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Naglfar's bows-only playthrough!

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Bubbles. Look left. I admire my post-count, as it is a measure of my p33n.

Oh, those. I see. Congratulations. Me, I'm still stuck on five dots/pips/bubbles. I don't have any clue how many more posts I'll need to hit six... ah well. It'll come when it comes.

C6 will be up once I do it right. My units aren't quite durable enough, and I'm finding this a bit difficult to do.

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Neimi in the fort to draw fire, everybody else sneak around down, right, up?

Neimi can't pull all of them, there are far too many enemies. The sheer density of enemies in C6 is the whole reason why it's difficult.

Even if that did work, Garcia and Ross would get far too much experience.

Edited by Naglfar
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Good point.

Try having Garcia bait them and run away while Ross and Neimi go up and around?

Here we invoke the largest problem of all: iron blade/steel sword/whichever it was cavaliers 2HKO Garcia.

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How many turns do you have to kill boss? You have to go fast, but you don't have to rush, IIRC. Try moving forward slowly, dealing with the cavaliers and stuff first, before advancing across the mountains when you've cleared everything. See if that takes too long. I expect it might, with only 3 attackers though :-/.

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I think it's 9 turns.

Also, I salute this run good sir. I'm having difficulties on my FE7 uses bows a lot run and i hope you're more successful.

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Here's a possibility. Ross takes a semi-broken Iron axe (if you have one, otherwise you'll be dropping one) and rushes out towards the fort, luring the enemies towards him and ideally getting back onto the fort after getting a fair number of the northern enemies to attack him. Then he drops the Iron axe or breaks it, and proceeds to heal repeatedly. Meanwhile, Garcia and Neimi sneak above him through the now relatively open path, and advance on the boss, killing him ASAP.

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Thanks for your sentiments, Rein. I Eat Tables, an interesting strategy, but unfortunately there are too many enemies for Ross to pull and little archer Neimi is the preferred target anyway. Garcia is 3RKO'd by enemies with iron blades, and the bael reaches the little girl on turn 7 EP.

[spoiler=Chapter 6]

6 turns, 9 resets

Preparation: Stuff I did earlier and forgot.

Turn 1: Eirika moves south. Neimi, Ross and Garcia move forward, Garcia triggers GarciaxRoss A. A soldier misses Neimi on enemy phase.

Turn 2: Eirika moves southeast. Ross hits the soldier, is missed, then kills with a pointless critical at 2 displayed. This is pretty familiar. I waste some RNs. Garcia moves up to a forest tile, Neimi sits on the fort and kills a soldier with a double. B bows. Eirika moves southeast. Enemy phase, a knight hits Neimi for lol4, a soldier misses her, a merc tinks her, and another merc with an iron blade hits her. A javelin!soldier misses her and is killed with a double, then an archer comes, misses, and is critted.

Turn 3: Neimi heals 5, Eirika moves to the space south of the village, Ross hits the soldier in Neimi's way, is missed, and gets the kill. Level up, STR, SPD, LUK. Neimi moves up a space and kills the blade merc with a double and also levels, HP, STR, SKL, LUK. She gets the iron blade and sends it to the convoy. Garcia gets on the fort and hits the other merc, getting hit back. Enemy phase, that merc hits Neimi, the knight hits her, another fighter misses Garcia and is hit, and cavaliers and a troubadour ride up.

Turn 4: Garcia crits the merc unnecessarily with his hand axe and levels, HP, STR, SKL. Ross hits the iron blade!cavalier and is missed, then Neimi kills him with a double from a mountain tile. Enemy phase, a fighter misses Neimi, the knight misses her, another fighter misses Garcia and is hit, a cavalier hits Neimi, another cavalier misses Garcia and is hit, and the troubadour heals a fighter.

Turn 5: I figure my safest bet is to stay here one more turn. Garcia flicks his hand axe at the troubadour and she dies, getting him B axes and another elixir, which he sends to the convoy. Ross's hand axe is thrown at a cavalier, and Neimi kills a fighter with a critical at 10 displayed. She gets a halberd and sends a vulnerary to the convoy. Enemy phase, the remaining fighter misses Neimi, as does a cavalier. The other cavalier misses Garcia and is killed, and he levels up. HP, STR, SKL, LUK. The knight misses Neimi. A javelin!cavalier comes along and misses Neimi and is doubled, but isn't killed. Another misses Eirika (wut, I don't remember this happening down here. No, I'm not willing to reset for it). I decide it's time that Neimi makes for the boss, so she does, and she heals. Garcia moves next to her, trading a vulnerary for the halberd, and he puts an iron axe at the top of his own inventory. He then rescues her. Ross then takes her, trades a vulnerary for Garcia's halberd, and drops her. Eirika sits on the village. Enemy phase again, the knight hits Neimi, the bael appears, a cavalier misses Garcia and is hit, a mage misses Neimi from 1-range, and Eirika's cavalier hits her. Pfeh.

