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FE "What If"'s


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Then he would have lived happily ever after with Eleanora, but Eliwood would have continued the quest to stop Nergal. And Ninian wouldn't fall in love with Eliwood because she wouldn't feel responsible for Elbert's death.

What if there were Hammer Brothers in Fire Emblem? (With their Hammers having 1-2 range, being able to throw them)

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Eliwood: What are these things?

Lyn: Turtle things with hammers, it seems, but not the cruddy knight killer hammer.

Rebecca: *readies ballista* I'll take them out from afar!

What if Rebeccas brother never ended up leaving, and stayed home?

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You'd have Dar.....I mean, Dan, playable from the beginning of Eliwood's tale.

By the way, I actually intended the Hammer Bros. Hammers to still be effective against armored units.

What if Leila (from FE7) had never been killed?

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Matthew: *in a black fang chapter* ....Leila!!! :o

Leila: Matthew?

Matthew: You've joined them? Don't you know their intentions?

Leila: Well...

Matthew: Leila.... why not stop Nergal?

Leila: I'm too weak. If I want to be on someone's good side, I will. I don't want to die.

Matthew: Leila, join us.

Leila: In the best interest for the world, I will.

What if Wil left Rebecca to travel to some random other continent?

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It wouldn't matter, she pairs with Lowen in my game. And Wil might end up in another Fire Emblem universe.....

What if Micaiah decided to invoke her rights as the true apostle and lay claim to Begnion's throne?

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Micaiah: Sothe! So, this is why you looked up so much to General Ike.....

Sothe: You have your secrets, Micaiah, I have mine. You are a Branded, I am really a girl.

Soren: Ike.....I can't believe you.....

Ike: .....This is a mess.

Aimee: Ikey poo! You're a father now! This is wonderful.

Talk about a messed up situation, huh?

What if Nolan could fall in love with Jill?

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Nolan: Lady Jill, nice to see you.

Jill: Oh, Sir Nolan, it's you. Do you need something?

Nolan:I wanted to talk to you, Jill.

Jill: So, what is it?

Nolan: I know this will sound a bit rash, but...

Jill: Don't worry. Go on.

Nolan:...Lady Jill, I think I've...fall for you


Nolan: Jill, I love you.

Jill: S-sir Nolan, I f-f-feel honored but...

Nolan: I know Jill. I'm a older. Look, you don't need to answer me right now. I know you have feelings towards that other wdragon knight. So, give it a thought and look for me when you reached a decision. Okay?

Jill: Sir Nolan...

What if Micaiah fell in love with Ike (quite ironic indeed)?

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Now THAT would be cool. Now Ike could be the father of Micaiah's children instead of Sothe's children.

Micaiah: General Ike, I.....

Ike: What is it, Micaiah?

Micaiah: Before.....I hated you for destroying Daein.

Ike: I knew that the people of Daein were suffering. Believe me, Micaiah, we wanted to help them.

Micaiah: Jill told me about how you gave some of your supplies to the people of Talrega. You helped people who were your enemies.....Sothe always praised you so much, and now I understand why. You try to keep it hidden, but you're a very kind person.

Ike: I fight for my friends, you know. And you're one of my friends, Micaiah.

Micaiah: General Ike, I.....

Sothe: C'mon, WTF is this?!?!?!

Now in the ending, Micaiah would go with Ike when he goes off exploring, instead of becoming Queen of Daein. Their children would be a blue haired magic user and a silver haired swordswoman.

What if Meg started to pursue other members of the Dawn Brigade, like Leonardo?

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^I assume a blue haired girl and a silver haired boy?

Mmm as for the 'What If...' (at your request):

Meg: Hi.

Leonardo: Hello Meg.

Meg: What you doing?

Leonardo: Well, I'm repairing my bow's string right now. This thing is about to break. Could you give me a hand?

Meg: Sure! What should I do?

Leonardo: Mmm, take my bow, please. Now, just passing this around here...then this...done. Thanks, Meg.

Meg: Why don't you try it?

Leonardo:...There. Pretty cool and excellent.

Meg: Wow, you fired it way too far! Amazing! You could hunt easily like this!

Leonardo: Thanks Meg, see you later.

Meg:...Father, I'm sorry, but I'think I've fallen in love with someone else.

What if Nergal remembered that Ninian and Nils are his children?

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Nergal: Nils, Ninian, I am your father.

Nils: What!? Th-That's impossible!

Ninian: No!

Nergal: Now, come and obey your father!

Eliwood: Nergal, enough of your lies!

Nergal: But it is true, Eliwood! Their mother is Aenir, a dragon. I loved....

Hector: We don't want to hear anymore!

(Hector cuts Nergal down)

Nergal: Gaa.....Not like this.....I will not die....like this.....With my last breath....tremble....and despair....

Ninian: But, our mother.....She was named Aenir. How did Nergal know.....?

