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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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I believe I'm the last person to start. :awesome: Before I forget, Revan, what do you think about adding where we're all up to and our total turncounts to the first post? It'd be nice to have it all there.

1-P: 7+3 turns (Edward)

Lol. Eddie got a lot of crits. I forgot that the boss moves in this chapter, and Eddie would have died if not for the boss missing at >80 displayed. A Wrath crit allowed for Miccy to get the boss kill. Could have been a turn quicker if I didn't have Eddie heal, but restarting could possibly count as RNG abuse in some way, so I didn't.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     2/0/0      15| 2| 8| 8| 7|11| 2| 5

1-1: 9+3 turns (Nolan)

This chapter was mostly just Nolan tanking while Miccy took potshots. She killed the archer on her own but that was all. I had to reset once because I left Eddie and Leo at the start and wasn't aware of the reinforcements that appear there. Nolan clears a path and Miccy sneaks past the boss to escape on turn 9.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     4/0/0      17| 2|10| 9| 7|12| 2| 6

1-2: 10+3 turns (Nolan)

Eddie and Leo block the ledge, as apparently that's allowed. Nolan and Miccy work their way up as Sothe clears enemies and opens chests and stuff. I eat one more turn to grab the energy drop, Volug needs it. As if I needed more convincing, this also allowed for a Miccy boss kill. There were two resets - one because I forgot to heal Nolan and he died, the other because I opened the Wind Edge chest instead of the Thani one.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     6/0/0      17| 2|12|10| 7|13| 2| 8
Sothe       X/1/0      35|18| 4|20|20|15|14| 9

1-3: 7+3 turns (Nolan)

There are a lot of things I don't know, like how to get Kurth to go in front of Aimee. I do know they're good bait, however. I sneak down the east side with Sothe and Nolan carving a path (as far as my experience goes, Sothe doing it himself would be slower even after calculating penalties...). Stuff happens, like Sothe critting the boss on a counter so I don't get Discipline, but in hindsight that really helped Sothe and I didn't need the skill anyway. Resets ensued until I figured this strategy out. Everyone save Sothe, the partners and lolredAran escaped! Not that it's worth much BEXP anyway, I got 150 points on escapes. Sothe's one experience point from levelling~

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     6/0/0      17| 2|12|10| 7|13| 2| 8
Sothe       X/1/0      35|18| 4|20|20|15|14| 9

1-4: 12 turns

Sothe got a forged knife. It's olive green, it has 7 mt, and it's called "smashfanatic". I don't know why, either. He also got Leo's Cancel and the Beast Killer. Miccy gets Eddie's Wrath.

Not much to say about this chapter. Sothe and his Beast Killer probably killed over half the map, and Miccy killed both bosses with Wrath crits. Sweet. I managed to pick up Beastfoe, the 3k gold and the Seraph Robe without slowing down. Micaiah's definitely getting the robe.

Name        Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     9/0/0      18| 3|14|11| 7|16| 2|11
Sothe       X/4/0      37|21| 4|23|21|17|14|10

Micaiah hasn't gotten a single point of speed for eight fucking levels. Let me spell it out for you: circumstances in 1-4 dictated I had to have Miccy go for a Wrath crit on Pain from 1-range (yes, it was successful). She'd be 1HKO'd anyway, but he was going to double her. Seriously. I've also had to reset a fair bit and I hate my turncounts, though I have no idea how I'm meant to go any faster. I guess I just suck at this game.

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Lol, that's like the opposite of my Meg (who got +1 speed every single level possible).

@Fenrir: Don't worry, Dark is screwed for 3-1.

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Good morning I have awaked.

1-E: 14 turns, nobody except draftees.

I managed to get all of the treasure I cared about (Vantage, Parity, Speedwing) on my way up. Nolan did a lot of rambo-Resolve-tanking, Laura did a fucking ridiculous job killing things. Sothe did much of the surging upwards.

Since Micaiah had hit 20 in 1-9 with the assistance of Paragon, I had Sothe equip Savior (cause why not) and carry her the whole chapter resulting in his getting free support bonuses and a lot of XP.

I shall now tally my team and turns:



Micaiah    20/-/-   26/ 4/20/19/11/24/ 4/20   Sothe A
Sothe       -/9/-   36/22/ 8/26/25/20/18/11   Micaiah A   Savior, Adept
Nolan      20/7/-   39/22/ 5/24/19/18/18/10   Laura A     Cancel, Resolve
Laura      20/6/-   36/ 7/25/18/17/25/ 9/18   Nolan A     Shade, Paragon
Rafiel       14     32/ 1/ 7/ 1/ 6/33/ 3/14


1-P    7+3
1-1    8
1-2    10
1-3    9
1-4    11
1-5    6
1-6-1  13
1-6-2  6
1-7    12
1-8    14
1-9    12
1-E    14
  = 125

part 2 tiems now

EDIT: Before I start this shit, does Leanne getting grabbed count as a penalty?

