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General Spoon's Leaf Green Nuzlocke Challenge

General Spoon

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The rules:

-I can only catch the first Pokemon I encounter on every route/cave/area. If that Pokemon faints instead of me catching it, then I don't get anything that area.

-If one of my Pokemon faints it is considered dead, and must be released.

-All Pokemon must be given nicknames.

To start us off we have the gender-confused Professor Oak asking if I'm a boy or a girl. I select "boy" and name the guy "Bruce". Because Oak is senile as well, he's forgotten his grandson's name, and asks me to remind him. Looks like my rival is named "Horio". I pick a Bulbasaur and name him "Nixon", and Horio picks the Charmander. Horio wants to battle, and loses, with Nixon getting a level. As I deliver Oak's parcel Nixon levels up again. After getting Pokeballs, I encounter a Lv3 Pidgey, which I capture and name Layton.

I go to route 22 to grind, and capture a lv3 Rattata, which I name "Dale". After some grinding Layton grows to Lv10. Then as I start to raise Dale, disaster strikes. The wild Spearow he had been fighting unexpectedly criticals Dale, killing him. Some more grinding later Nixon also grows to Lv10, and I start the battle with Horio, who is stomped flat.

Now after listening to the old guy who thinks I don't know how to catch a Pokemon, I go to route 2 and capture a lv5 Pidgey and name him "Chuck", while wishing I could have some more diversity. Chuck is raised to Lv10. Now I enter the Viridian Forest, and capture a Lv4 Weedle, which I name "Kelly". As I grind my way through the forest, Kelly grows to Lv7 and evolves into a Kakuna, and she later grows to Lv10 and evolves into a Beedrill. Nixon and Chuck both grew to Lv11, and Layton grows to Lv12.

Finally at Pewter City, I heal up and then put Nixon in the front of my party. Two minutes later I've broken the gym, and obtained the Boulder Badge, with Nixon growing to Lv14 in the process. I then go to Route 3 and do a bit of battling, where Kelly grows to Lv11, before I call it quits for now.


Nixon Lv14 (Bulbasaur)

Layton Lv12 (Pidgey)

Chuck Lv11 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv11 (Beedrill)

PC Boxes


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Progress is plodding along. I beat Nugget Bridge last night, but I only plan on updating after every gym or so.

On a related note, Kelly is pulling her weight. A x4 Fighting resist is a pretty neat thing.

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Picking up where we left off, on Route 3.

While on Route 3, Chuck grows to Lv12 and then gets killed by a trainer's Spearow's Fury Attack when it decides it is going to hit five times. Well, I liked Layton better anyways. I catch a Lv6 Spearow and name her Cassy. Onto Route 4, I decide against wasting money on the Magikarp. Inside of Mt. Moon, I catch a Lv7 Geodude and name her Sarah. My team has done some leveling on the way to this point, and I then level them all to like Lv15ish by the time I leave Mt. Moon with the Helix Fossil in my bag. Somewhere in Mt. Moon Nixon hit Lv16, and evolved into Ivysaur. Back on Route 4, I capture a Lv10 Sandshrew and name him Robert. After healing up in Cerulean City, I head north and encounter Rival Horio. He gets stomped, despite some difficulty getting a safe switch-in to his Charmander.

On Route 24 I stomp Nugget Bridge and capture a Lv12 Bellsprout, and I name him Samson. On Route 25 I stomp some more trainers, and capture a Lv11 Pidgey, and I name her Laura. After getting the boat ticket from Bill, I heal up in Cerulean City and go to the gym. Nixon takes point, and beats the gym trainers and Misty effortlessly and get the Cascade Badge. And I'm going to stop for now.

Thoughts: Kelly is pulling her weight, as a x4 Fighting resistance is definitely nice when dealing with the Machops and Mankeys that would otherwise be a pain in the ass for my party, though I do expect to bench her sometime in the near future. Sarah is a wonderful party member. Resisting a common enemy attacking type and having high defense does that along with having magnitude for offense. Nixon is predictably doing a good job in an offensive role with Vine Whip and a supporting role with Sleep Powder and Leech Seed. Layton and Cassy are both unable to do much of anything, so hopefully that will change when they evolve. Robert needs to learn something beyond Scratch. Judging from its complete lack of learned moves, he would need TMs.


