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[FE9] Draft Tourney 2


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Chapter 10: 9 turns. I couldn't stealth the chapter with just Titan and Ike, so I rampaged it. I wasn't sure if I needed to rescue Sephiran, so I at least opened his cell. I'm pretty sure I killed the boss, but I didn't get any chests. Kieran and Brom can be left for torture. Nephenee and her legs were recruited. (70 turns total)

Chapter 11: 8 turns. Neph goes from level 7 to level 16. She also gets the Thief Band, an Arms Scroll, a +5 Mt, +20 Hit, -1 Wt, +9 Crit Steel Lance. I had Neph get the Dracoshield turn 1, while Titan and Ike ran up. I left the vigilantes alone, and a Thief got to the Elwind house. Neph got the boss kill, and we all escaped. (78 turns total)

Chapter 12: 8 turns (EP). Sothe get. Neph took two levels of BEXP and Sealed up to a Halberdier! Sothe om nom nom'd two levels of BEXP, which did piss all in the chapter. It was just Titan, Neph, and Ike dominating Ravens left, right, and centre. I got Jill, but once again, she did nothing. (86 turns total)

Chapter 13: 9 turns (EP). Sothe got two levels of HP, STR, SKL, SPD, LCK, and DEF. I got Astrid, and she tag teamed with Ike to take down Hawks, while Neph and Titan tore through the ships. Sothe stole shit, and Titan got the boss kill. I killed everyone, and all the treasure chests were opened on Turn 9, so it ended early. All the treasure was obtained. (95 turns total)

Chapter 14: 6 turns. I BEXP'd Astrid from level 2 up to level 9. Sothe got from level 5 to level 7. Astrid got a +5 Mt, +20 Hit Steel Bow. Sothe got the Spirit Dust, Neph went East to deal with things, and everyone else went up. I got all of the houses, and a Red Gem from Makalov's dead corpse. I could've finished this in 5 turns, but Titania missed on an 80% against the boss. (101 turns total)

Chapter 15: 8 turns. On another draft playthrough, I had Marcia and Boyd for this level. This one paled in comparison. Sothe was BEXP'd level 7 to level 9, and Astrid went from level 11 to level 14. Nephenee got Vantage, and Titan got Sol. Sothe was shoved by Ike, who then moved his full MOV to find the Shine. Neph ran up, with a Laguz Lance in her inventory. Neph shoved Sothe, who ran to the left to get a Coin. Eventually, Neph was boxed in, and had to use her laguz lance to bust her way free. I didn't get the Boots, which means that the map off of SF is either wrong or I'm an idiot. Either way, Neph killed Muarim, and Ike, Astrid, and Titania did nothing. I got 890 BEXP for that chapter. (109 turns total)

Chapter 16: 8 turns. Astrid goes form level 14 to 20.99. She drops two of her bows and grabs a Steel Axe and a Hand Axe, as well as a Chest Key. Sothe goes from Level 9 to Level 12. I borrowed a leaf from Balcerzak's book, and had Titania rescue Sothe and carry him up to the first door. Astrid would kill an enemy and then Canto up, while Neph and Ike cleaned up. Astrid heads south to get the other two chests, while Titan, Ike, and Neph dealed with the boss area. I ended up getting a Full Guard, Gamble, Silver Lance, and a Dracoshield. I didn't get to Devdan's room, as I need the turns. (117 turns total).

And stats.

Ike        20   Please refer to my past post.
Titania    12   44, 15,  09,  20,  21,  15,  16,  10
Nephenee   20/8 38, 20,  07,  34,  23,  12,  17,  14
Sothe      15   31, 17,  06,  20*, 20*, 15,  12,  08
Astrid     20/3 35, 18,  10,  19,  21,  12,  16,  07

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Total turncount: 141 turns

I recorded a video with the game showing the turncounts and MVP, but it looks incredibly blurry, making the numbers impossible to read. I'll try to record it again tomorrow and post it then.

Congrats on the (probable) win. I was pretty sure with your vast PoR experience (cf. your low turns links) you would be one of the main men to beat here, and looks like I couldn't pull it off. Especially the early game chapters you seemed like you just did vastly better than I could manage (though I now know I could easily have shaved at least two turns off, maybe more, and this I learned when going through at higher difficulty).

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Congrats on the (probable) win. I was pretty sure with your vast PoR experience (cf. your low turns links) you would be one of the main men to beat here, and looks like I couldn't pull it off. Especially the early game chapters you seemed like you just did vastly better than I could manage (though I now know I could easily have shaved at least two turns off, maybe more, and this I learned when going through at higher difficulty).

