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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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Yeah, in NM you can turn pretty much any vaguely available growth unit into a god with not too much effort. Units like Nephenee especially become completely disgusting, but even people like Meg, or, in my case, Edward, can become pretty epic.

I still want you to clarify about what I asked earlier - can we take extra units to the tower but not deploy them so we can bless additional weapons? Or is that considered cheating / a penalty?

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I didn't do it, so I don't know/don't care.

4-E-5 is done: 4 turns. I could have done it faster but Genghis hit 40 with ONE POINT OF SPEED away from doubling Auras. Logging the attempt now in my logs, then I'll finish thoughts/give final turncount.

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4-E-1:  8
4-E-2:  1
4-E-3:  2
4-E-4:  2
4-E-5:  4
= 17 turns
= 441 total
15:53 time

And the stats:

Ike       20.00   65/37/ 8/40/35/23/32/12   Oscar A       Nihil                             179 Kills  <--placed 2nd
Micaiah    9.09   37/15/39/27/24/40/17/39   Sothe A       Paragon                            62 Kills
Sothe      9.58   45/28/16/36/32/32/23/22   Micaiah A     Guard, Vantage, Cancel            112 Kills  <--placed 5th
Skrimir   36.34   77/24/ 4/18/17/26/22/ 9   Caineghis B   Resolve, Provoke, Adept, Parity    78 Kills
Heather   20.00   50/28/19/38/40/35/25/26   Astrid A      Pass, Imbue, Daunt                172 Kills  <--placed 3rd
Astrid    13.03   50/33/20/36/35/35/27/30   Heather A     Paragon, Blossom                   27 Kills
Nolan     20.00   68/38/10/36/35/30/30/20   Laura A       Nihil, Vantage, Adept             208 Kills  <--placed 1st
Laura     20.00   45/23/38/30/31/40/21/37   Nolan A       Resolve, Provoke                   87 Kills
Oscar     20.00   58/32/19/34/32/30/26/21   Ike A         Miracle, Adept                    147 Kills  <--placed 4th
Pelleas   16.18   45/20/39/34/31/27/24/31   Volke C       Miracle, Paragon, Parity            9 Kills
Volke     19.13   55/32/ 5/40/39/19/28/22   Pelleas C     Stillness, Nihil                   16 Kills
Caineghis 40.00   80/24/ 5/23/19/35/23/12   Skrimir B     Fortune, Nihil, Howl               21 Kills
Rafiel    32.41   50/ 1/15/ 2/19/47/ 3/25   lol heron     Blessing, Celerity, Miracle        he's a heron, lol

And that's it. I totally expect to be lower half on turncounts, don't let me down :D

My thoughts on my units:


He's Ike, lol. He carried Part 3 while Oscar was busy growing and Heather hadn't showed up yet, and continued to do his thing until Ragnell arrived, which made him awesome. But mostly, he's Ike lol.


I didn't use Micaiah as heavily as I ordinarily do, but that's probably because I usually go slower than this. She...really wasn't too great. Some SPD issues in the early and middle and late games prevented her from blasting shit like she does, so she was mostly a healbot come Endgame.


Carried Part 1. Nolan and Laura may have taken over for 1-E plus Part 3, but Sothe made Part 1 possible. Come Endgame, he was still doing damage to Auras with Peshkatz, which made me happy. Incidentally, he made my mess-up in 4-E-5 recoverable. I hit Ashera twice with Caineghis and once with Astrid, then realized I had three units left to move. Ike couldn't kill her, Nolan was guaranteed to kill her, but Sothe did just enough damage with his stupid knife to let Ike get the kill.


NOLAN. He had a rocky start with what I believe was some SPD screwage, but he pulled through. His STR actually didn't grow as planned in Part 1 either, and neither did his DEF - but all these fixed themselves when he promoted to Tier 2. MVP of the game, and he totally deserved it.


Laura is fucking hilarious. I had her meatshielding in Parts 3 and 4 on her own because she was so durable. She managed to cap everything except STR and RES by the end of the game, and she would have capped STR if I'd poured her last three levels as BEXP instead of letting it happen naturally. She also holds the title of Has Killed Ike, which is great. God bless you, Saint Laura.