Nixon Lv21 (Ivysaur)

Layton Lv16 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

Cassy Lv16 (Spearow)

Sarah Lv19 (Geodude)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

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Alright, so after the Cerulean Gym, I head up to the burglarized house and fight the Rocket Grunt. Layton grows to Lv18 and evolves into Pidgeotto. On Route 5 I capture Percy the Lv12 Meowth. On Route 6 I capture Betty the Lv16 Bellsprout. I arrive in Vermilion City and get the Bike Voucher and Old Rod, then go get the bike and head back. I go to Route 11 and capture Larry the Lv14 Sandshrew. Fighting trainers on this route, Cassy grows to Lv20 and evolves into Fearow. In Diglett's Cave I capture Wendy the Lv22 Diglett, who I swap in for Robert. Back on Route 11, Kelly is killed when a trainer's Rattata uses Hyper Fang, which critical hits. So I withdraw Percy and head to the S.S. Anne.

On the S.S. Anne I power through the trainers, making sure to get Percy as many levels as possible. Eventually, I battle Rival Horio, and then get HM 01 (Cut), which I teach to Wendy. Going through Diglett's Cave I get the Old Amber in Pewter and the HM 05 (Flash) from one of Oak's aides. Back in Vermilion City, I head to the Vermilion Gym. There, Sarah grows to Lv25 and evolves into Graveler. She then wastes Lt. Surge, and I get the Thunder Badge.


Nixon Lv25 (Ivysaur)

Layton Lv23 (Pidgeotto)

Percy Lv19 (Meowth)

Cassy Lv24 (Fearow)

Sarah Lv25 (Graveler)

Wendy Lv23 (Diglett)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)

Betty Lv16 (Bellsprout)

Larry Lv14 (Sandshrew)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

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Alight, so now back to Cerulean and to the east, to Route 9 and I capture James the Lv16 Rattata. Going further east I hit Route 10 and capture Fred the Lv14 Voltorb, and I decide to teach Flash to Percy. Inside of Rock Tunnel I capture Churchill the Lv17 Machop, who I promptly swap Wendy out for, and I then teach Cut to Nixon. I have the Rock Slide Tutor in Rock Tunnel teach Rock Slide to Churchill. By the time I hit Lavender Town Churchill has grown to Lv23. In Lavender Town, I restock then head west to Route 8.

I accidentally faint the wild Meowth I encounter here, so I don't get to capture a Pokemon in this area. Percy grows to Lv25, and I give him three rare candies to raise him to Lv28 and evolve him into Persian. I head back to Lavender and go south, to Route 12. Churchill grows to Lv28, and evolves into a Machoke. In the Pokemon Tower I have a battle with Rival Horio, and win. Heading west I go through the Underground Path, and on Route 7 I capture April the Lv17 Meowth. In Celadon City I deposit Layton and go and grab the Lv25 Eevee, who I name Burnside. I then buy a Water Stone and evolve Burnside into Vaporeon. Then I buy some nice things like Lemonade, and buy TMs to teach Brick Break to Sarah and Churchill. I quick head to Route 16, where I leave the grass alone so I can capture the Snorlax later. I grab HM 02 (Fly) and teach it to Cassy. Back in Celadon I go to the Gym, and Cassy steamrolls over the place, and I get the Rainbow Badge.

Thoughts: Sarah is basically the bomb squad for my party; if an opponent could explode then Sarah is the one to fight it. Percy is under performing, and will be swapped out as soon as I find a suitable replacement.


