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Fomortiis HM Stats?

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I'm planning to do a Seth solo (by that, even Eirika's not getting any training in this), and I want to see if Seth completely soloing DK is possible or not, or if I will have to deploy Tethys for endgame.

I've played FE8 HM plenty of times, but I don't have Fomortiis's stats off the top of my head, and the main site only has his NM stats.

So if anyone has his stats, can you post them for me? It will be much appreciated.

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Oh, and here are his stats in HM anyway:

Formortiis(25 Con)-120hp/35str/31skl/18spd/21luk/35def/41res(LvL 20, Demon Light, Ravager, Nightmare)

Demon Light Stats(Stat Bonuses +10 Str/+10 Skl/+10 Luck/+10 Def/+15 Res, already factored into stats): 15 Mt/60 Hit/0 Crit/>25 Wt/1-3 Rng

Source, it also has other HM stats if you need them. It also has stats for the enemies that Fomortiis summons, which occupies his first turn.

Edited by Anouleth
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I think his stats don't change between difficulty.

I dunno. I recall Eirika being able to crit him with no supports on NM, while requiring a Seth support in order to crit (4%) on HM. Both times she had Sieglinde and capped SKL.

I could've remembered wrong, but I don't feel like playing through all of FE8HM all over again just to get his stats.

Oh, and here are his stats in HM anyway:

Formortiis(25 Con)-120hp/35str/31skl/18spd/21luk/35def/41res(LvL 20, Demon Light, Ravager, Nightmare)

Demon Light Stats(Stat Bonuses +10 Str/+10 Skl/+10 Luck/+10 Def/+15 Res, already factored into stats): 15 Mt/60 Hit/0 Crit/>25 Wt/1-3 Rng

Source, it also has other HM stats if you need them.

Thank you so much. :)

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Lumi, my dear, you're in luck. I still have a state from the draft at Morty.

-- HP
STR  24+10
SKL  21+10
SPD  19
LCK  11+10
DEF  26+10
RES  26+15


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Your stats seem to differ from Anouleth's, so I'm going to do calculations for both.

...Though I was fairly sure that Seth did more than 19 damage to Formortiis on my last HM run, and I moved him before Eirika, who was his only support partner (it was my SethxEirika run)

It feels a bit strange that Vidolfnir has only 15 MT while Audhulma has 18.

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...Thank god he only has 19 SPD.

Edit: Does Demon Light target Res or Def? I was looking on the main site and double checking things when it said MAG +10. Got me a bit confused there.

Probably DEF, since he has a STR stat, but Mag=STR in this game so...

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IIRC, he gets normal HM boosts and has varying stats.

Checking the data...

95%/60% HP growth

40%/20% STR

30%/30% SKL

20%/35% SPD

25%/25% LUK

20%/15% DEF

20%/15% RES

120 HP

23 STR

20 SKL

18 SPD

10 LUK

25 DEF

25 RES

Assuming HM boost is +5 levels at Endgame (it's about that, could be +6 I think), and it uses the class growths you'd expect:

Range Stat (average)

120 HP (120)

24-26 STR (25)

21-22 SKL (21.5)

18-20 SPD (19)

11-12 LUK (11.25)

25-27 DEF (26)

25-27 RES (26)

Or using character growths:

120 HP (120)

23-25 STR (24)

21-22 SKL (21.5)

19-21 SPD (19.85)

11-12 LUK (11.25)

25-26 DEF (25.75)

25-26 RES (25.75)

I think it's the first set, personally. Note that, due to the way character stats are generated, it's very unlikely for him to have anything but 19 SPD and 26 DEF/RES.

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Alright. Thanks. I'll calculate all the possible variations of him v. Seth, then.

I just hope that he doesn't get RNG blessed and get 21 SPD. Then Seth can't double.

...It looks like an Eirika A will be required for this. Which is actually easily achieved since he has to carry her around and stuff for a good portion of the game.

Edit:...or not, actually, but Tethys will be. No matter the combination, unless Seth magically gets 66ATK on Fomortis, he 5HKO's him (He has 64 ATK with Eir A and Audhulma, unless there's some S rank bonus that I don't know about that adds on to ATK) and is 3RKO'd in return.

