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Kaoz's HM Playthrough


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First things first, I never completed HM before, mainly because I got bored of it at some point. In other words, feel free to remind me of this in case I get too lazy.

Hard Mode

Fixed Mode

Pro.: 4 Turns

Ch. 1: 2 Turns

Ch. 2: 4 Turns

Ch. 3: 4 Turns

Ch. 4: 3 Turns

Ch. 5: 6 Turns

Ch. 6: 6 Turns

Ch. 7: 6 Turns

Ch. 8: 8 Turns

Ch. 9: 8 Turns

Ch. 10: 3 Turns

Ch. 11: 5 Turns

Ch. 12: 3 Turns

Ch. 13: 10 Turns

Ch. 14: 4 Turns

Ch. 15: 2 Turns

Ch. 16: 6 Turns

Ch. 17: 3+3+10+1 (17) Turns

Ch. 18: 7 Turns

Ch. 19: 3 Turns

Ch. 20: 2 Turns

Ch. 21: 6 Turns

Current Total: 119 Turns


Deployed: Ike

Turn 1

Ike attacks Boyd. Boyd dies on enemy phase.

Turn 2

Ike uses a Vulnerary.

Turn 3

Ike attacks Greil. Greil attacks on enemy phase.

Turn 4

Ike finishes Greil off.

4 Turns

Total: 4

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	2.57	20	5	1	7	8	7	6	0

Chapter 1

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd

Turn 1

Ike visits the house and gets the Steel Sword. Afterwards, Oscar and Titania rescue-drop him, so that he can rach the seize tile next turn. Titania is positioned so that his way isn't blocked and ensures that Ike survives the enemy phase. Boyd attacks the Fighter in the SW.

EP: Ike is attacked by a Fighter, a Bandit and a Myrm. Boyd kills his enemy, Titania finishes a Fighter and Oscar is attacked by another one.

Turn 2

Boyd kills the Myrm blokcing the way, so that Oscar can visit the last house. Titania kills the boss, Ike seizes.

2 Turns

Total: 6

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	2.87	20	5	1	7	8	7	6	0
Titania	1.27	33	12	4	13	14	11	11	7
Oscar	3.10	26	6	1	6	7	5	8	0
Boyd	2.59	30	7	0	4	6	4	5	0

Chapter 2

Deployed: Ike, oscar, Boyd, Rhys, Titania (T3)

Turn 1

Ike and Boyd team up on the Fighter on the right side, Boyd takes the kill. Rhys heals Ike and Oscar is positioned within the range of the 3 enemies to the north.

Ike is attacked by another Fighter on enemy phase. Oscar takes on the three opponents in the NW.

Turn 2

Ike kills the Fighter that attacked him on enemy phase, Rhys heals again. Oscar kills one of the Fighters he weakened and cantos as far as possible while still staying within the range of the other two enemies. Boyd does nothing.

Boyd is attacked by a Bandit. Oscar kills the Myrm and the Fighter. Ike is attacked by another Fighter.

Turn 3

Titania arrives. Ike kills the Fighter, Boyd finishes off the Bandit. Oscar is healed by Rhys and Titania moves as far as possible.

EP: Titania kills a Bandit.

Turn 4

Rhys heals Ike. Boyd shoves Ike, so that he can team up on a Fighter with oscar. Ike takes the kill. Titania kills a Bandit and moves into the range of the remaining enemies.

Titania kills everything.

4 Turns

Total: 10

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	3.87	20	6	1	7	8	7	6	1
Titania	1.60	33	12	4	13	14	11	11	7
Oscar	4.19	27	7	1	7	8	5	8	0
Boyd	3.18	31	8	0	5	7	4	5	0
Rhys	4.44	22	0	10	7	5	8	0	14

Chapter 3


Ike: Paladin Band

Titania: Knight Band

Shinon: Fighter Band

Gatrie: Archer Band

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Shinon, Gatrie

Turn 1

Gatrie kills the Bandit on the right side, Shinon the one on the left. Ike moves as far as possible, Titania kills the Bandit guarding the ship.

Marcia arrives. Ike is attacked by an Archer and a Myrm, Shinon by a Fighter. Titania kills a Bandit. Marcia is attacked by a Fighter, two Bandits and a Myrm.

Turn 2

Gatrie visits the house. Shinon kills the Myrm that attacked Ike on enemy phase, so that Ike can advance onto the ship and use a Vulnerary there. Titania kills the Fighter with the Hand Axe.

EP: Nothing noteworthy.

Turn 3

Ike talks to Marcia. Titania moves into Havetti's range, equipped with her new Hand Axe. Shinon enters the ship and kills an Archer.

Titania misses Havetti once on enemy phase, but kills the Myrm at least. The others get attacked once each.

Turn 4

Gatrie kills a Fighter. Ike kills a Bandit. Titania kills Havetti. Chapter ends.

4 Turns

Total: 14

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	4.25	21	6	2	8	9	7	6	1
Titania	2.02	34	13	4	13	14	12	11	7
Shinon	1.09	32	9	6	15	13	9	9	6
Gatrie	9.41	31	12	0	6	5	5	14	0
Oscar	4.19	27	7	1	7	8	5	8	0
Boyd	3.18	31	8	0	5	7	4	5	0
Rhys	4.44	22	0	10	7	5	8	0	14

Chapter 4


Ike: Fighter Band

Soren: Thief Band

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Shinon, Gatrie, Rhys, Soren

Turn 1

Titania advances to kill an Archer, the others form up at the bottom corner.

Titania kills stuff on enemy phase. After the enemy phase was over, I noticed that Ike has actually a 20% chance of dying here... yeah >_>;;

Turn 2

Soren, Shinon and Gatrie killed a Soldier, Fighter and Myrm respectively. Ike uses a Vulnerary. Titania waits with a Hand Axe for the last few enemies.

Rhys is attacled by an Archer, chance of dying: 0%. Titania kills two Soldies and two Archers (misses the third one), and weakens Maijin.

Turn 3

Rhys heals once, Gatrie and Ike kill the Archer that attacked Rhys on enemy phase. Titania kills Maijin.