EDIT2: Actually, let me ask another question. If I rescue an undrafted unit with a drafted unit, do I incur a penalty? Since Elincia is going to count as drafted for 2-P, could I rescue Leanne with her and take no penalties for, er, using Leanne? I'm making sure here.

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IMO, there should be a penalty for Volke in 4-5, since Bastian/Elincia can recruit him and there's currently no penalty for him, so he can do whatever he wants on that map.

Well, I'm tempted to agree with you here. You aren't technically supposed to recruit him at all, but I'm probably going to do it just because he gives 20,000 G before the endgame...

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Well, I'm tempted to agree with you here. You aren't technically supposed to recruit him at all, but I'm probably going to do it just because he gives 20,000 G before the endgame...

It's more because someone can say "Loophole!" grab Volke and then start stabbing enemies like hell.

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2-P done: 8 turns.

I force-drafted Elincia for the chapter and she carried Leanne throughout the whole thing. Nobody except Elincia ever got attacked. I don't think I should take a penalty for this but whatever if there's some subtext I missed. I can't do it any better.


2-1: 9 turns, plus a Neph and Brom penalties so 15 en total.

Neph got Heather and the boss. Brom couldn't be kept out of range anyway so I just took his penalty instead of fretting. Nothing to say. Missed most of the houses.

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1-7 - 11 turns, no penalties. Sothe and Micaiah go up, Meg and Zihark go to the right. Sothe doesn't talk so the LEA stays green and occasionally chip shots something. BEXP get. Oh, boy.

1-8 - 5 turns + Nailah/Vika (14 total). Needed a +2 Mt iron knife for Sothe... :( Not proud of the money situation, but if I couldn't get it in 5, it was going to take at least two more turns due to mage reinforcements on the left. Nailah clears the left, Meg gets the bottom (also now promoted at this point and with paragon), Miccy, Sothe and Z go up and then right. Sothe hurries ahead, boss dead, Vika gets the healer.

1-9 - 13 turns. I think there's some secret strategy that I don't know about. Micaiah got a lot of dodges and critical-kills. BK does his thing.

1-E - 16 turns, no penalties. BK stomp. Other units help. I hate Jarod's authority stars.

Levels! As of Micaiah's promotion:

Unit Name  Level  EXP  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luck  Def  Res  Skills
Micaiah    20/1   00   31  8    19   16   13   27    13   21   Sacrifice, Wrath
Sothe      --/7   69   37  20   6    26   24   18    16   10   Guard, Pass, Savior
Zihark     --/6   39   30  17   6    23   26   12    13   12   Adept, Resolve
Meg        20/5   35   37  17   3    16   22   25    19   12   Fortune, Cancel, Paragon

Oh, and turncounts

1-P   6 +3
1-1   7 +3
1-2   6 +3
1-3   10+3
1-4   13
1-5   6
1-6-1 9
1-6-2 7+4
1-7   11
1-8   5+9
1-9   13
1-E   16
Total Part 1: 135

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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Got up to 1-6 yesterday will post the turn count after i eat breakfast

i should probly eat breakfast somedays, i didn't eat or drink anything yesterday till dinner =/

I stopped at Turn 8 of 1-E last night...well i did till later but people died and i battle saved at 8...

EDIT: @Revan, ok that makes sense, you could battle save try a new technique, if it doesn't work you can restart and do your other style of playing the map. I have this down i think.

2nd EDIT: 19 turns + volug(4)...wowwww thats 135 total turns, Me and Fayt are neck and neck =]

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2-2: 10 turn complete, had to use Lucia for a 4-turn penalty; 14 en total.

Didn't get the Sekret Book, but managed to keep everybody out of getting-attacked range and fed Heather the boss kill. Could probably have done it a little quicker if I'd taken the two turn penalty and used Leanne, but oh well. I'm happy enough with the result.


2-3: 11 turn clear, had to use Geoffrey for a 3-turn penalty; 14 en total.

Geoffrey ran the map. Astrid tagged along with the Crimean Not-So-Royal Knights and stole some kills. Astrid managed to snag the Speedwing. I had a perfect setup where Geoffrey would drop the boss to 1hp on the EP of Turn 9 and Astrid would kill him on Turn 10, but there was a Physic Bishop. :(

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2-P 8 turned

2-1 9+3+3 15 with penalties

2-2 14 turns O_o lucia + mordy + lethe for a...25 turn clear.

Is there any way to transfer 2-3 speedwing to GMs, Boyd NEEDS it... =[

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Is there any way to transfer 2-3 speedwing to GMs, Boyd NEEDS it... =[

Yes. Give it to Marcia and have her give it to Heather or Brom or Neph once 2-E begins.

EDIT: Int: He's trying to get it from the CRKs to the Mercs. Hence the interim Marcia step.

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Marcia as an interim step is a waste of time. All that you need to do is have the person who gets the Speedwing do it with a full inventory; that way, it goes to the convoy and you can give it to any of Brom/Nephenee/Haar/Heather. This has been the standard operating procedure for this stat-up since 2008.

