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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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1-P: 7 turns, had to use Edward so it's really 10.

Edward got an embarrassing amount of kills with his 11% crit and actually leveled. Fucker. I managed to feed Micaiah the boss, at least.


1-1: 8 turns, used nobody except draftees.

Leo gave Nolan his Dracoshield, then Nolan basically Ramboed the whole thing. Micaiah grabbed the church's Hand Axe and gave it to Nolan, which was awesome. Micaiah also got lucky and saved herself by rolling +mag, killing an enemy she would have barely 3rko'd (and died to).


1-2: 10 turns, used nobody except draftees.

Nolan missed a 72% kill right at the end on an archer. Oh well. Micaiah one-shotted the boss. Sothe stole two Vulneraries without slowing my progess. Managed to grab Thani and the Energy Drop, didn't give a shit about the Wind Edge.


1-3: 9 turns, used nobody except draftees. Not even Aimee.

Turn 8 Edward and Leo escaped for extra BEXP since this is not in the provisions for penalty points. Aimee and Kurth also escaped. Turn 9 Sothe stole Discipline from the boss, Laura and Ilyana escaped for extra BEXP, and Mic escaped to end the map. Nolan played rearguard and almost got to kill Aran but he missed two 68%s :(


Ending the post here to avoid the potential of loss of text.

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Dang... I don't like my chances at all... This is not going to be pretty for me.

1-P: 6 + 3 (Eddie)

Edward gets some lucky criticals, Micaiah potshots some bandits. Tried to feed her the boss, but I couldn't do it... :( Leo stays back and does nothing.

1-1: 7 + 3 (Nolan)

First time through was a 9+3 run, but I redid it and got a respectable 7+3. Nolan serves as my tank, Micaiah got fed some kills here (now level 3). She got hit by the boss but survived with a single HP. Nolan also survives with 1 HP. Turn 7 Nolan escapes then Micaiah. The other two were too far back to make it.

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Dang... I don't like my chances at all... This is not going to be pretty for me.

don't worry, you'll probly beat me.

Turns! :D

1-6-1, yay jill, she doubles all but 3 enemies, sothe took out armours jill went east, pretty easy. 11 turns.

1-6-2 , jill went left, did awesome, sothe saved Fiona. 6 turns.

1-7, Muarim is here :D. pretty basic, didnt bother to get extra bexp. gave jill class change before battle, she is Str blessed after it, 21Str at 20/3 :awesome: 6 turns i think, but i'll need to check to be sure.

1-8, took Nailah penalty, vika penalty as well, 5+6+3, so 14 turns...

1-9, 8 turns here. USING OVAL's GLORIUS STRATEGY!

1-E is frustrating -.-

Edited by Fenrir
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1-4: 11 turns, nobody except draftees.

Laura landed Best biorhythm at JUST the right time and found the Master Seal on turn 10. I got all the treasure except the Seraph Robe (DAMMIT).

^-- that could have been a 10-turn clear if I'd remembered to equip the Beast Killer but I wasn't going to reload the save after Laura grabbed the seal.


1-5: 6 turns, survival length, nobody except draftees.

Sothe pulled the north, Nolan the right. Volug avoided shit, Laura hid with him mostly, and Mic killed some shit. Sothe manfully threw himself into the line of duty on Turn 6 to counterkill the boss with a Bronze Knife and avoid having him attack the Daein Army.


1-6-1: 13 turns, nobody except motherfucking draftees.

I'm not proud of the turncount, but I kept Tauron and Volug out of attack range. Fuck yes. Nolan promoted and hasn't learned to double most stuff yet.


1-6-2: 6 turns, nobody except draftees.

FUCK I HATE MARADO. They're my least favorite country in anything ever, because they just get roflstomped. I managed to save four knights and three Civilians. Volug and Tauroneo barely avoided combat again. Nolan dodged a 54% (without bsave abuse too!) and Micaiah finished the boss with Thani. One more turn and that strategy would have been fucked.


post line.

Edited by Integrity
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1-7: 12 turns, nobody except draftees.

One prisoner died, all but one cage were opened and none had time to escape. :( At least I got the Master Seal for Laura.

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1-2: 7 + 3 (Nolan)

As I wrote this, I was hoping that this would be the last time I had to eat a penalty, but after spending 45 minutes on 1-3 with no success in keeping people out of attack range, I'm beginning to think that I'll probably eat a third Nolan penalty in 1-3, and then hopefully be done with penalties for the time being.

Nolan heads right and provokes the axe guy on the ledge above me, Micaiah sits at the chokepoint and eats lances and herbs to prevent penalties. Nolan eats a vulnerary and kills the other two axe guys - Laura climbs the ledge on turn 3 and heads for the arrival point; Sothe kills the guys up above while Laura arrives - Micaiah and Nolan take care of the dudes near the chest - Got the wind edge and Thani, Sothe didn't get the drop, but I don't expect it to be too big of a deal...

1-3: Still in progress... Probably going to eat a Nolan penalty again here...

(Cumulative turncount: 20 + 9 in penalties... I expect it'll get better soon...)