3 Turns

Total: 17

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	4.74	21	6	2	8	9	7	6	1
Titania 2.67	34	13	4	13	14	12	11	7
Shinon	1.12	32	9	6	15	13	9	9	6
Gatrie	9.80	31	12	0	6	5	5	14	0
Soren	1.30	18	0	6	8	8	5	2	7
Oscar	4.19	27	7	1	7	8	5	8	0
Boyd	3.18	31	8	0	5	7	4	5	0
Rhys	4.56	22	0	10	7	5	8	0	14

Feel free to comment or suggest stuff.

Edited by Kaoz
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Who are you planning on bringing to Endgame? If this is efficiency, I'd assume Pallies + Jill, Marcia, Manith and Boyd.

Well, this is mainly to entertain myself (and maybe people who read it), it might turn out to be efficient though, we shall see. As for units... I didn't really plan for it yet. I think I'll use Oscar, Kieran and Jill in any case... probably Mia and/or Zihark. Lethe would be an option as well, as well as Muarim. So, I suppose one could say I'll try to be efficient within the possibilities of my team, whichever it may be.

That reminds me, if the band distribution seems somewhat random, it's because it is, I didn't really use them before. Which brings me to...

Chapter 5


Titania: Paladin Band

Boyd: Archer Band

Oscar: Knight Band

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Shinon, Gatrie, Rhys, Soren, Oscar, Boyd

Turn 1

Titania and Shinon block the western entrance, Oscar and Gatrie the southern one. Oscar kills a Soldier. Boyd uses the Speedwing, Ike the Seraph Robe, he is healed by Rhys afterwards.

Titania, Gatrie and Oscar are each attacked by an Archer, Shinon by a Fighter and a Soldier. Oscar and Titania are attacked by Soldiers as well, Titania kills the two that attack her.

Turn 2

Oscar finishes the Soldier that attacked him on enemy phase and then pulls back so that Rhys can heal him. Shinon kills the Fighter that was holding the Hammer. Titania kills the Archer to the SW and then proceeds to take Oscar's place at the southern entrance. Ike and Boyd block the western entrance now, Ike is on the Healhedge. Gatrie kills an Archer.

On enemy phase, Ike is attacked by a Fighter and Soldier, he kills the latter. An incoming Cavalier is critkilled. Titania kills five Soldier and one of the Cavaliers that attack her (first Iron Axe breaks here). Gatrie is attacked by a Soldier.

Turn 3

Soren and Ike kill the Fighter from the previous enemy phase. Boyd kills a Soldier at the southern entrance, Titania kills an Archer. Gatrie weakens a Cavalier for Oscar to kill. Shinon is healed by Rhys and then blocks the western entrance with Ike.

EP: Titania kills a Soldier.

Turn 4

Ike, Boyd and Oscar guard the western entrance now, backed up by Soren. Shinon, Gatrie and Titania move south. Shinon shoots an Archer in the process.

On enemy phase a Cavalier, Archer and Soldier attack Boyd, Ike and Oscar respectively. Shinon kills a Soldier and an Archer and is also attacked by Dakova.

Turn 5

Soren and Ike kill the Cavalier. Oscar attacks an Archer and Boyd kills a Soldier. Shinon attacks Dakova again, leaving him with 11HP, Gatrie attacks a Myrm.

EP: Boyd and Oscar are attacked by Archers, furthermore a Soldier attacks Oscar but is critkilled. Gatrie kills two Soldiers and a Myrm. He is also attacked by another Myrm and Dakova, but misses both times.

Turn 6

Gatrie kills Dakova. Shinon and Titania retreat a bit. Rhys heals Oscar. Boyd kills one Archer and Oscar crits the second one.

Three Soldiers and a Myrm attack Gatrie on enemy phase, two of the Soldiers die.

6 Turns

Total: 23

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	5.97	29	7	2	8	9	7	7	1
Titania 2.96	34	13	4	13	14	12	11	7
Soren	1.56	18	0	6	8	8	5	2	7
Oscar	5.95	27	7	1	8	8	5	9	0
Boyd	4.30	32	8	0	5	9    4	5	0
Rhys	5.00	23	0	10	7	5	9	0	15

*Forgot to take Shinon's and Gatrie's stats. Gatrie leveled up once.

Edited by Kaoz
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Chapter 6


Titania: Hammer

Boyd: Hand Axe

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rhys

Turn 1

Titania kills the Javelin Soldier. Ike, Oscar and Boyd are positioned on the edge of the forest. Soren and Rhys stay outside of enemy range.

On enemy phase, Ike is attacked by an Archer and a Soldier. The Soldier dies after a crit (wasn't necessary). Boyd weakens a second Soldier and Titania is attacked by a Mage.

Turn 2

Titania attacks the Poleaxe!Cavalier and finishes him off (is hit in the process, 17% chance), then moves onto the bridge (right side). Boyd and Soren finish the remaining Soldier, Ike is healed by Rhys and then weakens the Archer for Oscar to kill.

Titania is attacked by an Armor and a Soldier, she kills the latter. Oscar OHKOs the Myrm that came from the left. Ike is attacked by a Mage and a Cavalier. He kills the Cav.

Turn 3

Titania kills the armor with the Hammer and moves as far to the left as possible. Rhys heals Ike. Boyd and Soren both attack the Mage, Boyd misses. Ike moves as far as possible and is then picked up by Oscar. They position themselves on the Bridge outside of an Archer range.

EP: Titania is attacked by an Archer, a Soldier, a Mage and a Myrm. Boyd is targeted by a Mage.

Turn 4

Titania kills an Archer and ends her turn directly above Emil. Oscar drops Ike at the bottom right corner of the map. Rhys heals Boyd. Boyd and Soren attack the Mage again.

A bunch of enemies (including Emil) attack Titania on enemy phase (no danger of dying though I think). She drops Emil's HP to 2. Ike is attacked by an Archer and a Mage. Boyd is hit by the Mage in the north again.

