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Current Playthrough Log Hard mode

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I started a new playthrough ;) Hard mode and I'm trying to play efficiently for the first time :D, this is my fourth playthrough of this game. I wen't back to PoR and replayed the endgame chapter I saved and this time capped more character's stats, last time it was only Ilyana, Elincia, and Astrid.

[spoiler=Characters with data transfer][spoiler=Mist]45hp

S-staves, B-swords

20 str

26 mag

19 skl

26 spd

26 lck

20 def

26 res

[spoiler=Ilyana]44 hp

B-thunder, A-staves, D-wind, D-fire

15 str

30 mag

28 skl

28 spd

20 lck

12 def

28 res


A-lance, S-Axe

23 str

8 mag

26 skl

27 spd

19 lck

16 def

22 res

[spoiler=Haar]54 hp

A-axe, A-lance

26 str

8 mag

23 skl

18 spd

13 lck

29 def

11 res


D-Axe, A-bow

25 str

14 mag

26 skl

27 spd

26 lck

27 def

18 res


S-sword, A-lance

22 str

14 mag

26 skl

28 spd

19 lck

18 def

18 res


D-swords, S-staves

19 str

25 mag

24 skl

28 spd

35 lck

23 def

21 res


A-axe, B-lance

27 str

14 mag

26 skl

27 spd

20 lck

27 def

22 res



25 str

10 mag

28 skl

26 spd

16 lck

28 def

15 res

If Ashnard would give experience Ike would get these transfers


Ike 52 hp


26 str

7 mag

27 skl

28 spd

21 lck

24 def

15 res

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Well, I mean, it's your playthrough; you should do whatever you want. If you're trying to play efficiently, you can follow my turn counts as rough measure. But if Fiona shows up as MVP for 1-7, it seems like you're taking your time for some people.

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Well, I mean, it's your playthrough; you should do whatever you want. If you're trying to play efficiently, you can follow my turn counts as rough measure. But if Fiona shows up as MVP for 1-7, it seems like you're taking your time for some people.

I was trying to play efficiently and use Fiona, but I took 3 turns more than the 10 turn limit in 1-7. <_<

she killed all the mages btw and a few of the other enemies.

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Well, playing efficiently while using Fiona is like trying to have a baby without screwing someone. It's expensive, awkward, and doesn't even guarantee results.

And I'd say that truly playing efficiently means going underneath the BEXP limits. Like, even though the limit in 1-7 is 10 turns, you can clear that chapter in about 7 turns.

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Well, playing efficiently while using Fiona is like trying to have a baby without screwing someone. It's expensive, awkward, and doesn't even guarantee results.

And I'd say that truly playing efficiently means going underneath the BEXP limits. Like, even though the limit in 1-7 is 10 turns, you can clear that chapter in about 7 turns.

Thats true, it costs too much effort trying to raise her so she could maintain alive. I gave her BEXP, skill ring, and had to baby her and she was only decent in 1-E. If I keep going she will be useful as a fighter, if I restart the game I won't use her. I do want to use one bottom tier character I like having one around.

I'll try to play by the limit of BEXP since I've never done an efficient playthrough. I think its better if I restart because I'm not doing everything efficient right now, turn count anyways. :P.

WTH if im restarting I might as well do it completly effiecient ;).

@ Interceptor, looking at your playlog makes me realize how slow I am especially in Part 4 and Endgame :o

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Thats true, it costs too much effort trying to raise her so she could maintain alive. I gave her BEXP, skill ring, and had to baby her and she was only decent in 1-E. If I keep going she will be useful as a fighter, if I restart the game I won't use her. I do want to use one bottom tier character I like having one around.

I'll try to play by the limit of BEXP since I've never done an efficient playthrough. I think its better if I restart because I'm not doing everything efficient right now, turn count anyways. :P.

WTH if im restarting I might as well do it completly effiecient ;).

@ Interceptor, looking at your playlog makes me realize how slow I am especially in Part 4 and Endgame :o

bold doesn't really make sense unless you just like using bottom for the fun of it.

and i have a question, can you restart your PT like stay on same clear data, I started a NM PT but i dont wanna do it anymore so is there a way to quit it without deleting file?

