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Discussion of herbs


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I have created this topic so that those who enjoy the various implications of herbs may discuss such( If there is anyone who wants to discuss. Herbs aren't exactly a popular topic.)

I'll begin by describing my garden. i've so far planted:

2 rosemary plants

5 dill plants

1 broad leaf sage

1 purple sage

1 catnip bush

2 strawberry plants

2 sweet basil

1 italian oregano

1 golden oregano

1 hot n' spicy oregano

1 kent beauty oregano

1 curry plant

1 dwarf curry

1 peppermint plant

1 variegrated apple mint plant(also known as pineapple mint)

3 onions(2 have been uprooted and eaten. Best onions I've ever tasted)

2 blueberry bushes

2 kayan pepper plants

2 jalepeno plants

3 bell pepper plants

2 black pepper plants

i mainly grow my herbs for culinary purposes though I am drying some sage to burn in the winter(its sterilizes and deoderizes rooms if set on embers.)

I also so far have to say my facorite seasoning herb is rosemar. For some reason I an't get enough of it. And it retains its flavor when dried even beter than the oregano. I also am enjoying making tea out of the sage.

Oh, and does anyone know a good recipe for pesto sauce(its a sauce made from basil and garlic, which compliment teach other very well.)

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We used to have peppermint and basil and oregano, as well as some tomatoes and stuff. When the peppermint and basil started a war over which one owned the garden (in which the basil, vegetables, etc were casualties) my mom went and killed most of the peppermint. Now we have an oregano shrub. (And a new basil plant, if my mom didn't accidentally kill it yet.)

Recipe for pesto... hangon, I know I've got one around here somewhere...

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Couldn't you have cut the peppermint and Basil away from each other? Or was it that the roots were getting tangled up too? A good way to stop the min from taking over is to harvest it regularly. You can eat it right when ou harvest(which,in addition to being refreshing, helps: headaches, sore throats, and upset stomachs. Or you can sparingly add it fresh to soup, stews, salads, snacks such as crackers, or your drink. You can also dry the harvest to add as a seasoning to meat dishes and to brew tea with.(To dry a herb, hang it upside down in a cool and dry place. I use the basement laundry room, which drives my dad nuts.)

Also, what kind of oregano are you growing?

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Peppermint would have one hands down even if the deer hadn't been eating it. Mint is considered herbaceous(meaning that it's a borderline weed) and Basil is considered tender. Basil actually does much better in pots, as the conditions are easier to control and the Basil will not have opposition. Also, in order to maintain optimal conditions for basil attempt to water during midday, and never in the evening. Its also reccomended to syringe leaves in hot weather. However all the effort is worth it as Basil is considered one of the best culinar herbs and has been known to send experienced cooks into poetic raptures.

Also, how do you use the oregano? Could you describe the plant?

Edited by Sophius
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