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Naglfar's bows-only playthrough!

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Had half a post written and somehow managed to lose it. Pfeh.

Hard mode, recruit everyone, no deaths, Eirika route, only use units who attack with bows, units who gain bows on promotion can use other weapons until 10/0, then I stop using them completely until promotion. Thanks to that, our qualifiers are:



Ross (Warrior)

Garcia (Warrior)

Gerik (Ranger)

What, you wanted me to solo six-odd chapters with Neimi?



1 turn, 0 resets

Eirika and Seth both ORKO. Yay rapiercrit! O'Neill attacks Seth and dies. Right, next chapter.

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

4 turns, 0 resets

Seth, Gilliam and Franz ensure Eirika can make a 4-turn seize. Seth 2HKOs the boss, with an unnecessary crit at 4 displayed for show. He levels and gets HP, LUK, DEF and RES. Eirika seizes. Probably would have been faster if I'd had Seth ferry her.

[spoiler=Chapter 2]

16 turns, 4 resets

Enter Ross and Garcia! I had to reset a few times before I figured out a proper strategy to use. Vanessa rescues Ross for recruitment, then Eirika joins Seth, Franz, Gilliam and Moulder in the top-left corner. Vanessa lures a bandit so Garcia doesn't kill him on enemy phase and go running after the archer (in retrospect, that probably shouldn't be allowed), then rescues him for Ross to recruit before joining Eirika and friends. I park Ross on a forest tile, as he can dodgetank acceptably there and the bandits will ignore the villages in favour of attacking him. I have to rely on the RNG a little, but it's kind to me, and even gives Ross HP, SPD, DEF and RES on levelling. Garcia makes things easier on his son with his hand axe, and Ross gets another kill and a level, procing SKL, DEF and RES. The RNG keeps them out of much further immediate danger and I move the two of them to a corner so Ross can only be attacked from one angle. More level-ups ensue: Garcia gets HP and STR for 5/0, Ross gets HP and LUK for -4/0, then HP, STR, SKL and LUK for -5/0, Garcia then hits 6/0 and gets HP, SPD and RES. The injured boss leaving for a fort lets Ross save the villages. Bone comes back and gets owned by the axefighters. Ross gets the kill and hits -6/0 just in time for my luck to run out. He procs HP.

Name    Level   HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS

Ross     -6/0   19| 6| 4| 4|10| 5| 2
Garcia    6/0   30| 9| 7| 8| 3| 5| 2

Ross is actually fairly in line with his averages, surprisingly. I thought he was doing better. So is Garcia, but he's only gained two levels from his base.

That'll do for this post. Tell me what you think. Should I be more descriptive (even though I'm stealing enough ideas from Integrity already)?

In the next instalment, Neimi joins, and I'll be very careful with how I use Garcia and Ross, particularly the former, so they can stick around to meatshield for her until she can take care of herself! :awesome:

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While I feel like putting in a shameless plug for my archer only hack... I won't. Unless I just did. Hmm.

But anyway, this is looking interesting. level 10 promoted Garcia, Gerik and Ross will probably end up meaning it's pretty much Neimi and Innes doing all the work, but we'll see (I guess Garcia x Ross could make up the shortfall if it reaches a nice level).

Actually, it looks like all of your characters can support. Innes x Gerik x Ross x Garcia x Neimi. Since you only have bow users, I guess you'll be going pretty slowly anyway, so maybe you should aim for Innes A Gerik B Ross A Garcia B Neimi. Don't know if you'll manage to make it, since supports are just crazy slow, but maybe.

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While I feel like putting in a shameless plug for my archer only hack... I won't. Unless I just did. Hmm.

But anyway, this is looking interesting. level 10 promoted Garcia, Gerik and Ross will probably end up meaning it's pretty much Neimi and Innes doing all the work, but we'll see (I guess Garcia x Ross could make up the shortfall if it reaches a nice level).

Actually, it looks like all of your characters can support. Innes x Gerik x Ross x Garcia x Neimi. Since you only have bow users, I guess you'll be going pretty slowly anyway, so maybe you should aim for Innes A Gerik B Ross A Garcia B Neimi. Don't know if you'll manage to make it, since supports are just crazy slow, but maybe.

I think you just did.

I was going to look up supports and figure out what to do, but it seems you've done it for me. Kthx :3

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Double post for update! This counts as a project thread, right?

