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Ever had a dream about Fire Emblem


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Most of my FE dreams are actually nightmares of my units getting beaten up by overpowered enemies, and of very weird situations happening, usually NOT in my favor.

Another dream I had involved Fire Dragons (from FE7) coming out of Fog of War. I was envisioning the actual gameplay footage, not real life or anything like that. A Mage cast Fimbulvetr on Matthew, and it froze him solid so that he couldn't move (think of being frozen in Pokemon). Then,some weird flying machine comes out of nowhere and attacks Lyn. But instead of it going to Fire Emblem animation, it goes to a battle scene from Final Fantasy VI, but Lyn is the only character in my party. Also, the normal battle music from Final Fantasy VI is playing. The flying machine is actually the Guardian,and it starts beating the crap out of Lyn. I hold down the L and R buttons to make Lyn run away, and I'm yelling "Run, Lyn! Run!!!!!" Fortunately, Lyn manages to get away before she is killed, and that is where the dream ends.

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I don't really remember my dreams unless they're traumatic. I do remember who was in them, and it's usually the guys I use in whatever run I'm doing (ex: during Team Skittles, a couple of them were doing non-traumatic stuff in my dreams).

I did remember having a really weird dream involving this board, though.

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I don't really remember my dreams unless they're traumatic. I do remember who was in them, and it's usually the guys I use in whatever run I'm doing (ex: during Team Skittles, a couple of them were doing non-traumatic stuff in my dreams).

I did remember having a really weird dream involving this board, though.

How can you have a dream about a message board? Haha, I don't think I've ever read anything in a dream before. At least, I can't recall ever reading in a dream.

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Haha, this has been the strangest dream I ever had of FE:

I've dreamed about myself reading a book and then I suddenly fall asleep (don't ask why and yeah, a dream in a dream).

I suddenly saw myself high in the sky in Jill's wyvern with her. Then she lands and tells me to get down, there was a war and I had to take a few soldiers around. Out of nowhere archers appear and aim at her. I rush as fast as possible to take them on and defeat them easily. Then I finish my mission and regroup with the assult team and Jill, they congratulate me and then I wake up in both dreams :( .

Edited by Light Lord
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How can you have a dream about a message board? Haha, I don't think I've ever read anything in a dream before. At least, I can't recall ever reading in a dream.

I dream I'm on my computer, reading stuff on a message board.

In this case, it was my birthday, so someone or other had sent me a PM asking to send a bottle of Grey Goose to my house. I remembered this dream because I'm not likely to give my home address out, I don't drink, and I've never seen that account name before.

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Haha, this has been the strangest dream I ever had of FE:

I've dreamed about myself reading a book and then I suddenly fall asleep (don't ask why and yeah, a dream in a dream).

I suddenly saw myself high in the sky in Jill's wyvern with her. Then she lands and tells me to get down, there was a war and I had to take a few soldiers around. Out of nowhere archers appear and aim at her. I rush as fast as possible to take them on and defeat them easily. Then I finish my mission and regroup with the assult team and Jill, they congratulate me and then I wake up in both dreams :( .

Oh, nice. I love having a dream in a dream. That always throws me for a loop. Its worse to have a dream that you just woke up. Those are the dreams that always trick me into thinking that they are real...

I dream I'm on my computer, reading stuff on a message board.

In this case, it was my birthday, so someone or other had sent me a PM asking to send a bottle of Grey Goose to my house. I remembered this dream because I'm not likely to give my home address out, I don't drink, and I've never seen that account name before.

Haha, wow that is nice! I wish someone would send me some free Grey Goose for my birthday.

And my birthday is less than three weeks away!

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