Lyn: Nergal was just lying to you, like when he coaxed you through the Dragon's Gate.

Nils: You're right, Lady Lyn. You're right.....

What if Ragnell could increase Res by 5 as well as Def?

@ Light Lord: I was envisioning a blue haired boy that used magic, and a silver haired girl that used swords. But it doesn't matter to me.

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Then Marth would have become the Emperor instead. But Marth would refuse to marry Nyna and Caeda would be the Empress instead. Thus, the holy lineage of Archanea would come to an end, but Marth's line would continue on. Nyna would spend the rest of her days crying and weeping for the loss of both Camus and Hardin.....

What if everyone but Marth died in Book 1? ("Everyone" means player characters)

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Marth would have a REALLY small army in FE3, and he'd be depressed from losing Caeda and his sister. (Ive actually Marth solo'd FEDS before, making that scenario out of boredom)

What îf the assassins managed to kill Marth in FE3DS' prologue?

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My Unit: NO! Lord Marth!

Marth: I.....Where did I go wrong.....Caeda.....

My Unit: Damn it! You people won't get away with this!!!!!

(My Unit then goes on a killing spree against the assassins)

What if Florina was a Wyvern Rider instead of a Pegasus Knight?

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Florina: Hi Lyn!

Lyn: Florina? Where did you...

Florina: Get this wyvern? The Ilian pegasus knights that I joined is trying something new.

Lyn: And, she told you to become a wyvern knight?

Florina: Yep, and this wyvern helps me get over my fear of men!

Lyn: Is that so?

Sain: Hey lady Lyndis and Florina! Are you...

*wyvern roar*

Sain: Yikes!

Lyn: Wow, it really works haha!

What if Tanith fell in love with Oscar since the Mad King's War?

Edited by Light Lord
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Tanith: My beloved Oscar, will you come to the Begnion Royal Guard?

Oscar: Lady Tanith, I'd love to, but I cannot leave my brothers.

Tanith: I will petition the Empress Sanaki to pay the Greil Mercenaries a handsome sum. Surely, she will repay them for their bravery.

Oscar: Tanith, I.....Very well. I will speak to Ike about it.

Tanith: Will you stay with me, then?

Oscar: Yes, Tanith. With my horse and your.....flying horse, we'll be unstoppable!

Oscar is now with Tanith during the events of Radiant Dawn and he helps prevent the plot against Sanaki.

What if Ross from FE8 was replaced with Ross from the show "Friends"?

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That would ensue in so much LULZ.... lolRoss....

Ehh... what if.... Oliver and Valtome meets Kefka from FFVI? I bet it will be hilarious.... and deadly too

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Kefka would probably do the same thing to them what he did with Geshtal: act like their loyal servant then betray them in the end.

If Roy and Cath fell in love with each other, what would their paired ending be like? I actually thought that Roy and Cath could actually get a paired ending since I remember reading it somewhere.

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Gordin: Yikes! it's an enemy ambush!

marth:*tries to talk*

Gordin: Oh, you can't speak, let's take this. Hey, you're one of our swordmen.

Marth: Thanks Lord Gordin, indeed. I'm Marth, I was capture by the enemy a few days ago.

Gordin: Marth, I would like your help to defeat Gra.

Marth: If I can help you, I will Lord Gordin.

What if the assassins of FE 12 joined Marth at the end?

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Eremiya: Marth, we're so sorry we tried to kill you.....Will you let us join you now?

Marth: Well, I've let people into my army who had tried to kill me before. Why not?

Gotoh: You sure are a trusting fool, Marth. What happened to Hector just might happen to you.....

*Remix of earlier what if question*

What if Mario and Luigi were Red/Green Cavaliers, but they rode Yoshis instead of normal horses?

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*imagine italian accent when Mario and Luigi speak*

Eliwood: Umm, guys, what are those things?

Mario: This? This is a Yoshi, a friend of ours that offered us a ride.

Luigi: They can be really helpful, tey can jump pretty high you know?

Hector: Okay, so, what can you guys do?

Mario: I'm pretty skilled with a sword.

Luigi: I'm better with lances.

Lyn: They sound a bit funny hehe.

What if was reborn in Tellius, during the Mad King's War?

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I assume you mean Yune? If she was woken up during the Mad King's War everyone would be turned to stone, because she would have been woken up through war.

Ashnard: Wh-What?! My new world.....I was tricked.....

Sephiran: Bwa ha ha ha ha! At last, I has achieved my goal!

Ashnard: Damn it..... (Ashnard's body is turning to stone)

Ike: I'm sorry, Ashnard. You'll get no sympathy from me..... (Ike is also turning to stone)

I'm only asking this next question because I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel.....

What if Meg from Fire Emblem:Radiant Dawn was replaced with Meg Griffin from Family Guy?

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