Nixon Lv30 (Ivysaur)

Burnside Lv25 (Vaporeon)

Percy Lv28 (Persian)

Cassy Lv30 (Fearow)

Sarah Lv31 (Graveler)

Churchill Lv28 (Machoke)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)

Betty Lv16 (Bellsprout)

Larry Lv14 (Sandshrew)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)

Wendy Lv23 (Diglett)

James Lv16 (Rattata)

Fred Lv14 (Voltorb)

Layton Lv24 (Pidgeotto)

April Lv17 (Meowth)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

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Geeze, its quite a ways from here to the Soul Badge. Oh well.

So I head to the Game Corner, and go into the Rocket Hideout. I make my way to the end of it, and Burnside easily wastes Giovanni as I've decided to teach him Water Pulse by now, since I don't see any future use for it anyways. So next I head to the Pokemon Tower with the Silph Scope in tow, and capture Haley the Lv15 Gastly. I clear the place out, and get the Poke Flute. And now, after much deliberation, I decide that to keep with the trend that is now readily apparent to me, I decide rename Sarah as "O'Keefe" and to rename Cassy as "Calamity". Now, I head to Route 16 where I wake up and capture Nietzsche the Lv30 Snorlax. I then swap Percy out for Nietzsche, and it looks like my party is complete now, with any control I have over new captures going towards having replacements ready for my team. And then I taught Nietzsche Brick Break.

Now going down Cycling Road, Nixon hits Lv32 and evolves into Venusaur. Route 17 is more Cycling Road, and I faint a wild Doduo, so I don't get anything this area. On Route 18 Cycling Road is finally over, and I capture Sammy the Lv24 Doduo. In Fuchsia City I get the Good Rod and use it to capture Wilma the Lv6 Poliwag. In the Safari Zone I capture Oakley the Lv24 Nidoran(F), and find the Steel Wing TM and teach it to Calamity. I find the Gold Teeth, and the Secret House, so I get HM 03 (Surf), which I teach to Burnside. I give the Warden the teeth, and he gives me HM 04 (Strength), which I teach to Churchill.

Onto Route 15, where I faint a wild Bellsprout and don't get anything this area. Onto Route 14, where I capture Marx the Lv26 Venonat. On Route 13 I capture Castro the Lv22 Bellsprout. On Route 12 I faint a wild Venonat, so I can't capture anything in this area. O'Keefe also tanks an exploding Voltorb here. I get the Super Rod, and faint the wild Snorlax, then head back to the Fuchsia Gym. Here, I see the first guy with the Lv38 Hypno, go "Ehh...", and decide to come back later.

I finally head to Saffron City, where I grab TM 29 (Psychic), and head to the Fighting Dojo, which I have Calamity beat mostly on her own, and so I get Coppola the Lv25 Hitmonlee. I now have 30 species of Pokemon, so I go and get the Itemfinder from one of Oak's aides, and use it on where the Snorlax were to dig up Leftovers, which I give to Nietzsche and Burnside. Inside Silph Co., my party is now all in the mid to high 30s, and O'Keefe tanks an exploding Electrode somewhere in here. Eventually I battle Rival Horio, who I down easily enough. I get O.J. the Lv25 Lapras from the guy here. I head on a bit farther and battle Boss Giovanni, and get the Master Ball.

I now return to Fuchsia Gym, where I beat Koga and get the Soul Badge.


Nixon Lv39 (Venusaur)

Burnside Lv40 (Vaporeon)

Nietzsche Lv39 (Snorlax)

Calamity Lv38 (Fearow)

O'Keefe Lv40 (Graveler)

Churchill Lv37 (Machoke)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)

Betty Lv16 (Bellsprout)

Larry Lv14 (Sandshrew)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)

Wendy Lv23 (Diglett)

James Lv16 (Rattata)

Fred Lv14 (Voltorb)

Layton Lv24 (Pidgeotto)

April Lv17 (Meowth)

Percy Lv28 (Persian)

Haley Lv15 (Gastly)

Sammy Lv24 (Doduo)

Wilma Lv6 (Poliwag)

Oakley Lv24 (Nidoran(F))

Marx Lv26 (Venonat)

Castro Lv22 (Bellsprout)

Coppola Lv25 (Hitmonlee)

O.J. Lv25 (Lapras)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

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From here its only a hop, skip and a jump to the Marsh Badge.

