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(FE7) Drafting Tourney IV


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I'll take... Wil... Nobody else has good jointime.

I've already done Ch. 11 btw. 10 turned it, and did Ch. 12 perfectly, probably could've finished it on the 7th turn.


Oh and for my second dude I'll take Jaffar.

Edited by Lightning
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ch 11 8 turn comp


Hector 4.0___21. 9 6 6 4 8 1

ch 12 9 turn comp

ch 13 9 turn comp


Hector 9.29__26__13____ 9___10___6___10____2

Marcos 1.88 whatever his bases are I'm lazy

lowen 5.20 _26 __ 8 ___ 7___ 8___4___ 9____ 0

Edited by HongLei
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Not very much no. Sync can take Nino I guess, and Geitz/Karla aren't recruitable.

Completed Chapter 11 in 8 turns. Pretty much went the same as anyone else's I guess, went west Matthew got the Red gem and Lockpick.

Ingore that last entry for C12 , I accidentally overwrote it.

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Don't have a cam maybe I can find a screen recorder app if not I'll just take screenshots

okay I found one it sucks but it might work

it's really laggy and awful and Idk how long it records for

forgot to record 14 on the time no one died Marcus hax dodged everything and lowen and hector cleaned up the rest

15 8 turn that's what we count it as right

16 13 turn forgot how much of a pain protecting Lyn is

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C12- 7 turns. Marcus killed most of map including boss, Hector and Bartre played cleanup.

C13- 8 turns, again Marcus Marcus Marcus. I just had him kill Guy, getting KE more trouble than it's worth.

Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	5.90 	23 	10 	5 	6   	4    	10   	2  		
Marcus 	2.88    31 	15 	16 	12 	8   	10    	8
Bartre  4.86    31      9       7   	3       4       5       2

Woo Spd screwed Barte. Not looking forward to C14.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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C12- 7 turns. Marcus killed most of map including boss, Hector and Bartre played cleanup.

C13- 8 turns, again Marcus Marcus Marcus. I just had him kill Guy, getting KE more trouble than it's worth.

Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	5.90 	23 	10 	5 	6   	4    	10   	2  		
Marcus 	2.88    31 	15 	16 	12 	8   	10    	8
Bartre  4.86    31      9       7   	3       4       5       2

Woo Spd screwed Barte. Not looking forward to C14.

You'll quickly find that Bartre is one of the most unreliable units of all time. I nabbed him in the draft tourney I'm in right now and all he's been good for was distracting Uhai.

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Well I've been awful at recording so I'm going to try restarting and recording all of it and I accedently deleted my sav file with all the old savestates which were not for this playthrough

edit wrong / I accendtly used \

just got a new sav file :) time to start over :/

8 turn comp for 11

upload later

Edited by HongLei
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I'll take Geitz. Because I'm silly enough to use the Lords for a few chapters just in an attempt to get him.

... i know that technically I can't pick right now but still.

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Umm go for it lightning I can screw around all I want and I'm guarenteed 4th place at worst

buddy if it's 1 penalty turn for combat that will be 4 and 8 turn penalties every level and 8 x 5 chapters = 40 about a quarter of bal's playthrough

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Since my com isn't cooperating with me, I'll give a turn by turn instead.

Turn 1: Matthew trades Hector his sword, unlocks the door, Hector smashes his Hand Axe into the Soldier's face. On enemy phase, Hector dodges the Archer and throws his Hand Axe.

Turn 2: Hector finishes off the Archer. Enemy phase, the Knight and soldier bite the dust, Hector levels (+ HP and Str), gets a Vulnerary and is shot by the second Archer.

Turn 3: Hector chucks his Hand Axe at the Archer and misses. He goes down to 7 HP, and the enemy thief unlocks the Red Gem door.

Turn 4: The Archer dies to Wolf Beil, and Hector gets +HP, +Str, +Lck and +Def. Matthew moves up, and the thief takes the Red Gem.

Turn 5: Hector uses a Vuln, both Hector and Matt move up.

Turn 6: Ditto the above, minus the Vulnerary.

Turn 7: See turn 6.

Turn 8: Matt takes away the Red Gem, Hector ORKOs Wire.

Not looking forward to C12 at all.

