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Yes, the thing that LoAFers love so much, but most people here probably would avoid like the plague. Why is it that you disapprove of them? (Not in terms of SQ, but in general, I acknowledge it probably just doesn't work for this project). I'm actually someone who supports stats so I wanted to here the other side of the argument.

I don't have a problem with people doing stats in general; after all, "stat RPing" has been around for a very long time and has been very successful, it's called DnD. It's just that my personal preference is to avoid stats, for a variety of reasons. I actually thought about giving it a try with LoAF until I saw the info topic was about ~10000 words and realized that it moved at like 100 posts per day. As for the very negative attitudes towards stat RPing that some other people have displayed, I suspect that that opinion is influenced at least partially by anti-Snowy bias.

Personally I think writing out "Bob stabbed Andy" or "Andy dodged Cindys attack" etc as something which would get boring pretty quickly, sure you could dress it up and turn that sentence into a whole paragraph.

I agree, that's pretty boring. I don't see how strings of numbers are more interesting though. The only difference is that the numbers decide the outcome, as opposed to our method, which is to talk things out beforehand and decide which outcome would be best for the story or for what that particular scene is trying to accomplish. That's how I try to address combat--to use it as a means to furthering the plot as a whole, or to develop a character in some way, as opposed to just an opportunity to show off how powerful and superbadass my char is (which must be what alot of the people you've RP'd with go for, if they need a stat system to prevent them from godmoding).

With that being the focus, I also agree that there's not much point in dressing up simple actions. I prefer to give description to the circumstances and tensions surrounding the fight, what caused it, how it will change things, etc., as opposed to the act itself (which, again, is actually pretty boring most of the time imo). Now if you want to really emphasize something (with an example from this RP being Light's last attack before he died, which rn7 embellished quite a bit), or if someone has thought up a pretty cool maneuver which deserves a more detailed description, that's cool. But if you're essentially just blocking and countering, might as well say that (maybe in a few more words than that, but yeah).

I also don't see the fun of having "super-being" characters which can overcome any odds. Obviously you'd reject me jumping in, charging into a swarm of enemies, defeating them in .5 seconds without a single scratch. And the only thing keeping this in check is the reasonability of the participants.

I don't see the fun in that either, and you'll notice that these characters are rare in SQ, and that they're absolutely non-existent among the protagonists of the RP. That said, I don't see why you'd jump to the conclusion that "no stat system = people will godmode." Nothing of the sort has happened in SQ yet.

If so, doesn't it restrict participants to those who are "intelligent" and patient? (Writing the same old thing every battle). I know this isn't a battle based on fighting, or at least I don't think it is

I don't see a problem with limiting the participants of an RP to "people who don't godmode."

In terms of stats. I can understand how number crunching could just as easily get boring, but it seems the better choice of the two. So I'm just curious, is there a specific element of stats that you're opposed to? Or is it just flat out refusal to try something that doesn't seem appealing?

Couple reasons, for me at least.

1. Stats are limiting. If I go into a battle, I have to do what the numbers tell me to do. Whereas if there's no stats, the possibilities are left open-ended, allowing RPers to craft the scene in whatever way they deem appropriate for the advancement of the story.

2. I don't know if this is a problem here, but in some other places I've been which included elements of stat RPing, they would often cause drama when people didn't like the outcomes they produced, or tried to cheat the system in some other manner. What rn7 said about people becoming attached to and somewhat dependent on them is also a good point.

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I figured they'd be there just doing what they do, individually of the corthrone guards; the whole idea started when e_s mentioned that corthrone has super-strict punishment laws or summat, so i figured they would probably not mind if someone who shared that mindset set up shop in their town

But since it bugs you so much, I'll gladly stop mentioning them in my posts and pretend they weren't there, can't speak for anyone else though

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I don't have an issue with their presence. I do have an issue with how easily they've been handled. Paladins are trained to deal with all sorts of monsters and the like, even their lower ranks should be a good fight for anyone. That was just the one scene witht eh two paladins being taken care of that bugged me, though.

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because none of us are afraid to let our characters get injured in the name of a better story.

