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super sprite time!!!


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hi everyone!!! i started making fire emblem mugs because you guys are so awesome! i made a few, tell me what you think! NewYearsEmoticon.gif


the first guy is tristan! he's a lord who's trying to take over other countries because he lives in a desert and he cant get food for everyone sad.gif but dont worry he becomes a good guy later!!! the next person is lochana! i didnt know what to call her so i looked for an indian name online tongue.gif shes the green cavalier that you get at the beginning of the game! the other girl is kerr, shes a pegasus knight who fights tristan when he starts fighting her country (i dont have a name yet) it's because of her hes a good guy laugh.gif the last one is frederik, hes the king of kerrs country!!! he's kind of like her father, but he's actually a bad guy angry.gif

anyway i hope you guys like it!!! i spent a lot of time on it

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i tried spriting a year ago i think but i was pretty bad (some people were saying pretty bad things haha) people helped me get better though biggrin.gif!!! they gave me awesome advice and some tutorials

thanks i used a lot of different people to make frederik (try and guess everyone!!! there's a lot blink.gif)

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i tried spriting a year ago i think but i was pretty bad (some people were saying pretty bad things haha) people helped me get better though biggrin.gif!!! they gave me awesome advice and some tutorials

thanks i used a lot of different people to make frederik (try and guess everyone!!! there's a lot blink.gif)

These were all splices right? Not customed? Of course some custom.

Valter is definitely there for the shoulder pads, too lazy to figure out the rest.

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yeah i spliced everyone i think kerr used the least hehe! (i did some editing to get the yellow part in tristan's hair though) and sorry i didn't use valter for frederik! guess again :P

Edited by waqwaq
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A lot of these look more like FE1-5 style sprites rather than GBA style, but I'm not sure why I think that.

First guy has Raven's eyes

not sure about 2nd person

third person has something from Priscilla

Last person has a boss from FE6(I think his name was Dory)


^^^That guy

Edited by Core
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lol the head is raven but i changed his eyes!!! i don't know if you guys are going to figure it out but i'll give you a hint it's from someone in fe6 :D your other guesses are right though!

Are the eyes from Echidna? That's the only one that looks like it.

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Wow, I'm not the best judge of sprites or anything since I do much simpler splices , BUT those are amazing as far as I can tell.

Though the shading and shape of Tristan's cloak is a little rough and something looks off about where is pony tail comes from his head.

Heh, Lochani looks like a Viera(Vierra) from the Final Fantasy Tactics games and FF12.

The peg. knight seems to have an odd piece of hair on the upper right(our right) part of her hair.

But really these are impressive. I wish I could splice/sprite this good.

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I see Raven, and Rebbeca's twin-tail, Narshen's armor.

Yuno/Juno's hair for the band, Sofiya's hair(?) And some part from the Assassins from FE7. The chapter that you get Vaida...

Prissy, and Syrene.

The last one I have no idea.

Edited by Luke fon Fabre
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sorry for the doublepost but i made something new!!!


i call her millet, shes a shaman! i made it for the splicing contest :P heres the originals


i used karels hair and the second guys hair to make the fur hehe i made the ponytail with karels and lucius hair and the thing in the hair is from karels collar! i had to do a bit of editing to make the ponytail look good though :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

hows everyone doing??? im back with some new stuff! hope you enjoy!!! :)


the first two are tristans parents!!! i hope you remember who he is (hes my avatar :P) his dad is felix and his mom is blanchfleur!!! the other one is rickard, a berzerker!!

felix and rickard are a bit complicated so i guess ill explain hehe! i made his crown with arturs collar, part of the shaman boss in fe6, larachels dads forhead thing and zephiels dads crown!! i used wallaces armor, amelias armor and some armors from a boss in fe7 and fe8 for rickards helmet!

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  • 4 weeks later...

long time no see everyone i got time to sprite again yeahhhhhh!!!


the first guy is caleb hes one of the archbishops of the adonites (theyre the guys who use light tomes!!!) he looks nice but hes actually planing to wipe out all the dark magic users :( the guy after him is wolff and hes a berzerker like rickard!!! :D:D hes rickards rival because a long time ago they fought in a war but both kingdoms were beaten! but they still fight because they want to prove which one was stronger!! the last guy is van allen and hes a sage! >:D hes also a propet and hes trying to prevent something bad that tristan will start but he doenst know what it is so he goes looking for him! i dont know if hes a good guy or a bad guy yet (maybe hes both :o:O) the last one is rose (and shes a pirate!!! too bad theres no girl pirates in fire emblem...) shes not part of the story the rest of them are i just made her for fun :)

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