So I go to the Saffron Gym and decide to have Nietzsche take point for now, though I switch him with Burnside whenever the opponent is a Channeler, because he can't touch Ghosts. This works pretty well and then I get to Sabrina where I just have Nietzsche use Body Slam a few times to win. Seriously, nothing in this gym could threaten Nietzsche. His HP and Special Defense are just to high for them to be a threat. So I got the Marsh Badge.


Nixon Lv39 (Venusaur)

Burnside Lv41 (Vaporeon)

Nietzsche Lv41 (Snorlax)

Calamity Lv38 (Fearow)

O'Keefe Lv40 (Graveler)

Churchill Lv37 (Machoke)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)

Betty Lv16 (Bellsprout)

Larry Lv14 (Sandshrew)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)

Wendy Lv23 (Diglett)

James Lv16 (Rattata)

Fred Lv14 (Voltorb)

Layton Lv24 (Pidgeotto)

April Lv17 (Meowth)

Percy Lv28 (Persian)

Haley Lv15 (Gastly)

Sammy Lv24 (Doduo)

Wilma Lv6 (Poliwag)

Oakley Lv24 (Nidoran(F))

Marx Lv26 (Venonat)

Castro Lv22 (Bellsprout)

Coppola Lv25 (Hitmonlee)

O.J. Lv25 (Lapras)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

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Okay, here's another section.

So I Fly to Pallet Town then surf south, stopping to capture Gretta the Lv22 Tangela on Route 21. I eventually reach Cinnabar Island, where I revive Elvis the Lv5 Areodactyl. I surf east on Route 20 to level on trainers, and faint a wild Tentacool, so I don't get to capture anything this Route. Not that I really need to be capturing new Pokemon at this point anyways. Eventually I hit the Seafoam Islands, and Fly to Fuchsia and surf south onto Route 19, where I capture Hoover the Lv7 Tentacool. After clearing this route of trainers, I Fly back to Cinnabar.

Inside the Pokemon Mansion I capture Alan the Lv28 Grimer. O'Keefe tanks an exploding Electrode in here (those things dent her, but she's still easily in the green if she starts from full health). I eventually get the Secret Key, and go to the Cinnabar Gym. Inside I just put Burnside at the front of my party and have him plow through everything in the gym with Surf. Literally everything is OHKO'd by it. And so I easily get the Volcano Badge.


Nixon Lv42 (Venusaur)

Burnside Lv45 (Vaporeon)

Nietzsche Lv42 (Snorlax)

Calamity Lv42 (Fearow)

O'Keefe Lv42 (Graveler)

Churchill Lv42 (Machoke)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)

Betty Lv16 (Bellsprout)

Larry Lv14 (Sandshrew)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)

Wendy Lv23 (Diglett)

James Lv16 (Rattata)

Fred Lv14 (Voltorb)

Layton Lv24 (Pidgeotto)

April Lv17 (Meowth)

Percy Lv28 (Persian)

Haley Lv15 (Gastly)

Sammy Lv24 (Doduo)

Wilma Lv6 (Poliwag)

Oakley Lv24 (Nidoran(F))

Marx Lv26 (Venonat)

Castro Lv22 (Bellsprout)

Coppola Lv25 (Hitmonlee)

O.J. Lv25 (Lapras)

Gretta Lv22 (Tangela)

Elvis Lv5 (Areodactyl)

Hoover Lv7 (Tentacool)