UPDATE: Did 1-3 just now, and had to eat yet another Nolan penalty. Micaiah/Sothe/Kurth could do the level, but I couldn't keep my other units out of the range of the many reinforcements... :(

Turnount was 10 + 3 in penalties for this map - only Leo and Sothe could escape the map without me needing an additional turn of penalties... :/

(Cumulative turncount: 30 + 12 in penalties. I think this is the end of penalties until 1-8, where I'll have to eat a few penalties there again.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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son of a motherfuck.

1-8: 14 turns, nobody except draftees.

IN WHICH: I give Sothe Celerity and then find out he can't rescue the civvies, Micaiah tanks multiple enemies, Laura tanks a Bandit, Rafiel is generally fucking useless and Nolan actually one-rounds Dracoknights. One Citizen survived at ONE HEALTH after being missed by a Steel Lanceman. He was the ONLY SURVIVOR.

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Might be better if u eat the volug penalty and use him to clear the left

Haven't eaten a single penalty except 1-P yet. It's a matter of pride now.

1-9: 12 turn clear. Nothing to say, except Mic hit 20.

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1-4. Finally, no penalties!!! 13 turns, but I should have time to catch you guys in the later chapters.

Not too much to note. Sothe levels up fast on Laguz, gained two levels. Micaiah got fed quite a few kills, made it to 8, I think. Meg's at 6.99 (BEXP from 6.83 after 1-4) and got fed to level 5 before the chapter with BEXP. She also got a lucky critical on the last enemy to save one turn. Furthermore, fortune keeps her from ever getting critical killed (she's 2HKOed by tigers and 4HKOed by cats, but by getting her a point of speed in BEXP, not doubled by anything thankfully - the fastest enemies have 12 Spd and she's got 8 base). She did eat almost a full vulnerary, but I think that taking Meg as my 7th pick was actually pretty smart overall.

Cumulative turncount: 43 + 12 in penalties.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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1-5 done. Nothing much to say except that I stole the Master Seal and kept Volug out of attack range. No penalties here, and I now get Zihark, making the rest of these maps a lot easier.

Obviously, I spent 6 turns here, going to 49 + 12 turns on the whole.

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1-P I got 8 turns plus Edward penalty. Total 11

I got two cool Micaiah level ups. (Everything up cept for 2 spd 2 def and 1 skl) Leo rushed, and almost had to restart due to an stupid move but i managed to get through.

1-1 got 7 turns plus Nolan Penalty. Total 10

Well at first i tried getting to wall with leo but it didn't work :sob: So then i restarted and used Nolan. But that also took many tries as there was a pesky archer. This took many tries but it paid with a Micaiah almost everything level up including Speed :awesome: BTW, when i say i had to restart i didn't use Battle save abuse, i restarted whole chapter.

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BTW, when i say i had to restart i didn't use Battle save abuse, i restarted whole chapter.

I did this a few times as well, i treated a lot of my chapters as HM, not even doing BS(partly because i forgot, partly because i would just restart) This is not breaking any rulse amirite?

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Okay, I'll be starting soon. I'm on 4-E-4 in my current playthrough.

...Which begs the question, we're allowed to use Sothe in the chapters he's not forced in, right? I imagine it's a given, but just to make sure.

Edit: Yes, Fenrir, that's allowed. All that's disallowed is battle save abuse, which was defined early in the thread.

Edited by Naglfar
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I had a really nasty 1-6.

First part worked out rather well - Meg was less than spectacular, but, unlike Micaiah, was actually gaining EXP at a decent rate. Managed to avoid any penalties and get a 9 turn on the first section of the map. However, the strategy that I came up with took a lot of nuance and specificity, and I think I had to play the chapter 15 times or so to avoid both a character death and making sure T and Volug stayed out of combat...

After a couple of tries with 1-7, I was able to determine that 1-6-2 was simply not going to happen with Micaiah/Sothe/Meg/Z, so I ate the 4 turn Volug penalty. Eventually, I got something that worked out rather well in the end. Would've made it in 6 turns had Sothe pulled a critical on the boss. Sadly, 2 chances at 27% just wasn't enough to get there, so I ended up with a 7 turn on this part. Also managed to get both the seal (irrelevant, I already have two) and arms scroll from this level...


1-6: 16 turns + 4 (Volug Penalty)

Total: 65 + 16 penalties... Last place, I imagine... :(

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This looks fun.

It's pretty fun, if you wanna do one, I would be up for another and so would Generic Officer. So we'd have 3/7 and we could go to 10 if u want.

Don't be hating :awesome:

I just got Haar killed in 2-P :facepalm:

Nvm, i thought u might win for a sec, you had me fooled.

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It's pretty fun, if you wanna do one, I would be up for another and so would Generic Officer. So we'd have 3/7 and we could go to 10 if u want.

I'd be willing to give it a second shot, so long as it's NM and not HM.

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I did this a few times as well, i treated a lot of my chapters as HM, not even doing BS(partly because i forgot, partly because i would just restart) This is not breaking any rulse amirite?

That's fine. The point is not that you can't battle save or restart or anything, the idea is to avoid abuse. If you battle saved or restarted in order to try something new or move differently or whatever, that's fine, the rules basically just forbid you resetting to pull off things with very low success rates.

Anyway, my total turncount so far:



I might restart my run after I finish to see if I can go faster. I'm sure that I can do at least some of the chapters faster.

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IMO, there should be a penalty for Volke in 4-5, since Bastian/Elincia can recruit him and there's currently no penalty for him, so he can do whatever he wants on that map.

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