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FE4 Ch8

Emblem Lugh

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I haven't played for a while, so... Can anyone give me any strategies on the start of chapter 8? The enemy seems to go way too fast for me. And while I'm still taking care of the first wave of units at Lenster (since the goddamn troubadours won't attack w/o being attacked), the three sage sisters(?) come over to murder me. I'll even give all my stats.


This chapter is so irksome. >_<

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Let's see if I can give advice thats actually good for something. Ok, I can not. Don't bother with that text here.

It's annoying that the enemies are pretty much equipped with Javelins for the sole purpose of wasting your time in order to allow the mage sisters to arrive before their group is wiped out. I wish I knew if the Troubadours move before or after the Lance Knights. If they move first, then put Fin in the single field that leads up the hill, equipped with a Javelin. I don't know the Lance Knights levels, but considering your Fins high strength, he might even kill all of them on his counter attack in one round. If not then, well then they should be at last low enough on HP to be killed easy on your turn.

If the Troubadours move last then forget about that. Especially then, you will need reinforcements up there to kill them fast enough. Johan and Aless and Oifey can run up to Lenster and should arrive before the Lance Knights. Other units can be send up using the warp staff. Just make sure you leave enough units to deal with the army which moves in the direction of Alster. Also don't forget that you need to find a way to get Patty up there in order to recruit Faval.

However if the Troubadours are the only enemies left anyway, then just ignore them. Just block the single space to the Hill or the entrance of Lenster with Nanna and they can't do anything except healing units which should not life long enough to see the start of their turn anyway.

In order to deal with the mage sisters, using Shannan and his personal sword should do the trick. The sisters might face got hit rates and can kill him in 2 or 3 blows, however this will only apply as long as long as Vampa is alive. Since she is the leader, kill her first so the other sisters loose the hit bonus of her leadership stars. Once this is done, their hit should be rather crappy when put against the Balmunk.

Warning, unlike all other mages in the game, whose 3 WILL attack at melee range when given the chance. They don't do this for the sole reason of allowing Shannan to kill them on his counterattack but also because they can Triangle attack (Yes, they can) and bypass a units evade that way. A critical with magic should be pretty much lethal for any of your units so watch out for that. However, if you take out Vampa before they get a opportunity to attack, you should be save but I just wanted to point that out because I don't know if they will still attack at melee range after one of their sisters died. If they do, they are just food for the Balmunk.

Also, be careful with Ishtar. If she survives with less then half hp after a round, her ambush will have her move first. In combination with the Thorhammer and her Continue skill, this pretty much means certain death for anyone who tries to attack her after that. Either way, she is nothing that Aless and Shannan can't handle, just make sure she never gets below 50% Hp and survives to tell the tale. Also I don't think you can use Faval against her. He might be able to kill her in one blow but with Jamka as his father his skill will be complete garbage and even with the +40 hit support of Celice, Delmund and Nanna, it still won't be reliable.

Edit: The Lance Knights are level 18 with 48 hp and 11 def.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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What an awfully unreadable block of text.

You can use Warp to get people from your home castle to Lenster quickly. However, I think Fin can handle most of it by himself with a Javelin. He has ridiculous strength - 38 atk with a Javelin. I forgot the level of the LanceKnights, but L10 ones only have 40 hp/9 def, and this Fin KOs that with room to spare (29x2 is 58, so they can have 18 more hp+(def*2) and he'd still KO). The troubadours probably won't attack him though, but the boss will prove troublesome. So what you do is get him to kill as many Lance Knights as possible, while having Aless or Shannan in reserve for the Elthunder asshole. They have to be there anyway, because of the upcoming magic issues.

Everyone else should be dealing with Muhammed's army. Muhammed himself is mostly luck based, just Shannan him if you're sick of him. Make sure to advance Patty towards where Faval comes from every turn. Make good use of move again and your dancer to have 4 people act again every turn.

The magic triplet is a bit annoying, just try to take out one of the two slow ones with Aless on player phase to prevent triangle attack, and heal him with Libro or Reserve Lana if possible. Contrary what above poster said, Ambush+Continue is NOT certain death: it's Continue% death, and you face that even if she is not in Ambush range. Faval can OHKO her if he's lucky...if you save state abuse, just check if he hits, and if he doesn't, go with plan B. That means Shannan or Aless trying their luck.

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The mage sisters' AI is terribly stupid and they will gladly go attack your units in melee range on a forest. Having Shanan and Aless over there, you can park them on a forest and they will probably get attacked in Mistoltin/Balmung range, dodge (obviously Shanan will be more likely to do this) or tank a hit, and utterly wreck whatever bitch attacked them. Their movement per turn is also very predictable if they aren't in range of your forces, so don't advance too far and engage them with cover. Take your time dealing with Muhammad's army first. If there's no hope of holding Lenster, just have Fin and company abandon it if you aren't playing for rank and head south.

Forest trickery generally does not work on Ishtar. Even if it did, her tome is not to be messed with.

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back in time around 10 - 12 years ago, i often trained my characters with those Lance Knights, they're lv 18

you can train with them or Hannibal's Armor squad, they're lv 19

that's the easiest way to train your characters

Edited by hanhnn
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