[spoiler=Chapter 3]

34 turns, 0 resets

Before starting, I bought Ross an Iron Axe. Garcia got the ch2 Elixir and they both stole everyone else's vulneraries. I start, and my last two spare vulneraries go onto Neimi.

Neimi shoots a guy, Ross and Garcia break a wall, and everyone else goes to hide in the delightfully useless southeast corner. Garcia gets hit and hits back, and Colm appears! Neimi slaps him and sends him into the corner with everyone else. Ross goes for a 2RKO from 1-range, but misses on the enemy phase. He kills the bandit from 2-range instead and levels. HP, STR, SPD, LUK, DEF. Sweet. He gets a chest key too, sending a vulnerary back to the convoy. Neimi shoots a guy again. Next turn, Ross hits Neimi's guy so she can get the kill and a door key. Turn five! Neimi and Garcia break a wall, Ross heals. Turn six! Neimi opens a door, Ross heals again, heading north. Garcia does nothing and everyone else settles into the corner never to be heard from again. Turn seven! Neimi sits herself across the wall from a hand axe bandit.

Fast-forward to turn ten, Neimi backs off as even if she does heal to full, if she gets hit by the bandit and his 48 displayed hit and kills him with a counter, she'll be in range to be killed by the archer. So she heals and kills him on player phase, levelling and getting HP, SKL, SPD and RES. She's then attacked by the archer, and the heal-stalling starts again. She gets the kill on turn 13 EP.

Neimi heals again as Ross pulls a bandit from the north. He's missed and hits on enemy phase. Garcia activates GarciaxRoss C, Neimi snipes and I pass. Ross is missed, hits, and levels. LolSKL. Neimi gets the kill and also levels, she procs STR, SKL, SPD and DEF. Ross approaches the middle northern chest, Garcia whacks the wall. Next turn, Ross pops his chest for a hand axe, Garcia follows Neimi, who goes south in preparation to shoot the thief, which I should have done the turn before. Ross moves to rejoin his teammates, Neimi snipes, and Garcia sits next to her for support points. The thief sits still, and Neimi takes him out. Ross smashes the wall with his new hand axe and goes up to D rank for it.

Another hand axe bandit, this one from the room to the east, comes along and has a shot at Neimi, hits and is critted! Sadly he's left with 1 HP, but Neimi does make 4/0 from it, and HP, SPD, LUK, DEF and RES go ping. Back to player phase, I move Neimi forward and heal, staying outside the bandit's 1-range, Garcia moves next to her again and Ross gets out of the bandit's range entirely. Neimi is missed on enemy phase and gets the kill.

They move on, keeping clear of a steel axe bandit. Ross moves in on turn 22, and the others sit behind him. He takes 12 damage and returns 8, then runs off to heal while the others protect him. Neimi doubles, falls one damage short again, dodges on enemy phase and finishes it on player phase. Next turn, Garcia goes to pull the merc, gets hit for 7 and misses. Well then. He heals and Neimi snipes. Garcia is hit and counters successfully, letting Neimi finish the job and level yet again, getting HP, STR and SKL. Ross moves up, Garcia moves into the boss's steel axe range, heals, and the hard part begins...

Bazba misses and gets whacked for 10, Neimi snipes for 4 and a miss and Ross rescues her. I suddenly remember that I need Eirika to seize, so Seth picks her up and speeds toward the throne. Bazba hits and is missed, Garcia heals and Ross puts Neimi down on a safe tile. Bazba misses and is missed. Neimi shoots for 4 and miss. Ross rescues, Bazba misses, Garcia hits. Neimi is put down, Garcia moves away. Turn 32 begins with Bazba at 6, Neimi takes a punt, scoring a hit and a miss yet again. Ross rescues, Garcia takes and drops, as I want Neimi ready to try again next turn but I don't want Bazba to switch to his hand axe (she won't be able to double him). Bazba heals to 4, Seth drops Eirika off, Neimi tries again and her 62 hit strikes home, winning her a level and... HP. Where have we seen that before? Anyway, I pass the turn to myself and finally seize. That took two hours, I guess I shouldn't handwrite these logs.