Turn 6: Neimi moves behind the mage, hits, is hit and put on 12, then kills. She levels up, getting STR, SKL, SPD, LUK and RES, all very nice things to have, particularly the RES, as with that Novala hits her for 11. Garcia hits the knight, is missed, then kills. Ross kills the cavalier. Neimi should be safe now, and with Garcia in range, she can hit Novala for 15x2, or a ORKO! All I need to do is hope Novala moves before the cavalier who's harrassing Eirika, or said cavalier misses... end turn. A fighter misses Ross and is killed. Level up, HP, STR, SPD, DEF. The bael moves closer to the little girl, but it won't make it. A soldier comes out from behind Novala and misses. Uh, I didn't know he was there... thank god for that. Then Novala attacks Neimi! He hits, and is doubled for the kill! FUCK YES!

Little girl, you're safe now. Oh, Orion's Bolt? Thanks.

Name    Level   HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS       HP|  STR|  SKL|  SPD|  LUK|  DEF|  RES

Ross      7/0   28|15| 8|11|16|11| 2     +0.5| -0.5|+0.75| +2.5| +2.0|+3.25| -1.0
Garcia    9/0   33|12| 9| 8| 4| 5| 2     +1.0|+0.75| EVEN| EVEN| -1.0|-1.25|+0.25
Neimi    15/0   26|13|14|14|10| 9| 7     +1.3| +2.7| +2.0| -0.4| -1.0| +4.9| +0.1

I've been comparing Ross's stats to his Fighter stats, whoops. No wonder they looked weird. Still, his speed and defence are crazy. Not much different to before, so not much to say. Garcia's gone up a little in the first three stats and down a little in the other four, not much to see here, though there might be trouble unless I can get his defence up... despite his HP, I think he's the least durable unit on my team, especially when factoring in avoid. Neimi continues to kick ass, and her strength is starting to soar.

You know that feeling when you finally beat a part of a game that's been driving you crazy? Yeah, that's how I felt. Next time and probably the time after that, Ross and Garcia serve as unequipped meatshields since there's hardly any room left for them to do anything else, and even that in Garcia's case, yay lv9.56! As such, Neimi will probably kill every enemy on the map, leaving me with something like a 50-plus-turn finish! She may get to use her Orion's Bolt, and there'll be a shitload of vulneraries! Make sure you have plenty of free time ready to check out my log of C7! :awesome:

Edited by Naglfar
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Congratulations. 6 turns is pretty impressive.

Chapter 7 only has something like 25 enemies, and no reinforcements, I expect you'll be killing at least an enemy a turn most of the time, so you'll probably get about a 30 turn finish at worst.

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No, I mean it. :awesome:

Well bloody done sir.

EDIT: With regards to C7, can't Neimi cross rivers? If not, couldn't Pirate!Ross (is he a pirate?) carry her over near the top?

Edited by Integrity
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Thank you very much, guys~ I'll have to call this my first ever "impressive" turncount because I'm usually sort of crap at Fire Emblem fuck you 3-1

I need to be going now, but I'll get on C7 later today. I'll try your idea, Int, though I noticed I might like a 20/1 Ranger Neimi in time to rush toward the Super Ephraim Brothers in C8.

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When I said "later today", I suppose I was lying, because then I got way caught up in anime. :(

[spoiler=Chapter 7]

20 turns, 0 resets

Preparation: Neimi has a bow-and-a-third, a couple vulneraries and her bolt. Garcia has four vulneraries and an elixir. Ross has three vulneraries, an elixir, and a 12-use axe for that bit of extra security.

Turn 1P: Eirika hides in the corner. Neimi begins to head north, with the axemen behind her.

Turn 1E: Not much happens.

Turn 2P: Neimi moves a bit further north, then doubles and kills a fighter. Level up, HP, SKL, LUK, DEF. Nice. Ross and Garcia move up behind her again.

Turn 2E: Guys move, a mage misses Ross.

Turn 3P: I decide I may as well move Eirika up north as well since this is a seize map. Neimi doubles and kills the mage. She's missed on the counter. Ooh, pure water. Convoy. Axemen don't do much.

Turn 3E: Enemies move. Well, mostly just a mage, who's slowly starting to approach my team. He's a couple turns away yet. There's a fighter as well but he's even further away.

Turn 4P: Neimi gets on the ballista hahahahaha. She shoots a soldier, and crits at 11 displayed! Nice one, Neimi. Eirika moves up some more, lolGarcia, lolRoss.

Turn 4E: The mage and fighter move again.

Turn 5P: Eirika moves up, Neimi opens fire on the mage. She'll kill him next turn.

