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ZXValaRevan's KotOR 2 Playlog

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SO, since everyone has started to do these things, and I enjoy them immensely, I shall do one for one of my favorite games of all time, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. I would have done KotOR 1, but I can't seem to find my disk. 8[ Anyhow, I figured I'd see if there is any interest around here for this type of playlog.

I'm going to be playing through as a Dark Side Male Pure Caster. So I'll be going Jedi Consular-> Sith Lord.

So I guess let me commence? Oh yeah, there are spoilers, in a vague and rambling way.

My PC is called Zeratul (8]), and has an 8 in Strength, and 14 in Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, at least for now. I don't plan on using any melee weapons at all (if I can help it) until I've got my Lightsaber, which should explain my 8 in Str. I decided not to go for a 16 in Wisdom or Charisma because what I gained from the extra points is far too helpful. Early game survivability and more skills are definitely worth it, at least for now. I'll probably be boosting Wisdom and Charisma mainly as I level (no exact plan this far), but I aim to get Con to 16 for maximum Implanting goodness.

Skillwise, I maxed Persuade (the one skill EVERYONE loves), Repair (it's a Class Skill, and it's great for components), Treat Injury (I'm Darkside, so Heals are somewhat expensive/unwanted, so using Medpacs is important), then put 2 in Awareness (spotting mines is always great, it's really not worth taking the damage when it can be avoided, and I won't get Mira, so...), and 1 Cross Class point into Demolitions (So I can blow open doors/containers, etc).

My first Feat is Two Weapon Fighting. Now, as a caster some people generally would suggest duelling for the defense bonus, and bonus to hit, especially considering my 8 Strength will put me at disadvantage, but I'm taking Two Weapon Fighting for one primary reason (and one minor reason). The primary reason is simply Lightsaber crystals. I don't intend on actually doing much fighting with my lightsabers, but being able to get twice as many crystals is going to be gr9. The minor reason is so that I can be more effective with ranged when I need to be (which will probably be rarely).

Now that I've got that out of the way, THE GAME.

We start off with the Ebon Hawk drifting gutted and half destroyed through space, and we get to take control of T3-M4 to save it. This is not a part of the game I particularly like, but I'm not going to skip it (well, not yet), because I want to gather up a bunch of stuff and carry it over to my PC. So I take T3-M4 and cruise around the ship, search a container, crack open a computer, activate doors, cruise on through, and loot everything. Then I go through the corridors, opening everything I can, and looting whatever is inside. I stabilize my unconscious character for some sweet XP, and repair some random droid to join my party. I grab a pistol, bash an impossible to open footlocker for some more loot, then head on through another door to the top of the ship. Once there, I grab all the stuff on the roof, and disarm the mines, then lay'em back down, and grab mines from the infinitely mine creating Missile on the ship. I cruise around a bit more, make sure I've got all the various loot (mainly Parts and Computer Spikes), then mess with some wires to open some dormitory doors. Go back down into the ship, slice into another computer (astromech droids have 1337 hacking skills man) and complete a little door puzzle (well not really a puzzle, I separate my party, put one guy in the airlock type area, have the other guy close the outer door, then open the inner door), then loot everything there, for more parts and a delicious droid flamethrower. Then I run on back to the beginning and skip the rest of the Prologue, which isn't missing much (spoiler: the droid fixes the ship).

So, we get to me now. I've just woken up in a giant liquid cylinder in my underwear, with a bunch of other men in liquid filled cylinders also in their underwear. Hot. But it seems I've been kicked out of the liquid cylinder club (like the mile high club but way cooler), and now I must make my way in the real world. Gosh, maybe I should exit this room...

Part 2 - Of Med Bays, Morgues and Miners

Now I find myself wandering around some facility, but the only door I can find that isn't locked is into the med bay. Well, may as well head in there, grab some stuff from containers lying around, then jump onto this coolio console I found, open up the medical supply area, and open up the morgue. From the medical logs here I deduce that this is a mining facility. Apparently my ship came in with terrible damage, and they started treating me, and then shit started to go down. This culminated in pretty much everyone in this place dying or something. I also figured out the other guys in the liquid cylinders (actually Kolto Tanks, like Bacta but more gross or something I guess) are dead, so yeah. Partied to hard I guess. Use your imagination (well they were actually poisoned, and they attempted to poison me too, but hey).

