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why is sothe forced for the endgame.

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The topic is about Sothe being forced in endgame, not Sothe being replaced in Endgame by a different unit.

If we just assume, Sothe is not forced in endgame, then this just means we will have 1 unit less.

That is a pretty silly comment you know, especially when you asked why he is a problem being forced.

He's there for eye candy, obviously.

What? Even goddess-channeling girls have needs.

It's for these group of girls called "fangirls". Ever heard of them, or the term "fanservice" along with that?

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Sothe has fangirls?

Give Sothe Assassin caps and he'd be decent. iirc, he has a fantastic strength growth. But otherwise he is completely useless.

Whispers should have been Assassins all across the board. Sothe with Lethality, a 25% chance of isntantly KO'ing a unit, would actually make me hate him a little less.

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The topic is about Sothe being forced in endgame, not Sothe being replaced in Endgame by a different unit.

If we just assume, Sothe is not forced in endgame, then this just means we will have 1 unit less.

No, if we didnt have sothe we could bring someone else, like another healer or something.

Were you both at the meeting where they made the decision on whether to bring Sothe or not, and the alternatives that were raised? As far as I'm concerned neither of you _know_ what they "would have done" had Sothe not been a forced unit into endgame. But the fact is that they did and we have no idea of knowing. We know the story reasons why he did come, though (which answered the OP).

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Sothe has fangirls?

Pah. Haters gonna hate, I suppose.

I don't know why so many people hate Sothe and say he sucks (he doesn't). Sometimes I feel like I'm his only fan. Sure, I often would prefer to take someone else over him to Endgame, but I understand why he's forced.

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Were you both at the meeting where they made the decision on whether to bring Sothe or not, and the alternatives that were raised? As far as I'm concerned neither of you _know_ what they "would have done" had Sothe not been a forced unit into endgame. But the fact is that they did and we have no idea of knowing. We know the story reasons why he did come, though (which answered the OP).

Well, the reason that only a certain number of people could go into the Tower, was because everyone else had to stay behind and fight the endless waves of Order reinforcements at the base camp. Yune said so, it must be true. Realistically speaking, if Sothe stayed with the main force, we could bring someone else along so long as it didn't disrupt the balance of power. Given his Endgame combat parameters, I don't think that they could afford to bring someone like Renning in his place, but perhaps Astrid would work.

I don't know why so many people hate Sothe and say he sucks (he doesn't). Sometimes I feel like I'm his only fan. Sure, I often would prefer to take someone else over him to Endgame, but I understand why he's forced.

They don't like his hair, his attitude, or his outfit.

And he IS a terrible combatant. For pete's sake, if I trained Mist and gave her Alondite, she'd be a struggle for him to defeat in single combat. But I have a feeling that 10 years from now, after dolphins with opposable thumbs have conquered mankind and established a New World Order, and slave-humans pass the time by browsing the Interwebs via Brain Stem Ethernet, that you and I will still be arguing about this point on a Serenes Forest subforum dedicated to Fire Emblem 15.

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Pah. Haters gonna hate, I suppose.

I don't know why so many people hate Sothe and say he sucks (he doesn't). Sometimes I feel like I'm his only fan. Sure, I often would prefer to take someone else over him to Endgame, but I understand why he's forced.

Mainly because he went from adorable shota in FE9 to whiny emo teenager in FE10.

Or maybe that's just me <_<

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Pah. Haters gonna hate, I suppose.

I don't know why so many people hate Sothe and say he sucks (he doesn't). Sometimes I feel like I'm his only fan. Sure, I often would prefer to take someone else over him to Endgame, but I understand why he's forced.

HATE: sothe sucks and after 3-6 if you trained ANYONE on db to second tier they will be better than sothe by 3-12 and 3-13. you would Often perfer someone else? please tell me you meant except for the 1-2 times i've put P3 and 4 training into him. because you have to say at least like volke or stefan is better than him.

For that chest in 4E1, I guess...

i can give a key to somebody and they'll get me that chest...

and a side note, some people were arguing about oliver V lyre and id take oliver over sothe in endgame for purge and healing abilities.

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HATE: sothe sucks and after 3-6 if you trained ANYONE on db to second tier they will be better than sothe by 3-12 and 3-13.

Even Meg and Fiona?

i can give a key to somebody and they'll get me that chest...

Not that the Matrona is useful anyway...

