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Part 3 Chapter 13 Blood Contract


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As spoken. It is the one where you have the Dawn Brigade and are fighting

The Greil Mercenaries and their sub-human friends

. I would like defeat them all, including the boss. My team is:

Fiona, Zihark, Leonardo, Nolan, and Micaiah at level 8

Edward and Sothe at level 12

Volug at level 16.

I don't have their stats but that should give you an idea of where I am at. Any suggestions from the people who have accomplished this task? Oh, and Tauroneo is there but I will only use him as a shield.

Isn't it funny how the title is "Blood Contract" yet the actual document is a blood pact?

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My brother watched me make this HUGE wall by shoving and rescuing the other units so the damn ravens couldn't pass the line. I should've taken a pic of it, but i wil next time i do it. i seriously had the wall going around the entire left hand side and even some on the right side. like 15-20 units all around the perimeter of the line

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By the way, I once saw a video on YouTube where a guy defeated all of the Greil mercenaries. When I went to watch it again, I couldn't find it. Anyone have a link?
You may be referring to
video, or at least a similar video.

I have never tried to defeat the Greil Mercenaries so I cannot offer any tested suggestions.

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  • 2 months later...

I found out that this chapter isn't as hard as it seems. Just make a wall with your strong guys and you're good to go. Though making my wall was kinda fun to do...

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I found out that this chapter isn't as hard as it seems. Just make a wall with your strong guys and you're good to go. Though making my wall was kinda fun to do...

Retard. Fighting the sub-humans is the way REAL players do it! And it isn't too difficult.

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This chapter is ridiculously easy (saying that for Easy Mode though :D ).

Just pwn the beasty ferals and then GTFO the front line when the mercs appear.

For me at least. The Brigade will be around lvl 8~14 2nd tier. And the Mercs like lvl 4 3rd tier O_o.

Rolf was deadly in my first playthrough. <__<

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EVERY chapter is easy in easy mode....

Unless you make a lot of boneheaded mistakes, Like I missed beastfoe and gave my Paragon to Rafiel. Not to mention I didn't use BEXP properly so everyone had piss poor stats when going into this map. I did a second play-through and got a RNG blessed Jill who maxed out her stats as a Dragon Master at level 16. So with a master crown, I also managed to stun Ike. However I used the same proper management so almost everyone, minus Rolf was third tier. I still took down Boyd, Ranulf, Soren, and Oscar though.

Given that our easy mode is the Japanese normal mode, you can easily see why they chose it.

Just for clarification Easy is normal, Normal is Hard, and Hard is Maniac, so when you do a comparison, they are the same. I had an associate play though both of them and he said the American Hard version was more difficult than the Japanese Maniac. Even though you get some bonus weapons to make the Dawn Brigade path more manageable.

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They actually decided to make it harder in the American hard mode?

What's with these guys?

[sarcastic]yeah seriously... giving us a challenge?[/sarcastic]

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[sarcastic]yeah seriously... giving us a challenge?[/sarcastic]

I dunno. It seems like they like to mess with stuff a lot.

First they made things easier, now they make things harder. They never are satisifed...

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