Name    Level   HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS       HP|  STR|  SKL|  SPD|  LUK|  DEF|  RES

Ross     -8/0   20| 7| 5| 5|11| 6| 2     +0.1| -1.5|+0.55| -0.1| +0.2|+1.25| +0.6
Garcia    6/0   30| 9| 7| 8| 3| 5| 2     +0.4| -0.3| -0.8| +0.6| -0.8| -0.5| +0.7
Neimi     6/0   21| 6| 8| 9| 5| 5| 4    +1.25|-0.25| +0.5| EVEN| -1.5|+1.25|+0.25

Yay, how my units are doing in comparison to their averages is all there now! Well, I'm happy with how Ross and Neimi are turning out durability-wise, but I'm a bit concerned about everything else. Hopefully things will get better as my army levels up some more.

Yyyyyeah. I'm going to do a cleaner, more well-organized turn-by-turn log from now on. Like Int, again. Seriously, this update is really messy.

Still, wait for next time! Artur and Lute join and watch my Power Trio do their stuff! There'll be forest tile abuse, maybe a death-reset or two, and Ross doubling! It'll be cool! :awesome:

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This is looking great so far. Your characters are looking ok so far exceptexcept for Ross' strength. I honestly didn't think the turn counts would be so high. Good luck with this I'm looking forward to the next update.

@Integrity Would my LP topic count as a project? Sorry for going off topic but I really need to know.

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Er, I'm very not a mod but I imagine it would. I don't see a difference between that and any other playthrough; there's no qualifier that it has to be a kind of log.

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Ancient Horrors!

[spoiler=Chapter 4]

23 turns, 0 resets

Preparation: Not much. I put Colm's vulnerary on Neimi and Artur's onto Garcia. Neimi's bow only has 19 uses left, I may have to use Ross a little more this time.

Turn 1: Eirika and Artur hide in a corner for now. Ross sits on a forest tile, Neimi hides behind him and Garcia sits next to her.

Turn 2: Everybody stays where they are. A revenant hits Ross and gets hit twice, a sword!bonewalker hits him and is hit, a Mogall misses him and gets doubled and killed. Level -9/0, HP, STR, SKL, LUK. Sup L'Arachel.

Turn 3: Neimi doubles and kills the bonewalker and goes up to C bows. Ross uses a vulnerary. Enemy phase, the revenant attacks Ross, misses and is critted unnecessarily at 8 displayed. A lance!bonewalker comes up, misses and is hit, and Ross makes it to -10/0! HP, STR, SPD... not bad. Ross will gain no further experience in this chapter, and between Ross having to take a break at 10/0 and Neimi's limited bow uses before I can buy her another in the next chapter, I decide it's a good idea to abuse Ross while I can to score myself some breathing space.

Turn 4: Ross heals again and I pass, this is so lol. Revenant attacks him, hits, is hit twice. Lance!bonewalker attacks him, misses, is hit and killed.

Turn 5: I decide there's merit in at least giving Neimi some kills, so I have her shoot a weakened revenant and it dies. Ross hits a lance!bonewalker from 2-range and Garcia keeps bonding with Neimi. Still no support, unfortunately. Enemy phase, Ross is hit by a revenant and doubles back. He's then attacked by the bonewalker he weakened, is missed and kills it, then is attacked by more of the same, gets hit, doubles and kills. Ross is proving to be quite durable and good at dodging, particularly with that forest tile. And here I thought I'd have to reset.

Turn 6: Neimi kills the revenant. She levels, STR, LUK. I guess I can't really fault her when she gains strength. Ross visits the village for an iron axe, and I move Eirika and Artur so they won't be targeted by the northwestern reinforcements. Garcia stays next to Neimi. Nothing happens on enemy phase.

Turn 7: Ross moves into another revenant's range and heals. Garcia and Neimi sit behind him, Garcia's left in its range too but the revenant will go for Ross anyway. Eirika and Artur hide. Enemy phase, revenant hits Ross, is hit twice. He can't ORKO with his hatchet or double with anything else, but that works out as I want Neimi to get the kills.

Turn 8: Neimi kills. Ross attacks a revenant from across the river. This leaves him with seven uses on his hatchet. Garcia keeps building support with Neimi... enemy phase was free of event.

Turn 9: Ross and Garcia break the snag with iron axes. Neimi snipes the revenant and misses with 83 displayed hit, thankfully she kills him on the double. On enemy phase, a sword!bonewalker hits Ross, who hits back.

Turn 10: Ross hatchets said bonewalker, Neimi kills it. Garcia sits next to both of them. Pass. Nothing.

Turn 11: Ross moves into a revenant's range and heals. Neimi moves closer and Garcia sits next to them again. What do I have to do to get a support? The revenant misses Ross and gets hit twice.