Where have your kind been throughout my online RP'ing life? XD

I've come across a few people who are like that, but they're always a minority in the group and usually have to adapt to the others who are.........well, in love with their character.

While I "personally" can't agree to the idea of constantly RP'ing with the same people, due to wanting to meet new people and watch their RP'ing style etc, I pretty much agree with everything said. Though sadly, in my case it's been more a theory which has been impossible in practice.


I love writing my way out of sticky situations too XD But I enjoy sticking the entire group in a sticky situation more

In terms of people getting attached, I completely agree. I've been told that a benefit of including stats is the competitive nature that arises between players. Easily observed when someone can't wait their turn in battles and tries to hog "Exp." As for cheating, it can also be observed their, and was dominant throughout LoAF's early stages. (They use an online trackable dice rolling site now) And while it's no longer an issue, it does illustrate how some human beings are sad sad creatures XD

As for dressing up fancy maneuvers, I find stats more interesting because they make up (in my theory) less then 10% of the entire story. And it's a nice change of pace. Fact is, in an RP, you're bound to have enough opportunities to display and enjoy writing things up without having each battle be an altered repeat of the last battle. That doesn't seem to be the case with SQ, but it's certainly the case with other RP's I've seen.


I actually thought about giving it a try with LoAF until I saw the info topic was about ~10000 words and realized that it moved at like 100 posts per day. As for the very negative attitudes towards stat RPing that some other people have displayed, I suspect that that opinion is influenced at least partially by anti-Snowy bias.

I laughed when reading the wordcount comment XD Says the people with huge detailed RP posts :P Though I suppose RP posts are much more interesting. I'm also impressed that someone is willing to admit anti-snowy bias in their comment. Since it shows me you're not dancing around certain facts to strengthen your own agenda. Honestly? Where have you people been?.... LoTE, right :/

It's true that stats are restricting, and it's also true that they're a source of conflict. However I find adapting to the "dice rolls" is not much different from adapting to a plot situation, and it also prevents some arguments from arising as well. As for god moding idiots, they exist even with stats, since they abuse their way through the "non battle areas 90%) by making their character seem "larger then life."

As I said with rn7's comment, it's about a change of pace, and adding another element to the RP. As for people not liking the outcome of the die, tough? XD It's not like mis-rolling will equate to a life or death situation.


That said, I can see both sides of the argument now. Using Cats's example some might not like the outcome of the die, but on the flipside, someone might not like the actions your character commited and may see it as "godmoding." I've also noticed how the three responses that have generously replied have made it clear that they value "making sense" over furthering their own agenda, a trait which I think is extremely valuable in any form of group work. And while an RP could work without "making sense" I find that it would detract from the over all enjoyment factor in such a case.

I hate you all <_< I decide I'm not going to join SQ, and then this XD Now I need to rethink joining for the.... I've lost count now :P

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If it helps you out I'm a cantankerous bastard and according to Snowy I tried to start an Orgy RP. I know, that was news to me too, but it's a pretty reliable source of info.

Edit: Also, I was hanging out on the LoAF IRC, as I do for reasons beyond me, and this came up.

19:05 Psych Kanami is on~ >_>

19:06 Snowy Help us Professor Kanami!

19:06 Phoenix Help=Degradation

Thought you might enjoy that.

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cantankerous? ..... Dictionary, dictionary Ah, ...... he called you that, and not me? :/ Clearly I didn't cause enough destruction before leaving LoAF then :/ As for orgy RP, that seriously made me laugh out aloud. Snowy? Accusing someone else of making an orgy RP? His two characters are considered the biggest "prostitutes" within LoAF. XD It's something I found humorous and irritating in LoAF, I've heard several debates before regarding males RP'ing females, and have remained neutral in the subject. But LoAF seriously made me think a inexperienced male writer should not be writing from a females perspective, since they'll turn into sex objects that worship their male counter part. Something that I'm sure even the most stubborn LoAFers would be willing to concede to to at least to some degree. (In LoAF)

Other arguments I've heard were just humorous, like "Getting into a romantic relationship with a female character controlled by a male makes you gay" XD(Not in LoAF) Clearly someone who's too attached to an RP I recall that argument turned into a religious war when someone said that we're all controlled by "God" which resulted in the "God is not male" and "God is a lie" parties jumping in from nowhere and clashing XD


XD I'm well aware of how they perceive me :P To an extent I'm doing it on purpose. Though I admit it's more fun when I see comments like that. The last comment in particular is amusing. Thanks for info XD

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Me being online is supposed to make people laugh? Hmm well I suppose each person has their individual difference in their sense of humour.

