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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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I'll have to leave soon everyone hurry! J/K But i wanted Nasir :(

PM it to Revan if you have to go. I'm staying up so we can crank out this shit.

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posting some turncounts...looks like im the first(and probly the worset first 5) to post :awesome:

1-P, 8+3

1-1, 8+3

1-2, 11+3

1-3, 7

1-4, 14

how am i supposed to keep volug out of combat on 1-5? there are enemies in every direction and if he stays far back he will get attacked by guys who spawn low, and the guys who come towards him.

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posting some turncounts...looks like im the first(and probly the worset first 5) to post :awesome:

1-P, 8+3

1-1, 8+3

1-2, 11+3

1-3, 7

1-4, 14

how am i supposed to keep volug out of combat on 1-5? there are enemies in every direction and if he stays far back he will get attacked by guys who spawn low, and the guys who come towards him.

Have you tried taking him with you? Logic dictates that there'll be less enemies where Sothe is. And I think enemies would target Sothe over Volug, but I don't know.

I'll get started soon~

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Have you tried taking him with you? Logic dictates that there'll be less enemies where Sothe is. And I think enemies would target Sothe over Volug, but I don't know.

I'll get started soon~

ah good to know your quesitons CAN get answered late night with the aussie playing :awesome: i will probably try this tomorrow unless someone says otherwise

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posting some turncounts...looks like im the first(and probly the worset first 5) to post :awesome:

1-P, 8+3

1-1, 8+3

1-2, 11+3

1-3, 7

1-4, 14

how am i supposed to keep volug out of combat on 1-5? there are enemies in every direction and if he stays far back he will get attacked by guys who spawn low, and the guys who come towards him.

You can do it. Trust me, I tried, and it worked.

Turn counts so far (well, I played a bit before because I knew I wasn't going to pick Leo :P):

1-P = 6

Easy peasy + lolwrath. Done.

1-1 = 7+2 (Leo) = 9

Leo trades Eddie the D Shield, then Eddie tanks most of the enemies with it while Eddie goes to grab the house and Micaiah lures a single enemy. Miccy heals, Eddie kills more stuff, etc. I'm confident that I couldn't get a higher turn count if I didn't use Leo to grab the house stuff.

1-2 = 10

Not too much to say about this really, Eddie went ahead, Micaiah from behind. Sothe lured the Soldiers after him and went by the boss, Eddie stole some treasure down below. Got a somewhat lame turncount, but I did manage to get all the items (and all of them are much appreciated).

1-3 = 13

Haha, bitches, managed to do this one without penalties. Abused the fuck out of partner AI, and through clever placement of my non drafted units forced Kurth to tank a bunch of hits, until... Right near the end Aimee ran out and died, but meh. Everyone else escaped. Dunno if I could have gone faster if I just ate the penalties though. Probably not.

1-4 = 12 (I think, gotta check this one at the end)

Goddamnit. I was really pissed about this one, but at least I managed to get everything that mattered (chests, Beastfoe and Master Seal). Pretty simple, Eddie and Miccy went one way, Sothe temporarily went the other with a Beastfoe, then doubled back to help find treasure (everyone not named Sothe sucks at finding it). Had to delay killing the boss because I really wanted the Seraph Robe.

1-5 = 6

Eddie finally started getting really good. Edward took the top part of the map all by himself, Sothe and Micaiah ran around and trolled the lower part (Sothe got a Master Seal to promote Ilyana for ferrying). Volug danced around staying out of everybody's reach. Didn't get to kill the boss or anything, but got some XP for everyone. This is also where I thought to start recording my units stats.

Part way through:

Name  Lv   HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Miccy 8.51 24  3   14  9   10  17  3   11
Sothe 3.23 35  19  4   22  21  17  15  9
Eddy  16.0 30  15  1   20  19  15  14  2

Not much changed after that, just BEXP'd Eddy up a bit.

1-6-1 = 9

Fucking Volug being fucking forced man. Also, I hate reinforcements. Would have finished on Turn 6 if not for them. Honestly, with Taur and new Good Eddy, chapters like this are a cakewalk.

1-6-2 = 5

Fuck. Yes. Eddy and Taur tanked the left, and I used Eddie's Master Seal. Micaiah and Sothe rushed to save Fiona, but Eddy and Taur ultimately saved her by netting a very nice and easy boss kill. Cake. I didn't even end up needing Sothe's super forged Iron Knives...

1-7 = 10

Dragged the Laguz Emancipation Alliance along a bit. Sothe and Miccy took the raised route, Eddy cleaned up up North. Cake again, sadly delays and whatnot kept me. Managed to free all prisoners, but 2 of them failed to escape. Oh well.

1-8 = 14 +4 (Volug) = 18

Fuck this map. No, seriously, fuck this map. Fuckitfuckitfuckit. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. haet haet haet Honestly, I mainly used Volug for carrying Prisoners around so they wouldn't die, but I only managed to save like 3 (or was it 2...) Meh. At least Edward is doing his thing.

1-9 = 13

Apparently I suck at this chapter because Jarod didn't even show up until turn 13 (I missed a javelin d00d I think). meh

1-E = 14

So anyway, before this chapter I give Miccy the Spirit Dust I bought earlier from the Bargain shop, cap her Mag, then BEXP her to level 20. Then I give Vika some BEXP to get her a bit stronger. Final stats before going into chapter:

Name  Lv    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Miccy 20.0  29  4   20  12  13  29  4   20
Sothe 5.36  36  20  4   24  22  19  15  10
Eddy  7.21  38  24  4   25  26  20  19  10
Vika  15.87 38  10  5   13  17  16  7   8

Miccy got one Robe and one Spirit Dust and some BEXP (hers was mostly levelling though...), Eddy got a Dracoshield, a Ring, and a lot of BEXP after capping shit.

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You have a pretty nice edward. I might have to take turn penalty for Volug, only have miccy + Sothe, and idk if micaiah can stay alive... =/

my 1-3 was no penalties with only sothe miccy, take that bitch!

Edit: in the end, i just decided to use volug, it doesn't sound fun using only micy/sothe for that stage, and i play FE to have fun so that would defeat the purpose...

Edited by Fenrir
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I will start this soon. I have to beat my em first currently in loliver's chapter. I'll finish that to day and hopefully start either today or tomorrow.

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So since I need Clear Data to recruit Pelleas, I have to go crank out 4-E-3/4/5 on a run I backed up so I could roflsolo Goldoa with Laura. I'll get some stats later today.

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