Turn 12: Neimi kills. Level 8. STR, SKL, SPD, DEF, brilliant. Garcia keeps building support. Looks like the northeastern reinforcements aren't coming? Enemy phase is nothing.

Turn 13: I move south along the snag. That's all. Oh, reinforcements!

Turn 14: I move Artur and Eirika further to the east. I move forward slightly into enemy ranges. A revenant misses Ross and gets doubled and killed! I pull off another useless 8-displayed crit. Next is a bonewalker who hits and is hit. The reinforcements advance on me.

Turn 15: I move Ross back to meet the reinforcements, Garcia goes forward a little and Neimi doubles and kills the bonewalker. Enemy phase, the zombies move south and... very slightly east. I don't want that. Thankfully Eirika and Artur are still out of their range thanks to a forest.

Turn 16: Ross has 4 AS with an iron axe, and therefore can double all but one of the reinforcements (0, 0, 0, 1 lol). He goes to a forest tile, equips it, and attacks. He hits, is hit, and kills. I figure Garcia and Neimi might be necessary to kill the rest of them before one strays in the direction of the monk and lord, and Ross could potentially be in trouble! Damn fetid claw on the 1 AS revenant! Garcia uses his hand axe to double and kill one, and then Neimi joins Garcia to meatshield for Ross (!). She has 6 defence, so the revenants would hit her for 5 and 10. Forest!Ross would take 4 and 9, and with 12 HP left he can't take that. Enemy phase, the one with the fetid claw moves next to Neimi and... doesn't do anything. I'm aware that they do this sometimes, but it's really quite unbelievable. The other one does attack, and misses.

Turn 17: Neimi's bow has nine uses left. Five enemies are left, I think I'll cut down on using her a little more. She'll get the boss kill, though. Ross goes slightly east to another forest tile and heals. Neimi moves south, and Garcia sits in front of her so the revenants go for Ross. The stronger one moves next to Ross and doesn't attack again, while the more generic one (they're revenants, how more generic can you get?) attacks, misses, and gets doubled to death.

Turn 18: Eirika and Artur creep into a probably slightly more secure corner a space northwest of them, even though they clearly won't need it. Neimi moves toward the southewest village and Garcia follows. Can you believe they still can't support? Ross attacks the last revenant with his iron axe. Oh, he can double? Apparently the fetid claw weighs it down or something (rofl). Ross hits, is missed, and kills. Another nothing enemy phase.

Turn 19: Ross moves toward the northern bridge across the river, while Neimi invites Lute to come watch down by the western one. Lute sits on a forest tile for no reason and Garcia sits next to the archer. Enemy phase... happens.

Turn 20: Ross equips his hand axe and moves in range of a mogall. Garcia and Neimi charge in but still aren't in range of any enemies. Ross is evil eyed on enemy phase, and hand axes back.

Turn 21: Ross sits on a forest tile and throws his hatchet one last time, killing the mogall and presumably losing the axe in the river. He reverts to his hand axe, I should have made an iron axe take that spot. Garcia and Neimi move forward a little, but Neimi stays out of the way. The revenant misses Ross and gets hit.

Turn 22: Garcia and Neimi move toward the boss while Ross sticks an iron axe in his revenant. Cue imminent victory music! I forgot the name! On enemy phase, the boss stirs and attacks Ross, hitting him for 10 and is doubled for a total of 34. Lucky the other revenant didn't hit him, I forgot this boss moves when his cronies are dead.

Turn 23: Neimi sticks an arrow in the boss's remaining 3 HP. Good game. 100 EXP, woot promoted enemies! Fucking guess what she procs.

Name    Level   HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS       HP|  STR|  SKL|  SPD|  LUK|  DEF|  RES

Ross    -10/0   22| 9| 6| 6|12| 6| 2     +0.7| -0.5|+0.85| +0.3| +0.4|+0.75| +0.2
Garcia    6/0   30| 9| 7| 8| 3| 5| 2     +0.4| -0.3| -0.8| +0.6| -0.8| -0.5| +0.7
Neimi     9/0   22| 8| 9|10| 6| 6| 4     +0.6| +0.4| EVEN| -0.8| -2.0| +1.8| -0.8

Defences notwithstanding, Ross has improved everywhere. Garcia hasn't changed, of course. Neimi... eh. I like how her defence is turning out, and her strength is improving, but the rest is looking worse than before. Still, all my units are staying quite close to their averages, and that's all I need. Except possibly for Garcia getting speed blessed.

