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>.> <.< No... *Flees the scene of the crime*

Just you wait until I unlazy myself to the point where I'll actually turn ON FoxLingo! Then I'll understand your gibberish as gibberish with LATIN CHARACTERS!


Well, what if I do...


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Japanese, moon speak...same thing, even to me usually. @_@

Gonna strangle me too? What?

Shadow, get over here. *opens arms* Come on. Come on.

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Well, what if I do...



Japanese, moon speak...same thing, even to me usually. @_@

Gonna strangle me too? What?

Shadow, get over here. *opens arms* Come on. Come on.


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Ω ναι, σκύλα; Διαφωνώ ριζικά με την αποτυχία σας από ένα ανέκδοτο!

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But we're best friends. Surely you remember.

***Hextator still has his hand covering Sauce's face.

I REMEMBER! You threw me into a ditch with jello in it!

Actually, that was fun, but I maintain my D: for legal purposes!

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..-. ..- -.-. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / ..- .--. / - .... . / .--. .... --- -. --- --. .-. .- .--. .... / ... - --- .--. .-.-.-

Morse code just isn't fair and you know it. >:(

Also, I mean Jello Brand Jello. GIT UR HED OUT OF TEH GUTTAR

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Hello Shadow of Chaos and welcome back to the Fire Emblem fandom.

I advise you to check the various FE subforums to see which opinions on what is good and what isn't have changed over the time you weren't there.

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Hey everyone, I'm Shadow of Chaos, SoC for short. You might know the name, and if you do, yes, I'm the same guy.

Welcome back. Good to see you. :)

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Sock... I thought you were a goner for sure when I assumed the other guy was you in his introduction and just got blank stares. Welcome back, hopefully you're here to stay.

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Sock... I thought you were a goner for sure when I assumed the other guy was you in his introduction and just got blank stares. Welcome back, hopefully you're here to stay.

Yeah, that impersonating bastard... I swear, we should just all hunt him down and get it over with.

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