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Paladin or Dracoknight?

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Here's a pros and cons list. You figure it out.


Pros: Sword usage (if you're afraid of Berserkers), higher Speed cap (enough to prevent a Berserker from doubling), higher base Res, can take advantage of terrain such as Forests

Cons: Horseslayer, Poleax, reduced movement on anything that's not a Plain


Pros: Can fly over anything that's not a wall, no terrain penalties, has a second, better option for ranged weapon (Hand Axe vs. Levin Sword), can negate its weakness via Iote's Shield (only one), higher Attack cap

Cons: Gets no terrain bonuses, will probably not get any support bonuses, seeing as they'd be on the other side of the map

Probably missed a lot, so feel free to add!

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DK has no terrain disadvantage, but has a low Spd Cap of 23, Doubled even by Berserkers. >>

But a Forged Poleax, IIRC, can OHKO a horseman.

Pally has a nice mix of Swords and Lances, mounted, and can't be taken down in 1 round, even with a Forged Poleax, but has poorer Mov since they can't fly...

Personally, I pick Pally.

Edited by MeteorLunarSolar
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Short answer: Paladin.

Long answer: It depends. It's about 60:40 in favor of the Paladin. Dracoknights have their advantages, but it's usually better not to have weaknesses.

1) OHKO potential on Horsemen. If you don't have a Berserker you should take this into account.

2) Flying.

2a) They make superior scouts on maps 1 and 2.

2b) They can setup triangle attacks on #2's chokepoints.

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