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Let's Play Final Fantasy VII

Acacia Sgt

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Galuf's death was 10 times more meaningful than this, and yet Aeris's death is the one everyone remembers. Why? Aeris was just some random flower girl who lived in a run down church that the "hero" happened to have a crush on. "We went on a date, now the world's over with her dead". That is, if that event actually happened that way.

Then we have Galuf, who's not only been with the group for the start of this crazy adventure, not only traveled to another different friggin' planet with, not only saved the group from a sorcerer so powerful (despite how stupid easy his fortress was to break into and escape from) that he could merge 2 worlds together AND open up AND manipulate The Void to his discresion, but he saves the group from dying directly from the hands of said sorcerer, sacrificing himself in the process. He was so dead that the group even TRIED to revive him, and nothing would work.

Galuf also had that uhh, what's the word I'm looking for, a personality. He was a king, yet only really by name as the guy preferred going out on an adventure that warrented going for (such as riding a meteor to...Whatever the first world of FF5 was called, the Dawn Warrior thing, etc.), knowing to answer the call when duty calls, and even despite memory loss knew he had a great responsibility to uphold for many reasons. Goofy guy in his own right, he was well-humored and easy to get along with. Let's look at Aeris. Innocent...Uhhh...Comes from nowhere...Barely has anything actually tying her to the plot, until a plot point drops a bomb on us that makes her suddenly very important...Hero seems to like her a lot, despite not having much reason to actually be attracted to her since she doesn't seem to do much, and there being reason to prefer others/be a bit disturbed by her (having Cloud cross dress to rescue Tifa, despite A. Tifa actually was able to help herself as she says when you rescue her, if you weren't the one chosen it's more apparent since she just bursts into Don's room, and B. It's not like Cloud couldn't have just burst in with Aeris's aid, since even alone Cloud was able to take on...Every single one of them. There's also the fact he's not only known Tifa basically forever, but Tifa even looks out for the guy (even going so far as to restore sense in his head during that weird...mako part), while Aeris is just...A giggling smile of innocence he happens to run into. We can't even say Cloud went the shallow route and went with Aeris for looks, cause let's face it Tifa's smokin').

I would have preferred if Aeris was not in the game. What have we lost? Spoilers because the bit is long, AND perhaps covers points later in the game not yet shown by the player.

-What reason would they have had to go up the Shinra Tower?

What, is the president having part of the upper disk crushing their long had home not enough? I'm sure Barret would have been pissed as hell, thinking screw bombing hte rest of the reactors and go straight for the president.

-What about the Zack plot point?

Zack had bearing on the plot? He was just some dude Cloud thought was himself, the end. Without Aeris, all we miss was Aeris having a hissy-fit when Cloud confronted her about it.

-How would they have understood what was going on in the Temple of the Ancients?

Well, Sephy did say Cloud had Jenova Cells in him, which seem like a completely bullshit plot point just introduced for simplicity (much like Blood Contracts). IF they perhaps hinted that Cloud had some strange connection witht he Ancients themselves (such as through bits of Jenova in him), he could have perhaps "heard voices".

-Hurrdurr, what about the hero's love interest?

Well, it could be basically whoever aside from Red, Cait, Cid or Vincent, but why not Tifa? There's like...No reason it shouldn't be, if there has to be a "default" one.

-What about the Holy Materia

Ahh yes, the entire reason Aeris is even in this game. That's a toughie, because...Holy is important. Perhaps they'd have to find it, where materia is naturally made (like in Mt. Nibel). It would be used differently, since at first they'd have no idea on how to use it, since like how it was with Aeris using it, it would be useless. As they try to find how to use it, all hell breaks loose as they know, they finally learn how when Tia and Cloud go into the lifestream, and to do that they must go to the heart of the planet where all mako originates. Thus, where the final battle takes place, where Sephiroth is planning to absorb all the mako as it "heals the planet's wounds".

I have effectively found a way around including Aeris in, and we have lost little. Man I have a lot of time on my hands.