Turn 5

Boyd fails to kill the Mage again, is healed by Rhys. Soren attacks as well. Titania kills the Soldier right next to Emil, allowing Oscar to take the boss kill. Ike moves closer to the escape tile, taking a Vulnerary in the process.

On enemy phase, Ike is attacked by an Archer and a Mage. A Soldier, an Archer and an Armor target Oscar (the Armor now blocks the escape tile).

Turn 6

Boyd finally kills the Mage, Rhys gets himself some (W)EXP. Oscar uses his new Short Spear to kill the Myrm that attacked Ike on enemy phase, Titania finishes the Armor and Ike escapes.

6 Turns

Total: 29

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	6.83	30	7	2	9	10	8	7	2
Titania 3.51	35	13	4	14	15	12	12	7
Soren	1.95	18	0	6	8	8	5	2	7
Oscar	7.65	29	8	1	9	10	6	10	1
Boyd	5.12	33	9	0	6	10	5	5	0
Rhys	5.55	23	0	10	7	5	9	0	15

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Chapter 7


Titania: Hand Axe

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rhys, Shinon (T4), Gatrie (T4)

Turn 1

Oscar goes north, but stays inside of the range of the Soldier that guards the chest room. Ike moves into the Fighter's range. Titania goes east and kills a Soldier with a Hand Axe.

Boyd is attacked by two Soldiers, misses the first one, but doubles the second one and brings him down to 1 HP. Two Soldiers, a Fighter and an Archer go after Titania and die (Hand Axe broke here...). Oscar is attacked by two Soldiers, Ike by the Hand Axe!Fighter and Mia gets hit by the Archer.

Mia recruits herself on OP.

Turn 2

Rhys heals Mia. She attacks and kills the Soldier with the Chest Key afterwards. Ike and Boyd team up on the Fighter, Soren and oscar kill a Soldier each. Oscar Cantos to the west. Titania critkills one of the Armors.

Rhys and Oscar are attacked by Soldiers, Boyd by the Archer. Titania kills the two remaining Armors.

Turn 3

Boyd kills an Archer, Ike, Soren and Mia team up on the remaining Soldier. Rhys Mends Boyd, Oscar kills the Soldier that attacked him on enemy phase and moves in front of the secon chest room, equipped with the Short Spear. Titania moves inside the range of the two Armors in the hallway.

Oscar is attacked by the Soldier and the Archer that were guarding the chest room, Titania kills both Armors.

Turn 4

Gatrie and Shinon arrive. The former heads left to await the Armors that appeared, the latter kills the Archer in the chest room. Titania damages the Thief, then moves north. Oscar attacks a Soldier. Mia moves towards the chest with the Armorslayer, Rhys heals Ike and everyone else moves to encouter the reinforcements.

Titania kills both Myrms and the Soldier, Ike is attacked by a Mage and a Soldier, he critkills the latter. Oscar kills a Soldier as well and damages a second one. Gatrie doubles both Armors that attack him and critkills one of them.

Turn 5

Gatrie kills the second Armor and Shinon disposes of a Soldier. Oscar finishes the Thief. Ike is healed by Rhys, then kills a Mage. Mia gets the Armorslayer. Titania hammers the Armor (misses once >_>) and positions herself next to Balmer.

Shinon is attacked by the second Mage reinforcement and kills him on the counterattack. A Soldier attacks him as well. Balmer attacks Titania. and is healed by the Priest afterwards.

Turn 6

I get lucky here, as Shinon criticals the Soldier that attacked him previously (crit rate was 21%). Oscar kills the Priest and Titania kills Balmer, then positions herself besides the Armor for enemy phase. Rhys heals Ike again.

The Armor attacks Titania and dies.

6 Turns (got a bit lucky though)

Total: 35

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Ike	7.60	31	8	2	9	11	8	7	2
Titania 4.57	36	14	4	14	15	13	12	8
Soren	2.42	18	0	7	8	8	5	2	8
Oscar	9.79	30	9	2	10	10	6	10	1
Boyd	5.80	33	9	0	6	10	5	5	0
Rhys	6.12	23	0	11	8	5	9	0	16
Mia	6.53	21	7	0	10	13	6	7	2

Random question: Is there any need for Boyd to keep Tempest?

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Tempest is only good if you can give him Bliss. Wait, that's FE10 :awesome:

In all honesty, the +10/-10 is annoying. Also, he apparently always starts with Best Biorhythm, and if you ~6 turns on average, you'll end on number 12, which still keeps him in the good range. This can wreak havoc, however, if you take longer than 8 turns, he loses the bonuses, and will quickly enter the negatives.

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Tempest is only good if you can give him Bliss. Wait, that's FE10 :awesome:

In all honesty, the +10/-10 is annoying. Also, he apparently always starts with Best Biorhythm, and if you ~6 turns on average, you'll end on number 12, which still keeps him in the good range. This can wreak havoc, however, if you take longer than 8 turns, he loses the bonuses, and will quickly enter the negatives.

Um, how? Each chapter adds 7 to the indicator. So in chapter 1, he certainly has Best, but in Chapter 2, he's at Good, and in Chapter 5, he's in Worst.

EDIT: nvm, there's a debug map and Prologue also counts, so Boyd actually starts in Worst.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Ah. I read it and though that it always meant that Boyd started at Point 8. Either way, it's going to make him worse. If you're using him long term, give him Smite and a Statue Frag. It'll help buff him up so he can shove a lot of your units around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a while...

Chapter 8



Sold		Purchased
Iron Lance	Steel Axe (2)
Ashera Icon	Hand Axe (2)
	Iron Axe (Forge, +5 Mt, +10 Ht)


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Oscar	10.00	30	10	2	10	11	6	11	1
Boyd	12.00	38	13	0	10	13	7	7	1
Mia	10.00	23	9	1	12	15	7	8	2

543 BEXP remaining

removed Boyd's Tempest


Ike/Oscar - C

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rhys, Mia

Turn 1

Titania awaits the southern Cavaliers with a Poleax, Boyd takes the eastern entrance with the Axe Forge and Mia guards the west with an Armorslayer.