I like how this one turned out, I'll definitely stick with this format. I don't have much to say here.

Next time, I recruit JyoJoshua somehow, Neimi gets new bows, Ross is a fighter, and Neimi and Garcia just might support! I also get a shield, what do you guys think I should do with it? Let me know! :awesome:

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Why not go Pirate with Ross? He'll be able to promote into a Warrior earlier (since the 3rd Heroes crest comes in chapter 16, and you probably want Ross, Garcia and Gerik promoted before then), and the promotion gains are better (+1 SPD will matter as a Warrior, and +1 DEF > +1 RES).

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Why not go Pirate with Ross? He'll be able to promote into a Warrior earlier (since the 3rd Heroes crest comes in chapter 16, and you probably want Ross, Garcia and Gerik promoted before then), and the promotion gains are better (+1 SPD will matter as a Warrior, and +1 DEF > +1 RES).

I thought Hero was the shared promotion?

EDIT: No, he's right. Pirate -> Warrior would be better for the aforementioned Ocean Seal.

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Why not go Pirate with Ross? He'll be able to promote into a Warrior earlier (since the 3rd Heroes crest comes in chapter 16, and you probably want Ross, Garcia and Gerik promoted before then), and the promotion gains are better (+1 SPD will matter as a Warrior, and +1 DEF > +1 RES).

Crests can be bought in the Secret Shop in Chapter 14, so he wouldn't need to wait that long. However, your point still stands.

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Why not go Pirate with Ross? He'll be able to promote into a Warrior earlier (since the 3rd Heroes crest comes in chapter 16, and you probably want Ross, Garcia and Gerik promoted before then), and the promotion gains are better (+1 SPD will matter as a Warrior, and +1 DEF > +1 RES).

Shit, Pirate goes to Warrior? I completely forgot. Thanks so much for that, I was about to take the more expensive/slower route. Seems my draft playthrough thread stupidity isn't afraid to leak into my own personal endeavours.

Neimi getting the shield looks like the best idea. She's already slightly more durable as Ross and I want her to be able to stand on her own as soon as possible, so I can control when the axefighters reach 10/0. Then there's the secret book I forgot about. Ross has more levels to gain, but Garcia's skill looks like it might be a problem as I get closer to promoting him (I really, really don't want him missing on C6, either). Bows will likely fix his hit problems, but an extra boost won't hurt.

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Are you going Neimi -> Ranger? Or Sniper? Innes has you for Balista, and Ranger could give you some move, but.....

You might want an unequipped Seth/Vanessa to go get the villagers since you need the Orion Bolt.

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Secret Book to Garcia, definitely. Neimi and Ross both have time to fix their Skills, and Gerik's Skill is awesome anyway.


I say make him complete it with only Ross and Neimi. :P

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Are you going Neimi -> Ranger? Or Sniper? Innes has you for Balista, and Ranger could give you some move, but.....

You might want an unequipped Seth/Vanessa to go get the villagers since you need the Orion Bolt.

I thought about it, and since Neimi's probably going to turn out to be my most durable unit (rofl), I think giving her a little more mobility would be better. So Ranger.

I cheated with Vanessa once absentmindedly. I won't do it again. Besides, I've already thought about the bolt. I'll see how effective rushing the boss is. How is Seth meant to get to the villagers anyway?

And I'll start on C5 now~

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[spoiler=Chapter 5]

34 turns, 1 reset

Preparation: I start the chapter, Ross promotes to Pirate! +2 HP, +2 STR, +1 SPD, +1 DEF, +2 CON. Ross is now a big boy and can use iron axes without being weighed down. Nice timing, since his hatchet is gone. Still, 7 AS isn't doubling much. The big plus here would be the extra point to move. As I go in, Ross has two iron axes, a hand axe and two vulneraries. Garcia has an iron axe, a hand axe, a vulnerary and an elixir. Neimi has her 8-use bow and three vulneraries.

Turn 1: Eirika hides in the southwest corner. Garcia and Ross move northeast with Natasha in tow, Neimi moves toward the house. People move on enemy phase and some ugly bandits come.

Turn 2: Eirika moves into the corner properly. Neimi visits for her shield. Garcia moves forward a space onto a forest tile and Ross crits and kills a soldier with his hand axe! Natasha stays out of the way. Enemy phase, A bandit attacks Ross, misses, is missed. Another attacks Garcia, misses, is hit. Guys move.