So yeah, end of rant. Though while I'm being so stuck on the subject, I think it's time to do some shameless self-advertising. I should be getting a PS3 reletively soon, how many of you would enjoy a playthrough from me trying to efficiently play through FF7, 8 and 9? Yes, I'm including 8, due to a bit of a childhood connection since in retrospect I don't actually think it's a good game.

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Well, keep in mind V didn't made it out of Japan until the PSX port, so that's why not many here found it memorable, and very likely saw it after having played VII. At least General Leo got his share of 'how to revive him' rumors and theories.

Aerith was important for the plot, and ever since the beggining of development, she was going to die. It was a desicion probably made on day one so they was no way the plot would have changed to remove her or the death.

Though there is evidence in the game data that she was going to die later at the Northern Crater rather than at the Forgotten Capital, but she would still have died anyway.

If you don't like that fact, deal with it. It's not like she is the first one to die in the course of the series. Half the II cast, Tellah, Galuf, Leo, etc. They all die in their respective games, but Aerith's caused the most impact since it was a big set-up between her introduction to the very fact.

That many people liked her and made all those rumors just shows how Squaresoft did a good job with her. That you don't know for a good bunch of the game and then told all at once it's not a fault in her character, just poor writing, unless it was done on purpose that we don't know the big picture until it's time to know. Many just seem to overlook the big picture before making accusations... or don't investigate further.

I would have preferred if Aeris was not in the game. What have we lost?

Aerith was vital for the plot. You just can't take her away and expect it to work as fine. It's the reason she's a Cetra that they were able to learn stuff from the Temple and that the Holy Materia could be used. Jenova Cells wouldn't work as they're not related to the Cetra, not to mention Cloud only had enough to be a SOLDIER, ulike Sephiroth that had way more, as part of the JENOVA Proyect, and still, what he did was absorb enough knowledge to decipher the Temple's secrets on it's own. But Aerith, as a Cetra, could have the Temple told her directly.

As for Holy, not just anyone can use it, even if in a place full of spirit energy. Aerith being a Cetra could easily do it, Sephiroth had all that power of the Ancient's wisdom with him, so he was able. And you know, her being death was what saved the Planet in the end. It wass planned to be that way. And it's more explained in other media of the VII world,so yeah...

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So yeah, end of rant. Though while I'm being so stuck on the subject, I think it's time to do some shameless self-advertising. I should be getting a PS3 reletively soon, how many of you would enjoy a playthrough from me trying to efficiently play through FF7, 8 and 9? Yes, I'm including 8, due to a bit of a childhood connection since in retrospect I don't actually think it's a good game.

I'm playing 8 right now (Disk 3 currently) and I don't think it's a bad game. It's... eh... well, the plot is shit but I'm actually enjoying the core gameplay quite a bit. At least, I'm enjoying it more than 7 since I stopped at the icy place in 7 (Disk 2) with no desire to carry on. 9 is great though (the first really good game since 6).

But yeah, I'd enjoy that. Including 8.

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Chapter 21: Aftermath of the Fact

Last time, Integrity died. That's it, it happened. No mentions of Phoenix Down or whatever please. She's death, and there's nothing to be done about. Anyway, as she falls, her ponytail unties itself, and that Materia she mentioned all the way back in Midgar...


Now that's an usual color for Materia... Anyway, it falls, bouncing on the pillars until it ends in the water. As Life laments over Integrity's death, Sephiroth just mentions the Promised Lands lies north over the snowy fields, and Life quickly gets angered. But Sephiroth says he should stop acting, that his sadness and anger aren't real for he is... well, he leaves before finishes, but leaves behind...

Boss 21: Jenova*LIFE


If you have the Water Ring equipped, this battle is already technically won. You see, all this boss ever does is to attack with Water attacks, or cast Reflect, but either way, you're untochable with the Water Ring. Unleash all you got, especially Earth attacks as it's weak to it, while avoiding Aqualung, as it absorbs Water. You can learn Aqualung for you 3rd Enemy Skill Materia here. If you don't happen to have the Water Ring equipped, use Magic Hammer. All of it's attacks cost MP so once it runs out, it can't even attack you. For winning you get a Wizard Bracelet, it has 8 slots with 4 linked pairs, and increases Magic by 20. Good for casting.