Turn 5E: Mage and fighter move.

Turn 6P: Yep, Neimi kills the mage.

Turn 6E: Fighter moves closer.

Turn 7P: I have two ballista shots left. I think I might want to save those, actually. Neimi moves a little and dismounts.

Turn 7E: Fighter mooooves.

Turn 8P: Neimi doubles the fighter to death. Pointless crit at 5 displayed and a level! HP, SPD. Well, speed's always nice. She's 17.11 now.

Turn 8E: Nothing.

Turn 9P: Neimi gets on the ballista again. I try to do other things and inadvertedly end her turn. Oh well. Garcia moves next to her, because I just remembered they're supposed to be building support.

Turn 9E: Nothing.

Turn 10P: Neimi shoots a soldier-- aaand crits him at 10 displayed. Lol at all the crits I'm getting in this run. Ballista crits no less, those are actually worth something. Garcia sits next to her.

Turn 10E: Nothing.

Turn 11P: Neimi shoots a mage, leaving him at 1 HP. The ballista broke. Bloody cheap junk. Everyone moves around a little, Ross into the river.

Turn 11E: Nothing.

Turn 12P: Neimi exits. I decide to backtrack a space to have Ross rescue her. Stupid forests. Garcia moves next to him, I believe that builds support too.

Turn 12E: Lol.

Turn 13P: Ross crosses the river. Too bad he can't sit on it and drop Neimi off into the mage's 2-range while staying safe himself, because the river is a weird shape. Still, he puts her down. Eirika moves forward a space?

Turn 13E: Mage hits Ross. Lol.

Turn 14P: Neimi stomps the mage dead. Eirika can cross rivers by herself, so she starts doing it. Garcia can neither cross rivers nor be carried by his son so he sits on his own and waits.

Turn 14E: No.

Turn 15P: Neimi moves into the range of the archers by the boss, and the mercs southeast of her (though only one will be able to attack her). Ross moves out of Eirika's way and smokes a vulnerary, Eirika crosses the river some more.

Turn 15E: One of the mercs hits Neimi for 2. An archer misses her, is doubled, and killed. Similar things happen with the other archer, only there's a level involved: STR, SPD, LUK, RES. Certainly a strange level, and certainly an awesome one. I believe that's the longest enemy phase of the chapter.

Turn 16P: Neimi doubles and kills the merc. Ross sits in range of the other one, with the intent to pull and hopefully not kill. Eirika moves up a little.

Turn 16E: Merc hits Ross. Ross hits merc. All good.

Turn 17P: Neimi kills merc.

Turn 17E: :3

Turn 18P: Eirika moves north. Neimi moves north. Ross moves north because lol.

Turn 18E: Oh shit a ballista guy shoots at Eirika. He misses, but... holy shit. No, I'm not resetting. Wouldn't have mattered if he attacked Ross or Neimi anyway.

Turn 19P: Eirika moves out of the ballista's range, thank you. So does Ross, just in case. Neimi moves up and engages the boss. He has 34 HP. She has 24 HP, 10x2 mt, 75 hit, 0 crit. I have a feeling that's all we're going to see, because Murray will switch to his javelin on EP and get himself killed. Attack. Hit. Hit. End.

Turn 19E: Murray heals. Ballista shoots at Neimi, lolmiss. Murray chucks his javelin, misses, Neimi misses, then hits. Her bow breaks, wut. Well, fine.

Turn 20P: We get to see the combat information window again. Murray: 7 HP, 5 mt, 45 hit, 0 crit. Neimi: 19 HP, 10x2 mt, 77 hit, 0 crit. Attack. Kill. Level. STR, SKL. Knight Crest. Seize.

Name    Level   HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS       HP|  STR|  SKL|  SPD|  LUK|  DEF|  RES

Ross      7/0   28|15| 8|11|16|11| 2     +0.5| -0.5|+0.75| +2.5| +2.0|+3.25| -1.0
Garcia    9/0   33|12| 9| 8| 4| 5| 2     +1.0|+0.75| EVEN| EVEN| -1.0|-1.25|+0.25
Neimi    19/0   28|15|16|16|12|10| 8     +1.1| +2.9| +2.0| -0.8| -1.0| +4.3| +0.3

Obviously Ross and Garcia haven't changed. Neimi's barely changed, either. Too bad. Well, there'll probably be more to say in a few chapters' time when I have my full team and I can start to promote people besides Neimi.

