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Who do you use most of the time


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Pretty much which character's do you use the most, and why.

Here are mine

Hector: For his strenght and great defensive ablity

Lyn: For her speed, and Myrimidon (did I spell that right) like critical ablity

Erk: Erk has always been good for me because of his speed.

Priscilla: Two reason why

1. Serra is annoying

2. She's mounted, meaning she has a better chance of reaching people

Wil: I need someone who can pick off an enemy

Rebecca: Same as Wil

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I use all the lords, because they're required in a lot of chapters and they might as well be useful. I also use Erk in most of my playthroughs because I like having a Sage and Nino comes really late in the game. I use Canas because he can use Luna, and I use Rath because he's more mobile than a sniper and he gets swords upon promotion. Oh, and most of the time I use Priscilla because of her better movement, but I have tried Serra a couple of times.

Edited by shadrach
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Eliwood: He has the capacity to be good sometimes.

Lyn: I know personal exp means nothing and all that jazz, but she always has wonderful strength in my games.

Hector: Nert nert nert.

Bartre: Awesome strength+axes, doubles and hits well enough eventually.

Matthew: See Lyn.

Raven: Derp derp derp.

Dart: See Bartre, now with more.

Canas: See Eliwood.

Florina: Potential.

Fiora: More potential.

Farina: Et cetera.

Nino: Rinse, repeat.

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I use Lyn- Her Speed, Luck, and Critical make her the focal point of all my teams.

Nino- Somehow all my mages and sages die during the course of the game. :(

Priscilla- She has a lot of Speed and Luck, though not much power. She is an excellent healer.

Rebecca- Wil can't dodge at all, Rath is not much better (I only use him for Lyn's supports).

Matthew- His speed usually caps out for me at level thirteen. Plus, give him an energy ring and he suddenly has strength.

Guy- Not much use as a Myrmidon. When promoted though, he can make great use of everything but a Runesword. Him with a Light Brand is a very good combination, because it makes him powerful, and he criticals alot with it. (not counting natural bonuses)

Florina- She is possibly the best flyer in the game.

Lucius- When he doesn't die.

Hawkeye- Okay, I know he isn't the best, but you have to admit that Dorcas, Bartre, Dart, and Geitz enjoy dying at the worst possible moment (like when you're just about to finish a really hard chapter).

Actually, my elite team is almost always Matthew, Lyn, Priscilla, and Guy.

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Lyn - Can't get hit even if she stood completely still.

Eliwood - He gets a horse. But sometimes I wonder if that was the best thing to do. Durandal's huge yes, but how did people in FE6 without a horse manage to wield it?

Hector - Hector plus Regal Blade = SPARTAAAA!!

Raven - Owns.

Priscilla - Goes well with Raven. Also a useful healer compared to Serra.

Rebecca - Refer to Lyn's reason. Also supports with Raven.

Oswin - Supports with Hector, very dangerous.

Florina - Is Hector's future wife. *Is jealous of Hector*. Yeah, good unit too. Strongest of the three, I believe.

Nino - Because she's worth it.

Others are often the same but sometimes dropped (Dart, Canas...).

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Other tha the obvious lords:

Priscilla - Surprised? She kills everything, she dodges everything. She's unbeatable.

Raven - Strength and speed make for a great brother

Rebecca - I just love her.

Nino - Way easier to raise than some think, she always comes out as one of the best.

Oswin - Tends to have good speed, strength, and defense. Amazing

Dart - Usually isn't skill screwed for me. He's a killing machine.

Rath - He's just amazing.

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Besides the lords:

Raven: He pwns, end of story

Oswin: best armored unit

Priscilla: pwnage beyond belief

Erk: He's a good mage

Fiora: She's mine dammit

Dart: This guys kicks ass

Rebecca: Great with a bow

Canas: Only dark magic user

Rath: This guy pwns too much to not use him

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The lords, obviously. I don't think there was a time near the final chapters that Lyn didn't get a critical.

But I always have to bring Raven, Matthew, Rebecca, Nino, Dart and the Pegasus sisters for reasons already stated.

And as unreasonable as it seems, due to not having the movement range like Priscilla, I always have to bring Serra along. She just kicks ass, for some unknown reason.

I also remember using Heath once. Can't remember how that turned out.