Afterwards Life hears voices in his head again. This time of Jenova's saying he is a puppet. Okay... is that what Sephiroth meant then...? Considering the times he has possessed him...

Anyway so... what to do with the body? :huh:


In any case, Life carries it back outside... I know, toss it into the water! :B): ...No? Well, what else? Bury it? Maybe, but Life prefers the former.


Good for you Life, better to feed the fish than the worms. lol


Wait a second, this part here doesn't make sense... The body sinking? Wasn't Life standing nearby so the whole lake shouldn't be all that deep? >_< But I suppose it adds to the already emotional scene... ah, whatever, let us just not question the logics of that little scene...

The party will be back in the house they rested. Life comments how, despite not undertanding himself with the whole being controlled buseness, of how he would not rather continue chasing after Sephiroth in fear of what may happen, he nevertheless, plans to continue on, to stop Sephiroth once and for all. He still hasn't used the Black Materia, so they're still on time, and so they should take it back before it's too late. And with that, Disk 1 is over...


Now onward, to Disk 2...

Okay, first of all, as soon as it starts, it's time for another Fort Condor battle (reward is 3 Elixirs). And if you're doing them as I do, it's better to do it now. The path ahead of us is straightforward, so the farther we go, the most time-consuming and tedious it gets to head to Fort Condor and back. And while back on the World Map, anything else to do that could be done in Disk 1 is still available before certain things change. The trigger isn't exactly the change of disks but rather a certain event later on. In any case, from outside the house the party was in, head north to a branch, then east.

Now in here, the Trickplays you can fight know L4 Suicide. It's better to get them as you go rather than hunting for them, at least until getting the 4th one. Anyway, walk left around the shell to reach the chest, which contains a Viper Halberd, my 4 slots Double Growth weapon. Now go back and approach the shell. Life will climb it, then go to the top, and into the cave to the left.

You'll reach a cracked wall. Climb the second crack, then the one next to it, until you reach a chest with a Bolt Armlet. It absorbs all lightning attacks. Now head down to the level below, to the right to the other crack, and down to a chest with a HypnoCrown accesory. It makes it easier to manipulate enemies. Now go up for a Megaelixir. Go left from here and climb another crack, then go down the ladder to a Magic Plus Materia. It's like the Luck Plus, except for Magic. Now go all the way up the ladder and to the right to exit the cave. There is one last chest with a Power Source before being back into the World Map.

Outside now, head around the mountains to reach Icicle Inn. To the left is the Weapon Shop which sells better ones at this point, with probably one or two esceptions, who knows. The house with a snowman nearby has the Glacier Map hanging on a wall. You'll need this so take it.

The house on the upper left is interesting, as it was Prof. Gast's lab. There is a machine with some videos, which was the information Dr. Gast was told by Integrity's mother, Ifalna. There's one about Jenova, which came from space and was responsible for the Cetra's decline. One of Weapon, the Planet's way of defending itself from Jenova, but due to the Cetra defeating Jenova, it now sleeps... somewhere, in case the Planet may actually need it. And finally some of... their daughter. Yeah, Prof. Gast was Integrity's father. You could say they brought the, 'interviews', into a whole different level. ;) Anyway, considering how things were going, it makes you think just what went wrong here...


Ah, of course. Hojo... all thanks to him... :angry:

And that would be it. The town has nothing else of interest, so now head north.


Oh great, the Turks again. :facepalm: Elena is very angry right now for what happened to Tseng (despite her words, he's not death, that's a mistranslation), thinking Life did it. His words about the truth fall on deaf ears. Elena will attempt to punch him. Dodge it with any of the directional buttons. Or not, it doesn't matter. If you dodge it, Elena will trip and sent rolling away, with the soldiers running after her. If you get hit, you'll awake in Prof. Gast's lab. In any case, head into the middle house. Shinra Soldiers now block the way back south. Don't worry, they won't attack or anything. They're just there to serve as 'Plot Wall' lol. Anyway, inside the house, talk to the kid. He'll lend you his snowboard. This will come in handy as well. But that would be for next time...

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Chapter 22: Getting Colder...

