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How bout a partner tournament?


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The rules would be:

5 stock

best 3/5

no items

any stage but wario ware and electroplankton

You would send the person who you want to partner with a PM and if they accept then you are a team in the tourney. I guess we could make team names just to have some fun....oh and have at least 2 or 3 ppl in mind just in case the person you ask has already been asked by another person or has asked another person (Like if hika asks arc but arc has already been asked by serene and said yes to him)

I have work till 9 tonight so if for some reason someone wanted to partner with me dont expect an acceptance or decline message till like 9:20 tonight.

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Good ideal, bad timing, well in my case anyways. I'm moving this week, and I don't know if I'll have WiFi right off the back. I'd play I just don't know if I can.

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I'd love to do this. Friendly fire is generally on in stuff like this, but how do you guys feel about it?

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If this happens I'm not joining >>

If it doesn't happen, I'm in.

im with copain i dont think ill olay but if it happens i may not play

Edited by Emo Kirby Crew
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With friendly fire on, as long as you're not either completely unaware of what the other person is doing or were going to try some retarded double-pronged camping strategy with it off, it doesn't really matter.

Also, what makes Electroplankton unplayable, but Victory Road feasible? There's nothing that will come out of left field and completely upend a match in Electroplankton, assuming the players know the stage.

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"random teams"

That would be interesting, but would suck for the people who had specific partners in mind.

Edited by Dr.Dorian
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If this happens I'm not joining >>

If it doesn't happen, I'm in.

Fun fact: If you use a character with a low knockback attack and your partner gets beaten off the stage then you can use that attack so that they can use another recovery move if their first one failed.

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Kay im home. I thought of saying no spear pillar either. So i guess thats out too.

And as for friendly fire, off.

As for partners........well how would we be able to make it random?

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Kay im home. I thought of saying no spear pillar either. So i guess thats out too.

And as for friendly fire, off.

As for partners........well how would we be able to make it random?

well ok if i can play because im moving on saturday

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