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Alright. Thanks. I'll calculate all the possible variations of him v. Seth, then.

I just hope that he doesn't get RNG blessed and get 21 SPD. Then Seth can't double.

That's not possible. To calculate enemy stats and HM boosts, the game takes the average and takes a random value from between 0.9 and 1.1, so there's a limit to the amount it can vary. This is why you never see enemies with really abnormal stats, even though logic should dictate that they can get wildly rng-screwed/blessed.

(Credit to IET for explaining this to me. I think it was IET anyway.)

...It looks like an Eirika A will be required for this. Which is actually easily achieved since he has to carry her around and stuff for a good portion of the game.

Edit:...or not, actually, but Tethys will be. No matter the combination, unless Seth magically gets 66ATK on Fomortis, he 5HKO's him (He has 64 ATK with Eir A and Audhulma, unless there's some S rank bonus that I don't know about that adds on to ATK) and is 3RKO'd in return.

You can attack him on turn one, then run away and Elixir. You will need to do this anyway to avoid getting ripped apart by the summons.

However, aside from that, there's not much you can do. You can try Vidofnir instead - Seth doubles and 6hkoes, but w/A Eirika and both shields/robes, he has 60hp/31def, so even with 35str, DK 4HKOes. Problem is that if he's screwed out of a single defense point and DK is blessed, he still gets 3hkoed.

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That's not possible. To calculate enemy stats and HM boosts, the game takes the average and takes a random value from between 0.9 and 1.1, so there's a limit to the amount it can vary. This is why you never see enemies with really abnormal stats, even though logic should dictate that they can get wildly rng-screwed/blessed.

(Credit to IET for explaining this to me. I think it was IET anyway.)

You can attack him on turn one, then run away and Elixir. You will need to do this anyway to avoid getting ripped apart by the summons.

However, aside from that, there's not much you can do. You can try Vidofnir instead - Seth doubles and 6hkoes, but w/A Eirika and both shields/robes, he has 60hp/31def, so even with 35str, DK 4HKOes. Problem is that if he's screwed out of a single defense point and DK is blessed, he still gets 3hkoed.

Good to hear that. Seth is getting both Speedwings so he'll probably cap SPD unless he gets SPD screwed by two or more points,he should be able to double.

IIRC the summons don't attack the turn they're summoned. So Seth can turn 1 attack, turn 1 enemy phase DK doesn't do crap and neither does the summons, so Seth attacks again, gets danced, and should be able to kill him before he counters.

Though I'll probably have him run away instead since I'd rather not use Tethys if I can avoid it. I'll probably bring her anyway, but if I can help it, I won't be using her at all.

...I really wish Seth could use Garm.

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She's been talking about using Audhulma, mostly, so it's been considered.

Yeah. I figured the 18 MT versus 15 MT might do me some good since I'm not going to rely on Seth getting DEF-blessed and just stand there and tank the dude.

I may just have to use Tethys, she seems to be the best option, since I dunno how well Seth can protect a promoted-from-base Eirika from a massive swarm of enemies that may contain Shadowshooters and Dracozombies.

Eirika's getting a Angelic robe and that's it. Possibly the other Dracoshield only if Seth gets DEF blessed. Like, 23 DEF blessed.

I may do two runs, though. One with S swords and one with S lances, and see how they compare.

I would think S Swords would certainly help with the Gorgon chapter and Lyon, as well.

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Surprisingly enough, the HM bonus in this chapter is only 4 levels. Based on this, here are the exact probabilities:

HP:  120   (100%; capped)
STR: 24+10 (40.5%)
    25+10 (59.5%)
SKL: 21+10 (80.5%)
    22+10 (19.5%)
SPD: 18    (20.5%)
    19    (79.5%)
LCK: 10+10 ( 3.12%)
    11+10 (93.76%)
    12+10 ( 3.12%)
DEF: 25+10 (20.5%)
    26+10 (79.5%)
RES: 25+15 (20.5%)
    26+15 (79.5%)

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