Turn 3: Neimi starts moving to rejoin the team and eats her shield. Garcia whacks Ross's bandit and is missed, Ross takes the kill. On enemy phase, a soldier attacks Ross, misses, is hit, and critted at 7. Wow. Level up, LUK, DEF. Fighter, misses, is hit. Bandit, hits, is killed. Archer, hits. Ross has 4 HP left. He could potentially have died there...

Turn 4: Neimi moves closer, hopefully she'll pull an enemy or two away. Ross sits on a forest tile and heals, Garcia sits on the forest tile next to him, and an exposed Natasha backs off. Enemy phase. Ross is missed by a fighter, and kills him. Level up, HP, STR, SKL, SPD, good. An archer attacks next and misses. Another archer does the same. A fighter is approaching from the west.

Turn 5: Garcia whacks an archer, levels up. HP, STR... meh. Ross attacks the other one, whom Neimi kills with a single shot for what would have been exact damage, but she pulls a crit at 1 displayed... ugh. Natasha backs off more. Eirika runs east, that fighter might start going in her direction, so she'd at least better pull him somewhere manageable. Enemy phase, said fighter attacks Garcia. Ah. Misses, is hit. The archer hits Ross for lol3.

Turn 6: Another arrow from Neimi finishes off the fighter. Garcia kills the archer, I let Ross heal. Natasha moves forward again, Eirika goes for the southeast corner. Enemy phase, bandits have already spawned, I must have missed that. They go toward a house. Oh dear. Did I really need that book anyway?

Turn 7: Ross and Garcia advance, Neimi sits behind Garcia, Natasha behind her. Eirika settles into her new corner. Enemy phase, a fighter hits Ross and is hit. Another fighter misses Garcia and is hit. Those bloody bandits move closer to the house, they'll get it next turn.

Turn 8: Neimi picks off Garcia's fighter. Level up! HP, STR, SKL, SPD, LUK. She won't be doubled by Joshua now! Ross heals, Garcia sits put, I accept that I won't get the secret book, and it's not like I need a guiding ring. On enemy phase, a fighter misses Ross, is killed. The house dies. Looks like the northernmost one will be next, but I doubt I need that torch. Wait until C6 proves me wrong.

Turn 9: I stay put. A bandit attacks Ross, misses, is hit.

Turn 10: Neimi kills the fighter, 4 uses left in her bow. Aside from that, I sit waiting again. Another bandit goes for Garcia, hits, is hit. Torch house dies.

Turn 11: Neimi shoots for another kill. Ross activates GarciaxRoss B! STILL no GarciaxNeimi though, what the hell? Garcia heals. Bandits approach on enemy phase.

Turn 12: Neimi motherfucking supports with Garcia! Finally! That's all I do. A bandit moves forward, another misses Ross and gets critted at 13 displayed. He levels! HP, SKL, SPD, LUK, DEF, and B axes!

Turn 13: I end straight away, a bandit approaches. Just a little more slowplaying.

Turn 14: I end again. Ross is missed by the bandit and hits.

Turn 15: Neimi kills said bandit. Level up! STR, SPD, DEF, RES, brilliant! I end once more. Nothing happens on enemy phase.

Turn 16: I heal Neimi 1 HP up to 23 for no real reason as she moves into Joshua's range. It's all up to the RNG, now. Natasha moves a little closer. Enemy phase... Joshua attacks her... misses. Thank god for that.

Turn 17: Natasha tells Joshua to fuck off, and he does. I decide to move everyone around the western side of the map to get to the armory while fighting the least amount of enemies... I need to conserve what use I have of Ross and Garcia, and Neimi only has two shots left of her bow. No enemy phase.

Turn 18: My team moves toward the western corridor. LolEP.

Turn 19: They move into said corridor. Ross is in front and in enemy range. He's attacked by a soldier, missed, then he doubles and kills him. Then an archer hits him for 4.

Turn 20: Garcia whacks the archer. Ross kills him. Neimi moves forward. No activity on enemy phase.

Turn 21: All that I have to fight before I get to the armoury is a merc. Neimi moves into his range, the others sit behind her. Ross heals. Enemy phase, Neimi is hit for 3.

