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FE4: Create me a hack


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It's done!

So, with Bal's FE4 run going on I decided to play through FE4. I hacked a bunch of stuff (ended up with 4HP Faval) to kinda just mess around with using Falaflame, Torhammer, Swanchika and Gungnir (fun fact: They aren't inherited, even though they should be), but now I've decided I'll go for something that's somewhat challenge, and different.

Create me a hack.

The idea is simple. I want a hack that's a somewhat similar to the current FE4, but also vastly different. I also want something of around the same difficult - a little harder, preferably, so the changes are aiming to make things different and interesting, not just sadistically hard (Hello, 8 axe armour children characters!). Most things will stay the same, but the following will change:

Gen 1's skills - everyone will have the same number of skills, and the same number of each skill will be given out. However, they can go to completely different people. This alone would make the game a whole new experience, since each character would be filling out a new, different role.

Gen 1's MINOR holy blood will be redistributed - again, between people who already had Holy Blood. This will only make a small difference since there's not that many minor bloods, but it will make a difference nonetheless.

Gen 2's children's classes will be changed. I'll explain a few restrictions on this in a minute, but this should make the pairings that seem good completely different.

Here's where everyone else comes in. Below, I've listed all of the characters in Gen 1, how many skill slots each has and if they need a minor blood, and also all of the unallocated skills and blood. Don't worry about blood/skills fitting story or whatever - give Aira Loptuosu blood if you really want. After that, is a list of Gen 2 children, and their starting class and promotion path.

If you feel like doing something, feel free to add up to about 10 different things onto the different characters (but not too much at once, I'd like a few people to effectively decide everything).

[spoiler=Rules Blargh]

Gen 1 Skills:

All skills must be allocated. Characters can't take two of the same skill or anything silly like that.

Sword skills (Meteor, Sol, Luna) must go to sword wielding foot units. This means those three must be distributed between Ardan, Aira, Holyn, Dew, Lachesis and Sylvia.

Class skills stay. So Aira, Holyn and Jamka keep pursuit, for example.

Gen 1 Blood:

Um, just give it out? Actually, try to make the blood at least vaguely useful on the character who gets it (e.g. Blagi on Tiltyu since she gets staves after promotion or something)

Gen 2 Classes:

The mother dominant child (normally the girl, plus Leaf and Faval) must use at least one of the weapon classes of the mother when unpromoted.

Any class, including traditionally enemy only classes, are okay (if you give me a Knight, please give me Baron as the promotion ¬_¬)

Promoted classes must be a complete improvement over the unpromoted class (minor weapon level drops I'll accept as long as weapon classes aren't lost, but not drops in stats). Asides from that, any promotion is valid. So Free Knight > Paladin is fine (all around better), as is Priest > Magefighter (F) (ditto minus a minor stave rank), but Mage > Bishop isn't (1 SPD is lost).

The unpromoted class should be a typically 'unpromoted' class and the promoted one 'promoted'. So while it would fit the above rules, no Wind Mage > Bard promotions.

There should be roughly the same number of users of each weapon amongst the children. The numbers of each weapon are shown below.

And now for the lists which need to be filled:

Sigurd: Baldo, Prayer

Noish: Pursuit, Continue

Alec: Continue, Charge

Ardan: Pursuit

Cuan: Noba, Critical

Ethlin: Odo, Nihil

Fin: Pursuit, Continue

Lex: Odo, Charge, Charisma

Azel: Baldo, Charge

Midir: Continue, Pursuit

Aideen: Fala

Dew: Steal, Meteor, Pursuit

Aira: Neir, Pursuit, Luna, Critical

Diedre: Narga, Ulir, Pursuit

Jamka: Pursuit, Prayer, Nihil

Holyn: Loputosu, Pursuit, Charge

Lachesis: Blagi, Elite

Levin: Holsety, Wrath, Pursuit

Sylvia: Hezul, Dance, Sol, Bargain

Fury: Ambush

Beowulf: Ambush, Critical

Briggid: Ulir, Pursuit

Claude: Blaggi

Tiltyu: Tordo, Nihil

Available Skills:

All distributed!

