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I'm preparing for a test that I have to take on Friday -__- so that means I won't be online from Wednesday thru Friday. Well, maybe on Friday I will get online after doing the test but i doubt it. mellow.gif

sooo...if you ask... *which i doubt that you will* I am studying.

Good Bye~

For now...

EDIT: Funny....How come im epic on science but I fail on Math...i don't know lol...

EDIT: GUESS WHAT!! The date for my test was moved for Monday Thursday. I WONT LEAVE HERE n_n


Edited by SapphireFox
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Aww, sorry to hear that.

Never mind, my science grades are pretty cool, but my math ones are low or on the average.

Good luck on the test and don't worry, you'll do fine, believe in yourself.

EDIT: Show them what the last Thracian can do!

Edited by Light Lord
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Aww, sorry to hear that.

Never mind, my science grades are pretty cool, but my math ones are low or on the average.

Good luck on the test and don't worry, you'll do fine, believe in yourself.

EDIT: Show them what the last Thracian can do!


I will.

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It wouldnt happen to be the specialized high school exam would it?

No, remember the topic that i made about me failing Algebra? Well, i have to take that test on friday.

And about enrolling to another highschool...i don't know. But my parents say that they will get me out of the my current highschool . I have other plans...

Edited by SapphireFox
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