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Another thread where a songs lyrics are posted


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Dödsdömd irrande I natten

Dränk dig med eldvatten

Drick bort din skräck

Masslakt pest och militärmakt

Enats I en ny pakt

Hat har blivit väckt

Ingen ånger, ingen nåd, undergången kommer hell domedagen

Eter, svavelos och tarmar

Ingen gud förbarmar

Vomeringar och träck

Jag vill känna känslan av att få gå under,

Höra världens svanesång

Se hur jorden manglas utav blixt och dunder

Götterdämmerung undergång

Elden bränner, blodet flyter branden ryker

Alla ni skall dö idag

Elden bränner, bloder flyter, domedagen ryter

Alla nu skall dö idag

Oljekällorna har sinat

Polerna har tinat

Mörkret kommer fort

Svältens räkning skall bli diger

Hur ödmjukt ni än niger

Är allting som förgjort

Ingen ånger, ingen nåd, undergången kommer hell domedagen

Svart regn skall besanna sägen,

Se hur leder vägen

Till dödsrikets port

Jag vill känna känslan av att få gå under,

Höra världens svanesång

Se hur jorden manglas utav blixt och dunder

Götterdämmerung undergång

Elden bränner, blodet flyter branden ryker

Alla ni skall dö idag

Elden bränner, bloder flyter, domedagen ryter

Alla nu skall dö idag

Stormar river röda strimmor

Dödens dunka dimmor

Beslöjar våran värld

Liemannen för sin bila

Sänker evig vila

Till jorden orohärd

Ingen ånger, ingen nåd, undergången kommer hell domedagen

Hör hur skriken liknar grisars

När undergången visar

Sitt skarpa svarta svärd

Jag vill känna känslan av att få gå under,

Höra världens svanesång

Se hur jorden manglas utav blixt och dunder

Götterdämmerung undergång

Elden bränner, blodet flyter branden ryker

Alla ni skall dö idag

Elden bränner, bloder flyter, domedagen ryter

Alla nu skall dö idag

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Death Sentenced wandering in the night

Soak up with FIREWATER

Drink away your fear

Plague mass slaughter and military power

I agree a new pact

Hatred has been brought

No remorse, no mercy, in time, hell doomsday

Ether, svavelos and intestines

No god of compassion

Vomeringar and faeces

I want to know the feeling to go under,

Hear the world's swan song

See how the earth mangled out of lightning and thunder

Götterdämmerung doom

The fire burns, the blood flowing fire smoke

All of you should die today

The fire burns, blood flows, doomsday roar

All now will die today

Oil wells have dried up

The poles have melted

The darkness will soon

Starvation behalf shall be digested

How humble of you than niger

Is everything that is destroyed

No remorse, no mercy, in time, hell doomsday

Black rain shall come true legend,

See how the road leads

To the gates of hell

I want to know the feeling to go under,

Hear the world's swan song

View how the Earth mangled out of lightning and thunder

Götterdämmerung doom

The fire burns, the blood flowing fire smoke

All of you should die today

The fire burns, blood flows, doomsday roar

All now will die today

Storms River red streaks

Death dunk mists

Veil our world

Grim Reaper on his car

Lowers eternal rest

To the earth orohärd

No remorse, no mercy, in time, hell doomsday

Hear the screams resemble pigs

When the time shows

His sharp black swords

I want to know the feeling to go under,

Hear the world's swan song

See how the earth mangled out of lightning and thunder

Götterdämmerung doom

The fire burns, the blood flowing fire smoke

All of you should die today

The fire burns, blood flows, doomsday roar

All now will die today



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They built a prison by the freeway

Just to rub it in

It's a gentle reminder

Of the wages of sin

The ones on the inside

Are being paid their share

There's a hundred stories

For every man in there

There's marks on the cell wall

There's marks on the mem

One counts off the time lost

The other counts till the end


Jailbirds in the bighouse

Jailbirds in the sky

Singing of their innocence

They'll sing by and by

Jailbirds in the bighouse

Jailbirds on a spree

Some of them coulda looked like you

Some of them used to look like me

Teddy was a bad kid

From a bad family tree

He was voted most likely

To commit a felony

And that was just in grade school

After that he disappeared

They say he moved or he dropped out

And he's faded with the years

A red hand in the cookie jar

A foot in potter's field

His face was waiting for a number

His fate was aching to be sealed


Teddy had a girlfriend

Who gave him a place to stay

But he left with her TV set

And a baby on the way

And if you should run across him

He could shorten your life

With the butt of a pistol

Or the edge of a knife

He'll sing a song of the rockpile

Mourning all he had

All the luck in all the world

And most of it was bad


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