Titania kills three Cavs on enemy phase, leaving a fourth one with 4 HP. Three of the Armors to the east suicide into Boyd, the ones to the west attack Mia and remain with 5 and 6 HP respectively.

Turn 2

Boyd attacks the last Armor on his side with a Hand Axe, Titania finishes another Cavalier and moves south. Oscar kills a second Cav. Mia retreats to get healed by Rhys, leaving the Armors for Ike and Soren to kill.

Titania gets attacked by the last Cav and Kamura, Boyd kills the last Armor and an Archer. Ike critkills a Fighter and weakens a Soldier and a Myrm.

Turn 3

Oscar and Titania team up on the last Cavalier and kills him, Boyd finishes a Mage. Ike retreats a bit and takes a Vulnerary, Mia kills a Myrm and Soren a Soldier. Rhys heals Titania.

Titania weakens Kamura on enemy phase, otherwise nothing really interesting happened.

Turn 4

Titania attacks Kamura, but misses once and fails to kill him. Boyd and Oscar take out a Myrm and a Priest respectively. Rhys heals Mia, Ike and Soren kill a Myrm and a Soldier.

No kills on enemy phase, Ike weakens a Soldier and a Myrm though.

Turn 5

Titania manages to kill Kamura this time and Cantos in range of the enemy reinforcements. Oscar kills an Archer. Boyd is healed by Rhys and OHKOs a Mage (east side cleared). Ike uses another Vulnerary, leaving Soren and Mia to finish off the Soldier and Myrm from EP.

Mia is attacked by an Archer, Titania kills the two Soldier reinforcements.

Turn 6

Boyd moves north to get closer to the Armor reinforcements, Mia and Soren team up on an Archer and Ike recruits Ilyana. Rhys heals Oscar who postions himself so that he can counter a reinforcement on enemy phase. Titania moves closer to the southwestern reinforcements.

Titania kills a Soldier, Oscar weakens a second one.

Turn 7

Oscar, Mia and Boyd kill a Soldier, a Priest and an Armor respectively. Ike moves towards the southern entrance, Titania heals herself with a Vulnerary.

Titania kills a Soldier on enemy phase, missing a second one and a Mage though. Byod weakens the last Armor.

Turn 8

Boyd kills the Armor, Ilyana and Oscar KO one of the Cav reinforcements. Titania kills a Soldier.

Nothing noteworthy on enemy phase.

8 Turns

Total: 43

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	8.78	32	8	2	10	11	8	8	3	C Oscar
Titania 5.44	37	14	4	15	16	13	13	8
Soren	3.87	19	0	8	9	8	5	2	9
Oscar	11.34	31	10	2	11	11	7	11	2	C Ike
Boyd	14.31	39	14	0	11	14	8	8	2
Rhys	6.80	23	0	11	8	5	9	0	16
Mia	11.21	24	9	1	13	16	8	8	2
Ilyana	6.11	20	1	8	10	9	6	3	10

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Chapter 9



Sold		Purchased
Longbow		Javelin (2)
Vulnerary (2)	Iron Lance (Forge, +5 Mt)


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Oscar	12.00	31	11	2	11	12	7	11	2
Mia	12.00	24	10	1	13	16	8	8	3

358 BEXP remaining

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rhys, Mia, Ilyana, Mist (T1), Rolf (T1)

Turn 1

Ike, Oscar, Boyd, Mist and Rolf go for the castle, whereas Titania, Mia, Rhys, Soren and Ilyana take care of the beach.

Mia and Boyd weaken 2 Fighters and a Myrm respectively. Titania damages a third Fighter.

Turn 2

Soren and Ilyana dispose of 2 Fighters, Titania kills a Mage and Mia another Fighter. Ike and Rolf team up on a Myrm, Boyd kills a Mage and Oscar a Soldier. Mist heals Oscar.

Lethe kills another Soldier on Ally Phase.

On enemy phase, a Fighter attacks Mia, Mordecai gets damaged by an Armor and an Archer.

Turn 3

Ike and Boyd kill an Armor, Oscar weakens an Archer (misses once). Titania weakens a Bandit for Mia to kill. The rest retreats to get outside of enemy range.

Lethe kills the Archer on Ally Phase.

A Fighter suicides into Mia, a Myrm attacked her as well, but she missed one attack. An Archer attacks Mordecia and Oscar critkills an Armor.

Turn 4

Titania and Mia kill a Myrm and a Mage. Osacr and Ike team up on an Archer, the others move towards the seize tile.

Lethe is distracted by the Fighter in the forest.

On enemy phase, Mia kills a Myrm, Titania is attacked by a Mage and Mordecai kills an Armor.

Turn 5

Titania kills a Mage and moves towards the northern house, Mia takes a Vulnerary.

Boyd kills a Myrm on enemy phase, two others are killed by Mordecai.

Turn 6

Mia visits the southern house and receives the Restore, Titania continues to go north. Boyd is healed by Mist and kills a Soldier afterwards, Oscar and Ike team up on the last Myrm. Ike misses...

The Myrm is killed by Boyd on enemy phase, a Soldier attacks Ike.

Turn 7

Titania finally reaches the northern house and gets the Talisman, Mia positions herself just in range of a Bandit. Oscar and Ike tam up on the Soldier. Mist heals Boyd again and the latter positions himself near Kotaff, killing one of the Mages in the process.

Mia is attacked by one of the Bandits on enemy phase. Boyd kills the second Mage and damages Kotaff.

OP: Marcia talks to Ike and recruits herself.

Turn 8

Boyd takes a Vulnerary. Mia kills the Bandit that attacked her, Titania attacks Nedata. Mist heals Oscar.

EP: Nedata and a Bandit attack Mia, Kotaff targets Boyd again.

Turn 9

Mia kills Nedata, everyone who can chips at Kotaff before Oscar kills him. Mist heals one last time and Ike seizes.