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And he IS a terrible combatant. For pete's sake, if I trained Mist and gave her Alondite, she'd be a struggle for him to defeat in single combat. But I have a feeling that 10 years from now, after dolphins with opposable thumbs have conquered mankind and established a New World Order, and slave-humans pass the time by browsing the Interwebs via Brain Stem Ethernet, that you and I will still be arguing about this point on a Serenes Forest subforum dedicated to Fire Emblem 15.

The hatred speaks.

Come on, Interceptor. You know as well as I do that stat caps mean hardly anything, especially for a unit like Sothe. Even you once said that if someone made a part 1 tier list you'd probably argue for Sothe at the top of it. The only competition I can see is Volug. I'd ask how you could say he's terrible, but you'd probably go off on something else referring to how you said he's a terrible combatant.

HATE: sothe sucks

Lot of substance in that one for sure.

and after 3-6 if you trained ANYONE on db to second tier they will be better than sothe by 3-12 and 3-13.

Meg and Fiona? Leonardo and Edward might also have problems coming up to him. Zihark won't be too much better, if at all, especially if Sothe grabs an Earth support from someone. If Aran doesn't get enough Spd even he could easily be worse for 3-6 and 3-13.

you would Often perfer someone else? please tell me you meant except for the 1-2 times i've put P3 and 4 training into him.

I don't see how my playthroughs have anything to do with yours.

because you have to say at least like volke or stefan is better than him.

Specifically for Endgame, yeah. Taking the entire game into account Sothe kicks both their asses.

and a side note, some people were arguing about oliver V lyre and id take oliver over sothe in endgame for purge and healing abilities.

I'd take Sothe's support and possibility of being able to ORKO Spirits over Oliver's superfluous healing and shitty combat capabilities.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Pah. Haters gonna hate, I suppose.

I don't know why so many people hate Sothe and say he sucks (he doesn't). Sometimes I feel like I'm his only fan. Sure, I often would prefer to take someone else over him to Endgame, but I understand why he's forced.

I can understand there is many hate, but defeneatly NOT underrating.

His Part 1 is excellent. But once Part 3 arrives, he isn't really good enough, he's relying too much on the Beastkiller, and we all know and agree Beastfoe is easily better on Nolan, Leonardo, Aran (With a maxed forge) and even Micaiah. (She hits Res with amazing Atk)

Well, with Beastkiller, his Atk is actually pretty good, but if you didn't bother training him (I mean, why do that? Paragon is much worth giving to other characters, like Zihark, who pay off), he will actually be missing on doubling tigers, his durability is only passable against cats, and he certainly won't double them.

Sothe is basically just a thief fighter after Part 1, he has no utility other than his mediocre combat.

And I must agree with Interceptor, Sothe is annoyingly overprotective and looks like a poser, his belly shirt is obvious fanservice. There are others like me, who dislike him for story reasons.

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I can understand there is many hate, but defeneatly NOT underrating.

I didn't even say that, but he definitely is. How can he not be when everyone says he's terrible despite him being at least "good?"

His Part 1 is excellent.

Exactly. What more do you need to agree he isn't terrible?

But once Part 3 arrives, he isn't really good enough, he's relying too much on the Beastkiller, and we all know and agree Beastfoe is easily better on Nolan, Leonardo, Aran (With a maxed forge) and even Micaiah. (She hits Res with amazing Atk)


Connection lost.

He relies too much on Beastkiller, and this is a problem because Beastfoe is better on other people? Non sequitor of the month?

Well, with Beastkiller, his Atk is actually pretty good, but if you didn't bother training him (I mean, why do that? Paragon is much worth giving to other characters, like Zihark, who pay off), he will actually be missing on doubling tigers, his durability is only passable against cats, and he certainly won't double them.

Stats much? The majority of Tigers have 16 AS, which even base Sothe doubles. And hardly anyone doubles Cats. That's limited pretty much to Volug and transfer Zihark.

And why would he be untrained? We don't compare characters on the basis you don't even use them, unless you're talking about units who are shitty for their entire existence, which clearly is not the case with Sothe.

And I must agree with Interceptor, Sothe is annoyingly overprotective and looks like a poser, his belly shirt is obvious fanservice. There are others like me, who dislike him for story reasons.

Everyone jumps and gets excited when given female fanservice, but apparently it's a crime when a man shows off his stomach? What the hell is this?

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Sothe can keep his mini shirt on or take it off and I wouldn't care, what really annoys me about him is that he is forced for every single chapter he's available.