Going sniper will give Neimi a higher damage output and HP, but less defence. Ranger will give more durability but a touch less HP and damage. Though as a ranger, Neimi will have a lot of MOV, something that'll be pretty much essential for C8, especially when I want her to solo it and keep Ephraim's group out of trouble. Still, right now, she's at 19.42. What should I do? Next time, hopefully with some help from you guys, I decide whether I should promote Neimi right now, or wait a couple turns in C8 to get her to 20/0 first! Either way, I'll have my first promoted unit, and she'll be doing a lot of stuff on her own, so there'll probably be plenty of putting her just barely in range of enemies with 2-range! And if you thought my enemy phase suckage this time was lol, just wait until there's actually a proper enemy phase to suck at! All this and more in It's A Trap! :awesome:

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Ranger will be better for Neimi because the higher durability will help with all the early promotions you're having to suck down.

Wait on promoting her because the extra MOV isn't going to help save the Super Ephraim Bros. because she still has to chew everything between here and there down first anyway.

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You bring up a good point there. Neimi has to keep Eirika safe and rushing past the first bunch of enemies won't accomplish that. I'll wait until 20/0, and I'll play the chapter in the morning.

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"In the morning"... hah... right...

[spoiler=Chapter 8]

23 turns, 1 reset

Preparation: Not much is different here, but Neimi has an extra bow in case she needs it. She won't, I'm sure.

Turn 1P: Neimi doublesnipes a soldier weighed down to 0 AS. Yeah, 0 AS soldiers are still around. Eirika, Ross and Garcia hang back.

Turn 1E: Neimi's missed by another 0 AS soldier. She's then missed by an archer who is promptly killed with a double. A merc approaches. Super Ephraim Bros!

Turn 2P: Neimi moves a little to attack the merc from a different angle. Double, kill. 19.95! Garcia moves into support range and Ross moves right up into a myrm's range. Eirika advances a space, keeping out of the way. Ephraim's team packs into a corner.

Turn 2E: The myrm hits Ross and is hit back. The soldier misses Neimi. An archer approaches Ephraim's group and a mage moves too.

Turn 3P: Neimi kills the myrm. 20/0! HP, SKL, SPD! A bows! Ross kills the pesky soldier in two without being hit. Garcia and Eirika move up.

Turn 3E: Archer and mage move. Next turn Ephraim's group will take hits.

Turn 4P: Tricky chokepoint/corridor coming up. The team gathers around it and Neimi promotes to Ranger: HP 2, STR 2, SKL 2, SPD 1, DEF 2, RES 3! There are reinforcements coming up, so Ephraim's team, in the spirit of the game, drop/trade away their weapons and begin moving towards my main army. They should make it, they only have four or so enemies to slip past.

Turn 4E: A soldier misses Forde who has Ephraim rescued, lol. The archer misses Kyle. Reinforcements appear but they won't catch up.

Turn 5P: First, the Super Ephraim Brothers speed past, ready to be kept out of all enemy ranges by next turn. Forde puts Ephraim down. Garcia moves forward so Ross can get his support bonus and ORKO the knight, and he does so without taking damage. Neimi similarly 1RKOs a fighter with a steel axe, but she didn't need the bonus. First kill as a ranger, how nice. And 15 EXP. I just have a feeling that the EXP yield in this game is too high in places. Eirika strolls up.

Turn 5E: Soldier hits Forde, meh. Soldier misses Kyle, meh. Cavalier reinforcements ride up, a mage hits Forde, the archer moves up. Meh.

Turn 6P: First, Neimi kills a soldier with two shots. Then Kyle, Forde and Ephraim run away. Garcia moves up for the sake of support bonuses, Eirika pulls a worn iron axe and hand axe out of the convoy for a little extra mileage because Ross's current weapon is down to six uses. Ross pulls out the hand axe and OHKOs the mage whom he can't double for some reason. Level up, RES. Wut. He and Neimi are now blocking a chokepoint.

Turn 6E: Soldier misses Neimi. Cavalier hits Ross and is critted nicely at 17 displayed. Another cavalier comes up, misses Ross, and is hit. The archer hits Ross and is critted at 16 displayed... not bad. Level up again, SKL, LUK. Javelin!cavalier misses Ross and is doubled and killed. Now Ross is at 9.61, slightly closer to the cutoff point than his father. I guess all Ross needed was the hand axe. Thankfully, Neimi can take care of the rest.

Turn 7P: Neimi takes out the cavalier that Ross weakened with an unnecessary 10-displayed crit. What's with all the sudden criticals? Couldn't we have had those nice RNs show up in Ross's levels just now? Ross runs away, opening the path to a soldier, but everyone else gets out of the way and the soldier's options to attack are Ross and Neimi. Clearly he'll go after...

Turn 7E: ...Ross? What? Why? He misses at 0 displayed and is killed with a double. Ross's hand axe breaks and he's now at 9.94.

Turn 8P: Eirika, Neimi and naked Garcia leave everyone else behind. Neimi's way ahead.

Turn 8E: Nothing. No enemies anywhere near my team.

Turn 9P: A little bit more movement.

Turn 9E: Nothing.