9 Turns (did pretty bad here, but I don't really feel like redoing it...)

Total: 52

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	10.10	33	10	3	11	12	9	9	3	C Oscar
Titania 5.66	37	14	4	15	16	13	13	8
Soren	4.24	19	0	8	9	9	5	2	9
Oscar	13.76	32	11	2	12	12	7	12	2	C Ike
Boyd	15.84	40	15	0	12	15	8	8	2
Rhys	6.80	23	0	11	8	5	9	0	16
Mia	14.38	25	11	2	14	18	10	8	3
Ilyana	6.44	20	1	8	10	9	6	3	10
Mist	1.55	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Rolf	1.37	18	5	0	8	6	4	6	2
Marcia	5.19	20	8	0	7	11	4	8	6
Lethe	3.00	34	12	4	10	12	15	9	7
Mordecai2.00	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4

Redid it after all...

Basically everything went the same, except that Mia took on the enemies on the beach on her own and Titania helped out Ike and co.

Didn't get Marcia, failed to save the houses but shaved two turns off (and couldn't kill Nedata).

7 Turns

Total: 50

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	9.71	32	9	3	11	12	9	8	3	C Oscar
Titania 5.76	37	14	4	15	16	13	13	8
Soren	3.87	19	0	8	9	8	5	2	9
Oscar	13.41	32	11	2	12	12	7	12	2	C Ike
Boyd	15.80	40	15	0	12	15	8	8	2
Rhys	6.80	23	0	11	8	5	9	0	16
Mia	14.13	25	10	2	14	18	9	8	3
Ilyana	6.11	20	1	8	10	9	6	3	10
Mist	1.66	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Rolf	1.59	18	5	0	8	6	4	6	2
Lethe	3.00	34	12	4	10	12	15	9	7
Mordecai2.00	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4

Any opinions on which save I should use? (Probably not as no one will see the edit, but oh well

And number 3...

Same as (2), recruited Marcia this time though and Mia saved a house.

8 Turns

Total: 51

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	8.78	32	8	2	10	11	8	8	3	C Oscar
Titania 5.88	37	14	4	15	16	13	13	8
Soren	4.27	19	0	8	9	9	5	2	9
Oscar	14.14	33	12	2	12	13	8	12	2	C Ike
Boyd	15.09	40	15	0	12	15	8	8	2
Rhys	6.80	23	0	11	8	5	9	0	16
Mia	14.52	25	10	2	14	18	9	8	3
Ilyana	6.11	20	1	8	10	9	6	3	10
Mist	1.33	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Rolf	1.00	18	5	0	8	6	4	6	2
Marcia	5.00	20	8	0	7	11	4	8	6
Lethe	3.00	34	12	4	10	12	15	9	7
Mordecai2.00	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4

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Marcia is almost certainly going to save you two turns over the long run if you use her correctly. However, if you plan on just BEXPing Jill to a very high level and Speedwinging her, you can probably get similiar results with her. Downside is having to recruit her in Chapter 12, which is a pain (she likes to move right next to Ike and then use a Vulnerary :facepalm: ).

But I sympathise with you. I also despise this map. It's the only non-defend chapter I got more than 8 turns on.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Marcia is almost certainly going to save you two turns over the long run if you use her correctly. However, if you plan on just BEXPing Jill to a very high level and Speedwinging her, you can probably get similiar results with her. Downside is having to recruit her in Chapter 12, which is a pain (she likes to move right next to Ike and then use a Vulnerary :facepalm: ).

I suppose I'll give her the BEXP from 11 and 12, that's 650 or something if I'm not mistaken.

But I sympathise with you. I also despise this map. It's the only non-defend chapter I got more than 8 turns on.

I'll probably lose to your turncounts in later chapters... btw, did you get any chests (and/or the Masterseal) in Ch. 10 other than the Statue Frag?

10 turns, so I went over the turn limit ;_; But I don't see how it's practical to even beat the turn limit and recruit Marcia in this chapter.

Just in case, now that I think about it, I actually could have waited a turn to recruit her Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Oh well, don't like her anyway, though I suppose I won't get the VK at this rate.

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A 7 turn is possible while recruiting Marcia. Have Titania and Oscar rush south, while Ike waits at the edge of Marcia's move range (so she needs to use her full move to reach Ike the turn she appears). Then have her rescue Ike and move towards the boss. If she uses her full move every turn, she can drop Ike on turn 6 for him to seize on turn 7, which is more than enough time for Titania and Oscar to rout the south part of the map.

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I suppose I'll give her the BEXP from 11 and 12, that's 650 or something if I'm not mistaken.

Well, if you want to quick-complete Chapter 15, she needs 21AS to double Muarim. That's a pretty hefty requirement - level 7 promoted with a Speedwing on top of it, maybe level 6 with a +Spd band. Although she 2HKOes with the Laguz Lance, so you could try having her thwack him, then kill him on enemy phase (hopefully she won't double the laguz around her, or miss, and she should have enough durability with the Laguzguard to take that kind of punishment - plus, even if she misses once, she can still go for a 3rd turn clear.

I'll probably lose to your turncounts in later chapters... btw, did you get any chests (and/or the Masterseal) in Ch. 10 other than the Statue Frag?

So far, you're doing way better than me. And some of my later turncounts can still be improved upon. For example, Chapter 21, 22, and Final could all have a turn or two shaved off.

Just in case, now that I think about it, I actually could have waited a turn to recruit her Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Oh well, don't like her anyway, though I suppose I won't get the VK at this rate.

The VK is time-consuming to get in any case, although it is very good on Mia.

Incidentally, do you have any plans to field a Sage other than Calill?

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So, I played the chapter a third time... got Marcia this time, Mia rescued the northern house as well, but I needed 8 turns... Oscar made it to Lv 14, so I guess I'll use this save to continue.

A 7 turn is possible while recruiting Marcia. Have Titania and Oscar rush south, while Ike waits at the edge of Marcia's move range (so she needs to use her full move to reach Ike the turn she appears). Then have her rescue Ike and move towards the boss. If she uses her full move every turn, she can drop Ike on turn 6 for him to seize on turn 7, which is more than enough time for Titania and Oscar to rout the south part of the map.