Thanks. I have to admit that if you had known some tricks like the Chapter 13 one, or recruiting Marcia quickly (I haven't tried it, but Titania carrying Ike should be able to finish Chapter 3 in 3-4 turns with Marcia recruited),your turncount would have been lower than mine. (Marcia + Shovebots > Jill + Rescue).

This reminds me that I still have to record a video of Chapter 7. Now I just have to figure out if it can be done in 3 or 4 turns...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two things. First off, congrats Krad! You mopped the floor with both of us, and I'm glad to have played alongside you. Second thing, did you know that I have no staff users?

Chapter 17-Part 1 5 Turns. Sothe was BEXP'd up from 12 to 15, and read a book to cap SKL. Sell generic weapons without full use, and forge a +5 Mt, +20 Hit, +9 Crit Hand Axe for Astrid. Each character gets 2 Vulneraries and an Antitoxin. Astrid charged ahead on the first turn, followed by everyone else, and also where Sothe KILLED A MYRMIDON. Astrid dealt with the reinforcements, and Titania clears out the boss area. (122 turns total)

Chapter 17-Part 2 5 Turns. Astrid dominated the whole thing pretty much. Ike was useless, and Neph cleaned up whatever Astrid missed. Sothe also got a double crit. What does it mean? (127 turns total)

Chapter 17-Part 3 10 Turns. Titania goes S, Sothe NE, Astrid NW, Neph E, and then S. Ike stands in the middle, because he's carrying Leanne. (137 turns total)

Chapter 17-Part 4 5 Turns. Everyone down. Astrid got the boss kill and I got Adept. (142 turns total)

Chapter 18-10 Turns (EP)+1=11 turns. Ike is now a Lord, and gets 5 levels of BEXP. Sothe gets 1 level of BEXP. Sell a bunch of weapons that I don't need and buy some that I need. Reyson get. Reyson equips Full Guard, as he'll like it until I get the Knight Ring. Shinon get. Astrid kills Kayachay. Rolf shoved Sothe one turn, hence the penalty. I get Silence, Rescue, and Wrath. (152 turns total)

Chapter 19-5 turns. Shinon gets two level of BEXP, a book to read and shield of dragons. Astrid takes Adept. Shinon loses Provoke, and gains Wrath. Neph takes the Knight Ward. I got the KR on turn 4, which required Neph to tank two hits from Naesala. (157 turns total).

Chapter 20-6 turns. Calill is now this team's token slut mage. She pockets Meteor, sells her knife, buys an Elfire, an Elwind, and a +5 Mt, +15 Hit, +9 crit Thunder tome. She then equips a Mage Band and snorts some spirit's dust. Sothe goes from 19-20. Shinon goes from 5-8, as well as Ike. Astrid and Titania took the north side, while everyone else ran south. I got both Smite and the Rescue staff, with Ike and Calill taking down Shiharam. Neph seized. (163 turns total)

Chapter 21-16 turns. I hate all of you for taking the fliers before me. Seriously, this was just annoying. I sell Shine and Rescue, buy some weapons that I'll need, increase Astrid and Sothe's support, as well as Neph and Calill's. Sothe ORKO'd Kasatai with a Stiletto, which he stole. I also stole a Parity, Energy Drop, Corrosion, and a Thoron. Astrid and Ike decided to have a nap near the end (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU), which cost me some turns protecting them. Astrid and Neph killed Ena, and Ike seized the next turn. (179 turns total)

Chapter 22-4 Turns. Calill gets three levels of BEXP, Shinon 1, and Ike 1. Shinon has an energy drop, and Calill dons a robe of seraph. Ike takes Aether. I complete the chapter with no priests dying, which nets me an Ashera Staff that no one can use! (183 turns total).

I'll be trying to finish this tonight, so I'll post stats later. And I'm now in 3rd place. Balcerzak and Krad, you guys are good. I still need to learn how to speed through it a bit more.

Edited by Soren37
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the really long delay. I had lost my memory card, but now I have found it. Here is my progress on the first two chapters:


Turns: 5

Nothing much. Just the regular.

Total Turns: 5

Ike 2.67 19 6 2 7 8 7 5 0

Chapter 1

Turns: 3

Ike equips Fighter Band, Titania the Paladin Band. Oscar and Boyd stay in the corner. Ike rushes through the forces while Titania snags the Seraph Robe. Titania kills the boss, and Ike seizes the area while trading for the SR just in case he needs it for the next chapter.

Total Turns: 8

Ike 3.53 20 7 2 8 9 8 5 1

Titania 1.40

More to come later.

Edited by The Wandering Mercenary
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