Alan Lv28 (Grimer)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

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Okay, so I follow Bill to One Island. On One Island I use my Super Rod to pull up and capture Bach the Lv23 Staryu. On Treasure Beach I faint a wild Fearow, so I don't get to catch anything there. On Kindle Road I capture Huxley the Lv37 Rapidash. I get HM 06 (Rock Smash) and teach it to O'Keefe. On Mt. Ember I use max repels to keep the wild Pokemon away, and make my way to Banneker the Lv50 Moltres, who I capture with the Master Ball. Next I head to Two Island, and then capture Plato the Lv37 Slowbro on Cape Brink. Onto Three Island, where O'Keefe gets to tank an exploding Weezing. On Bond Bridge I faint a wild Pidgeotto, so I don't get anything that area. In the Berry Forest I rescue Lostelle and capture Eva Peron the Lv30 Hypno. Finally done with these islands, I now go to the Viridian Gym, where Burnside once again takes point. After Burnside wipes the floor with Giovanni's Pokemon and he takes off after giving me the Earth Badge, I stand where he stood and use the Itemfinder to dig up the Macho Brace.


Nixon Lv46 (Venusaur)

Burnside Lv49 (Vaporeon)

Nietzsche Lv43 (Snorlax)

Calamity Lv45 (Fearow)

O'Keefe Lv44 (Graveler)

Churchill Lv44 (Machoke)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)

Betty Lv16 (Bellsprout)

Larry Lv14 (Sandshrew)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)

Wendy Lv23 (Diglett)

James Lv16 (Rattata)

Fred Lv14 (Voltorb)

Layton Lv24 (Pidgeotto)

April Lv17 (Meowth)

Percy Lv28 (Persian)

Haley Lv15 (Gastly)

Sammy Lv24 (Doduo)

Wilma Lv6 (Poliwag)

Oakley Lv24 (Nidoran(F))

Marx Lv26 (Venonat)

Castro Lv22 (Bellsprout)

Coppola Lv25 (Hitmonlee)

O.J. Lv25 (Lapras)

Gretta Lv22 (Tangela)

Elvis Lv5 (Areodactyl)

Hoover Lv7 (Tentacool)

Alan Lv28 (Grimer)

Bach Lv23 (Staryu)

Huxley Lv37 (Rapidash)

Eva Peron Lv30 (Hypno)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

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I battle Rival Horio on the way to Victory Road, and stomp him like usual. The moron still hasn't evolved his eggs. On Route 23 I faint some Sandshrew, so I don't get anything that route. In Victory Road I capture Curie the Lv46 Onix. I then finish out Victory Road, and plan to level all of my team to like Lv57 before finishing the game. I don't expect the Elite 4 to be terribly difficult, considering that I have enough money to buy like 70 Full Restores.


Nixon Lv48 (Venusaur)

Burnside Lv50 (Vaporeon)

Nietzsche Lv47 (Snorlax)

Calamity Lv47 (Fearow)

O'Keefe Lv47 (Graveler)

Churchill Lv47 (Machoke)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)

Betty Lv16 (Bellsprout)

Larry Lv14 (Sandshrew)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)

Wendy Lv23 (Diglett)

James Lv16 (Rattata)

Fred Lv14 (Voltorb)

Layton Lv24 (Pidgeotto)

April Lv17 (Meowth)

Percy Lv28 (Persian)

Haley Lv15 (Gastly)

Sammy Lv24 (Doduo)

Wilma Lv6 (Poliwag)

Oakley Lv24 (Nidoran(F))

Marx Lv26 (Venonat)

Castro Lv22 (Bellsprout)

Coppola Lv25 (Hitmonlee)

O.J. Lv25 (Lapras)

Gretta Lv22 (Tangela)

Elvis Lv5 (Areodactyl)

Hoover Lv7 (Tentacool)

Alan Lv28 (Grimer)

Bach Lv23 (Staryu)

Huxley Lv37 (Rapidash)

Eva Peron Lv30 (Hypno)

Curie Lv46 (Onix)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

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Last update.

So I finally level my whole team to Lv57, and then go and buy like 70 Full Restores, and teach some of my party members some new moves. I then set Burnside as my lead because I couldn't remember what Lorelei leads with. It turns out that its Dewgong, which Burnside beats up a bit with Bite before I just send in Nietzsche to Brick Break it. Burnside is sent back in to deal with her Cloyster, and then it deals with her Slowbro as well. He deals with her Jynx a bit until she withdraws it and sends in Lapras. Nietzsche is brought back in to Brick Break it, and he then Body Slams Jynx to finish the battle.