Okay, with snowboard in hand, return to the north end of town. The guy here will teach you how to use it. This next part is all downhill, so that's why we need the snowboard. Anyway, for the controls, left and right to accordingly move that way. X for jump, [] or down to brake. Up to start again after breaking, and left or right + R1 to make sharp turns. In any case, time to go snowboarding! :B):


This one here is yet another mini-game. There are different-colored ballons, and many obstacles going from rocks, crystals, to snow-men/moggles/chocobos. However, the actual 'mini-game' part of it is not played here, it is until later. The important detail for now are the two intersections on the path. Depending the combination you take, it is where you'll end up in the next area: the Great Glacier.


Now this is true. While in this area, you can only run so far before we pass out due to the cold. In-game is 544 steps, hard to keep track but it is around 145 seconds of non-stop running or so. If you do pass out, you'll wake up inside Mr. Holzoff's Cabin, who is here basically for cases like that. North of his cabin lies Gaea's Cliff, our next destination, so passing out is one quick way to get there. But the area has a few items to get, so it's worth going around one or twice or so.

For a clearer explanation of how to navigate through the place, I'd say how I did it: I went Right-Left in the snowboard intersections. Then, in the starting point of the Great Glacier, head southwest. It should lead into a frozen lake with a Potion. Head northwest over the ice from here.


You jump across the ice facing the direction you want and pressing O. When you jump to one, the ones next to it will sink or rise depending how they were before the jump. The blue line shows how to get to the cave on the other side, while the red one is to head back. The cave contains the Safety Bit accesory, which protects from Sudden Death, Petrify, and Slow-Numb. Back on the frozen lake, get back to land, then head west.

You should reach an area with many trees. A Mind Source awaits in the upper middle part of the area. Now head west, until a stone bridge to which north is the way to go now. Then head west a few times to reach an icy area with a 'bird's eye' camera angle. A cave lies in the middle which contains an Elixir. Now there is a glitch here.


You can move despite the text box still shown. Though it happens for all items gotten here, for this particular Elixir, if you head out of the cave then back in without removing the text box, the Elixir will still be there to be grabbed as many times as you like. Anyway, now it's best to pass out on purpose to quickly reach the cabin. But you can make it there by walking if you've followed my directions until now. From the area here, head north to another area, then west twice to an area with a stone face. Head north then west twice again to reach a snowfield.


This area gets constant blizzards that rotate the camera as well. That's what the landmarks are for, to not get lost. The cabin lies to the north. In this area, while the steps counter still increases, you can't pass out until you head back to the snowfield, in which you'll immediatly pass out and the counter resets. But there is another glitch here. If you keep running outside the cabin, when you get past 32767 steps, the counter will 'overflow', causing the game to think the value is actually negative, and as such, you'll never pass out. But... it's VERY, VERY tiresome to reach that quantity of steps (more than two hours of non-stop running >_< ), so no, don't bother with it.

In any case, if you reached the cabin in time, pass out anyway, so to reset the counter for the next trip to the Great Glacier. In any case, you'll meet Mr. Holzoff. He'll tell you he has lived here in the last 20 years. He says legends say something fell from the sky, and Gaea's Cliff is basically part of the crater's outer wall. He says he came here with his friend Yamski to climb the cliff, but they couldn't and Yamski lost his life. Since then, Holzoff has lived here warning anyone who reaches the place as well.


It's best to hear his advice. When climbing the cliff, pressing O will confirm the route you use to climb. The cold temperatures up there will cause you to pass out like in the Great Glacier, so press [] to warm youself up. Keep this in mind, but for now, let's explore the area further. So with the counter reset, head back to the snowfield.


Okay, not so fast, the party is here... standing on the cold when they could be inside the cabin... :facepalm: Anyway, if you hear what Furetchen has to say, he says the Planet is such a force to have this icy place, and how, in comparision, Shinra can't compare. What...? :huh: Furetchen, saying that? Even he knows that was OOC of him. Ah... :/

Anyway, while most of the party complains about the cold, Furby says Rufus is on his way here as well, though he shouldn't be telling us. Well, he is doing it anyway. :mellow: And now, back to the snowfield for real.

In here, again placing landmarks to not get lost, head south. You'll reach some Hot Springs. You can approach them.