They treated him like a lord/major character even though he is not. I like picking my characters not having them picked for me, and Sothe Sanaki Ena and Kurth get in the way except he gets in the way for the longest time.

After Part 1 he starts sucking like Jagen in SD. I'm the type of player that doesn't enjoy using characters like that for a long time

Lords are the only forced characters I like or don't mind

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^ Yes, people ordinarily credit theives with such things, but they tend to forget Sothe's contributions, probably because he's also our best combatant.

Anyway, I'm not all that fond of Sothe as a character, but I find him incredibly useful in Part 1. He falls a little behind in Part 3, but still has very good offense againt laguz relative to the team (Beast Killer). prt 4 he has item findnign and is forced for Endgame, so while his combat is bad he's still not useless.

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Meg and Fiona? Leonardo and Edward might also have problems coming up to him. Zihark won't be too much better, if at all, especially if Sothe grabs an Earth support from someone. If Aran doesn't get enough Spd even he could easily be worse for 3-6 and 3-13.

Specifically for Endgame, yeah. Taking the entire game into account Sothe kicks both their asses.

I'd take Sothe's support and possibility of being able to ORKO Spirits over Oliver's superfluous healing and shitty combat capabilities.

if anyone you mentioned besides meg(because i have no clue what she looks like at 2nd tier)grabs an earth support they can have some durability. you can give miciah an earth support and she'll have durability...and its very rare aran is going to be worse than sothe for those chapters .

really? i thought volke had an icredible part 1 and 2, AND OMG STEFANS P3 OWNS.

spirits! boy oh boy we need those to be ORKO'd and sothe has a real "possibility" of doing it! a useless task and its not even guaranteed he can do it O_o with oliver at least you could put a dragonfoe on oliver and have him kill the dragon guarding dheg or he could walk up and rescue someone up there to put more damage on dheg. you can also have him help kill levail.

but...he cant kill spirits so he just all out sucks. killing spirits? now thats the shizz.

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The other thing I hate about Sothe is that he hardly gets experience and it was hard for me to raise him and keep everyone alive at the same time. After my first playthrough I gave up on giving him kills so I just fed him bronze knives until Part 3.

if anyone you mentioned besides meg(because i have no clue what she looks like at 2nd tier)grabs an earth support they can have some durability. you can give miciah an earth support and she'll have durability...and its very rare aran is going to be worse than sothe for those chapters .

really? i thought volke had an icredible part 1 and 2, AND OMG STEFANS P3 OWNS.

spirits! boy oh boy we need those to be ORKO'd and sothe has a real "possibility" of doing it! a useless task and its not even guaranteed he can do it O_o with oliver at least you could put a dragonfoe on oliver and have him kill the dragon guarding dheg or he could walk up and rescue someone up there to put more damage on dheg. you can also have him help kill levail.

but...he cant kill spirits so he just all out sucks. killing spirits? now thats the shizz.

You mean Zihark?

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no. i was just being sarcastic =p

lol :P

well Sothe does have Bane so it was useful for Sanaki's benefit, but I'd prefer anyone (even Lyre) over him in endgame.

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The hatred speaks.

Come on, Interceptor. You know as well as I do that stat caps mean hardly anything, especially for a unit like Sothe. Even you once said that if someone made a part 1 tier list you'd probably argue for Sothe at the top of it. The only competition I can see is Volug. I'd ask how you could say he's terrible, but you'd probably go off on something else referring to how you said he's a terrible combatant.

Fighting is pretty important in this game, so combat parameters are always relevant. His mediocrity in Part 3 and his failure in Part 4 are undeniable.

Sure, I'd probably argue Sothe for Top of the Part 1 tier list, but that doesn't have much to do with the price of milk, considering how the game isn't even one third over by the time that he's starting to phone it in. The best thing that he has going for him are his bases, which start being insufficient before Jarod even goes down. Oh, and stealing an endless parade of dumbshit redundant Vulneraries, opening chests (saving me the trouble of using my keys, woot woot), and finding the exact same items as everyone else (except faster).

I'd take Sothe's support and possibility of being able to ORKO Spirits over Oliver's superfluous healing and shitty combat capabilities.

Sure, let's get Sothe 23 levels so that he can maybe double and kill off the slowest spirits on the map.

I trained Sothe in 4-P once, followed by another round in 4-3; I wanted to claw my eyes out afterwards.

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