Turn 10P: Neimi snipes a merc twice and kills. ...Unnecessary crit. At 6 this time. Eirika and Garcia follow.

Turn 10E: Nope.

Turn 11P: Neimi moves up and kills another merc similarly. No crits this time. She's in the perfect range to be attacked at 2 range and only 2 range by a shaman now, conveniently. Eirika and Garcia toddle along some more.

Turn 11E: Said shaman attacks Neimi, hits somehow (for 1) and is OHKO'd. She's then missed by a longbow!archer who can't hurt her.

Turn 12P: Neimi kills-- with a critical at 11. Wow. Level up, HP, STR, SPD. Get something durability-related on your levels sometime, Neimi. Not that I'm complaining about all this strength. Eirika and Garcia catch up.

Turn 12E: Mmmmnah.

Turn 13P: Neimi rides up and kills a knight in two. She'll go for the wall next turn. Eirika and Garcia move up and Garcia finally gets to make another +2 support points with Neimi.

Turn 13E: Nothing.

Turn 14P: Eirika takes Garcia's old hand axe out of the convoy, but I botch it so he can't hit the wall from 2 range this turn. Neimi hits it anyway and Garcia takes his axe.

Turn 14E: That archer there turns out to have a longbow and he shoots Eirika. Will there never be another chapter in which I don't misread things toward the end and get Eirika shot?

Turn 15P: Neimi doubles and kills the longbow archer from across the wall. There's a tink involved. Garcia smacks the wall. Eirika burns a vulnerary because she may as well.

Turn 15E: Nothing, again.

Turn 16P: Garcia smashes the wall down, and Neimi sticks herself up the left side of the boss's room, in range of the shaman in the locked room to the left and the closer mage in the room to the right. Eirika moves forward, staying out of trouble.

Turn 16E: The mage misses Neimi and is killed in two. The shaman misses Neimi and is killed in two. with one more point of atk she'd OHKO them... oh well. Reinforcements arrive.

Turn 17P: Neimi moves back, staying in the far reaches of a new mage's range, and Garcia sits next to her.

Turn 17E: Said mage misses her and is OHKO'd. Yay FirexFire C support. Other new mage and new thief move.

Turn 18P: Neimi OHKOs the thief. Nice experience, that. Level up, HP, STR, SKL, SPD, LUK, RES... ooh. "More durability is what you want? Lol, I'll get everything except DEF. :awesome:" ...Anyway, I'd be an idiot to complain about that. Garcia and Eirika sit behind her.

Turn 18E: Soldier comes up and misses Neimi. Other new mage approaches.

Turn 19P: Neimi moves south a space and kills the soldier in two. Garcia and Eirika also move south a space.

Turn 19E: Other new mage misses Neimi from 2 range and is OHKO'd. Yeah, I like making them do that. It's pretty much my only way of making things go faster, anyway.

Turn 20P: Neimi gets audacious (well, not really) and rides up to double and kill a knight. Because of enemy attack ranges, Garcia can't get close enough to support her without a repeat of the 9.94 Ross incident from before. The non-Neimi units move up a little anyway.

Turn 20E: A soldier misses Neimi. The last mage hits Neimi and is killed in two, yay.

Turn 21P: Unfortunately I can't do the same this turn because positioning demands I kill either the soldier or the shaman hanging around southeast of the boss room and doing nothing. Still, who says I need to kill anything outside the boss room now nothing's in my way anyway? My turncount's high enough as it is, there's no point in drawing it out for the sake of minor Neimi self-improvement. Garcia moves up onto the stairs to the boss room, and Neimi moves next to him, killing a soldier in two. Eirika joins them.

Turn 21E: Nothing happens.

Turn 22P: Garcia moves up, Neimi moves next to him again and begins shooting at Tirado. 27 HP, 8x2 mt, 93 hit and 12 crit versus 42 HP. Tirado has a javelin, but it's not equipped right now. Neimi hits, then hits again. Eirika moves up, ready to seize.

Turn 22E: Tirado heals 4, misses, and is hit twice.

Turn 23P: Javelin!Tirado has 14 HP, 7 mt, 24 hit and 0 crit on Neimi. Hit, miss, kill, kthx. Level up Neimi with like 98 exp, HP, STR, SPD, LUK, RES. Guess what's missing. ...Ah hell, it's a great level anyway. No GarciaxNeimi B yet so Eirika seizes and ends the chapter. Ah, Neimi's bow is down from 44 uses to 1. She almost needed the new bow after all.