Heather was a MUCH better pick than I envisioned her to be. She ran into issues in the later parts of the game where she 3RKOed many enemies, but she was still reliable 1-2 range and sweet Jesus she was INVINCIBLE. I gave her Imbue at some point and I don't think she was ever healed again. Otherwise, stole shit and carved people.


Almost every level Astrid got was Blossomed or BEXPed, and it showed. At level 20/12 she had capped EVERYTHING. Amazingly, she was one of my better sources of damage on Auras thanks to the Double Bow, Canto and 2-range. I'd even take her again as a Round 9 pick next time.


Made Part 3 possible, alongside Ike. Oscar's constant proccing of Sol and Adept left many a large enemy spawn decimated - and he didn't wear down with time. Part 4 (well, 4-2 at any rate) he easily handled half the map while Tibarn handled the other half. Endgame time, he utterly collapsed on the Auras but he was invaluable on the first map and helpful on the second map.


An excellent pick. A little bit of untransformed training in 4-P gave him some levels he needed, then - because he was my only Laguz - he quaffed Laguz Gems because wtf else was I doing with them. Following that, come Endgame, he was my only user of Laguz Gems until 4-E-5 when Rafiel used one charge of one to stay alive. Tremendous damage on Spirits, Dragons, Dheginsea, and he even got to maul two of the Senators because that was funny.


Pelleas was cute. He didn't contribute a single thing (well, he actually shaved a turn off of my 4-2 clear with Fenrir) until the Tower, when he provided some hefty magical damage, an extra Physic user (FORGOT THE DAMN FORTIFY AHH) and a sweet outfit to boot. He was actually a very good if unreliable (~50-60 hit) source of damage on the Auras.


Did a bit in the tower, I guess. He's the Fireman. He had some hilarious Lethality procs, including one on a Red Dragon on cover (would have done 1 damage without Lethality) and several on Spirits. He killed several Generals in 4-E-1 and two Spirits in 4-E-4 and I guess that was his only major contribution. Actually, he and Heather could each one-round Spirits, so they kept reinforcements dead in 4-E-5.


Fuck yes. He killed Levail, Dheginsea, Sephiran, and could have killed Ashera but Ike needed to land the final blow. His only problem was that I BEXPed his Speed to 19 and he needs 20 to double Auras. :(


he's a heron lol?


And that's it. BON CHANCE! Get the rest of your games done so I can learn how badly I lost.

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And that's it. BON CHANCE! Get the rest of your games done so I can learn how badly I lost.

ok, you will see how badly you lost.i still do not understand laura in the second round

I'm still trying to figure out if it's possible for me to do 3-1 without penalties.maybe i'll use shinnon or somebody...

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i still do not understand laura in the second round

because she fucking tanked 1-E, 3-6, 3-12, 4-1, 4-4, 4-E-1, 4-E-3, and killed Ike that's why :P

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3-9: 11 turns + Geoff = 14 turns.

Stupid boss has a concoction. Geoff ate lots of vulneraries. AI continues to be useless. That is all.

3-10: 8 Turns

3rd tier characters continue to stomp. Soren is godly. Killed many units. Ike and Neph charged the boss. Soren went down and got those reinforcements. Shinon killed stragglers. CRK's got a few good kills. Not much else to add.

3-11: Haven't started yet. Promoted Danved and Siggy. Got Ragnell. Ike prepares to rape face. Now have 6 3rd tier characters to stomp the bridge. Hopefully, I'll do really well here.

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because she fucking tanked 1-E, 3-6, 3-12, 4-1, 4-4, 4-E-1, 4-E-3, and killed Ike that's why :P

You had Laura tank 3-6? and you drafted nolan?

Fayt...you have 6 3rd tiers???

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Fayt...you have 6 3rd tiers???

Well, no. Ike's still second tier. But Neph, Soren, Shinon, Danved, and Siggy are all third tier now. Meg will promote sometime around 3-12 or 3-13 and will painfully kill Ike. Not sure about Zihark. But yeah, I've got an army of hyper-leveled units about ready to rape face in part 4.