Do so, then head back to the snowfield. Now head east in the snowfield. On this path, you'll find a cave. Inside there is a Snow enemy. Now usually this one is actually friendly. But talk to her while having touched the Hot Spring will result in a battle.


Despite using the Boss Theme, it is actually a regular battle. Only thing worth of note is you can steal a Circlet accesory from her, and any other Snow enemy you can fight in the area. The Circlet increases Magic and Spirit by 30 so think of it as the magical counterpart of the Champion Belt. Anyway, for defeating her, you can grab the Alexander Materia left behind. The Holy Summon... and your only source of the element, actually. Isn't there usually a Holy spell in these games? Well, there is, but I'd say no more due to spoilers. :ph34r:

Head outside, and continue through the path until you reach an intersection. Head into the upper right path (despite this being the path you came through, you won't be back in the area with the cave, that was a one-way path towards here) and in the second area in, search carefully on the right wall. There is an Added Cut Materia here. This one allows you to attack as well as having used the Materia linked to it. Now head further up the path to reach the Hot Springs. This was another one-way path, but anyway, from here, head now back to the cabin. Gaea's Cliff is next, but that would be for next time...

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[spoiler=Holy?]I have the spell, don't I?

Man, I'm an asshole.

Yes, you are. lol

Though, truth to be told, even if we had the spell, there are very few enemies in which the Holy element affects them in any way, good or bad. In fact, outisde the Cave of the Gi, since that's where the undead are abundant, there is none. Alexander is the only way to use the Holy element, it's not even available to enemies, so Holy as an element is obsolet to gameplay.

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Chapter 23: Are we there yet?

It's time, to climb Gaea's Cliff...


Be wary of the temperature indicator. If it falls below 26, Life'll pass out and wake up in Mr. Holzoff's House. To warm back up continuily press [] when you're on a ledge. Meanwhile, the Stilvas here know Trine, as well as Magic Breath, a Fire/Ice/Lightning attack that works like Kjata. If you didn't learn Trine, do so now. This chance is also missable, as the Gaea's Cliff is a one-time area only, you won't be able to head back here after a certain event. You can also encounter Malboros, and learn the infamous Bad Breath, which inflicts many status ailments. Have that Ribbon equiped when trying to learn it. Anyway, keep climbing until you reach a cave.

Inside the caves, you don't have to fear from freezing. Head north, then left and south. It'll bring you to the upper level of the first area. Head right, across the bridge, and keep going through a tunnel to reach a secret area with a chest that contains a Ribbon. Now head north to another chest which contains the Javelin. It has 5 slots (with 2 linked pairs) and Double Growth. Good weapon for me.

Now head into the doorway on the left. You'll reach a boulder through a tunnel, push it.


With those obstacle out of the way, head back to the other side of the bridge, west, then north through the cleared path. You'll soon be outside again. This time, there are dead-ends as you climb, be careful. When you start climbing, head up at the first intersection, then right at the second. It is straightforward from here to the next cave.

Back inside, there is a Save Point. Head right. You'll soon reach a room with several icicles hanging from the ceiling.


First, grab the Fire Armlet to the right. It absorbs Fire attacks. Now, everytime you walk under an icicle, you'll be forced into a battle, and after that, the icicle will fall. Once you reach the far left, you'll be able to grab the Megaelixir, though the game has it mistranslated as 'Last Elixir'. Anyway, head back right, and the option of jumping down should appear. Do so.

You'll be back in the Save Point room. Grab the Elixir and Speed Source in the chests (the Elixir could be gotten at any time though, only the Speed Source needed the fallen icicles to be accesible). Now head north in the now avaiable doorway. You'll find a chest with an Enhance Sword. Weapon for Life with 8 slots and 4 linked pairs. Keep going and you'll be back to climbing the cliff. Just choose to go up at every intersection and you'll reach the next cave.

This cave has another Save Point, as well as a Healing Pool, making it a good place to train. The Blue Dragons here can drop Dragon Armlets. They'll be usefull in just a moment. Otherwise, equip fire and ice protection. Fire Ring, Fire Armlet, Aurora Armlet, those kinds of equipment. Now keep going. When you reach a hallway, you'll find one of those black-cloaked people being tossed into the floor, then disappearing. Hm... :mellow: Keep going to find the one responsible...