Anyhow, I head off to the morgue, go to loot that nice looking dead body, sweet he's got a plasma cutter and OH SHIT THERE IS AN OLD WOMAN IN HERE SHE SAW ME OH GOD. Apparently she saved me or something and knows I used to be a Jedi. I'm a dick to her (I need the Dark Side Points), she whips me into shape, and I go off to do her bidding. And look for some clothes. Now that I've got this Plasma Torch I can rape doors into openness.

Edited by Dark Elves Suck
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I have KotOR 1. My friend bought it for me for like $2 on Steam one Christmas. I haven't gotten more than a minute past the tutorial.

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i read this, then directly afterwards pirated kotor 1 and played the first 5 minutes, then got bored.

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I have KotOR 1. My friend bought it for me for like $2 on Steam one Christmas. I haven't gotten more than a minute past the tutorial.

i read this, then directly afterwards pirated kotor 1 and played the first 5 minutes, then got bored.

Stop sucking.

Anyhow, without any further ado, I shall continue.

Part 3 - Droids!

So, I've got this great Plasma Torch that breaks through doors like nothing, so I use that to get out of this place I'm stuck in. Then I wander off, and loot some dead robots and some corpses to get items, like the Vibroblade they want me to use (I rebel and use the Field Survival Pistol I nicked off of Prologue T3). So I head further along and get attacked by some "malfunctioning" mining droids, and miss a ridiculous amount (seriously, I have 14 Dex, I should be able to kill these things before they kill me), and then defeat them and head along. Some more mining droids are crushed as I travel along until I find what appears to be the Security Chief's office, which I promptly search. I slice into his computer and scope out the place with cameras, and learn from his logs that apparently my arrival here caused some Miner's to want to sell me off for the bounty on Jedi. This guy was not pleased, considering that was against the law. He also reports that the droids started malfunctioning, and then actually went insane and started attacking everyone and killing them. He suspects this was all orchestrated by some villain, and has a plan to stop them, however the corpse in this office tells me that he was not able to enact it. Oh well, more for me I guess. It involved a Stealth Field Generator Belt that I grab from a locker around here, along with other cool stuff like Ion Grenades. Now I go to head through the next door, and BAM!

Suddenly the old woman from earlier, Kreia, decides to psychically tell me that there is TERRIBLE STUFF ahead, and gives me the passive precognition ability (story ability, is basically "hey big battle ahead be careful"). I go through the door, encounter three mining droids all together, throw one Ion grenade (musta rolled good damage), and the fight is done. Sweet. I leveled up! This means I get my first force power, which I choose to be Shock, because Shock line is awesome. I upgraded all my skills by 1, except Awareness, who's skill point I saved in order to get either another point in Demolitions next level up or a point in Security (although now I'm thinking I may get Atton so quickly after that that it becomes unnecessary. Anyhow, I level up, then loot the room (sadly I get some broken items from all looting of containers because 8[ bashing, but oh well, not for long). Then I continue on towards the administration center place thing and kill some more droids, go up to the administration console and activate the emergency override that the Security bro installed, which opens up this nearby room...

I enter this room and find a guy stuck in a force field. He quickly reveals himself to be an asshole, however I manage to worm some information out of him (such as some of what happened here, and what happened in the previous game), and then he tells me he can get us out of this, so I set him free. So this bro (Atton), goes up to this console I was at, all arrogant and shit, and then can't do what he planned on because the console was cut off and isolated. This displeases me, so I take a look, look at some security logs, get some orbital chart data (this planet has a bunch of asteroids around it, and they are all very dangerous), and then try to contact people over the comm system. Nothing, nothing, then I get the familiar beeping of a Utility Droid. Fuck yeah, T3-M4, time to take control.

So now I'm T3 again, running around another level in an attempt to get some locked hatches open for my main character. First I open some doors and do some looting, then equip a nice Mining Laser, and my Droid Shock Arm.

Now, let me break flow now to rant about how fucking awesome T3 is with that Shock Arm, because it's ridiculous. My Mining Laser does 1-8 damage. That's an average of 4.5 points on a hit. The Shock Arm does 1-6 per level, and as T3s level is 3, it does 3-18 (3d6), or half with a Fortitude Save. So, average damage is 3.5+3.5+3.5= 10.5. Half of 10.5 is 5.25. Oh joy. My Shock Arm does more damage on a "miss" then my Mining Laser does on a hit. This is practically like having an infinite use Force Shock. So I run around this facility, roasting everything in sight with my Shock Arm, ignoring "better" weapons because of how awesome this thing is, and picking up some cool items (including a bunch of mines some poor now dead miner found *inside* some tunnel things). It appears not everyone was fully aware of what was happening, including the maintenance people. Anyhow, I do what I can and eventually manage to make my way to a console that will let me open one of the doors (to a dangerous lower level, but I'm willing to take the risk), and activate it, only to be owned by an offscreen guy in a cutscene right after. Oh well, farewell T3 and your mighty Prf Weapon, back to the main character...

