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Mafia: Gensokyo Edition


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Yeeeeah, I went there. And another mafia game. These are popular again, aren't they? Anyway, roles.


Shrine Maiden: Can offer protection for up to three people. And will be known to the other players.

Shop Keeper: Sells items to everyone. Like wards and healing things. Will also be known to everyone.

Strong Youkai: Can attack/kill/eat anyone, except for the Shrine Maiden and Shopkeeper.

Weak Youkai: Can run around and steal things from people. They won't be able to steal anything if they decide to attack. If they're caught, they get hurt(for two). Or killed.

Human: Well, humans. Townies. Can cook food things and either sell them or eat them.


1. Youkai, and Humans all start with 10,000 spending things and 4 food things. The Shrine Maiden and Shopkeeper start with nothing. Ha ha, poor people.

2. Strong Youkai cannot ask the Shrine Maiden for protection. The Shop Keeper can ask the Shrine Maiden to not have his/her stuff stolen. Because having your things stolen is a drag.

3. Everyone that isn't the Shop Keeper or Shrine Maiden has 5 HP. They have over one million HP(10), so fighting them would be retarded.

4. The Humans and Strong Youkai are on their own sides. The Weak Youkai can be on either side. They can switch sides how ever many times they want. Turncoats.

5. The Shopkeeper sells wards and healing potions that cures 3 HP. They can set the price for each item. If they set the price too high(like 10,000) I'll kick them out and insult their intelligence and appoint another Human or Weak Youkai as the new Shop Keeper. They can play favorites. Derp

6. If you(Shoppie, Human, Weak Youkai) really want protection from the Shrine Maiden, you better donate. Food and or money helps.

7. If you go a night without eating, your HP goes down by two. Eating doesn't heal you, ha ha ha.

8. Strong Youkai can attack anyone(That isn't the Shoppie or Miko) for two, same with the Weak Youkai,only for one. Only at night. And by attack I mean like punch/kick/sword slash/danmaku barrage/hammer smash. Grow up you guys.

9. Humans can only cook once a day(night).

Bolding your name to signify you playing is dumb. A simple 'I'll play' will work just fine. Also, famine is part of this story.

Bah, people can sign up, it just won't start.



General Spoon


Generic Officer

Edited by EmeraldFox
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Umm... I honestly don't know what to say about this. Firstly, feel free to join the queue but don't make the signups just yet - it's not fair on everyone else who is waiting to make a game. Secondly... does this play like a normal mafia game, like, the town lynches someone each day? Because if not, how do the town win, and if so, the Mafia/Strong Youki are way, way too weak and will almost certainly lose.

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Guess I'll augment the rules a little then, like give the Miko and Shoppie 20 while the Strong Youkai get 10. While I'm at it, I'll make it so there will only be a few humans because someone who doesn't even know anything about Touhou is worried that the Strong Youkai are too weak when they can cause the most damage. Oh, anyone who dies that isn't the Shoppie or Miko, their roles will be announced. So there, winners.

Edited by EmeraldFox
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A few questions: what side are the Shrine Maiden and Shop Keeper on? Does being protected stop your things being stolen? How much gets stolen each night? Can the Youkai attack more than one person?

Also, is this a mini mafia game then, if there aren't many people (anything under about 12 would be considered mini)

Edited by I Eat Tables
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A few questions: what side are the Shrine Maiden and Shop Keeper on? Does being protected stop your things being stolen? How much gets stolen each night? Can the Youkai attack more than one person?

Also, is this a mini mafia game then, if there aren't many people (anything under about 12 would be considered mini)

They're mediators, if you will. Seeing as how they help everyone. That only works for the Shop Keeper. Weak Youkai can only steal once a night, and how much they steal is dependant on their HP. Stong Youkai can attack twice, while the weak ones can either steal or attack once a night(as I said earlier).

And we'll see. It'll be a while before this can start anyway. Dunno if I should even have sign ups yet.

Edited by EmeraldFox
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Actually, you said how much they attack for, not how many times they attack. Different ideas. Now I'm confused, because you've given two different answers and said they're equal.

Anyway, I'll put this down in the mini mafia games section for now. You probably shouldn't have signups yet but there's no rule on it for mini games.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Actually, you said how much they attack for, not how many times they attack. Different ideas. Now I'm confused, because you've given two different answers and said they're equal.

I was talking about HP, Strong Youkai can damage people for 2 while the Weak Youkai deals 1 damage, if they decide to attack.

So yeah, I'll cancel sign ups for now.

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Wait a minute. Signups aren't now. Your game isn't high enough in the queue to open signups. We have signups opened when a game is getting to the top of a queue, to try and ensure that everybody who signs up will be playing once the game gets around to starting.

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Wait a minute. Signups aren't now. Your game isn't high enough in the queue to open signups. We have signups opened when a game is getting to the top of a queue, to try and ensure that everybody who signs up will be playing once the game gets around to starting.

But two people have already signed up, and you're the third.

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... I'll sign up if you sign up for mine. I would also need the background summarized preferably in the form of something that would take me less than five minutes to read.

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