Boss 22: Schizo Left, Schizo Right


First of all, you can steal a Protect Ring accesory from the right head, which grants Barrier and MBarrier when equipped. The heads are labeled from the monster's perspective, meaning his right is our left and vice versa. They have various fire and ice breath attacks, but they cost MP so use Magic Hammer. They can also use Tremor, an earth attack but Magic Hammer can take care of it as well. With their MP depleted, this battle becomes easy, just unleash all you got. Just avoid fire and ice attacks as each head absorbs either one, so avoid them completely for this battle, they're not needed anyway. One bit of warning though: once each head is defeated, it unleashes Final Attack Breath, a lightning attack on the whole party which can be quite dangerous. Use Big Guard and Bolt Armlet to minimize damage. For winning you get a Dragon Fang, an item that unleashes a lightning attack on all enemies.

With Schizo defeated, head back to save and heal, then continue on. We'll be back outside, just climb some more, and we finally reach the top of the crater...


And there, at the middle of the crater, is the wound Jenova left after impact, still healing after 2,000 years. The party will slowly make their way down the inner wall of the crater. The party comes to the conclusion that Sephiroth will use the energy that gathered here to heal the scar to invoke Meteor. The Gigas to fight here have Gigas Armlet to steal. Despite the no AP growth, their +30 Strength can make up for it if you're not in big need of AP. Anyway, keep going down to reach the vicinities of the scar itself, the Whirlwind Maze. You'll find another cloaked man falling to the floor, mentioning Sephiroth as he disappears. As you keep going...


Yeah, Esau wants to come along. It's no choice, Esau is forced into the party now. She wants to avenge everything she lost thanks to Sephiroth. So, choose the remaining party member, and let's get going. In the next area, you'll find another cloaked figure that falls off the path into... well, whatever is down there. Anyway, as you continue, you'll find the Neo Bahamut Summon Materia. A stronger version of Bahamut... wait, is that even possible? :huh: Anyway, you'll find a Save Point soon after. And that would be all for now...

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Chapter 24: Still not there?

From the Save Point, the next area is not far, but as you go ahead...


Looks like Rufus has catch up. Doesn't look good, he has an airship. :mellow: Anyway, they think they've finally reached the Promised Land, though Hojo, who is here as well, thinks this is where that Reunion will take. For what exactly then? Anyway, let's continue on to find out I guess.


Yeah, careful. The wind will send you back, and you'll be tossed into a battle. Before crossing, check the cloaked figures for items, then cross.


Geez, more of those cloaked-figures. >_< A few will fall to the floor or to the chasm, but let's continue. The chest contains the Kaiser Knuckle, weapon for Esau that has 8 slots with only one linked pair, and is probably weaker than what you may have. Anyway, moving on you'll find another rock bridge with wind.


Noticed the green wave? You must also avoid it in addition of the wind. Once you cross to the other side, equip fire-protecting equipment. Fire Armlet, Fire Ring, Fire/Ifrit=Elemental on armor, etc. Keep going and you'll find Sephiroth. The party confronts him, but he disappears. Just then, a voice is heard, something about it's their duty to deliver the Black Materia to Sephiroth, that those with Jenova's Cells... uh oh, this can't be good. Just then Sephiroth reappears from above and knocks us down, then...

Boss 23: Jenova*DEATH


This fight is similar to the previous Jenova fight in one aspect. Like LIFE, DEATH only uses attacks of one element, in this case Fire, and a status-inflicting spell, Silence for this case. You can remove any threat this boss may have with the Fire Ring, Fire Armlet, etc., or use Magic Hammer until it has no MP and becomes harmless either way. Then unleash all you got. For winning you get the Reflect Ring accesory, granting Reflect status when equipped.

After the fight, we learn of one important detail. The Sephiroth we've been following ever since getting out of Midgar... it was just Jenova Cells in his shape. Apperantly, the real Sephiroth lies ahead, having used his willpower from within the wound to manipulate things. Woah... :blink: In any case, the Black Materia got left behind, and finally, it's ours once more. Now, all that is left is to defeat the real Sephiroth, but first...