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bold doesn't really make sense unless you just like using bottom for the fun of it.

and i have a question, can you restart your PT like stay on same clear data, I started a NM PT but i dont wanna do it anymore so is there a way to quit it without deleting file?

thats true :D but I want to try ;)

also I'm going to go back to PoR and finish the copied file of endgame again so I can cap more characters stats, I sort of want to try Soren although he was left off at level 10 unpromoted I'll see if its possible to get him to level 20 and have him cap something :D.

I'm mainly going to try to cap Titania's speed and Haar's defense, with all those stat boosts. Thankfully I saved them for endgame.

as for your question copy and paste the clear data first if you didnt then you have to finish your playthrough or else you're going to have to start from scratch.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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thats true :D but I want to try ;)

also I'm going to go back to PoR and finish the copied file of endgame again so I can cap more characters stats, I sort of want to try Soren although he was left off at level 10 unpromoted I'll see if its possible to get him to level 20 and have him cap something :D.

I'm mainly going to try to cap Titania's speed and Haar's defense, with all those stat boosts. Thankfully I saved them for endgame.

as for your question copy and paste the clear data first if you didnt then you have to finish your playthrough or else you're going to have to start from scratch.

Ok, so i just gotta finish out my current PT, thanks.

titania(t-spd) ftw? saves you, a speedwing for haar, boyd or soren. and gives you an awesome character.

It will be hard getting soren transfer but not impossible, would it be good idea on current PoR PT to save bexp till endgame so i can just get someone to cap stuff if i wanna use them in RD cause it seems like good idea to me.

Also queen elincia, how did your ilyana get 2 mvps?

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Chapter 1-P

Completed in 7 Turns

The hardest chapter so far, trying to rush was insane especially since Edward doesn't dodge much and Micaiah can only survive one hit. I got plenty of Game overs :P. Leonardo only did 1 or 2 rounds of chip damage and played bait during one turn. Edward killed the boss. I was lucky Edward landed a few criticals and dodged a lot more on this restart. I know Micaiah killed one or two enemies and she did sacrifice iirc.

Unit    Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  2.08  16 2  8  8  7  11 2  5   A Sothe
Eddie    5.22  20 8  0  12 13 9  6  0   
Leo      4.26  17 8  0  12 10 6  5  4  

Chapter 1-1

Completed in 6 turns

A little challenging, I was lucky to pass it with no restarts. Edward moves all the way up and Nolan moves next to him and shoves him. Leo grabbed the hand axe, Edward landed criticals, Nolan walled and fought as well. Leo and Micaiah did some potshotting and she did a few sacrifices. I tried making Leo chip the boss but he missed so I had no other option but to kill him with Nolan and Edward covered that gap where the archer is, Micaiah was at one hp and Leo was hurt I was lucky the fighter with the hand axe missed hitting Leonardo. Turn 6 is up and Edward kills the archer and Micaiah seizes the chapter.

Unit    Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  2.53  16 2  8  8  7  11 2  5   A Sothe
Eddie    6.33  21 9  0  13 14 9  6  0   
Leo      4.71  17 8  0  12 10 6  5  4  
Nolan    9.91  29 12 0  11 10 7  9  3

Chapter 1-2

Completed in 7 turns

Nolan fights the fighter on the mid layer, Leonardo goes up with him to potshot. Edward blocks the soldiers, next turn Fighter attacks Leo. Leo kills fighter, Laura heals Leo Micaiah does potshots Nolan gets some kills, as does Edward. I used Micaiah to kill the soldier blocking the ledge, while Nolan and Leo walled Laura and Mic. Sothe went down to get both chests. Turn 6 Nobody but Nolan was in range to the boss and his crew so I had him do some chipping on player and enemy phase. Unluckily I did not get the chest or the boss, my mistake was not using Sothe.

Unit    Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  2.53  16 2  8  8  7  11 2  5   A Sothe
Eddie    6.33  21 9  0  13 14 9  6  0   
Leo      4.71  17 8  0  12 10 6  5  4  
Nolan    9.91  29 12 0  11 10 7  9  3   A Micaiah
Sothe    1.05  35 18 4  20 20 15 14 9 
Laura    1.55  16 3  8  3  5  8  2 10 

Ok, so i just gotta finish out my current PT, thanks.

titania(t-spd) ftw? saves you, a speedwing for haar, boyd or soren. and gives you an awesome character.