Apparently I'm too slow at some point.

Well, if you want to quick-complete Chapter 15, she needs 21AS to double Muarim. That's a pretty hefty requirement - level 7 promoted with a Speedwing on top of it, maybe level 6 with a +Spd band. Although she 2HKOes with the Laguz Lance, so you could try having her thwack him, then kill him on enemy phase (hopefully she won't double the laguz around her, or miss, and she should have enough durability with the Laguzguard to take that kind of punishment - plus, even if she misses once, she can still go for a 3rd turn clear.

Let's see... I currently have 658 BEXP, and until CH. 15 I'll get another 1500 BEXP or so... heh this might actually be enough if I were to dump all of it on Jill, but it would prevent me from using Kieran and a few others. Maybe rescue-dropping Boyd there might work or something. We shall see.

So far, you're doing way better than me. And some of my later turncounts can still be improved upon. For example, Chapter 21, 22, and Final could all have a turn or two shaved off.

The VK is time-consuming to get in any case, although it is very good on Mia.

I doubt I can 3 turn Ch. 12, unless I BEXP her to around 20/3 (I think?), which might be a bit difficult (not entirely impossible though). Also I'm not the best tactican, so I don't think I'll be able to beat you turncounts in the chapters you mentioned (especially Final as Mia might get Wrath).

With a second flyer, I think it's possible to get the VK in 3 turns, might be mistaken there though.

Incidentally, do you have any plans to field a Sage other than Calill?

Not really, unless I happen to have 2400 BEXP flying around in Ch. 25, though I guess you ask because of Ch. 22?

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I doubt I can 3 turn Ch. 12, unless I BEXP her to around 20/3 (I think?), which might be a bit difficult (not entirely impossible though). Also I'm not the best tactican, so I don't think I'll be able to beat you turncounts in the chapters you mentioned (especially Final as Mia might get Wrath).

She doesn't need that high a level. 20 speed? Seeker is the only one you need to double, since you only have 2 rounds of combat to kill him (the generic ravens are more generous since they spawn closer). She can be that fast as early as level 20. What's more of a worry is durability, but with a Seraph Robe she should be okay since she can use a vulnerary on Turn 2 and 3 if necessary.

(Seeker's speed is listed as 18 here and on WoD, but it doesn't count Demi Band penalties.)

With a second flyer, I think it's possible to get the VK in 3 turns, might be mistaken there though.

An unpromoted flier is 1 space short. Although you could always make it up with a Smite from Mordecai.

Not really, unless I happen to have 2400 BEXP flying around in Ch. 25, though I guess you ask because of Ch. 22?

Well, there are lots of opportunities for siege tomes to shine. I was very happy knocking Snipers off Ballistae with Tormod, for example, and he made a good healer.

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She doesn't need that high a level. 20 speed? Seeker is the only one you need to double, since you only have 2 rounds of combat to kill him (the generic ravens are more generous since they spawn closer). She can be that fast as early as level 20. What's more of a worry is durability, but with a Seraph Robe she should be okay since she can use a vulnerary on Turn 2 and 3 if necessary.

(Seeker's speed is listed as 18 here and on WoD, but it doesn't count Demi Band penalties.)

I believe you said something about 17 Str. in your topic? Maybe I just misread something though...

An unpromoted flier is 1 space short. Although you could always make it up with a Smite from Mordecai.

Either that or seal one of them.

Well, there are lots of opportunities for siege tomes to shine. I was very happy knocking Snipers off Ballistae with Tormod, for example, and he made a good healer.

I'll think about it, but when I'll use one, it'll be Tormod, Soren and Ilyana aren't worth it anymore.

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I believe you said something about 17 Str. in your topic? Maybe I just misread something though...

The idea is that she needs to kill Seeker in two rounds of combat (or three if she's durable enough to not use a Vulnerary on turn 3). You can either do this by being very lucky with her strength so she 2HKOes, or getting her speed high enough to double, since 4HKOing should be easy.

Either that or seal one of them.

Hmm, missing out a couple of levels on Marcia/Jill or the Vague Katti... I have to admit, it's a difficult decision... but I wouldn't recruit both of them anyway. It's up to you what you want to try?

I'll think about it, but when I'll use one, it'll be Tormod, Soren and Ilyana aren't worth it anymore.

I'm not sure if Soren and Ilyana even have enough movement to use them effectively. Or if they're fast enough. He has the highest str+spd base (2+9) and the highest growth (20+45% to 25+30% and 5+40%). I was very lucky with Tormod's strength, however, which is a contributing factor.

It's up to you how you spend the BEXP, really.

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The idea is that she needs to kill Seeker in two rounds of combat (or three if she's durable enough to not use a Vulnerary on turn 3). You can either do this by being very lucky with her strength so she 2HKOes, or getting her speed high enough to double, since 4HKOing should be easy.

Hmm, missing out a couple of levels on Marcia/Jill or the Vague Katti... I have to admit, it's a difficult decision... but I wouldn't recruit both of them anyway. It's up to you what you want to try?

I'm not sure if Soren and Ilyana even have enough movement to use them effectively. Or if they're fast enough. He has the highest str+spd base (2+9) and the highest growth (20+45% to 25+30% and 5+40%). I was very lucky with Tormod's strength, however, which is a contributing factor.

It's up to you how you spend the BEXP, really.

I'll probably miss the VK, can't be helped. As for Tormod, I'll see how much BEXP I have left by the time he'd be useful.

Anyway, decided to go with the 3rd save (edited the original Ch. 9 post), so...

Chapter 10



Sold		Purchased
Steel Axe	Iron Axe (Forge, +5 Mt, +10 Hit)
Iron Axe


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Marcia	11.00	24	11	1	10	14	6	9	8

64 BEXP remaining

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Marcia, Lethe, Mordecai

Minor changes though as I don't have a promoted Oscar and Titania can't ORKO the last Armor.

Turn 1

Lethe replaces Oscar to clear the way for Titania and Ike. Mordecai smites Oscar so that he can keep up with the two 9 Mov units.