For Bruno, I have Nixon lead to faint his lead Onix with Razor Leaf. He then brings in Hitmonchan, so I send in Calamity to deal with it. Then Machamp comes in, and Calamity deals with it as well, and she deals with Hitmonlee too. Nixon then comes in to get rid of his other Onix.

For Agatha I have Burnside lead to Bite her lead Gengar to death. O'Keefe then comes in to throw rocks at her Golbat, and then uses Earthquake on her Arbok after I healed O'Keefe with a Full Restore. While she was being healed Arbok missed with an Iron Tail, and then hit with a Screech while I was Earthquaking it. This prompts me to swap Nixon in and just use Return on it, and it faints. I then send in Burnside to use Bite on her Haunter, and then use Bite on her other Gengar for the win.

Lance leads with a Gyarados, so I decide to lead with Burnside. I have Burnside use Acid Armor three times, and then faint Gyarados with Surfs and Aurora Beams. Next he brings in Dragonair, which is Aurora Beamed. He then brings in his other Dragonair, which meets the same fate. The same thing happens to his Dragonite. He finally sends in his Aerodactyl, who gets Surfed.

I have O'Keefe lead the final battle with Champion Horio, so that she can throw rocks at Pidgeot, which confounds O'Keefe every time with Featherdances and Sand Attacks. Eventually he withdraws it and sends in Rhydon, so I bring in Nixon and Razor Leaf it, getting rid of it. Horio then sends in Alakazam, so I send in Nietzsche to Body Slam it. After that's out of the way, he sends in Exeggutor, so I send in Calamity to get rid of it with Drill Peck. Pidgeot comes back in, and so does O'Keefe.

Some more throwing rocks and Featherdance and Sand Attacks ensue, and eventually he withdraws Pidgeot again, this time sending in Gyarados. This is a problem because I was hoping to be able to send in whatever I wanted to against Gyarados without it being hit on the switchin. After some deliberation, I send in Nixon and have him use Sleep Powder on Gyarados, and then use Leech Seed as well. Nixon starts using Return, and he and Gyarados trade blows for a bit before Gyarados goes down. Pidgeot comes in again, and I send in Nietzsche this time to faint it with Body Slams. After Pidgeot faints, he sends in Charizard and I send in Burnside, who uses Surf twice for the win.

And so I become the Champion. My whole party is still alive, which is nice. That's the end of this run.


Nixon Lv57 (Venusaur)

Burnside Lv59 (Vaporeon)

Nietzsche Lv57 (Snorlax)

Calamity Lv57 (Fearow)

O'Keefe Lv57 (Graveler)

Churchill Lv57 (Machoke)

PC Boxes

Samson Lv12 (Bellsprout)

Laura Lv11 (Pidgey)

Betty Lv16 (Bellsprout)

Larry Lv14 (Sandshrew)

Robert Lv16 (Sandshrew)

Wendy Lv23 (Diglett)

James Lv16 (Rattata)

Fred Lv14 (Voltorb)

Layton Lv24 (Pidgeotto)

April Lv17 (Meowth)

Percy Lv28 (Persian)

Haley Lv15 (Gastly)

Sammy Lv24 (Doduo)

Wilma Lv6 (Poliwag)

Oakley Lv24 (Nidoran(F))

Marx Lv26 (Venonat)

Castro Lv22 (Bellsprout)

Coppola Lv25 (Hitmonlee)

O.J. Lv25 (Lapras)

Gretta Lv22 (Tangela)

Elvis Lv5 (Areodactyl)

Hoover Lv7 (Tentacool)

Alan Lv28 (Grimer)

Bach Lv23 (Staryu)

Huxley Lv37 (Rapidash)

Eva Peron Lv30 (Hypno)

Curie Lv46 (Onix)


Dale Lv3 (Rattata)

Chuck Lv12 (Pidgey)

Kelly Lv15 (Beedrill)

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