Name    Level   HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS       HP|  STR|  SKL|  SPD|  LUK|  DEF|  RES

Ross      9/0   28|15| 9|11|17|11| 3     -0.9| -0.5|+1.05| +1.9| +2.2|+2.75| -0.4
Garcia    9/0   33|12| 9| 8| 4| 5| 2     +1.0|+0.75| EVEN| EVEN| -1.0|-1.25|+0.25
Neimi    20/4   34|20|20|21|14|13|13     +2.9| +4.1| +2.0| +0.8| -1.0| +3.7| +0.3

Those last couple levels have caused Ross to slip a bit. Even so, he's ahead in skill, speed and defence, three stats he likes to be above average in. Again, Garcia hasn't changed. Neimi, on the other hand, has gained four levels not counting her promotion, so she's had plenty of room to change. She did. And by "change", I mean "her strength has risen so far above the expected that she's broken the chains out of the wall and has started going on a fucking rampage, someone get the army in here". Speed has also gone from -0.8 to +0.8 and HP has made a similar jump. Defence has gone down a bit, but it's still +1.7 before the dracoshield so there's nothing to be displeased with. I knew Neimi would be the star of the show, but I never expected this...

And that's that. Next time, in C9 Eirika route, I get an Ocean Seal! I think! It'd be nice to have though, because Ross is cool and Neimi would have a proper sidekick! Maybe we get GarciaxNeimi B! I'll probably tear my hair out trying to figure out how to get to Amelia in time! Things like that! :awesome:

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So what, then? The way she looks?

[spoiler=Chapter 9]

32 turns, 1 reset

Preparation: Neimi gets a steel bow. The extra 3 mt can come in handy.

Turn 1P: Neimi doubles and kills a soldier. Uh, unnecessary crit at 8? I think it was. I wasn't looking properly, I was busy typing. Ross and Garcia hang back, Eirika and Tana go to buy some popcorn.

Turn 1E: Soldier hits Neimi. Assorted guys move. Archer misses Neimi and dies in two.

Turn 2P: Two shots of an iron bow kill that soldier. Garcia sits next to Neimi, Ross stays with the group. Eirika and Tana are now watching with a huge box of popcorn each. There's coke, too.

Turn 2E: Guys move again. Reinforcements.

Turn 3P: Crit merc. Level up! STR, SKL, SPD, again.

Turn 3E: Movement. Merc hits Neimi. Movement. Reinforcements.

Turn 4P: Double, dead merc. Eirika and Tana discuss their chances of getting to Amelia in time.

Turn 4E: Merc hits Neimi, merc tinks Neimi. Guys move, again. Mage misses Neimi. More guys move. Villages die. Sniper misses Neimi, dies in two. Mooore reinforcements. One is Amelia.

Turn 5P: Double and kill a merc. S bows! So many 1 range enemies... Garcia and Ross get out of the way.

Turn 5E: Merc tinks Neimi. Soldier misses Neimi. Mage misses Neimi. Pirate attacks Ross from 2 range, lol. The one with the Ocean Seal is still on the other side of the bloody map. Get over here.

Turn 6P: Garcia and Ross run away. Neimi sits next to Garcia.

Turn 6E: Soldier misses Neimi. Mage tinks Neimi and is OHKO'd. Pirate misses Garcia and is hit. Pirate misses Garcia and is doubled and killed. Eurgh, he's 9.96. Enemies are right at the starting position now.

Turn 7P: Tana rescues Eirika and stays well out of the way. Neimi breaks her old iron bow on the weakened pirate. Ross and Garcia run away. Ocean Seal pirate is only a couple turns away now. Looks like we might miss Amelia.

Turn 7E: Merc misses Neimi, fighter misses Neimi, soldier misses Neimi, fighter misses Neimi from 2 range and dies.

Turn 8P: Neimi busts out the steel bow and kills a soldier in one with a needless crit. Axe guys keep out of the way, mostly.

Turn 8E: Merc tinks Neimi, fighter misses Neimi, merc hits Neimi... enemies move, and the Ocean Seal pirate reaches shore...

Turn 9P: Steel bow!Neimi takes out said pirate in two. Ross goes right below Neimi and Garcia runs away again.

Turn 9E: Merc tinks Neimi... fighter misses Neimi... pirate misses Ross, is doubled and killed. Level up-- HP, LUK, RES! Merc misses Neimi, hand axe pirate hits Ross. The density of enemies here is so out of control it's not funny, but finally I can start some form of counterattack.

Turn 10P: Neimi crits a merc, yay for supports. Ross takes Neimi's iron bow and the Ocean Seal, then promotes to Warrior! HP 3, STR 1 SKL 2, DEF 3, RES 3, CON 3! Bows get! I traded the bow to the top of his inventory, so it's equipped now. Finally, my second full-time team member!

Turn 10E: Pirate misses Neimi. Merc misses Neimi. Fighter misses Ross. Pirate misses Ross. Hand axe!pirate misses Neimi and dies in two, with an unnnecessary crit.

