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Please be nice to the Newbie ;D


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Alright, I either make my introductions too long or too short, so I'll just try to keep it in the middle somewhere.

I've been playing the Fire Emblem games for...quite a while, as I've played all of the games released in America XD. But yet, somehow, it never occured to me to actually join some sort of Fire Emblem related fourm. So I think I'm going to join your merry little fourm, though from what I've seen, there's apparently some sort of rising death rate. Oh well!

Nice to meet you all in advance! =D

Edited by Songbird
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Welcome to the forest Songbird. You kinda joined at a bad time as theres a sort of war going on. I'm Lyle by the way. There's some unnoficial rules pinned in the introduction section that I suggest you take a look at. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Whats Up If U Need Help Ask Me or Pm me

Soulja boy? Wow. What an inauthentic piece of crap.

(Sorry Songbird. Most of the intro topics end up going way off topic like this. Just so you know.)

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^Don't. He can't help. But I can.

Yeah Emo Kentucky Chicken can't help you. Only Mod's, or admin's can help you.

But everyone else can annoy you.

*Insert Generic Barrel Roll joke here*

I'm the Royal Guardsmen

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Well, I guess I'm honoured that everyone wants to be so helpful. Thanks guys! ;D

And by the way, anyone want to tell me what this 'war' is all about?

Well....uh.....it all started when Kiryn, the Chosen one, left for vacation...

Hika made a sex joke, in which I said something that Bianchi once said.

Soon I started talking like Binachi.

Bianchi and I were thinking the same things. (it started with the SS weapons topic)

We set the forest on fire multiple times.

Masu made a rebellion group to counter Bianchi's group.

The more time that passed, the more Bianchi and I would keep noticing "similiarites" between each other.

Than Bianchi posted this:

lol! its almost creepy! we've been like BAMBAMBAM! all day long, and finding out weird stuff about each other......

gosh that sounded wrong, didn't it?

And then Fox posted this:

Find a room with your fellow assassin-not-goddess, Fireman.

And then Nightmare posted this:

I think Fireman was the one who was going "BAMBAMBAM" all the time.

And seeing as how Lyle loves Bianchi, was how this war started...

I can picture Lyle like this, after he reads this stuff...


I know!

Everytime I posted, I thought of Lyle killing me....lolz

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I smell a new relationship. Eh. maybe not. Eff it.

Well, I must be doing good. It's my first day and there's already rumours about me =P

And I can already tell that we'll get on fine, Bianchi, because my voice is probably more terrible than yours. I'm sure we'll destroy a battlefield with my voice alone XD

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