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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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Silver Army

Micaiah   5.26   29/ 8/25/20/13/27/ 8/24   Sothe A     Discipline
Sothe    13.50   37/22/ 9/26/25/24/19/14   Micaiah A   Savior, Beastfoe
Skrimir  24.00       --base--
Heather   9.85   47/27/14/33/36/33/22/23   no support  Vantage, Imbue
Astrid    8.20   37/16/12/17/20/21/16/17   no support  Blossom

Greil Army

Ike       1.00   53/29/ 6/32/26/16/27/11   Oscar A     Celerity, Provoke
Rafiel   14.00   heron, lol
Nolan    16.53   46/27/ 5/26/26/25/21/12   Laura A     Vantage, Paragon
Laura     2.66   44/17/28/25/26/36/19/27   Nolan A     Resolve, Cancel

Hawk Army

Oscar     9.52   49/28/16/30/32/27/21/18   Ike A       Miracle, Adept

that's an odd way to arrange the teams...

time to get on with 2-3 -sigh-

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that's an odd way to arrange the teams...

Agreed. The way I'm splitting the teams won't be quite so weird, but it will make sense after I display it. Of course, Micaiah's team is a bunch of units forced with her, so I can't say that I could do much about that, but the division of the other two teams for me may yet surprise you guys.

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Agreed. The way I'm splitting the teams won't be quite so weird, but it will make sense after I display it. Of course, Micaiah's team is a bunch of units forced with her, so I can't say that I could do much about that, but the division of the other two teams for me may yet surprise you guys.


I drafted with P4 squads in mind, should be good :lol:

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I drafted with P4 squads in mind, should be good :lol:

Meh, I was more concerned about Part 3 more than anything, but my later picks were meant to help out P4. (Sigrun in particular was chosen specifically for 3-11 and 4-3.)

Anyway, 3-4 fell to an 11 turn victory. Nephinel Rape. Not much else to say. Managed to keep Ranulf from engaging in any combat. Shinon and Soren have a C support together now while Ike and Neph are still working on it.

Also, probably could have done it in 10 tuns but the enemy ballistae got lots of lucky criticals on the beasts and killed quite a few of them. Poor luck more than anything, I think.


3-5: 3 Turns. That's right, 3 turns. Nephinel + Celerity. Doubled the boss on turn 3 PP, he attacked and she counterattacked for his death in EP. Ike didn't do much of anything; Shinon and Soren helped carve a way for Neph.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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I did 3-5 in 3 turns. It can't be that special. :P

4-P is done: 15 turn clear. Skrimir and Sothe got the north side, Heather got the right side. Micaiah and Astrid snagged kills where they could. Sothe promoted.


My teams actually make sense to me. The difficulty is, I was fathoming ways to get through some problematic chapters and I realized they were all Brigade/Mercs chapters. Therefore, I built with the intention of sucking up Tibarn penalties on 4-2 and 4-5 anyway, and...

well, we'll see how it works out.


4-1: 11 turns clear.

Ike went down, Laura right and Nolan left. Ike gained the precise point of speed necessary to double most of the level on Turn 1. Ike, however, couldn't double the boss. The boss, therefore, kept getting knocked to almost dead and cantoing to yet another FoW-hidden Bishop. Ah well.

Hilariously, on Turn 11 Ike procced Aether on the boss...and the second hit missed. He still got her on the EP.

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13 turns with my kieran geoffrey penalty... 52 turns for part 2...and counting =[ how am i supposed to beat 2-E with only Elincia and Marcia????

It's pretty easy, actually.

Turn 1 move Elincia toward the ledge.

Turn 2, kill the bowgun guy.

Turn 3, Position Elincia 1 up and one left of the sandbag on the bottom platform. This forces Ludveck to attack at 1-range. Then, just hope for a stun (you've got 4 chances) and you've won in 3 turns.

Thought I should add that 3-6 was a 10 turn clear. Obviously, no penalties.

