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Fire Emblem - Hax Enemies


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Can't be fixed other than by lowering their personal bases, and it's very hard to get their bases to be the exact same as their normal HHM stats. They're enemies like everyone else. Personally I like that part of the hack. But just talk to me about on MSN sometime.

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I don't think it will be that much of an issue personally. Your LHM abused Matt is comparable to Guy here, after all. And you can just leave him out completely, after all. Besides, it will be funny to see how this hack treats some of the other units like Raven.

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Now this looks fun. I myself like inflation, although I have some hax people mods, but no hax enemies as well, I'm just too lazy. lol. I'm glad SOMEBODY isn't as lazy as I am. :/

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get to work >:o

Thanks Mekkah for this helpful comment. :P

Anyway, i got some difficulty from this chapter:

Rebecca, Dorcas and Lowen will be ditched since they can barely do damage, i plan to train Oswin, Bartre and Hector, i will see what i can do with Guy, but i doubt he will be of use.

Edited by Rolanmen1
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Why do your characters keep critting? And why do you do that strange, fast movement with the cursor?

That's RNG Abusing, there is a guide that explains how to abuse this: http://faqs.ign.com/articles/520/520430p1.html

So, using TAS, I can manipulate the criticals, hits, level ups, etc. using lighting fast arrow movements and tools that show me a list of the following RNs.

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That video has got to be the most hilarous Fire Emblem video I've ever seen. I've hardly ever seen a video so full of B.S. on so many levels before seeing what you just posted....

Honestly, you'd have to be worse than a masochist to ever try any of this without TASing...

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That's RNG Abusing, there is a guide that explains how to abuse this: http://faqs.ign.com/articles/520/520430p1.html

So, using TAS, I can manipulate the criticals, hits, level ups, etc. using lighting fast arrow movements and tools that show me a list of the following RNs.

how do you know the list of following RNs?

(I'm intrested in this :P, since it's my favorite FE)

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how do you know the list of following RNs?

(I'm intrested in this :P, since it's my favorite FE)

Using a Lua Script that prints on VBAs Screen from the internal memory of the game, you can also use Nitrodon's Spreadsheet. But wichever choice you do, you need to have TASVideos' VBA Emulator (they modify emulators for TAS purpourses).

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  • 10 months later...

Sorry for the long absence, but i picked this up again and now i finished Ch14:

I went ahead and bought some Iron Axes since Hector at the end finished with an 1 Use Wolf Beil. Since i won't sit like 40 turns to farm supports, i gave Hector a C Support with Eliwood, probably the same will happen with Florina and Lyn. Later, Erk "interrogates" an enemy by thundering him until he spoke and Guy finished him off :P

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Isn't 19-20 Speed on Fighters a little....excessive?

Actually, they had arround 14-15, the thing is that Guy was sometimes equipped with the Iron Blade, wich really low down Guy's AS. In fact, if you notice, sometimes they didn't doubled him, because Guy in those cases was equipped with an Iron Sword.

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Ah, I thought that was just because only some of them had that much Speed.

General_Horace is correct, it's a glitch only possible while TASing, since it's a one frame glitch. Basically, what i do is to place the cursor next to an Blue/Green unit and that space must be an accesible spot, then i move the cursor on top of the ally unit and then move it back while holding A, everything in 2 frames. You can place as many units as you want in a space.

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