Turn 22: Ross goes after the merc with his hand axe (Neimi 3HKOs the merc). 55 hit succeeds. Level up, HP, STR, LUK, DEF. Ross and Garcia levelling is kind of bittersweet at this point, even when it's a good level. Neimi shoots. 85 displayed hit fails. WTF. Thankfully misses don't deplete durability on anything but tomes. Garcia does nothing. Neimi is hit for 2, lolforesttile.

Turn 23: Neimi steps off the tile, and-- wait, she can do 11 damage now with 90 hit? It was 10 before. And the merc has 11 HP left, so that's a kill. I see that I had her out of range for her Garcia support before. Well, she's in range now. She attacks and crits at 7 displayed. How nice! Ross and Garcia move forward a bit. No enemy phase.

Turn 24: Everyone moves forward a little bit, ready for Neimi to run into the armoury next turn. What enemy phase?

Turn 25: Neimi buys another iron bow, yay! Ross moves in front of her so a fighter doesn't. Garcia sits behind Ross. Enemy phase, the fighter misses Ross, and is... critted... by... the hand axe. I know Ross has nice crit, but why is every other one of my attacks a critical in this chapter?

Turn 26: Neimi moves on and heals. Garcia and Ross sit behind her and let her do her thing, but still build support. Enemy phase, a soldier misses her.

Turn 27: Neimi doubles the soldier and kills him. Garcia and Ross move accordingly. Ross re-equips his iron axe. No enemy phase.

Turn 28: Neimi runs forward and shoots a soldier, lol 2-range! Doubled and killed. Forests are in the way and Garcia can't keep up (two in front of him, Neimi was on one of them at the start of the turn). No enemy phase, again.

Turn 29: Neimineimineimi moves into a soldier's range. He attacks. Miss.

Turn 30: Double. Kill. Level up. HP. SKL. LUK. All that's left is Saar.

Turn 31: The team moves closer to the boss.

Turn 32: Neimi goes in to attack. Too bad that the boss has a javelin. Here's the display window, with Garcia support active: Neimi has 23 HP, Saar has 32. Neimi will do 5x2 damage, Saar will do 10. Neimi has 100 hit, Saar has 46. Neimi has 5 crit, Saar has 0. Attack. Hit, hit, hit. Enemy phase, hit, hit, hit. Neimi's on 3, Saar's on 12.

Turn 33: Neimi heals. It's funny because Saar can only do 10 damage. He hits, she hits twice. How do you hit three times in a row with 46 displayed?

Turn 34: Neimi still has her old bow with 1 durability left. She breaks it on Saar for the kill. Level up! HP, STR, SKL, SPD, RES! Finally breaking the lolHP tradition, and in a particularly nice way.

Since the game cuts straight to Ephraim after the chapter ends, I can't check my units' stats now. I'll post them for you when I can see them again after 5x. Sure, all my level ups are right there, so I could calculate them myself, but I just typed up a log of thirty-four turns. I'll do it after 5x when I'm not spent.

This chapter was pretty long as I was forced to slowplay it. I had to reset once, thankfully not too far in, because I overestimated Neimi's durability and tried to have her tank at the start. I tell you, if Joshua critted her, I'd have broken something. Fun fact: I counted my own criticals for this chapter, and there were six of them. Six.

Next time, I actually use Orson in 5x! It'll also (hopefully) be my first chapter in a while without a horrendous turncount! Then we get to see my team's stats! I bet they'll be cool! Except for Garcia's. Garcia is shit. But wait for Ross's and Neimi's stats! :awesome:

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Been a while since my last update...

[spoiler=Chapter 5x]

10 turns, 0 resets

Preparation: Lol.

Turn 1: Orson heads straight north, and OHKOs a soldier with his silver sword. Nice. Ephraim moves up and double-kills the other one with Reginleif, the soldier misses on the counter. Enemies move.

Turn 2: Ephraim whacks a merc with Reginleif, is whacked back. Forde gives Kyle his javelin and Kyle kills the merc from 2-range. Orson OHKOs a fighter a little further up. This is fun. Enemies move.

Turn 3: My guys move. A cav tinks Orson and is killed in two. An archer also tinks him.

Turn 4: Ephraim moves up. Kyle whacks the archer, Forde kills him. Orson hits, is hit, by, and kills a knight with his steel lance. A soldier misses him, is doubled and killed. Same thing happens again. Then again, but the soldier hits him this time. Then a fighter hits, is doubled and killed.

Turn 5: Ephraim, Kyle and Forde move, starting to go down the western corridor. Orson screams down and OHKOs a Shaman with the silver sword. A fighter attacks him on enemy phase, misses, and is likewise OHKO'd. A cavalier hits Forde and is hit. An archer tinks Orson.

