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Angelic Devotion Signup


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CNO Stands for Chaos, Nature and Order. They don't have any meaning at this stage other then to organize the group in my mind. If you read the bottom of the Signup sheet you'll know that they're for little minigames I plan to run occasionally during the RP. (Don't worry, it won't happen very often).

Both Hubert and Laterite accepted.

I'd also prefer people chose Nature/Order as their affinity henceforth since there seems to be an abundance of "Chaos" types :P

RP start.

*Groan* Haven't I written enough up these past 3 days? *Mumbles* Yeah yeah, I'll post it in a few hours maybe.

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Name: Cicero "Cy" Reycand

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Affinity: Order

Occupation: Penniless Traveler

Weapons: longsword, which he can use reasonably well.

Appearance: Cy is of average height, coming in at about 5'7". Well built, his defining features are his jet-black hair and green eyes. He is wearing a leather cuirass over a sleeveless plain shirt, along with leather boots, a rather ornate belt, and plain brown pants. His sword is on his right hip.

Background: Born in Menolka, Cy was raised in the schools and taught by the elders in various subjects. He particularly excelled in history and sword-fighting, enjoying both the thrill of combat and the stories of the war. Once he had graduated from school, he decided to travel the land, to experience it, so that when he returned, he could have a better lot in life. Having made it as far as Crestia, Cy ran out of money, and so, coupled with the reasoning that it would be yet another experience to share later on in life, decided to head to Fort Talgusta upon hearing a call for mercenaries.

Edited by Snike
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oh yea time for a proper fightin' character

Name: Beatrice

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Affinity: Nature

Occupation: ex-Bandit, current prisoner

Weapons: Scimitar and armguard. The scimitar is designed for use on horseback, and the armguard has slits for catching blades. Beatrice doesn't typically use it for the intended purpose. Rather, she attaches the scimitar to the armguard, allowing to strike faster and stronger at the cost of range, a technique much like half-swording. Left handed swordsman, with armguard on the right hand.

Appearance: She's got shoulder-length, wavy red hair. Much of her body is covered in cuts or scrapes, though most are pretty old. There is a cut on the edge of her lip that she is particularly fond of. For armor she wears a regular cotton shirt under a hardened leather vest. Left side is sleeveless, but right arm is completely covered in clothing which is tucked in at the end of her armguard, thus making it impossible to see what her right arm looks like. She also has pants made out of animal hides,which she claimed she killed with her bare hands(untrue, she had a rock and a toothbrush).

Background: Beatrice is part of a group of roaming bandits. Rather than raze cities to the ground and pick up the leftovers (though they weren't adverse to doing it in a pinch), the group preferred capturing nobles or important people and holding them for ransom. Upon hearing about the hostilities and the war, the group got particularly bold and started raiding the supply wagons of both armies. Being horse raiders, the group was never really in one place for an extended amount of time, moving on from one hunt to another.

Last raid didn't go too well. Though her comrades escaped safely (Beatrice suspects betrayal, silly her), Beatrice was captured and is now being held within a cell in Fort Talgusta. Most of the Crestian soldiers dislike her on account of her killing and injuring several of their friends, as well as stealing from their supply wagons. However, the shortage of decent soldiers in the Crestian army has made the commanders consider hiring Beatrice in exchange for a full pardon.

Has had a bit of a turbulent childhood, but believes she has gone beyond it. She doesn't really complain or talk about her past, especially when there's so many faces to smash in the present.

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Name: Arc

Age: 27

Occupation: Soldier

Weapons: Swords and Lances

Gender: Male

Affinity: Chaos

Appearance: round_one_snes_splicing_by_spiker275-d2ziklh.png

Background: Born abd raised in Granford, Arc was determined to join the army, which he eventually did. However, when he heard Granford was planning to invade Crestia, he moved there and became a soldier there. Hes very comical and doesnt take much seriously, but he is a good fighter despite his attitude.

Edited by Spykor
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Name: Brianna "Bri" Lisle

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Affinity: Order

Occupation: Bard

Weapons: None. Has a lap harp which can hypnotize/send people to sleep/inspire people and such.

Appearance: Bri is an imposing woman, being around 5'10 with shoulder length red hair that often covers one side of her face. She wears a white shirt underneath a leather bustier. Her decorative headband and necklace suggest thgat she possesses a fair amount of wealth.