Oh, Update time.

3-11: 9 turns. And it was easy as cake. No strategy needed. 3rd tier units killed everything. On to Meg slaughter again.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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You mean 3-11??

my 3-1 went surprisingly...horrible -.- 12 + titans 5. all the rest is easy from here tho.

battle prep, Boyd gets double speedwing! Mia gets a wyrmslayer, Ike gets brave sword.

Boyd will be taking Adept and Counter, Mia gets Adept and Cancel, and Ike grabs the fortune.

I sold all my magic, heal staves and bows, and even all the lances :o With this shitload of money, Boyd and mia get max mt and crit sword/axe.

And i bought Ike/mia steel blades...half price is nice to stock up with. I also bought the half price concoction.

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You had Laura tank 3-6? and you drafted nolan?

Two sides to the island, buddy, and Sothe can't handle a whole one on his own.

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You mean 3-11??


3-12: 8 Turns. Daein army proved surprisingly incompetent this run. Meg will promote before 3-13. BEXP will go to Zihark to prepare for part 4.

And I'm going to have Tauroneo kill Pelleas since I don't have the right to use him this playthrough.

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1-E 20 turns...:/

i expected to finish it around 16-18 but damn RNG screwed me up making Aran miss with 70-80 hit :sob::angry:

2-P 8 turns

Walled with Marcia and Elincia. Took me a while how to get leanne save and make the other wyverns not move.

2-1 12 turns IIRC.

Used Neph and Brom. Had him get the steel axe and neph the ashera thing. Then had them go and kill the generals and the mage. Go for the boss and end. Would have gotten heather for the pass skill but she died :/

2-2 8 turns penalty for leanne and Lucia. +7

Nothing special. Had mordecai eat 2 BEXP level ups and had him eat the talisman too.

2-3 not beaten, but my damn geoffrey died midway thru... Sigh.

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3-13: 9 Turns. Had Meg ready to Luna Ike three turns earlier, but I had to get her biorhythm up to Best since it wasn't working earlier and I didn't want to battle save abuse. So, yeah. Once I got it up to best, she had two chances to pull Luna on Ike (and had resolve too), so the odds were definitely in my favor. Also, Zihark is doing surprisingly poor. I am shooting myself still for not taking Jill, and that's going to cost me big; I can already tell that much.


3-E: 6 Turns. Other than the fact that Ike decided to fall asleep from turn 2, there's not much to say. Sigrun headed right towards Tibarn to help them out. Danved went up with Skrimir. Soren and Shinon followed behind Neph as they charged enemy lines... Not sure what else you want to know.

Team Division time!!!

Silver Army:
Name     Level    EXP  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luck Def  Res  Skills
Micaiah  20/6     95   33  09   22   17   17   30   13   26   Sacrifice, Wrath
Sothe    20/14    50   39  21   07   26   27   27   17   10   Savior, Pass
Sanaki   --/--/1  00   Base Stats
Sigrun   --/20/3  86   39  23   18   26   26   31   24   27   Corrosion, Paragon

Greil Army:
Name     Level    EXP  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luck Def  Res  Skills
Ike      --/20/1  00   53  29   07   32   30   21   27+5 14   Nihil
Soren    --/20/5  38   46  22   33   29   26   24   19   29   Adept, Vantage, Shade
Shinon   --/20/3  67   50  30   11   34   29   20   28   20   Critical +15, Counter, Shade
Nephenee --/20/8  41   53  33   13   32   33   22   25   25   Critical +10, Wrath, Celerity, Daunt
Zihark   --/18    24   37  19   07   30   30   17   17   15   Adept, Critical +10, Paragon

Hawk Army:
Name     Level    EXP  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luck Def  Res  Skills
Tibarn   31       00   Base Stats
Danved   --/20/3  62   51  22   13   28   28   27   24   19   Critical +10, Paragon, Cancel
Meg      20/20/4  44   51  26   11   24   26   30   28   29   Fortune, Cancel, Resolve

All stats as of team division and are likely to change before the respective chapters begin due to BEXP use.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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I still want you to clarify about what I asked earlier - can we take extra units to the tower but not deploy them so we can bless additional weapons? Or is that considered cheating / a penalty?

