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(FE7) Drafting Tourney IV


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This is the fourth draft of the Drafting Tourney for FE7.

Credit goes to Life for bringing it over from Gamefaqs. The following is copy-pasted from Furetchen copy-pasting from BigBangMeteor copy-pasting from the original

Credit to i_eat_tables for the idea. Originated at GFAQs and was pretty much a hit.

Basically, five people will enter in a drafting pool. One by one (in predefined order), each participant in this pool will choose one character from the list of selectable characters. There will be 40 characters available in all, so each participant will be able to select a total of 8.

Once this is done, the real tournament starts. The objective is to complete Hector Hard Mode (no Lyn Mode beforehand) as fast as possible (in terms of total turns used) using ONLY your drafted team of characters and a choice few that are allowed for everyone. The other characters you may not use (not even to support your characters with) except for:

- Meatshielding (without weapons)

- Rescuing non-drafted characters (but NOT characters you have drafted; this is basically so you can protect frail characters)

- Holding weapons and items

- Recruiting other characters

Another exception is that Matthew (and only Matthew) is allowed to open chests and steal items even if you haven't drafted him. You can still draft him normally to be on your combat team.

If you, for some reason, fail to abide by these rules, then you have to incur a four turn penalty for every character you've used for a purpose other than one listed above per chapter. As in the previous drafting tournament, this is four turns regardless of the importance or frequency of the foul committed. Like Kent can solo a chapter (4+ turns) or can rescue Lyn once (4+ turns).

During your run, you are expected to keep track of your total turn count and report often on your progress in some detail. If you don't, it might be mistaken for inactivity and thus grounds for disqualification. You are also expected to play fair. If you cheat, shame on you!

Gaiden chapters are, of course, completely optional, but since they will probably cost you quite a few turns, they're generally avoided.

The first five people to sign up will enter a drafting pool. If there's enough interest, a second pool will be available for the next five to sign up. You may choose your own position in the pool (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5). If you have no preference, I will put you in whatever slot is left after five signups. The order of drafting will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, ... until all 40 characters have been drafted.

Characters allowed for everyone to use are Hector, Marcus, Merlinus and Athos.

Leaves you with a draft pool of the following:



Since this tournament concerns HHM, please consider carefully if you are up to the challenge! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me.


Soul: Priscilla, Guy, Matthew, Karel, Rebecca, Wil, Jaffar

DarkCybaster: Raven, Lucius, Sain, Heath, Dart, Ninian, Louise

JB25: Serra, Oswin, Eliwood, Dorcas, Kent, Rath, Farina, Nino

-Cynthia-: Erk, Pent, Fiora, Harken, Bartre, Isadora, Nils, Vaida

HongLei: Lowen, Florina, Canas, Lyn, Hawkeye, Legault, Wallace, Renault

And I'll start by snapping up position 3 because I'm a fucker like that.

Edited by JB25
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Fun fact: I didn't make the idea. A guy called Ovalxx (where xx are numbers, might be 70) made it. I just adapted it for FE7. But thanks for crediting me anyway :P

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If no one else joins soon, I'll take the last spot as long as you don't mind me being in two at once (I have lots of free time? ;) )

If no one joins in 24 hours, I'll sign you up.

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I talked to my younger brother he said he is interested but he can't make an account because he forgot his email he could just draft from mine if u let him until he gets an account

just give it to lightning he doesn't have an account yet

Edited by HongLei
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Lucius and Canas are still on the board (though you have to go to Port of Badon to get Canas). I suspect Renault and Nino will stick around for quite some time, but availability fail and just general fail on Nino's part.

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Ya I kinda figured that because u already have raven for supports even though there isn't enough time for supports maybe a b at highest

I'm hopin for Canas maybe I could do it in 4 with flo

I'm bored I'm going try to predict the next few picks don't look until after u pick unless ur not playing cynthia already picked this round so she's fine

sync osw1n cy Lucius he already said light Kent or Matthew

it helps to set spoilers up right

Edited by HongLei
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