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Inter-support some FE Characters


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In addition to my "Make FE characters meet one another", here's a little hilarity bonus... Compared to that thread, this focuses on us creating some hilarious support conversations between two characters from the Fire Emblem series....

Hilarity ENSUED anyday! This one came to my mind at first....

C Support: L'Arachel X Serra (FE8 X FE7)

L'Arachel: Why hello there young maiden!

Serra: Hi!

L'Arachel: Mind to care to know your name?

Serra: I am Serra, St. Elimine's #1 fan and student! I'm also a cleric which means I heal a lot and I met some cute guys who I find charming but they're a bunch of jerks... I'm from Ostia by the way and who are you exactly, princess?

L'Arachel: Ohohoho! I'm L'Arachel, the divine maiden of Rausten who seeks out to destroy all evil with my elegant beauty and supreme talent in slaying monstrosities with my divine powers!

Serra: Whoa! Whoa! Cut the dialogue, prude!

L'Arachel: What? Prude?!!? That is such a rude thing to say to a divine maiden!

Serra: Divine maiden your face! I am a more suitable candidate to become one!

L'Arachel: You would rather hush up, you pink-haired devil! You are not worth of my time! *leaves*

Serra: So be it, you prancing prude! *mutters* Oooh... I'm gonna beat you up when I have the chance!

This one sounded like a cat-fight and.... since it's the clash of those two crazy healers.... then again... it's ridiculous! Now... use your imagination and make crazy support convos between FE characters that are from different games in the series!

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Hope you like it, it suddenly came to my mind.

C Support: Karel x Mia

Karel: Hmmmm, no luck here either. I guess there are not worthy sword fighters around here.

Mia: You there! Who are you and why are you here?

Karel: I'm known as the Sword Demon, Karel. As for why I'm here, I'm looking for someone worthy of crossing blades with me.

Mia: Then you should do fine! I'm Mia, member of the Greil Mercenaries and the greates swordfighter in Tellius. Come on, let's duel!

Karel: You seem quite confident...Very well, I'll let you live when the duel ends. Hope you're ready to see the terrible skill I possess.

Mia: You mean I possess, let's get going!


Karel: Interesting, your skill is impressive, but lacks some eperience.

Mia: Wow...such a swordplay...you must be my true rival!

Karel:...I'm not looking for rivals, only worthy opponents. Now that I found one, maybe I should wait some time, until you become a real sword fighter.

Mia: Wait! You'll train me?! Hey, I'm talking to you creepy guy!

I'll try to make some more.

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Hope you like it, it suddenly came to my mind.

C Support: Karel x Mia

Karel: Hmmmm, no luck here either. I guess there are not worthy sword fighters around here.

Mia: You there! Who are you and why are you here?

Karel: I'm known as the Sword Demon, Karel. As for why I'm here, I'm looking for someone worthy of crossing blades with me.

Mia: Then you should do fine! I'm Mia, member of the Greil Mercenaries and the greates swordfighter in Tellius. Come on, let's duel!

Karel: You seem quite confident...Very well, I'll let you live when the duel ends. Hope you're ready to see the terrible skill I possess.

Mia: You mean I possess, let's get going!


Karel: Interesting, your skill is impressive, but lacks some eperience.

Mia: Wow...such a swordplay...you must be my true rival!

Karel:...I'm not looking for rivals, only worthy opponents. Now that I found one, maybe I should wait some time, until you become a real sword fighter.

Mia: Wait! You'll train me?! Hey, I'm talking to you creepy guy!

I'll try to make some more.

I can imagine Mia with Karla... that could have been worse! XDD

I'll post some crossover supports later... I have college to deal with...

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