Edited by Songbird
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hector: No need to explain

Lyn: I like the Myrmidon type


Kent/Sain/Lowan: I use all three until the Dragon gate then choose who's best

Canas: Luna

Fiora: Really sturdy for a Peg.Knight

Guy/Raven: Same as the Social Knights

Dart: I just like him

Rath: I need a Bow user


Harken: Just to round out the team if I don't use Raven

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  • 2 weeks later...

1: All three lords.

2: Matthew. His high speed and skill make for a good hitter and dodger... although I did have one horrendous incident.

3: Raven: Fast, powerful, and reasonable defense.

4: Florina: High mobility, powerful, and fast. Great mage killer.

5: Nino: Sure... she comes as a level 5 Mage in chapter 26. But, when given a chance and trained, she is AMAZING.

6: Serra (Up until recently... got her to level 20 Bishop and she had TERRIBLE stats)

7: Priscilla will replace Serra.

8: Sain. Same reasons as Florina, except not so good against Mages.

9: Lucius: Very good Light user.

10: Canas: I need a Dark user to balance out my magic types.

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These are my top ten characters excluding the three stooges:

Marcus: I have no specific reason for using Marcus other than I like him.

Wallace: See Marcus.

Hawkeye: Rinse, repeat.

Pent: Pent turns out great and requires less effort than Nino and Erk.

Priscilla: She's more mobile, more bearable, and better looking than Serra.

Raven: Raven starts out powerful and keeps getting stronger.

Harken: He's not as good as Raven, but still pretty powerful and much better than Karel.

Oswin: He starts out powerful and remains the best defensive character throughout the game.

Sain: Sain has lots of movement and even more strength.

Kent: He makes a good partner for Sain in addition to being a respectable character.

I also like Lowen, Erk, Lucius, Florina, and Fiora.

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1. Sain

2. Kent

3. Lowen

4. Marcus

5. Isadora

(Reason why is because I like mounted units specifically, Paladins of all on the list of classes as well as character-wise)

6. Priscilla(same reason why I like Paladins as well as great healer that she can turn out to be over Serra)

7. Harken(love his character, very useful on HHM(especially in the normal games) over Karel which he lacks as a NPC on HHM, great parring with Isadora. IsadoraxHarken)

8. Fiora(The only flier I like pretty much. I don't really like Florina because shes quite fragile in the early part. Plus, she does fair about of damage to enemies as well. And I don't like Farina, because she comes half-way part of the game on any Hector's Mode and the worst part is you have to pay her 20, 000 Golds in order for her to be recruitable. Not worth it if you ask me...)

9. Oswin(Great tank unit to start off with. Good for guarding Merlinus tent in the early game. Great EXP thriller and best of all; best General in this game)

10. Geitz(great Warrior with or without the HM bonus. Quite fit in Harken and Karel's situation over Wallace. I despise Wallace, saves you the trouble for promoting Bartre and Dorcas which don't really turn out that good in the early part of the game)

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Hector and Oswin. They basically don't take any damage, ever. A couple ranged units behind them (I'm a fan of Lucius and Rath) and you can simply build a wall and wait for the enemy to break themselves against you.

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1. All 3 Lords(Eliwood because you have to)

2. Oswin(Tank)

3. Florinia(She always pwns in my games)

4. Nino(She above)

5. Canas(The only Dark magic user plus hes rather good)

6. Sain ( Hes cool and kicks but)

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1. Lyn because she looks good and doesn't get hit 90% of the time (thank you Gods of RNG. <3)

2. Eliwood, because I have no choice in Eliwood mode. Otherwise I probably wouldn't use him too much.

3. Hector for his brute strength and wall-like defense. Seriously, build a castle out of Hectors and you'll have a better structure than if you used actual walls. O_O

4. Rath for ranged, long movement and swords on promotion.

5. Matthew for pimp.

6. Priscilla because she's cuter than Serra IMO, isn't annoying like the plague, and she gets to people faster.

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The funny thing about Eliwood....when you first have him in early chapters, he's actually pretty good and useful. It's when he promotes that he starts lagging. Anyone else notice that?

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The funny thing about Eliwood....when you first have him in early chapters, he's actually pretty good and useful. It's when he promotes that he starts lagging. Anyone else notice that?

It's quite the opposite for me. Early on, Eliwood is neither strong nor fast, which makes him a poor candidate for swords. After promoting, Eli gains lances which are more suited to his stats.

At least that's how it's always been for me.

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I just started trying HHM for the first time. This bitch is getting doubled by anybody with a sword.

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