Osacr damages both Soldiers with Door Keys on enemy phase, Mia kills a reinforcement and damages a second one.

Turn 2

Marcia and Titania kill the Soldiers that were weakened by Oscar and Canto to their respective positions (Titania, see video; Marcia, 10 tiles away from the eastern cell). Mordecai is positioned so that the eastern reinforcements can attack him (and don't block Marcia's way next turn).

EP: Mordecai is attacked as planned, Mia kills another Soldier.

Turn 3

As Titania cannot onr round the Armor that blocks the exit, Oscar weakens it first with a Short Spear. Mordecai smites Marcia and she opens the second prison cell. Lethe escapes with Ike.

3 Turns

Total: 54

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	8.78	32	8	2	10	11	8	8	3	C Oscar
Titania 5.98	37	14	4	15	16	13	13	8
Oscar	14.50	33	12	2	12	13	8	12	2	C Ike
Boyd	15.27	40	15	0	12	15	8	8	2
Mia	15.20	26	11	2	15	18	10	8	3
Mist	1.33	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	11.25	24	11	1	10	14	6	9	8
Lethe	3.25	34	12	4	10	12	15	9	7
Mordecai2.03	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4

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Chapter 11



Sold		Purchased
	Steel Sword
	Steel Lance
	Hand Axe (2)
	Iron Lance (Forge, +5 Mt, +15 Hit)


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Marcia	14.00	25	12	1	12	16	7	10	9

78 BEXP remaining


Ike/Oscar - B

Titania/Boyd - C

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Marcia, Lethe, Mordecai

Turn 1

Mordecai smites Titania and she moves north together with Oscar, Lethe and Marcia. Ike and Mia go west, Boyd kills one of the Soldiers in the starting area.

On enemy phase, Titania weakens the Bow Knight and kills both Sword Knights, two Soldiers and a Cavalier attack Mordecai. Mia kills one of the Vigs.

Turn 2

Titania and company blow through the northern enemies, with Titania ending up at the edge of Makoya's range. Mia has to take a Vulnerary, Boyd kills a Cavalier.

EP: Makoya attacks Titania, Mordecai is targeted again and transforms.

Turn 3

Oscar, Lethe and Marcia surround Makoya, leaving him at 3HP and preventing him from using his bow. Titania moves forward and uses a Vulnerary. Mordecai and Boyd move west.

Makoya suicides into Marcia on enemy phase, Titania kills two Cavaliers. Mordecai takes out a great number of foes and survived with 1HP, his chance of death could have been reduced to 0% though, when I had given him a Vulnerary (Facepalm_emote_gif.gif) (he didn't do anything on PP), so I didn't restart.

Turn 4

Titania weakens the Armor on the Arrive tile, Lethe kills the Priest in that area. Marcia moves towards the northern house, staying outside of the Black Knight's range in the process. Ike visits the southern house for the Dracoshield. Mordecai heals himself.

The Armor is killed by Titania on enemy phase.

Turn 5

Marcia visits the remaining house and grabs the Killer Lance. Titania arrives.

5 Turns

Total: 59

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	9.39	33	9	3	11	12	9	8	3	B Oscar
Titania 6.43	38	14	5	16	16	13	13	8	C Boyd
Oscar	14.88	33	12	2	12	13	8	12	2	B Ike
Boyd	16.08	40	16	0	12	15	8	8	2	C Titania
Mia	16.20	26	11	2	15	19	10	9	4
Mist	1.33	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	15.01	26	12	1	12	17	8	10	9
Lethe	3.52	34	12	4	10	12	15	9	7
Mordecai2.56	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4

Chapter 12


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Oscar	15.00	33	12	3	13	13	8	13	3	B Ike
Marcia*	1.00	32	16	4	17	20	9	13	13

*Sealed at 19/0

57 BEXP remaining

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Mist, Marcia, Lethe

There isn't much to say, Marcia pretty much solo'd the map and was 1 Str short of ORKOing Seeker (aka 2 Turn), Oscar and Mia killed the two ravens on the left.

3 Turns

Total: 62

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	9.39	33	9	3	11	12	9	8	3	B Oscar
Titania 6.52	38	14	5	16	16	13	13	8	C Boyd
Oscar	15.39	33	12	3	13	13	8	13	3	B Ike
Boyd	16.08	40	16	0	12	15	8	8	2	C Titania
Mia	16.75	26	11	2	15	19	10	9	4
Mist	1.44	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	2.61	32	16	4	17	21	9	13	13
Lethe	3.63	34	12	4	10	12	15	9	7
Mordecai2.56	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4

Edited by Kaoz
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Chapter 13



Sold		Purchased
Blue Gem

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Mist, Lethe, Mordecai, Volke

Recruited Astrid and Gatrie on T1...

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Gatrie	12.34	34	13	0	8	5	5	16	0

...Ike killed Norris and a total of 8 Ravens failed to escape. Got all the chests. Apparently I'm using Astrid.

10 Turns

Total: 72

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	11.08	34	10	3	12	13	9	9	4	B Oscar
Titania 7.51	38	15	5	16	17	14	13	9	C Boyd
Oscar	17.27	34	13	3	14	14	9	13	3	B Ike
Boyd	16.78	40	16	0	12	15	8	8	2	C Titania
Mia	18.66	27	12	3	16	20	12	9	4
Mist	1.77	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	2.61	32	16	4	17	21	9	13	13
Lethe	4.03	36	13	4	10	13	16	10	7
Mordecai2.79	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4
Astrid	6.46	22	8	3	9	12	5	6	5
Gatrie	13.51	35	14	0	9	5	6	17	1

Chapter 14



Sold		Purchased
Hand Axe (2)	Hand Axe (2)
Vulnerary (3)	Steel Axe (Forge, +5 Mt, +15 Hit)


Boyd	17.00	40	16	0	12	15	8	8	2	C Titania

379 BEXP remaining


Ike/Oscar - A

Titania/Mist - C

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Mist, Marcia, Lethe, Mordecai, Volke, Astrid

Turn 1

Marcia visits the house, everyone else heads north. Two enemies killed, by Oscar and Ike respectively.

