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PoR roam only PT

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when I'm done with my current RD PT (at ch.4-4) I'm going to do an easy mode roam PT.

for those who don't know what a roam only PT is:

roam PT means I need all my units to walk, attack, heal etc. not with strategy, but use them exactly as the computer does. I will make them walk in order of most speed, and choose the units on most speed too(laguz untransformed). when starting the chapter after choosing units, I can't first change positions, so that will be random too. I will divide the BEXP over all surviving characters every chapter, and need to give gained skills to someone if I can. I won't buy any weapons when I still have left in convoy (no buying iron weapons when still having steel which slows me down for example).

on the battlefield units will always attack the one they do most damage to, no matter the consequences. unless they are at less than 25% health, then they will go for any possible healing (trading vulneraries, elixers, walking towards healers)

Ike will be the only one I can use freely from roam. I can in emergencies let a character that has the goal to survive (or else game over) retreat from the battlefield (stay behind).

goal for thieves is to get treasure (and steal), not attack, though they will when treasure is pillaged. healers will always try to heal, if not possible by staying away from enemies, bad luck for healers life. healers will heal unit with most percentage damage. Reyson will always try to sing for Ike, if not possible, the nearest other ally will suffice.

laguz will stay out of enemy range when untransformed, but still be as close as possible. transformed will act like any other unit.

I'm going for transfers to do a RD roam only normal mode PT.

now this is where I need your help, I'm thinking about doing this PT in fixed mode. but I have never done fixed mode before. would it be smart to do? or would it be better to hang on to that random mode? random mode might look better on a roam only PT. but fixed mode looks nice to try sometimes. lemme know what you think.

please tell me if I forgot something.

EDIT: guess I'll just do it with fixed mode, I'll just see where it strands...


CH2: Rhys, Boyd

CH5: Soren

Edited by Bartje
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more losses:

CH9: Mist, Rolf, Ilyana, Lethe

CH10; Marcia

CH11; Zihark, Nephenee (sometimes, I hate this kind of PT), Kieran

CH12; Jill

CH13; Sothe, Astrid

I've added new rules to have this not become a Titania solo;

as long as there are units that can gain xp on the battlefield, those can't won't move. Ike excluded

as long as there are units that can gain xp while choosing units for the next fight, those who can't will be at the back of the line.

yes indeed, Titania is level 20 (Ike 20, oscar 20/14, Mia 20/15, furthermore all below level 20)

since I'm on a holiday and not on the internet very often, I will not state any more deaths. instead, I will write down everyone who will be alive at endgame.

honorary notice for Brom surviving about 8 mages while Gatrie died there. they were the same level, R.I.P. Gatrie.

:angry: who came up with putting elincia in this game? >.<

so, she died 7 times before I decided to take away her sword and use her only for healing. and then she died again.

I've put this game aside for now and went on improving my ssbb skills...

picked it up again, got to endgame. I'll post everyone who made it, right after I finish the game

in endgame, Tauroneo and Reyson died, I choose Giffca as reinforcement. Elincia got to level 19 and won't be mentioned in the tranfers I'll post below soon.


transfers: HP, str, skl, spd, def

weapons: sword; S

bond support: Oscar


transfers: -

weapons: -

bond support: -


transfers: -

weapons: -

bond support: Mordecai


transfers: str, skl, spd

weapons: swords; C, lances S

bond support: Ike


transfers: str, skl, spd

weapons: swords; S

bond support: -


transfers: skl, spd

weapons: swords; A, lances; S

bond support: -


transfers: -

weapons: fire; A, thunder; A, Wind; B

bond support: -


transfers: -

weapons: -

bond support: -


transfers: skl

weapons: lances; B, axes; S

bond support: -


transfers: -

weapons: -

bond support: Ranulf


transfers: str

weapons: -

bond support: -

and now on to my normal mode RD roam PT with transfers!

Edited by whase
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