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doesnt this, <3, look like a ballsack?


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There's more.

ひ. It's a profile view of a nutsack.

つ. Same thing, but from the other side and tilted up.

ゆ. And here too.

も. This one might be an old wrinkly ballsack.

Honorable mentions are さ、や、ら、わ、し、ち、う、and ろ.

Yeah, I can totally see ballsacks in these.

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There's more.

ひ. It's a profile view of a nutsack.

つ. Same thing, but from the other side and tilted up.

ゆ. And here too.

も. This one might be an old wrinkly ballsack.

Honorable mentions are さ、や、ら、わ、し、ち、う、and ろ.

hmmm i get them all except for third one it looks like a fish or someone in the process of chopping there scrotum in half. but not a complete ballsack.

*Is surprised that Nestling didn't post this topic*

And no, I don't see <3 as a ballsack.

*is surprised you didnt look at first page*

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I said 'post this topic', not 'post in this topic'! :facepalm:

oh, i saw what you said just thought you meant something else as in didnt post this topic, people often just leave out is, but sorry i made the mistake anyways

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