Hmmmm... Can't see any reason to say no (partly because you're not deploying them or anything), so I guess you can. Integrity, do you think this would have had a significant effect on your tower turn counts?

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Hmmmm... Can't see any reason to say no (partly because you're not deploying them or anything), so I guess you can. Integrity, do you think this would have had a significant effect on your tower turn counts?

It would have had precisely 0 effect on my tower turn counts, partially because I wouldn't have thought to do it anyway and partially because everybody on my team had the best blessed weapon they could physically get.

EDIT: And in all of their cases, they had 1-2 blesseds except Heather with Baselard.

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3-3 is a bitch, first time i couldn't burn things, the second time i tried it...turn 12 or 13, the killer bow dude attacks mia and gets a crit then she is finished off by a javelin... -.-

Ike is level 15 and only has 24 speed ???o.O

EDIT: @int, saw your review on Skrimir. to bad u couldn't get naesala :awesome:

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It would have had precisely 0 effect on my tower turn counts, partially because I wouldn't have thought to do it anyway and partially because everybody on my team had the best blessed weapon they could physically get.

I see. I wanted to bring Mia along to bless a wyrmslayer and bring Bastian or Calill to bless a high-level thunder tome for the dragon level.

4-P: 12 turns + Naesala = 17 turns.

Sigrun was a dodge tank and Snacky got in lots of potshots. Sothe made it to --/18 before his promotion. Micaiah mostly used staves to heal.

I can assure you that it would have taken well over 20 turns without Naesala, who single-handedly took out half the map. Stupid reinforcements limited my ability to go any faster.

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An actual advantage to picking Nasir :D i'll probly bless a wyrmslayer or thoron.(maybe, just maybe i'll try for 4-e-1 bolting)

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I could have blessed a Thunder tome for Pelleas if I'd bought more Arms Scrolls but he didn't do anything in 4-E-3 and it wouldn't have shaved a turn off. Since Caineghis and Skrimir did everything a Wyrmslayer wouldn't have changed a thing either.

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4-1: 11 Turns. I can already tell that I'm going to do really badly overall. Not much to say except that my overpowered units continued to kick sorry butt all day...

4-2: 15 turns. I HATE THOSE REINFORCEMENTS!!!!! Could have done it in under 10 except for the fact that there's all those reinforcements that show up on the other side of the map!!!

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14 turns on 3-3, finally...finally i did this gay stage.

On a different note, is Zelgius Raven branded? i always suspected either hawk or tiger becaues he is strong, as are these two tribes, hawk because his brand looks like a bird and this tends to happen(brands resemble animal) but Kyza describes Zelgius as "Raven-Haired" which he definitly is, giving me the impression of his raven brand.

Ike is level 16 and has 24 speed, he was 15 with 23 at start of the last battle. :(

3-4 battle prep,

i decided to go to the advance to get Kyza before i did anything else.

AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH i didn't transfer Tauroneo's resolve, now Kyza cannot own this stage D:

Can i have heather steal it from zihark? ples?

at least i have enough bonus to give him 10 levels...yessss he takes dracoshield(2) + seraph robe(2) along with a talisman

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2-P: 8 turns

Marcia stayed back and just recruited Haar. Everything else was normal. I forgot to get the stats, though.

2-1: 7+6 turns (Brom, Nephenee)

Meh. Not too special. Interestingly enough, when green Heather stole an enemy's vulnerary, it said "You stole a Vulnerary". I recruited her for her stuff. Not that it's worth much.

2-2: 10+4 turns (Lucia)

This was a tricky chapter, it needed a lot of creative use of Canto and Leanne. I only barely managed ten turns. Lethe and Neal are halfway to S Strike.

Name            Level      HP|ST|MG|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lethe(TF)       21         51|18|12|26|24|18|18|20
Nealuchi(TF)    22         53|20| 8|18|36|24|20|20
Leanne          6          25| 0| 3| 1| 7|28| 2|12

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