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Lumi's Spritastic Coffeeshop.

Thor Odinson

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  • 1 month later...

Holy crap.

I haven't sprited in a really long time.

Anyway, with an update. Sprited Sakusa's personal mug because I can. I'm so out of practice. D:

Cred to Astra for fixing the face for me.


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  • 1 month later...





Need to gather crit for this.

Eyes of asdf have been covered. I'll fix that later. Not touching PS for the rest of the day because homework.

Some AAing missing on the cloak is because it used to be black. I fixed it already but haven't been .png'd yet.

But yeah. Go nuts.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Pretty sure he means the head, Lumes, which IS too small. The head, from the top of the hair (not counting the ponytail thingy in the back that's holding up some hair, since, you wouldn't count the ponytail in Lyn's sprite, either.) is only 45, when it should be at least 48, and the face is really not wide enough. The armor is wide enough, at 87.

Edited by seph1212
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There is no arms.

Just cloaks.

Not an excuse, especially not from someone with as much experience with the human form as you have. Honestly, you're one of the last people I'd expect to hear that from.

The shading on your cloak flows from in to out in a very steady curve, and this implies that either A ) she's got pencil-sized arms like Bones is suggesting, or B ) your statement is to be taken literally.

There is no arms.

And I doubt you were going the amputee route. Cloth takes the shape of whatever is underneath, and in the case of arms, there would be more evidence. I don't have any experience with draping yet, so I can't tell you how to fix it. All I can tell you is that something needs fixed, and the cloth will likely have to be redone, WITH the arms fully drawn in first so you can get the general shape of the cloak to fit it.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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I honestly have no idea how to shade cloaks in pixel style to fit the shape of arms.


Bottom-up shot of my intentions that is completely wrong in terms of perspective but I cbf to do it correctly oh well. Should I just make the cloaks bigger? Unless I can get some sort of reference for this.


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