having on Leaf when their stats are maxed out is that he has better PCC. Leaf can mitigate that with Wrath, so he can actually equal most of the combat gods in relative effectiveness. Leaf also offers fixed support to other units and could also wield the King Sword for a brave effect + charisma effect similar to Celice's leadership. He also has a chance to grow in movement. There's potential there, if you consider abuse (and nobody has suggested we can't in this case, so I consider orb/scroll abuse and inheritance valid which is why I'm not arguing Elite/Leg on Celice).

You mean, of course, after his extremely late promotion. There aren't any good scrolls outside of the Sety Scroll, which literally everyone wants and Leaf has little to no claim to, before Chapter 14. You keep ranting about how Leaf can be such a great unit with Scroll abuse, but that's only if you decide to throw the Noba, Sety, Dain, and Hezul scrolls on him after promotion and then train him up. You're using the last leg of the game to try to prove Leaf is better while completely ignoring how mediocre he is for the rest of the game.

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