3-7 was a twelve turn clear. Big surprise. Again, no penalties.

Guess what! I've now promoted Shinon and Soren to join in the fun.


Name     Level    EXP  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Luck Def Res  Skills
Ike      --/20    --   49  27  03  30  28  21   25  10   Miracle, Provoke, Cancel
Soren    --/20/01 00   44  19  29  25  25  23   17  25   Adept, Flare, Vantage, Shade
Shinon   --/20/01 00   49  29  11  32  28  19   26  20   Critical +15, Deadeye, Counter, Shade
Neph     --/20/04 25   52  29  13  29  30  21   24  24   Wrath, Critical +10, Impale, Celerity, Corrosion

Begin 3-8

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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It's pretty easy, actually.

Turn 1 move Elincia toward the ledge.

Turn 2, kill the bowgun guy.

Turn 3, Position Elincia 1 up and one left of the sandbag on the bottom platform. This forces Ludveck to attack at 1-range. Then, just hope for a stun (you've got 4 chances) and you've won in 3 turns.

Wow...everyone on this site is really nice.

Somehow this works...60 total P2 turns, 195 total, P3 here i come...-proceeds to get best P3 turn count

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4-2 done: 11 turns, took a Tibarn penalty for a combined 18.

Pelleas actually got a few licks in, and Oscar was able to handle everything Tibarn didn't to keep Elincia out of combat. I managed to clear everything with Pelleas's last use of his siege tome (which hit!) which was pr0.

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3-8: 10 turns.

It's pretty sad when Ike is your weakest unit. Suffice it to say that my third tier units Shinon, Soren, and Neph are making this part of the game a cakewalk. Probably could've done it a turn faster had I brought more wind edges too...


CRK time. Putting paragon on Danved now. I'm going to hope to do this map without a penalty if at all possible. But the BEXP is also going to come in handy when it's time to get Sigrun in a couple of chapters... :/ Danved is BEXP'ed to --/13 before the chapter and will be given Geoffrey's paragon scroll. Also bought Adept here.

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4-3: 19 turns, no penalties.

Trudging around the desert with no fliers is laaaaaame. Add that to respawns and a forced Snacky and Sigrun and...blah. At least transformed Skrimir moves far in the desert but has no 2-range. Unfortunately, the chapter went on longer than I budgeted for; Heather's knives ALL broke and Skrimir used roughly 5 Laguz Stone charges, depleting his stock. Losing two charge per unit that shoots you ineffectively piles up fast. I did get Baselard and the Laguz Gem, though.

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4-4 done: a blasted 26 turns but no penalties.

SO MUCH REINFORCEMENTS. GRAH. Laura continues to be the Patron Saint of Bangin'.

EDIT: It is of note that I certainly could have done it faster; but I do not care to.

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I was a victim of the same, trial and error, trial and error.

Yeah, i finally found a way on how to get the mage try to attack Aran instead of Sothe. And Volug is just a pain to look after.

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Yeah, i finally found a way on how to get the mage try to attack Aran instead of Sothe. And Volug is just a pain to look after.

augh, i used him...but he died lol.

3-1...OMG i fucking hate this map... Fow + 3 units and only one can tank out attacks...can i just let everyone else die?(besides mia, boyd and Ike obviously)

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Is it hard when it comes to eating penalties? Like 3-13 for example, you just can't rely on NPCs forever.

If you drafted wisely(or w/e word im trying to say) you should have chosen a DB unit, so you would naturally have them go down and kill Ike, whether or not you chose someone who can kill ike or not could be a problem(see Dark, he has Fiona...)

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If you drafted wisely(or w/e word im trying to say) you should have chosen a DB unit, so you would naturally have them go down and kill Ike, whether or not you chose someone who can kill ike or not could be a problem(see Dark, he has Fiona...)

It should be pointed out here that Meg is actually far better than you might think on NM if you can be bothered to use her. She's a pain in the rear to train, but she will do a lot of good when she does start going toward the end of part 1 and into DB part 3. She's just kept way down in HM because of the scarcity of BEXP, which she needs a good bit of to do well...