Marcia kills a Fighter and a Bandit on enemy phase.

Turn 2

Marcia was hit, so she takes a Vulnerary and cantos north. Oscar finishes a Bandit, everyone else continues towards the northern bridge, Titania kills a Mage in the process.

EP: Titania kills an Archer, Lethe a Fighter. Marcia is attacked by a Myrm, a Fighter and two Cavs and destroys all of them.

Turn 3

Ike kills the Bandit in the starting area, Marcia visits the second house. Mia and Astrid team up on a Fighter, Boyd kills a Bandit. Titania damages a second one.

Makalov attacks Marcia, staying alive with 8 HP (Marcia used an Iron Sword). Titania finishes the Bandit. Mordecai is attacked, causing him to transform on PP.

Turn 4

Marcia recruits Makalov and Makalov visits the remaining house. Astrid and Oscar team up on a Fighter, Mia weakens Gashilama and Boyd ends the chapter.

4 Turns

Total: 76

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	11.71	34	10	3	12	13	9	9	4	A Oscar
Titania 7.67	38	15	5	16	17	14	13	9	C Boyd/C Mist
Oscar	17.79	34	13	3	14	14	9	13	3	A Ike
Boyd	17.82	40	16	0	12	15	8	8	2	C Titania
Mia	19.09	28	12	3	17	20	12	9	4
Mist	1.99	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	3.19	33	16	4	18	21	10	13	14
Lethe	4.10	36	13	4	10	13	16	10	7
Mordecai2.81	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4
Astrid	8.00	23	8	3	10	13	6	6	5

Chapter 15



Sold		Purchased
Steel Sword	Steel Sword
Vulnerary	Steel Bow (Forge, +5 Mt, +10 Hit, -1 Wt)
Red Gem


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Oscar	18.00	35	13	3	15	15	9	14	3	A Ike
Boyd	18.00	40	17	0	12	15	8	8	2	C Titania
Marcia	4.00	33	17	4	18	22	10	13	14

495 BEXP remaining

Deployed: Ike, Marica, Lethe, Mordecai, Volke, Sothe

Got a Coin, Guard, the Silver Blade and the Boots. No Laguz were killed.

2 Turns

Total: 78

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	11.71	34	10	3	12	13	9	9	4	A Oscar
Titania 7.67	38	15	5	16	17	14	13	9	C Boyd/C Mist
Oscar	18.00	35	13	3	15	15	9	14	3	A Ike
Boyd	18.00	40	17	0	12	15	8	8	2	C Titania
Mia	19.09	28	12	3	17	20	12	9	4
Mist	1.99	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	4.34	33	17	4	18	22	10	13	14
Lethe	4.10	36	13	4	10	13	16	10	7
Mordecai2.81	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4
Astrid	8.00	23	8	3	10	13	6	6	5

Note to self: use Ike more next time. Good thing I have over 1800 BEXP again...

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Chapter 16



Sold		Purchased
	Steel Axe (2)
	Steel Axe (Forge, +5 Mt, +15 Hit)


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	12.00	35	11	3	12	13	10	9	4	A Oscar
Oscar	1.00	39	16	6	18	18	9	16	7	A Ike
Astrid	1.00	34	15	7	19	21	11	13	9

*Oscar and Astrid can now use Axes

640 BEXp remaining

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Marcia, Lethe, Mordecai, Volke, Astrid, Muarim

Turn 1

Lethe shoves Astrid and Mordecai smites Titania. Oscar and Astrid rescue Ike and Volke respectively, Titania kills one of the Myrms. Everyone else moves forward.

The remaining two Myrms attack Oscar on enemy phase and are left with low HP. Titania is attacked by both Fighters, failing to kill the one that attacked at melee range though.

Turn 2

Boyd and Mia kill the Myrms that attacked Oscar on EP, Marcia takes care of a third one. Lethe shoves Mordecai so that he can smite Astrid. The Paladin trio and Muarim move as far as possible, Titania takes a Vulnerary.

The two Fighters attack Boyd and Mordecai, Muarim is attacked by a Mage.

Turn 3

Oscar and Astrid drop Ike and Volke and build a defensive line with Titania. Marcia kills a Mage, Lethe, Mia and Boyd finish the Fighters.

Two Armors suicide into Oscar and Astrid, a third one is weakened by Titania. Muarim is attacked by a Mage again.

Turn 4

Astrid and Volke move towards the southern chest room, Astrid kills a Myrm in the process. Ike and Oscar each dispose of an Armor, Muarim kills the Sniper. Titania kills a Myrm and Mordecai, after being shoved by Lethe, smites Marcia, allowing her to KO a Mage.

Mordecai is attacked by a Mage on enemy phase. Marcia kills the remaining two Myrms in the throne room and Astrid is attacked by an Armor.

Turn 5

Volke opens the door of the chest room, Astrid grabs the Full Guard and cantos out of the room again. Marcia and Titania kill the Mages near Kimaarsi, who is attacked by Oscar. Muarim kills the Priest and Ike moves closer to the seize tile. Mordecai kills the Fire Mage in the east.

Kimaarsi attacks Oscar on enemy phase and dies. Astrid is attacked by an Armor.

Turn 6

Volke opens the chest for second chest for the Dracoshield, Astrid kills a Priest and Ike seizes.

6 Turns

Total: 84

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	12.31	35	11	3	12	13	10	9	4	A Oscar
Titania 8.11	39	15	5	17	17	14	14	9	C Boyd/C Mist
Oscar	2.00	40	17	6	18	19	9	16	7	A Ike
Boyd	18.43	40	17	0	12	15	8	8	2	C Titania
Mia	19.36	28	12	3	17	20	12	9	4
Mist	1.99	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	5.06	34	17	4	19	23	11	13	14
Lethe	4.22	36	13	4	10	13	16	10	7
Mordecai2.98	41	15	2	8	8	10	13	4
Astrid	1.92	34	15	7	19	21	11	13	9
Muarim	9.12	45	16	4	13	15	11	12	5

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