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A level & GCSE results days


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Topic for anyone getting exam results over the next few days. A level results are tomorrow (zomg 3 1/2 hours), GCSEs are on Tuesday, and other countries probably have them around now as well?

Anyway, I get my STEP paper results at midnight, and A levels at 10am at school. My A levels are fine, since considering how well I do I'd be flabbergasted to not make my offer, but the STEP papers are HARD. Like, ludicrously hard. I need two grade 1's from them (Scale goes S-1-2-3-U, with S being best), and I think I likely have two 2's or a 2 1. So I'm slightly nervous about that.

This is also the last big chance I get to see everyone from school :(.

How's everyone else that's getting results soon doing (if anyone is, that is)?

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I get my AS results 10 am tomorrow too and I've been growing increasingly anxious as I caught tonsilitus just before the C2 and the physics in action (which is 50% of the course,) and couldn't even make it in for the history source paper. So I'm not all too hopeful

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I get my A2s tomorrow, though I have to admit I too feel a little doubtful that I'll do well, though since I'm taking a working gap-year I have the time to fix any poor grades. Hopefully I won't have too, but still...

I hope everyone else gets on okay anyway.

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I get my GCSE results on Tuesday. Strangely I'm not nervous at all (unlike everyone else I know). I can pretty much guess what I've got anyway, although I'm quite interested to see how badly I've failed history. :lol: I'm just glad I'm finally rid of my horrible school. However bad college is going to be, it will definitely be an improvement.

Good luck to everyone else. Especially people getting A level results. My sister gets hers this morning so I know how nerve-racking it is.

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Well I'll be retaking two papers in Jan along with the history paper I missed.

1 mark off an A in maths :angry: (M1 let me down badly)

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I apparently screwed up :facepalm:. I was expecting mid-90's in each maths modules, and instead got mid-80's, and narrowly missed an A* in both Further Maths and Physics. I ended up with A*, A, A, A in the A levels, and A B B B in my ASes (but two of those B's are GS and CT)

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