It will be hard getting soren transfer but not impossible, would it be good idea on current PoR PT to save bexp till endgame so i can just get someone to cap stuff if i wanna use them in RD cause it seems like good idea to me.

Also queen elincia, how did your ilyana get 2 mvps?

I had a speed capped data transfered Ilyana so she was alot more useful than base ;) and I didn't manage to cap anything for Soren :(. The only file i saved for PoR was the endgame chapter, i wish i had saved an earlier chapter but it was still good in a way I managed to cap more character's stats :D.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Chapter 1-3

Completed in 7 turns

132 BEXP

I sent Edward to the right and both Sothe and Ilyana with him temporarily. Edward was put in archer's range wielding an edge, Sothe walled him being at his left side and Ilyana was put behind Ed. Archer got Eddie in wrath mood and he killed the fighter and weakened archer for Ilyana. After Ilyana took care of both archers (lucky she didn't get hit once) she joined the others in the left, Sothe didn't get discipline because he landed a crit on the boss. I Recruited Aran and gave him some kills. Edward got hit by that myrm so he had to use a turn to heal himself and the npcs couldn't move forward because he didnt kill myrm, so by the end only Aran managed to escape for that 12 points bexp the rest were either shoving Micaiah to be in range or killing off the archer with the longbow and the knight next to him.

Levels are accurate but the .exp are approximates because I didn't keep track of it.

Unit    Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  4.25  17 2  9  9  8 13  2  7   A Sothe
Eddie    7.83  21 10 0 14 15 10  7  0   
Leo      5.60  18 9  0 13 10  7  5  4  
Nolan    11.60 30 13 0 12 11  7 10  5   A Micaiah
Sothe    1.73  35 18 4 20 20 15 14  9 
Laura    2.10  16 3  9  4  6  9  2 10 
Ilyana   12.60 22 8 14 14 15  6  3 11
Aran     7.60  Bases

Chapter 1-4

completed in 6 turns

537 total bexp

Nolan and Aran got the boss kills, one was weaked by Sothe using forged knife and the other by Ilyana. I sent Sothe Nolan, and Leo upwards and everyone else went down-right-up. Meg and Leo were looking for items, except Leonardo never found the beastfoe or the coin! <_< I saved over the chapter accidentally so I can't redo it :(. I gave a forge to Sothe and another to Ilyana. Copied Interceptor and bough Laura a mend :3, an iron axe, and an extra edge iirc, wrath on Micaiah and I put cancel on Eddie. The first thing I did was to have Meg attack the tiger and Micaiah do sacrifice, Ilyana weakened the tiger furthermore for Aran; Eddie and Aran were my walls for that one turn. Gave chest keys to Aran and Leo and got both chests except the one with pure water. Sothe killed the remaining tigers and Nolan hand-axed his way out, Leo looked for items opened chests and did some chipping. Meg played bait on tigers, did chipping, looked for items and she killed a tiger iirc because Aran javelin missed him. Everyone else was killing, chipping or healing.

Unit    Lvl   HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  5.38  17 2 10  9  8 14  2  7   A Sothe
Eddie    8.80  22 10 0 14 15 10  7  1   C Nolan 
Leo      5.83  18 9  0 13 10  7  5  4  
Nolan    12.40 31 13 0 12 12  8 10  6   C Edward
Sothe    2.18  35 19 5 20 20 16 14  9   A Micaiah
Laura    2.58  16 3  9  4  6  9  2 10 
Ilyana   13.32 22 9 14 14 15  7  3 11
Aran     9.2   25 12 0 13 11  6 13  6
Meg      3.41  base

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Urgh, no Beastfoe? That's going to make Part 3 a lot more of a pain in the ass.

I know D: maybe I should restart its only like 4 chapters :D and in this current chapter I fed Volug the boss and I regret it.

and I hate Leonardo right now next time maybe I should trade him and Meg instead

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