Turn 11P: Garcia runs away more. One shot from Neimi removes a pirate. Ross doubles and kills the steel axe fighter, pretty much the only non-soldier enemy on the map he can double. Tana begins moving towards Amelia because hey, it might work. It won't.

Turn 11E: Pirate misses Neimi. Merc tinks Neimi. More enemies gather. Amelia runs away.

Turn 12P: Garcia sits next to Neimi. Ross shoots a merc, Neimi kills a different merc.

Turn 12E: Pirate misses Neimi, again. Merc misses Neimi. Archer tinks Neimi and is OHKO'd.

Turn 13P: Ross kills a merc. Garcia moves back a space so Neimi can, and she OHKOs that annoying pirate. Level up, HP, STR, SKL, LUK. When'd she last get DEF?

Turn 13E: Merc misses Neimi. Archer misses Neimi (nothing's going for Ross?) and gets OHKO'd.

Turn 14P: Neimi moves forward (!) and takes out a merc in two. Ross does similar things to a fighter. Garcia stays back, but within range to give Neimi her support bonus.

Turn 14E: Fighter misses Neimi, mage misses Neimi. There are only three enemies at the starting area now.

Turn 15P: Neimi removes a mage in one. Ross does the same. Yay critical!

Turn 15E: An Elfire!mage hits Ross for 10, wow.

Turn 16P: In any case, Neimi OHKOs this mage and gets his Elfire. Garcia sits next to Neimi for support's sake and Ross begins the journey across the map using a vulnerary. Turn 16 and still at the starting area! Hooray!

Turn 16E: Nothing.

Turn 17P: The team moves forward. Neimi doesn't use her full move so she can stay with Garcia.

Turn 17E: See 16E.

Turn 18P: See 17P.

Turn 18E: See 16E.

Turn 19P: Tana puts Eirika down because it's safe now. Also for flavour. Aside from that, Ross shoots a myrm with a killing edge and more support is built.

Turn 19E: Killing edge myrm misses Ross. Twice. :3

Turn 20P: Neimi goes to the shop and buys some torches. Ross takes out the myrmidon. He gets the sword and sends a four-use axe to the convoy.

Turn 20E: Nothing.

Turn 21P: Garcia buys some steel bows. There's room for one of them in his inventory. Ross goes and trades an iron axe for the bow. He can't use it yet, but he'll be there soon.

Turn 21E: Nope. Nothing.

Turn 22P: Some movement.

Turn 22E: No movement.

Turn 23P: Some more movement.

Turn 23E: Still no movement.

Turn 24P: Movement!

Turn 24E: Enemies on the bridge are in range, now. A fighter hits Ross, and another fighter misses him from 2 range and subsequently gets doubled and killed.

Turn 25P: Ross kills the other fighter, Neimi sits next to him, Garcia behind her and THEY SUPPORT WHOO. Garcia's support slots are all full, I can't wait to see how he goes when he promotes. With all that atk and crit, he might not really care about his lack of doubling. For reference, a layer of FirexFire support is +1 atk, +5 hit, +5 avo, and +5 crit. Garcia has five layers of this, a huge boost by anyone's standards. Ross has three layers, Neimi has two. Just wait until Killer Bows are available. Uh, that's if Garcia hits C bows by then. Yeah, C bows is going to be a bit tough for him.

Turn 25E: Soldier misses Neimi. Soldier misses Ross.

Turn 26P: Neimi OHKOs one soldier, getting the Axereaver and convoying it, Garcia moves forward, then Ross kills the other soldier. Unnecessary crit. I wish they'd pop up on the first attack rather than the second. Still, Warrior crits are awesome.

Turn 26E: Nothing to see here.

Turn 27P: Neimi and Ross charge, though I probably should have held them back so a shaman would attack from 2 range. Yeah, I got excited, but oh well. Ross heals. Garcia's there to back them up.

Turn 27E: Shaman hits Ross. Lol.

Turn 28P: Garcia is repositioned again, while Ross OHKOs the shaman from inside the range of a couple archers. Neimi moves up into their range too, onto a forest tile, but mostly to aggro some mercs and other archers.

Turn 28E: Merc hits Neimi at... 16 displayed. Steel sword does two damage, lol. Two more mercs with similar hits and damage miss her. Archer misses and is OHKO'd, of course they don't go for Ross. Another archer misses and is OHKO'd with an unnecessary crit. The archers near the boss don't move. Shame.

Turn 29P: Ross shoots a merc, Neimi OHKOs another again thanks to the wonders of support.

Turn 29E: Mercs hit Ross. That's 4 damage total. For the record, Neimi's at 27/35 HP, Ross is at 18/32 HP, and lolGarcia is at 33/33 HP.

Turn 30P: Lol, turn thirty. Ross kills the merc he started on earlier. Garcia moves up again so Neimi can OHKO the other merc. I've never had a unit be so useful by just sitting around before.