Turn 6: Kyle whacks that cavalier with his steel lance. Forde gets the kill. Ephraim moves south. Orson kills the archer. Enemy phase, a cavalier hits Kyle and is hit. The archer from back at the start tinks Orson from across the wall.

Turn 7: Ephraim moves south. Kyle kills the cavalier, levels for HP and STR (lol), Forde moves south a little bit. Orson and his silver sword hit a knight. He's missed on the counter and then kills. Enemy phase, a soldier attacks him, hits, is OHKO'd. Same thing happens with another. Then a fighter misses him and is OHKO'd. A Shaman comes up and hits him, then a monk tinks him. A mage comes and hits him, too.

Turn 8: Forde moves south and heals. Ephraim moves forward, Orson with his lance OHKOs the shaman. Kyle moves south. Enemy phase, the archer from the start hits Forde, the monk hits Ephraim, a mage from the start hits Kyle, the previous mage hits Ephraim. Pfeh.

Turn 9: Kyle moves forward and heals. Forde whacks the mage, is hit back. Ephraim kills him with Reginleif. Orson kills the monk in one with his lance. Enemy phase was pretty nothing.

Turn 10: Ephraim and Forde move forward and heal, but I don't really know why I did that. Kyle moves forward too. Orson sits on a pillar and engages the boss with his sword. 18 HP, 18 mt, 63 hit, 1 crit for him, 28 HP, 7 mt, 39 hit, 0 crit for Zonta. Miss, miss, miss. Pfeh. Enemy phase, Orson is missed, then his twice for the kill! Orson levels, rofl. STR, SPD, RES. Ephraim seizes.

So, you wanted my team's stats, right?

Name    Level   HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS       HP|  STR|  SKL|  SPD|  LUK|  DEF|  RES

Ross      5/0   27|13| 8| 9|15|10| 2     +0.9| -0.5|+0.55| +3.1| +1.8|+3.75| -1.6
Garcia    7/0   31|10| 7| 8| 3| 5| 2     +0.6|+0.05| -1.2| +0.4| -1.2|-0.75|+0.55
Neimi    13/0   25|11|12|13| 8| 9| 6     +1.4| +1.6| +1.0| -0.2| -2.0| +5.2| -0.2

Well, suddenly Ross's speed and defence just shot way ahead. I'm not sure how that happened but I'm not going to complain, because those are stats Ross is definitely going to need. Garcia is staying pretty average, which sucks, because he kind of needs a miracle to be good. You know his speed growth? 20%. As in, his average is slightly above 10 at 20/0. That's like 10/10 for this Garcia or close to endgame at best, especially factoring in that there's a large period in which he isn't fighting. As for Neimi, uh... incredible. Strength is getting ahead and defence is +3.2, not counting the dragonshield. Luck's behind but lolluck, resistance is only slightly behind so lol, and speed is also only slightly behind, but Neimi having slightly below-average speed is still really fast. I have to say, I'm really pleased with this team so far. I just might be able to rush C6.

Next time on Naglfar's Strategies are Fucking Boring, I try to rush C6! Maybe it'll work, but it'll probably fail horribly! Wish me luck, I want that Orion's Bolt! :awesome:

Edited by Naglfar
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Good luck! Kill the weird iron spider daemon thing!

I couldn't possibly reach it without a flier. I'll just go for the boss, which magically makes the spider disappear somehow.

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You could reach it without a flier. I was able to shimmy Ross over to it in my playthrough.

The problem is, once he's there he can't get into the peaks to distract it and he can't hit the damn thing.

Just shoot the boss with Neimi, yeah.

Incidentally, I REALLY like your stats layout. I might steal that. Also, ding 7 bubbles.

Edited by Integrity
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You could reach it without a flier. I was able to shimmy Ross over to it in my playthrough.

The problem is, once he's there he can't get into the peaks to distract it and he can't hit the damn thing.

Just shoot the boss with Neimi, yeah.

Incidentally, I REALLY like your stats layout. I might steal that. Also, ding 7 bubbles.

If you're able to get Ross over there with only him and Garcia, whether or not you can actually do anything, that means Ross, Garcia and Neimi can make it to the boss in time, even when my Ross and Garcia are weaker than yours. Nice. Actually, I should probably check your thread for strategies to steal~

@bolded: What's this about?

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