Good idea, considering last time Life had it, things didn't end well (and 'not well' is a VERY SERIOUS UNDERSTATEMENT, trust me :unsure: ). In any case, of the whole party, only GJ and Furetchen will take on the task. Since I trust Furetchen more than GJ, that's the way it is GJ, you annoyed me enough, :P I have Life give it to him. Life warns Furetchen he should not give it to ANYONE, and he truly means, ANYBODY :mellow: . And so, they stay there while Life and the active party goes on. Just near you'll find an MP Turbo Materia. When paired with a magic materia, it uses extra MP to make it more powerful.

Next on the path is a Save Point and a Poison Ring accesory on a chest. It absorbs Poison elemental attacks and protects from Poison. Now head on into the next area.


Another windy bridge. As you can see, this one has lightning in addition of the green wave and the wind. Now even better timing when crossing. Once you do and head into the next area, stuff goes on, MANY stuff goes on (which, again, saying it as such is a VERY SERIOUS UNDERSTATEMENT :lol: )... but until next time...

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Chapter 25: Mind Screw

Moving on, the screen turns white. Life warns anything could happen...


And I guess it did. Nibelheim?! :blink: Life is quick to say this is an illusion. Sure enough, just after Sephiroth appears... but not exactly. Because, it's the Nibelheim flashback all over again. The Shinra soldiers arrive next, followed by Li...


...fe? Eh, who is this guy? :huh: At this point the illusions are all gone after Sephiroth laughs. Talk to the party and the screen goes white again.

Just then the part of the burning of Nibelheim comes next. And again...


The black-haired dude appears instead of Life , and no you didn't Life lol.. It now follows the conversation with Zangan as per the flashback, though there is now a Shinra Soldier lying nearby... hmmm... Esau wants to stop watching, but Life keeps assuring everything's fine as long they know it's an illusion.

White screen comes again, but we're still on the burning part afterwards. Life has had enough at this point and shouts to Sephiroth, saying he wants to tell them he wasn't here 5 years ago. Just then Sephiroth appears saying he has finally understood. Life claims he just wants to confuse him but says he won't fall for it as he remembers the incident quite clearly. But Sephiroth replies...


The what? This is starting to get messy, wait for it... wait for it... Sephiroth claims he wants to turn Life back to his real self, the one who gave him the Black Materia back then. He says that for a failed experiment, to turn that way, even Hojo would die from the excitement. Life asks what Hojo has to do with this, to which Sephiroth says that 5 years ago Hojo turned him into a...


With fake memories to boot. At this point Esaus asks Life to stop hearing him, and Life still has that optimist view on the situation. Wow, if it isn't a complete 180 from his self at the start of the game. Though Sephiroth just laughs and makes her question it. He then disappears. Life tries to assure Esau that even if doesn't have a clue about what's going on, he'll always know who he is: the boy who grew up in Nibelheim, her friend, blah blah blah...

Esau is not entirely sure about it. Life asks her if it's such to be questioned, and then Sephiroth appears again saying he shouldn't blame her. It's all because of Jenova's power.


So let me get this straight, the Life we know is just some random dude with the memories of someone and the identity and appearance of another. WTF?! :wacko: Meanwhile, Sephiroth keeps laughing, and then asks them if they remember that picture taken before the departure to Mt. Nibel. Esau and Life keep to the routine of 'Don't hear him!' and 'It's all right!' :mellow: . And so, Sephiroth grabs the photo from the nearby corpse...


Yep, that other guy is there instead. Life is persistance this is all fake and he remembers the truth. The whole events at Nibelheim. Even what he did in town, visiting his mother, playing on Esau's piano (I suppose what he says in here depends on what you did during the flashback), and his excitement of being his first mission as a SOLDIER 1st Class...


And it finally hits him with full force as in a horde of Chocobos lol. He does't have a clue of when he joined or how. Someone'll need therapy when this is all over lol. But just as suddenly he concludes it doesn't matter. Screen goes black as Life says to Esau they should get going, as there is nothing to worry about, and then... cliffhanger! >:)

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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