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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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Tessa tried to make Kiev walk around the outside of the circle, so she could go over closer to Morgan, but the wyvern seemed to be more interested in watching whatever it was that his master'd gotten herself tangled up in. Resigning herself, she just draped herself around his neck, laying languidly, and watched as Iso started to go around and fulfill his obligation from her high vantage point.

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Isotov and Irina

Seeing underneath Aiya's skirt caught her by surprise, but she didn't want to interrupt the kiss so she simply ... didn't say anything, and instead laughed silently, seemingly at the kiss.

Irina: XD

Kissing Aiya was actually quite refreshing for Iso, and afterward, he felt calm enough to finish the dare, though he decided to save Katie for last. She may not have known how she felt about him, but he was certain of how he felt about her, so he was going to at least try, and hope she hadn't completely come down just yet.

Iso: I'm saving you for last, Katie.

Irina: Oooooo :hat:

Iso: Shut up.

He next walked over to Dani who was clinging to an agitated Chase.

Iso: Chase, you've got 50 gold for nothing, and you've got a girl on your arm. Be happy. On that note ... this dare was your idea Dani, so you're up.

He knelt down and pulled her off of Chase, before moving in to lock lips with her.


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"Fun? You mean Isotov is still going to be an idiot after this? What a completely useless waste of all our time. I am going to go to bed, and I suggest you all stop this vapid nonsense as well. We have a lot of ground to cover tomorrow and it will probably be dangerous." Morgan stormed off to her bedroll.

"And no, I did not."she said in response to Alferis.

Charlotte watched the game from her bedroll, unable to sleep with all the clamor. Everyone was kissing everyone else now, at this rate it was going to be some sort of orgy. Is love valued so little? she though to herself, frowning.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Alright then, Fire boy, Pucker up," Dani said, grinning as Isotov picked her up. Closing in, the mage locked lips with the one she dared, for a few seconds, before breaking away.

"You're not that bad of a kisser," she said, sitting back down beside Chase and replacing his arm.

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"Total mood kill," Eric muttered, though the others didn't seem to notice. Looking around, he saw that Charlotte wasn't actually asleep anymore, but was watching them, with disgust on her face. He nodded at her, but said nothing.

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OOC: This is the end of the dare.

Isotov and Irina

The second kiss was just as enjoyable as the first, and now Iso was completely relaxed. Dani's comment on his kissing completely shut down what was left of his inhibitions and he made his way over to Katie.

Iso: Well ... you said you didn't know, hopefully I can change that to a yes with some more time. For now, I guess I'll have to start with this ... (here goes nothing -_- )

He knelt down and gently wrapped his arms around her waists. As their lips locked, he could almost feel his fire tome reacting to his new state. Overcoming such an area of discomfort had done something to the tome, and he could almost tell what it was, but was distracted by the kiss. Though his eyes were closed, his irises were glowing a deep red again. When they separated, he he opened his eyes and the glow faded though Katie was the only one to catch a glimpse of it.

Iso: I'll ... think of something ^_^

Irina: Woohoo!! I love those really long kisses!

OOC: Don't mind the special effects.

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"That was great!" Dani exclaimed. "So, who do you pick now, Iso?"

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Hmm ... I can't get back at Morgan now, so I guess I'll screw around with Irina's dinner. Eric that's you. Truth or Dare?

Irina: Hahah! Pick dare, Eric!

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"Yeah,C'mon Eric,pick dare!" Aiya said as well,finally getting around to drinking her shot of Tequila.

"Sorry to bandwagon,but you should pick dare,Eric." Damian added.

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"Daare! Daare!" Dani shouted.

"Fine. Do your worst," Eric said.

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: You know that Irina, the person who started this sadistic little game is my sister, right?

Irina: That's right! Make him do something really over the top!

Iso: Over the top? Alright. (Time to throw this in Irina's face ^_^ ). Eric, go straddle Irina along with Aiya. Front or back doesn't matter, just get on top of her too. Make sure to occasionally tell her how great a ride she is and don't get off until Aiya does.

Irina: :o (Some brother he is! XD )

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"... Is there any other option? I'm not going to risk having her break something, if I can," Eric said. "We might get attacked at any moment, so, having one fighter down would be bad."

"Stop trying to fight it!"

"I'm not. Just stating a fact."

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: How much do you weigh? :/

Iso: Wow, I thought you'd mind having two people riding you like a wyvern.

Irina: Not really. When you're playing Truth or Dare, it's best to play it in the spirit ^_^

Iso: ... ... ... just do it, Eric ... she'll be fine. In fact, I'm certain far worse has happened to her in this game -_-

Irina: Yeah, none of these dares come close to what Lev and Ixion have done to me.

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"Really?Ixion didn't strike me as the type...Lev,i can understand,but Ixion?" Aiya asked at Irina's comment,bewildered.

"C'mon Eric,there's room.What part of Irina do you want to mount?"

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"Alright then," he said, stepping over to Irina. "Sorry about this."

Hopping, he lightly landed on the girl's feet, just behind Aiya.

"Alright, so, uh, Tessa, Truth or Dare," he said, feeling slightly awkward.

Edit: Wrong person

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Well ... Ixion's dares aren't perverted ... just incredibly over the top ... and he makes you do them. Lev just has me ... well use your imagination. Ixion prefers to have people ... risk their lives :sweatdrop:

Iso: Mental note ... kill Lev and Ixion -_-

As Eric came down, she felt him trying his best to keep at least some of his total weight off of her.

Irina: Don't be shy! A full grown man is not nearly as painful as sleeping with a wyvern that tends to roll around.

EDIT: For gr4mm4rgal

Edited by Phoenix
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Charlotte's jaw dropped at the sight of Eric sitting on Irina's legs, with Aiya there too. She thought by his nod he had agreed with her that whis whole game had become disgusting, but...apparently not.

She threw Eric's coat off of her and ran off into the clearing, away from the others.

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At the sound of her name, Tessa jerked upright on Kiev. She'd been nodding off it seemed, getting a little too relaxed.

Quickly taking in the situation, things down on the ground had just gotten more hilarious, as Eric had joined in with Aiya on piling atop Irina. It was he who'd called out to her. Seems it was her turn for another spin at things.

Yawning, she replied back, "Aahhhhh... well, this will probably be my final go, so I'm not afraid of the possibility of losing. Give me a dare."

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"Oh, By the Goddess... Dani, you take it," Eric said, noticing that Charlotte had ran off. "I'm out," he said, before running after her, picking up his coat on the way.

"Umm... OK?" Dani said, confused. Turning to Irina, she asked, "Can Tessa just get off Kiev for just this one dare?"

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As she sat alone in the clearing, Charlotte began to feel hot tears run down her face.Why am I so upset? It's just a stupid game. I just...thought he understood.

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