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Marcia as an interim step is a waste of time. All that you need to do is have the person who gets the Speedwing do it with a full inventory; that way, it goes to the convoy and you can give it to any of Brom/Nephenee/Haar/Heather. This has been the standard operating procedure for this stat-up since 2008.

And yet he asked. I'd have figured by his post that he didn't know how to get it to Neph/Brom/etc. and that was the problem.

EDIT: Anyway,

2-E: 3 turns, plus Elincia so an extra 5 for 8 en total.

The bitch of the whole plan involved getting Elincia in a position where Ludveck would aggro her but his Crossbowman would not. I had initially planned to have her Amiti Stun him to end the map on Turn 2, but she rolled Bad biorhythm on the way down, so she was Worst by Turn 2. I tried thrice to get her to proc Stun but she wouldn't so I reigned myself in and tried a new strategy. Same deal except she carted a Steel Blade down so she wouldn't kill a General who walked into her and the Crossbowman had nowhere from which to attack her due to being low move priority. Elincia then Amiti'd Ludveck on Turn 3 and it was over.

Transferring a ton of shit over to the Mercs on account of Neph and Heather. Abused Neph's inventory to hold Steel Knives for Heather, and gave Heather 7 items from Marcia for mostly Oscar. Part 3, baby!

Since Part 2 is short, no stats for you. Heather was level 15.


2-P   8
2-1   9+3+3
2-2   10+4
2-3   11+3
2-E   3+5
  = 59
  = 184

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2-P: 8 turns. Nealuchi picks up Leanne, does some soloing. Then drops Leanne off on turn 3. More soloing. No one else attacked or got attacked. Haar recruited for the physic staff (for the mercs).

2-1: 9 turns + 3 penalty (Brom). Neph kills the boss with two wrath criticals. Not much else to say.

2-2: 10 turns + 10 penalty (Lucia/Brom/Lethe). Decided that I couldn't do it with just Neph and Lucia, so I had to use Brom to block the north so the laguz tagalongs didn't get hit. Unfortunately, Lethe got hit on turn 8 by the reinforcements. :angry: I'm tempted not to count it, but I have no choice.

2-3: Still in progress. After one attempt, I realized that the Danved solo wasn't going to happen, and I still have to get Geoffrey to the seize point anyway, so I'm just going to eat the penalty here. Yuck.

Cumulative turncount: 175.

Marcia as an interim step is a waste of time. All that you need to do is have the person who gets the Speedwing do it with a full inventory; that way, it goes to the convoy and you can give it to any of Brom/Nephenee/Haar/Heather. This has been the standard operating procedure for this stat-up since 2008.

Of course he would know that. Because after all, we're all completely perfect at this game and know exactly how perfect players take every single turn, right?

[in case it wasn't obvious, I've never heard of this. So much for 'standard operating procedure, eh?]

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1-2 7 turns and nolan penalty. = 10 turns.

Pretty tough though i managed to get energy drop and the Thani.

1-3 9 turns

Got discipline and finally Aran joined Yay :newyears: Nolan, Aran and Edward escaped along with miccy. I would have done 10 turns for extra bexp but sothe was at critical HP and i had the archer and myr reinforcdements behind my aimee.

1-4 10 turns

Couldn't get the last treasure T_T the damn last cat was in the way. I believe this was the Seraph Robe. Got the Beastfoe.

1-5 6 turns obviously no penalty.

I would have done this first try if Ms wannabe wyvern rider could survive a mage and 2 soldiers. Got the master seal.

1-6-1 9 turns.

Miccy got extremely lucky dodging 2 generals and 2 pegasi knigths who would have killed her. Sothe used an Iron knife forge up to the boss. He used everything of the forge :sob:.

1-6-2, not done yet but i want to say that i'm hating Volug because he screwed me up by getting hit 1001 times :facepalm:

Damnit, if only Aran had 2 speed more he could double most people :sob:

Currently 56 turns total. If i didn't miscount. This happens way too often :facepalm:

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3-1: 12 turn clear, had to use Titania (+5) so 17 actual.

fucking wow. Keeping all the Mercs out of enemy range was PAINFUL. Ah well, a lucky Adept proc and a Miracle proc on Ike saved the day.


3-2: 4 turn clear, nobody except draftees.

Ike got the boss with a Wind Edge on the EP of 3, then a Wyrmslayer on the PP of 4. Not much else of note, except that this only happened because he procced STR earlier in the level.

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I'm about ready to just concede and call Dark the winner... Seriously. Those turn counts are ridiculous.

yeah, my P1 is one turn better than his P1+P2 O_o dark is at least winner or runner-up, and he still hasn't used haar much yet...

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Just curious howcome there is Astrid on two teams?

We ran out of units. Since Dark and I were the last picks, he just replicated mine.

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3-3: 13 turns, Gatrie was freedrafted.

Embarrassingly, I almost forgot a southern pack of supplies and that cost me a turn. However, the rest of the horses escaped in that turn, so I kept it. I got all the treasure and max BEXP.

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