I don't ever remember not being stabby but if you say so :/ Though I'm not sure what you mean by "fire mage" worship.

As for Rita, I haven't been around to see her in action, but judging from the comments Phoenix has made your posts are rubbish, as are your characters. :/ Whether it's true or not I don't know. However the "counter-part" was directed more at Ether, Phoenix and Snowy. (I know Snowy doesn't have a male character but it still applies) :P

But since this isn't LoAF chat, I'm not willing to debate on Rita and her.... "normalness?" But as stated above, the male->female comment wasn't directed at you.

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While I "personally" can't agree to the idea of constantly RP'ing with the same people, due to wanting to meet new people and watch their RP'ing style etc, I pretty much agree with everything said. Though sadly, in my case it's been more a theory which has been impossible in practice.

Agreed, I do want to find new RPers, but it's so, so very hard to do. It's very tough to find people who are reasonable/can get along with other RPers, who don't godmode or participate in any other such silliness, who are decent writers, and most importantly, who will actually stay interested in an RP and keep posting in it consistently. During my time on the Internet, I've been very disappointed at the extreme lack of people who can fulfill those requirements.

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I fit two of them..... sort of XD

Reasonable: I think I can, usually, but that's something others would probably disagree with. (.5)

Get along with: Nyahaha, as if. See LoAF/Kanami's relation status XD (0)

Godmode: Depends on the definition of "godmode" but I doubt I do this. (.5)

Silliness: Again, it depends on what Silliness equates to (.5)

Decent writer: No XD Just a flat our "no" XD (0)

Stay interested: I try, but I more then willing to admit I have a short attention span, and am not willing to waste time on an RP which has lost favour with myself. Since it's essentially, a waste of time. (0)

I score badly >_< XD

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One can score negatively? *Looks nervously at her "Get along" total*

I mean I'm not hostile against participants of this RP now, but once I get to know people a bit better I start flaming XD I'd probably start with rn7.... just cause he has a number in his name XD


I score low, but others score lower :P

Scoring high or low in that doesn't really mean much, I mean CATS probably just typed the first few traits that came to mind. And it's not a proper checklist. I mean I don't mind occasional silliness, decent writer isn't as important as godmoding and being reasonable. etc. Using LoAF as an example again, Alot of them would score full marks in "Stay Interested," but that doesn't necessarily make them any more enjoyable to RP with.

*Wanders how many LoAFers will turn up and lurk about now that I've posted*

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i'm totally not lurking

Oh you want me to be relevant? Um...

I guess there's a minor problem with keeping entry criteria in that you can't always know with new people, and sometimes they seem pretty cool even for a while before showing their true colors, after which ejecting them may be problematic. I dunno.

(Of course there'll always be the player who clearly needs kicked out, but... yeah.)

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Ouch, Elitist much? XD

Keeping someone who doesn't know what they're doing, and isn't willing to learn/change is never beneficial overall. No matter how awkward or problematic, bad RPing hinders the good kind just by being there.

Though this statement only rings true if you started with a good RP community to begin with. If bad RP'ers are more prominent..... well without them and RP wouldn't progress. If you just want well written characters you might as well write a story, and not make an RP. Told you I get a 0 for getting along XD Flaming the Rp leader here already


It's not that I mind people lurking, but more that alot of you moan and groan when I'm online, or more specifically when I post. Yet you go out of your way to come and take a look at the posts I make here. Input is always welcome, well intellectual input, whether it be opinionated or not. As for "true colors" I assume you're referring to Psych there. Everyone was so fond of him when he started, why you all hate him now is something I don't understand.

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