Turn 30E: Nothing happens.

Turn 31P: Neimi attacks the boss with 19x2 and 13 crit against 44 HP. Hit, hit. He's down to 6, so Ross, with 13x2 and 17 crit, gets the kill. Yeah, the boss has 7 AS, just enough for Ross to double. It's sad. Level up! HP. That's disappointing. D bows, though, so he can use a steel now.

Turn 31E: Nothing, all that's left are the two archers next to the dead boss who don't move...

Turn 32P: ...So Neimi OHKOs one and Ross 2HKOs the other. Ross uses an iron bow, since even though he can go steel, he can't OHKO the archer like Neimi because his strength is six points lower. I'll say that again. Ross's strength is six lower than Neimi's. I love this playthrough. He'll catch up though, because his strength growth is awesome and Neimi's strength caps at 23.

Okay, before I go on, I have to point out that I'm not referring to Serenes for Ross's averages anymore, since he's promoted at 10/0 as opposed to 20/0. I had to calculate them myself, therefore, there's a chance I made a mistake somewhere. Here are Ross's 10/-- averages, feel free to refer to them, and let me know if I screwed it up.

Level       HP|  STR|  SKL|  SPD|  LUK|  DEF|  RES
10/ 1    32.60|17.00|10.30| 9.40|15.20|11.50| 6.60
10/ 2    33.30|17.50|10.65| 9.70|15.60|11.75| 6.80
10/ 3    34.00|18.00|11.00|10.00|16.00|12.00| 7.00
10/ 4    34.70|18.50|11.35|10.30|16.40|12.25| 7.20
10/ 5    35.40|19.00|11.70|10.60|16.80|12.50| 7.40
10/ 6    36.10|19.50|12.05|10.90|17.20|12.75| 7.60
10/ 7    36.80|20.00|12.40|11.20|17.60|13.00| 7.80
10/ 8    37.50|20.50|12.75|11.50|18.00|13.25| 8.00
10/ 9    38.20|21.00|13.10|11.80|18.40|13.50| 8.20
10/10    38.90|21.50|13.45|12.10|18.80|13.75| 8.40
10/11    39.60|22.00|13.80|12.40|19.20|14.00| 8.60
10/12    40.30|22.50|14.15|12.70|19.60|14.25| 8.80
10/13    41.00|23.00|14.50|13.00|20.00|14.50| 9.00
10/14    41.70|23.50|14.85|13.30|20.40|14.75| 9.20
10/15    42.40|24.00|15.20|13.60|20.80|15.00| 9.40
10/16    43.10|24.50|15.55|13.90|21.20|15.25| 9.60
10/17    43.80|25.00|15.90|14.20|21.60|15.50| 9.80
10/18    44.50|25.50|16.25|14.50|22.00|15.75|10.00
10/19    45.20|26.00|16.60|14.80|22.40|16.00|10.20
10/20    45.90|26.50|16.95|15.10|22.80|16.25|10.40

Stats now.

Name    Level   HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS       HP|  STR|  SKL|  SPD|  LUK|  DEF|  RES

Ross     10/2   33|16|11|11|18|14| 7     -0.3| -1.5|+0.35| +1.3| +2.4|+2.25| +0.2
Garcia    9/0   33|12| 9| 8| 4| 5| 2     +1.0|+0.75| EVEN| EVEN| -1.0|-1.25|+0.25
Neimi    20/6   35|22|22|22|15|13|13     +2.8| +5.2| +3.0| +0.6| -1.0| +3.4| -0.4

Ross has mostly gotten worse, poor guy. Thankfully he still has a few stats above average, something you need when you're promoted at 10/0. Skipping past the unchanged Garcia to Neimi... who's not meant to have this much strength until 20/18! It won't stop climbing! Knowing that despite this insane blessing she has a cap of 23 just makes me want to cry, though. HP, skill and defence remain spectacular, even though recent neglect on the part of level ups is slowly dragging defence down. Speed, luck and resistance keep floating in comfortable areas.

Next time, Innes and Gerik join! Unfortunately, they only bring one Hero Crest with them. Should I give it to Garcia, whose supports with Ross and Neimi have already proved the legitimacy of The Power Of Friendship, or the supportless Gerik who needs to fight to be useful for now? I'm leaning towards Gerik for those reasons, and because being allowed to fight means he can build his own supports more easily. Let me know your opinions! It's kind of important, because I don't get another until C14! :awesome:

Edited by Naglfar
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Because...she's...Neimi. she was my first crush in FE and she's underappreciated like all GBA archers.

Give it to Gerik. He'll be supporting Innes, and Innes will be a wonderful addition.

Plus, that'll let Neimi use her full move for a while before Garcia grabs his Crest.

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