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C14-10 turns Marcus charges ahead and pretty much kills everything. Hector/Bartre kill pirates. Erk recruited, Serra died. Erk got bosskill

C15-8 turns Unequipped Oswin sits in throne and lulz at things trying to hurt him. Rest of group goes southeast, kills Sealen and gets the Dracoshield (saving for Fiora I think). Didn't bother fielding Matthew to get the chests.

C16- 9 turns. Sain/Kent/Wil all take turns Rescuing Lyn, landing on forests and dying. Marcus and Hector charge forward and kill stuff. Bartre/Erk combine to kill bandits.

Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	10.61 	28 	13 	6 	8   	4    	13   	3  		
Marcus 	5.06    32 	16 	19 	12 	9   	11    	9
Bartre  8.75    35      10      8   	6       6       6       3
Erk     7.52    22      7       8       10      4       3       6

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C12: Birds of a Feather

Turn 1: Marcus takes Bartre's axes and moves up, equipping the Hand Axe. Eliwood and Dorc move out of range of the Peg knight, Lowen trades his sword to Eli, Rebecca does nothing. Marcus injures a Bandit, Hector OHKOs one with a crit. He then OHKOs a Peg knight (12 Str, <3), while Marcus OHKOs another one. An archer attacks Marcus, who kills it easily.

Turn 2: Marcus moves onto the second fort and kills a Bandit, Dorcas kills the one Marcus weakened. Serra heals Hector, who moves west. Oswin moves south to help Marcus out. Amazingly, Dorcas hits a Merc on enemy phase (who still doubled him), Marcus nukes yet another Bandit and 2 Peg Knights. Hector OHKOs a Peg Knight, Dorcas hits one. ARCHERS TINK HECTOR.

Turn 3: People heal up on forts. Dorcas kills the Peg knight, Eliwood hits the Merc, Marcus kills it. Oswin and Hector combine to kill an Archer.

Turn 4: Hector nukes a Peg Knight, Oswin moves up. Matthew charges down to sell his Red Gem, Marcus and Eliwood charge up.

Turn 5: Hector gets hit on Enemy phase by the boss, but he counters for meh damage. The Hand Axe bandit continues to fail.

Turn 6: Serra heals Hector, who hits the boss. The boss misses :awesome: Eliwood is 1 HP away from a clean KO, so I let Marcus do the honours. Serra dodges the Hand Axe bandit.

Turn 7: Serra heals up Oswin. Hector hits the Bandit, Eliwood kills. Chapter end.

Overall, not as bad as I thought it would be. Hector got to 12 Str, which really helped since it allowed Wolf Beil to start OHKOing retarded Peggies. He's nearly as tanky as Oswin, while being faster as well >_>

        Level HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
Hector:  5.55  25 12      6   8   5   12  3
Eliwood: 1.43  20 7       7   9   7   7   2
Marcus:  1.60  31 15      15  11  8   10  8
Dorcas:  3.79  30 7       7   6   3   3   0
Oswin:   9.10  28 13      9   5   3   13  3
Serra:   1.22  17 2       5   8   6   2   5

Turns: 7

Total: 15

Should I go for Guy's Killing Edge? It'll take a few turns, plus Silver Lance also does it's work, but Eli kind of needs it >_>

Edited by JB25
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Should I go for Guy's Killing Edge? It'll take a few turns, plus Silver Lance also does it's work, but Eli kind of needs it >_>

Definitely do that. I ended up getting the killing edge and giving it to Matthew, and it helped make his ridiculously inept offense somewhat useful, especially in annoying chapters like 16 and 18

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C17- 12 turns. Unequipped Oswin died after facing too many enemies. No vulneraries left for this map. Got Hero's Crest.

C18-3 turns Promoted Bartre. Marcus rushed left, others helped clear and did much needed shopping. RIP Dorcas/Rebecca as sacrifices.

C19-7 turns Unequipped Florina/Dart stay on center island and die, everyone else goes towards Uhai. Fiora recruited, kills some pirates. Marcus bosskills again (Hector killed the C16/17 bosses).

Total turns so far: 72

Name 	Level   HP 	ST 	SK	SP 	LK      DF      RS
Hector 	14.45 	32 	14 	7 	9   	4    	15   	5  		
Marcus 	7.74    34 	17 	19 	13 	9   	11    	9
Bartre  1.58    40      11      10   	6       6       10      6
Erk     10.68   24      8       11      13      6       3       9
Fiora   8.14    21      8       12      13      7       6       8

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