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It should be pointed out here that Meg is actually far better than you might think on NM if you can be bothered to use her. She's a pain in the rear to train, but she will do a lot of good when she does start going toward the end of part 1 and into DB part 3. She's just kept way down in HM because of the scarcity of BEXP, which she needs a good bit of to do well...

Yeah, in NM you can turn pretty much any vaguely available growth unit into a god with not too much effort. Units like Nephenee especially become completely disgusting, but even people like Meg, or, in my case, Edward, can become pretty epic.

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1-8: 12 turns

Sothe gets Saviour. Volug swaps Resolve for Renewal again. I buy the Olivi Grass because I'll need it later. I get Tormod an 8 mt, 90 hit, 8 crit Thunder forge. It's pink (doesn't look pink, though), and it's called MaSu. If you can think of reasons for these, you're thinking way too hard. Paragon off Sothe and on Tormod.

Sothe picked up Micaiah and owned things in the middle part of the map. Tormod did the same in the south. Volug took the west. Everyone moved to the east when they were done, but Volug didn't make it to the boss's area in time for the rout. 100 EXP boss kill for Tormod!

Name         Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     12/0/0      28| 5|16|12| 9|16| 3|14
Sothe        X/6/0      37|22| 6|25|22|18|15|11
Volug(HS)   16          50|21| 4|18|21|14|18| 7
Tormod       X/7/0      34|13|18|17|21|15|12|16

1-9: 17 turns

1-E: 19 turns

I completely lost my ability to do 1-9 and didn't learn the 8-turn technique until afterwards, then I had to do 1-E with Micaiah and three units who suddenly aren't quite as durable as I'd like them to be. I don't even care about the turncounts, I'm just glad it's over. Have some stats.

Name         Level        HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Micaiah     20/ 1/ 0      32| 8|21|16|12|23| 6|21
Sothe       XX/ 8/ 0      38|22| 7|26|22|19|15|13
Volug(HS)         17      51|21| 4|19|22|15|18| 7
Tormod      XX/12/ 0      38|15|18|18|25|16|13|18

Part 1 total: 140 turns

Well, at least I'm probably a better player now.

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4-5's done: 4 turns plus a 7 point Tibarn penalty for an 11 total.

Tibarn can't kill that disgusting filth enough times for what he's done. Recruited the Fireman. Pelleas accidentally crit something right at the end for a level; the Fireman procced Lethality on a Dragon for massive hilarity.


Part 4 tally, minus Tower:

4-P:   15
4-1:   11
4-2:   11+7
4-3:   19
4-4:   2-fucking-6
4-5:   4+7
= 100 even
= 424 total

I don't even know how well I'm doing overall, but I'm not terribly happy with 4-4. Oh well. I hate redoing chapters more than I hate losing, because I don't hate losing. :awesome:


EDIT: Doing 4-E-1 I just realized something:

Fuck me, I forgot the Fortify staff. And I don't get the Ashera Staff.


4-E-1: 8 turn clear.

Lions and Laura destroy things. Hilarity ensues.


4-E-2: 1 turn clear.

Caineghis + Pass + Boots + Celerity = Wishblade. Ike + Hammer + Nihil = Alondite.

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Ell for now i managed to get to turn 4 savely. Then its just a matter on how i move sothe Leo Aran and volug. For the next 2 turns because of the reinforcement.

Edit: what the heck did i type? ELL hmmm my mind is not here right now.

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4-E-3 done: 2 turns.

Caineghis and Skrimir each double Dheggie for 20 damage. Add Rafiel to the mix and :awesome:


4-E-2: 2 turns.

Same. Caineghis, Skrimir, Rafiel, and...Astrid? Astrid. Yes, Astrid. She got tink!ed by spirits while on Wardwood so she was able to pony down and start on Seph's guards on Turn 1.

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