Background: Bri grew up in a noble household of Crestia, entitled to every luxury, though her favorite pastimes were singling and playing the harp. As she came of age, she was to married off King Albert IV's fourth wife. However, at a pre-engagement ceremony, she fell in love with the young bard named Arian. She fled away with him during the ceremony, with only her clothing, jewelry and the king's wedding present (a magical lap harp) in tow.

Bri and Arian traveled the world, using their musical talents to wow audiences, aided by the fact that the harp could hypnotize audiences they earned more money than most bardsa have a right to. However, Bri soon found Arian "fraternizing" with a group of his fans and decided to sever all ties with him, choosing instead to pursue a solo career.

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Yay more people :)

I'm lax with initial applications, but just as a warning for those who plan to create a second "Character" that I'll be pretty strict with those, since I don't find multiple characters to be necessary.

Usually, characters like Brianna irk me, since it turns into I hypnotize this, that and everyone else. But I trust Cynthia to be decent with the amount of times, and depth of the hypnotisms, so accepted, as are all characters mentioned so far.

And a "Yay" to lucky number 13 :P

Edited by Kanami
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Well, I think that as long as we're not expected to post excessive amounts, I can probably get involved here. Besides, this sounds like it could be quite fun.

Name: Arias Lecaste

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Affinity: Chaos

Occupation: Traveling Mage (Academy Dean).

Weapons: Thunder Magics

Appearance: Not the most imposing person at first glance. About 5'7", 140 pounds. Fairly average build overall, neither lanky nor overweight, and actually exhibits a fairly jovial personality on the surface. He wears a fairly elaborate set of robes, as is traditional for Tolmaean mages. He has red hair and blue eyes, and does have a bit of a beard. He could pass for 25 without too much trouble otherwise.

Background: Arias is currently one of the deans at the Tolmaean Academy (this being unknown to others at present) and has been sent by the leaders of his government to spy and report on the war between the other two nations, so that the nation is prepared for whatever outcome this war might provide. Although an outsider to Crestia and therefore not one to be enlisted into the war effort, Arias's talent for thunder magic (he is considered to be among the most powerful mages in Tolmaeus, and has the rare ability to cast some magics without the use of tomes) easily allowed him to take a job as a mercenary for Crestia. However, his loyalties being to his homeland and not to gold, Arias will do what is necessary to prevent the conflagrations of war from spreading into Tolmaeus.

Edited by Cocytus
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Nyargh, not too sure about this one. Unlike the others that have applied so far I don't know your style/level or RPing. And I don't want to see a Tolmaean Dean zapping the crap out of everyone he doesn't get along with, cause I'm sure we can all assume he'd be on the stronger side of the group. (Kieru probably being the polar opposite in terms of power). I'm willing to accept this character as a trial, possibily having the HeadMaster (ewww LoAF have you done to that word) dismiss Arias from his position in Tolmaeus if things get out of hand.

Reason I'm willing to accept it is because that's one less NPC off my hands XD /lazy

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Nyargh, not too sure about this one. Unlike the others that have applied so far I don't know your style/level or RPing. And I don't want to see a Tolmaean Dean zapping the crap out of everyone he doesn't get along with, cause I'm sure we can all assume he'd be on the stronger side of the group. (Kieru probably being the polar opposite in terms of power). I'm willing to accept this character as a trial, possibily having the HeadMaster (ewww LoAF have you done to that word) dismiss Arias from his position in Tolmaeus if things get out of hand.

Reason I'm willing to accept it is because that's one less NPC off my hands XD /lazy

I see. Well, it's late now, so I'll start posting in the morning, I suppose.

Also, if it starts getting bad, let me know so I can weaken the character or something.

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Usually, characters like Brianna irk me, since it turns into I hypnotize this, that and everyone else. But I trust Cynthia to be decent with the amount of times, and depth of the hypnotisms, so accepted, as are all characters mentioned so far.

In the beginning it will probably just be used to gain more gold from listeners than deserved :P It's more of an increased persuasion thing than an actual mind control effect. Plus, she has to be playing to actually make it work, so savvy people will just punch her in the face and stop the music. I'll try not to be too abusive.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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