Available Blood:

All distributed!

Gen 2:

Celice: Jr Lord > Lord Knight (Celice's Slim Sword)

Julia: Shaman > Sage (None)

Leaf: Free Knight > Forest Knight (Leaf's Iron Sword)

Altenna: Pegasus Knight > Falcoknight (Gaebolg)

Lakche: Swordfighter > Master Knight (Lachke's Iron Blade)

Skasaher: Axe Armour > Baron (Sety's Lightning > Steel Axe)

Lana: Troubadour > Falcoknight (Lana's Live Staff)

Lester: Fire Mage > Magefighter (Ch 7 Shop's Fire)

Nanna: Thief > Magefighter (Nanna's Iron Sword)

Delmud: Arch Knight > Bow Knight (Lester's Iron Bow)

Leen: Dancer (Delmud's Iron Sword)

Corple: Wind Mage > Mage Knight (Arthur's Wind)

Fee: Dracoknight > Dragonmaster (Fee's Slim Lance, Fee's Berserk Sword)

Sety: High Priest (Corple's Libro, Nanna's Relive Staff > Thunder)

Faval: Bow Armour > Warrior (Faval's Silver Bow)

Patty: Swordfighter > Forest (Patty's Sleep Sword)

Tinny: Thunder Mage > Sage (Tinny's Elthunder)

Arthur: Swordfighter > Swordmaster (Skasaher's Iron Blade)

Weapon Distributions (Inheritance):

All distributed!

Right. That's everything that needs to happen. You don't have to have finished the game to 'help' or even know a whole lot about it, although a vague idea of classes and stuff might help :P.

Naturally, once this hack is made (And it comes to me playing it), I'll keep a playlog. I'll also post my planned pairings and everything ahead of time. It's currently 2:40am here, so I might have missed something important I need to mention... If I have, just assume what seems sensible to you :P. If you did something I didn't want, I'll update the rules or whatever to mention that.

(If you're wondering about what to post, you can just do it something like:

Sigurd - Critical

Ethlin - Pursuit + Blagi


Or whatever, I'll update with what people have done)

Edited by I Eat Tables
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I like the look of that Lex. Charisma is a pretty useful skill to pass on, and Odo Blood + Charge + Hero Axe is looking pretty interesting. (Here's to hoping there's at least one axe using male kid)

Edit: YES! Sylvia can heal 2HP occasionally! Actually, Hezul + Sol should work in her favour... Hero sword dancer in the arena O_o?

Lachesis just became beast. Staves + Elite + Master Knight = cool. Too bad her STR won't be up to much.

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Indeed. I don't want to move major blood around, because most holy weapons are a: Given in events (I can easily change the item to be the correct one, but I don't know if it would inherit correctly), b: Seem to have certain rules regarding inheritance (Arthur and Tinny didn't inherit Falaflame and Thorhammer in my current hacked run, to my dismay) and c: Might be rendered unusable by the parent (they need the correct weapon type, after all). It's just too much effort compared to changing a few things in nightmare.

And since it looks like not a whole lot of people are going to work on this, I don't mind if people make quite a few suggestions/changes. Time to get people to come in with a sig message...

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I kinda don't want Lachke to promote to Master Knight. It just doesn't seem right... but what is Master Knight compared to Swordmaster, actually? 7 MAG, 5 DEF, 3 RES, 3 MOV at the cost of 3 SKL, 3 SPD and Continue... huh, it's actually not as broken as you'd think (and like she's getting anything that's not a sword anyway). Well, adding that in.

Axe Fighter > Great Knight loses 3 SPD, so no can do. Axe Knight > Great Knight, Axe Fighter > Warrior, Mountain Thief > Great Knight or Axe Armour > Great Knight are all similar options that work.

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