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I plan to follow this, although I never did much like Dark Side playthroughs--sure, being a self righteous prick can get annoying sometimes, but being a total dick never gave me any pleasure. This is good, though--it's like getting to play KotOR vicariously with none of the work!

I think I might do one of these actually: I'd been turning over a few I ideas in my head for a while now. I'm planning to start Baulders Gate soon, which might be fun, but I was also thinking about Planescape or maybe even something for the SNES.

EDIT: Or I just had a great idea for Morrowind...

Edited by Le Communard
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The more I read, the more I also wanna trivialize the game with fun stuff like the Shock Arm. Ridiculous stuff...

So much shit can be abused. Seriously though, until level 10, and even a bit past there, Shock Arm is awesome. Sure it has an easy save, but even have of [level]x[-6] damage is pretty awesome, definitely more awesome than most available blasters.

I'll be updating soon, and, well, I found a workbench, so all my shit is now pimped out. 8]

I plan to follow this, although I never did much like Dark Side playthroughs--sure, being a self righteous prick can get annoying sometimes, but being a total dick never gave me any pleasure. It's like getting to play KotOR vicariously with none of the work!

I usually play through Light Side, so I'm trying to do more Dark Side playthroughs.

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This kind of report is a lot more entertaining over multidimensional games than things like Final Fantasy.

To be honest, I've never done a complete Dark Side playthrough in KOTOR 2 even though I ran through the first game about four times on each alignment. It'll be interesting to see how this changes the early game.

Edited by Héroe
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This kind of report is a lot more entertaining over multidimensional games than things like Final Fantasy.

To be honest, I've never done a complete Dark Side playthrough in KOTOR 2 even though I ran through the first game about four times on each alignment. It'll be interesting to see how this changes the early game.

Shock instead of Stun Droid basically (for spellcasters at least), and more tentativeness when I first get my companions (want a lot of DS points to get my Prestige Class and Visas, etc, but I also don't want to lose fuckloads of Influence).

Anyhow, I shall update you all on my progress.

Part 4 - Shafted! (for no particular reason, I just had to use it)

So, after having this door opened for me by a droid, I have another lovely chat with Atton where I call him a coward and shit, and then leave to head down some tunnels that are apparently very dangerous. Oh joy.

So I head into the tunnels, and immediately find a barrel of stuff including mine recovering gear and some clothing, all while keeping up some oh so joyous and witty banter with Atton over my Comms thing. After this, I charge on forward through some places, disarm some mines for XP, pick up some items and eventually find a broken droid which I repair and optimize, and set on the other droids to make things easier for myself. I sidle on forward after that, waltzing through several fights with my newfound pal, until he inevitably deserts me. Oh bother. Oh well, I keep on going, fight some more droids, and get some more items, until I come to a room with a bunch of fuel pipes or something and a cool console I can combine with my MASSIVE INTELLIGENCE to disable all the droids on this level.

It seriously is hilarious to run around killing these droids and watch them run around like crazy without being able to attack me. I'm loving it. Anyhow, I kill them for exp, shut down these fuel containment fields, and head forward to try to catch a lift (haha, punny). Blah blah, more killing retarded droids, more looting, more disarming, then I get to the lift and take it to the maintenance facility.

In this charming place I find dead bodies and a "protocol" droid suspiciously similar in appearance, naming and mannerisms to a certain homicidal combat droid from the previous game... I chat with HK-50 about all sorts of stuff, from me being his master, to him thinking we should just stay put until a ship inevitably arrives, to me pretty much realizing that he masterminded this entire plot. Yeah. It pretty much seems that he got here on a ship along with me, then slowly manipulated the people around him, reprogrammed the droids, changed things around, and bam, killed off everyone. I get some more stuff from around here, deal with a workbench (will discuss this later), and then return to him armed with a Sonic Sensor. I cunningly deceive the false protocol droid into giving me the voice print ID I need in order to exit this area and make my way into the miner's dormitory area, and then I head off to basically do just that, killing some silly droids along the way, plunder me a Space Suit, and then step out into thin air, or rather a lack thereof. Halfway across the space walkway on the front of this facility, a huge ominous looking spaceship decides to appear and look ominous. Oh yeah, and this gives Atton a bad feeling.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand there's more but I'm way to tired right now so I'll break here.

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